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目前分類:2013新地球 (100)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要





We wish you, who have joined us in this NOW, to know that a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF is in deep meditation to hold your essence here on the Ship while you are, also, bi-located into your sleeping human on planet Earth. In this manner, you are concurrently experiencing three realities within the NOW.

我們希望你們---才剛加入我們‘當下’的人,要知道---你的‘多維度的高我’是處在一個深度的冥想中---保持住你們的‘本質’在星船上---而當‘你’ –‘雙重存在’到地球上那個睡覺中的人身裏去時.用這種方式,你們目前正經驗著“三種實相”在同一個“當下”.


  •      You are your Higher Expression on board our Ship
  •      You are our Crewmember who is NOW de-briefing yourMissionon Earth
  •      You are your human earth vessel that is currently sleeping


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Yes, you all decreed that you would BE your Higher SELF while wearing your clay, earth vessel.



We are beginning to understand how so many of you have become lost. Furthermore, some of us have only incarnated on Gaia a few times. Therefore, we had no “past” lives in which we could learn the rules, or lack of rules, of the 3D Game."


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() ‘地球大轉變進程分析20130410

---主要使用資料Sheldan Niddle20130409




 每次看到一些‘自以為是的嘲諷評論時,我的三維習性真的很想“完全發作”---因為人類的“愚不可及”就在這些地方.夏蟲不可語冰不說, 還瞎子摸象得得意忘形, 真是孰可忍孰不可忍!?



Rebecca Lin 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

() ‘地球大轉變進程分析20130410

 ---主要使用資料Sheldan Niddle20130409

與 眼鏡蛇201304109

‘大撤退’ ‘地球大復原’a new, physically unified Gaia:

an inevitable concomitant of the surface realm's reconfiguration and transition to its 5D state.


(意即--- ‘亞特蘭提斯大陸’會浮起,地球大陸與海洋恢復最初形態,所以人類會在某時間‘大撤退’等待地球復原之後再回來‘伊甸園’!!! )


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Channel:  Ashtar/Athena
April 7 2013  
1:49 PM Mountain Daylight Time

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 E.T. Disclosure: The world will never be the same after May 3rdIT IS TIME ...時間到…


 John, it is worth your while to listen to Saturday's live interactive call with Zorra of Hollow Earth. He gives a Healing Pulse within the first 15 minutes. He discusses any possibility of a North Korean war, and why it won't happen.

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

作者:Michael Henry Dunn 20130406


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~ Message from The Earth Allies~ Prepare for Contact

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Channel: Glactic free press銀河自由新聞網站20130406

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Méline Lafont傳導~20130402



Méline Lafont ~The Cosmic Ray: a mesage and introduction

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130402

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


(Méline: This is a personal message that came in right after writing my visions and experiences here.  It started as a personal message, but there are pieces that are intended for all of us and may be applicable for all of you. This is an introduction of the Cosmic Rays that we can begin to integrate into our being.  You can expect more posts  of the Cosmic Rays through myself in the future from now on.  With Love)

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Where Are We Now? The Evolution of Human Consciousness in the Dawn of the New Age

推薦: Elizabeth Truwin 20130328

Posted bybethonMarch 28, 2013at8:05pm

通靈管道:Will Berlinghoff

作者: Admin\Healer Journal 20130328

Posted byadminonMarch 28, 2013in2013,

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But many are starting to realize that when they have a thought and there is sufficient energy behind the thought, that this thought can materialize or manifest itself in short order. That the Interpreter and his wife have been doing this now for the last several months. That often they simply think of what is needed or required and within the space of a few hours, generally less than twenty-four hours, that which they thought of, that which they focused on, had entered their lives.



But also in this mundane fashion, there are many who still dismiss this as active manifestation, who are negative in their interpretation of such results and indeed dismissive of such actions. But this Awareness says that this is still manifestation in 3D, that it is still within the old energies that are transforming; and therefore often appear in such a way, not an instant manifestation perhaps, but still manifestation.


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That this is correct.  That because you are still within the context of physical reality, that many of the laws of that physical reality are still in effect.  That this Awareness spoke of the instantaneous nature of manifestation that is approaching, that is coming, but it is not here yet.  That the process of transmogrification is one that many aspire to and it is difficult to see and to understand or even believe that they are currently in the process of transmogrifying themselves from a rooted physical being into a physical being that is free of such roots, such chains that hold one in physical form.

