
(3-3非常重要)Mother Sekhmet:




Many are asking questions, What about this and What about that? We hear all the questions you toss around in your minds. The world will so greatly change, when you have the Galactic Technology; in a short time you will not believe the improvements.

許多人在問問題,那這怎麼樣?那怎麼樣?我們都聽得到你們心中翻來覆去的這些問題.這世界將會如此巨大的改變---當你們擁有銀河科技’時---簡單說---你們根本就無法置信! (喜出望外!)

The greatest thing the Nibiru Council would like you to know, is we love you beyond measure. We are your family. We are human-hybrids from other Star Nations. We are here to assist you to a life of freedom and restore your status and your understanding that you are an unlimited Divine Being. We wish to show you new ways to live lives of ease and enjoy all the fruits life has to offer.
Nibiru Council議會想要你們知道的最重大的一個訊息是---我們對你們的愛無法估量.我們是你們的家人.我們是從別的星際國家所來的混種人類.我們在這裏協助你們得到“自由的人生”! ---恢復你們的合理生活狀況---以及恢復你們做為一個“無限神聖存有”的理解力.我們希望展現新的生活方法給你們---讓你們活得輕鬆容易,並享受所有人生能夠提供給你們的甜美果實.

Your primary thoughts will shift away from the repetition of survival and you will be able to create in new ways. You will be able to live in harmony with yourself and with nature. You may live in a world where everyone is encouraged to work together for the greatest good of all.


You will be living in immortal bodies which do not need to experience disease.



The possibilities of what we can create together, with our technologies is endless. There is no place you will not be able to visit, including Nibiru, and other StarShips, Stars, Suns, and Planets, as well as all points on Earth. Experiencing the cultures of all the different species of hybrid humans will be a great adventure.


Remembering that you are one of us will cause your souls to expand. Very quickly we will be as equal partners, working together creating a new Earth. When we have decloakings and landings, it will be a deeply personal experience. Each person will meet someone they remember and they know. Some will be meeting again in the physical with their Twin Flames, their true love, who they have waited for a very long time.
回憶起---你是我們的一份子這件事會引發你們靈魂的擴張.很快---我們就會是‘平等夥伴’們,一起工作著來創造新地球.當我們除去隱身罩降落之後, ---這經驗將會是個‘個人化’的深刻體驗.每個人都會遇到他們記得或認識的人.



These friends and family, the trillions working with you from the trillions of Ships now in Earth's atmosphere, will go to meet with the ones they know, in the places where they are on Earth. None of us are strangers to you. When you see us, you may ask us all of the questions you are now unsure of. Each Soul is on another part of their spiritual path and each has a different perception. We will be here to fill you in on the things you do not already know. There will be no fear. We are here as loving members of your family to help you wake up to the truth.



As soon as we land, you will be made aware of all the gifts we will share with you. You will have new modes of transportation, new technologies for healing, replicators to build or bring to you anything you need, including all of the basics.

在我們降落之後,我們會馬上讓你們知道我們要與你們分享的所有禮物.你們會有新型式的交通工具,新的醫療科技, “用品與食物複製機replicators” ---會製造出任何你們需要的東西---包括所有的‘基礎品’!


These will be available as soon as immediately. No one will be left out. Everyone will have what they need.


You will very quickly remember your role with us. Many of you already work with us nightly. You will take up your passion and join us in the effort to restore Earth and balance all that is needed for humanity. We will make our computers, holodecks, and training facilities open for your use.

你們會很快的記起你和我們的角色.你們很多人晚上都與我們工作在一起.你們將會重新拾起自己的興趣,並加入協助恢復地球的工作,以及協助平衡所有地球人類所需.我們會開放我們的電腦, holodecks(全息影像碼頭