答: 很多人無法相信 ‘立即顯化能力’ 以及 ‘身體大轉變’ 都在發生程式中,但事實是如此.


That many are going through a process of physical transmogrification that involves many physical symptoms.  Many are aware of their aches and pains, of their intestinal difficulties, of heart painsMany are experiencing extreme fatigue and exhaustion and are often feeling as if a truck has run over them.


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Though this may be so, this Awareness must again remind all that this reality is in the state of flux.  It is shifting, albeit slowly, and that instead of just wishing to escape instantly, one must have the patience and fortitude to understand and recognize that the shift is happening, while it may be accelerating, that for many, it is still in slow motion.

這三維實相目前在 ‘漲潮’ 中---它在改變但慢慢的. ---大家要有耐性與堅定信心來理解並認出改變的發生---雖然它會加快但仍是慢動作進行.


That this means that often when one returns from a higher fifth-dimensional level of consciousness attained during one’s dreaming experiences, one still is disappointed to return into the physical body and to endure yet another day in the oppressive heaviness that is third-dimensionality, having experienced such freedom in fifth-dimensionality but a short while ago.

That this is not punishment, that this is not inflicted upon one here in the physical simply to make one suffer.  It is simply the process that is underway and those who see it from the expanded perspective of the instantaneous now, the Eternal Now, realize it is a process that has completed itself, while those here now on the physical are still struggling to understand this.

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An Important Message from The Earth Allies Ascension Process

  • Posted by Meindert Arends on March 31, 2013 at 5:00pm
  • 中文翻譯: 林琚月20130401

          扬升程序20130331" name="image_operate_22591364828727297" title="地面部队重要讯息: 扬升程序20130331" border="0" height="462" width="560">


Mt.Shasta's Ascension Waves


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(號外! 酷! 3-1不到兩天超過百萬人爭讀!))

20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!



FBI Confirm Aliens Exist - Released Declassified UFO Documents & Files - Who Is The Real Threat To Earth?

 作者: sparkster20130329



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(號外!酷! 3-2不到兩天超過百萬人爭讀!)

20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!




Pope also claims to have had a close-up photograph of a UFO on the wall of his office when he worked for MoD. In a UFO documentary entitled The Day Before Disclosure Nick Pope attempted to debunk several incidents before going on to state that an extraterrestrial presence is undoubtedly and unequivocally engaging the human race.

Nick Pope同時宣稱當他在英國國防部上班時,有一張UFO的近距離照片一直放在他辦公室牆上.在英國的UFO紀錄片叫做”The Day Before Disclosure”(大揭露之前一天),Nick Pope先戳穿了幾個外星事件的報導---然後再宣稱“外星人的存在是毫無疑問,毫不含糊地,非常明確地存在於我們人類的活動當中.


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(號外!酷! 3-3不到兩天超過百萬人爭讀! )

20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!




The memo also states:報告中其他內容:

"1. Parts of the discs carry crews, others are under remote control.


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(3-1非常重要)Mother Sekhmet:


天庭的大計畫 大團聚


Mother Sekhmet Speaks to All of us from the Council on the Mothership: "Niburu" through Elizabeth Trutwin

Channel: Elizabeth Trutwin20091125傳導, 20130329重新發佈.



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(3-2非常重要)Mother Sekhmet:


天庭的大計畫 大團聚


It is not President Obama who will take away the right to have a gun. It is the Galactics who will insist on World Peace, by Gaia's request, that will make the weapons inoperable. President Obama, along with me and you and all of us are also Galactics.



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(3-3非常重要)Mother Sekhmet:


天庭的大計畫 大團聚


Many are asking questions, What about this and What about that? We hear all the questions you toss around in your minds. The world will so greatly change, when you have the Galactic Technology; in a short time you will not believe the improvements.

許多人在問問題,那這怎麼樣?那怎麼樣?我們都聽得到你們心中翻來覆去的這些問題.這世界將會如此巨大的改變---當你們擁有銀河科技’時---簡單說---你們根本就無法置信! (喜出望外!)


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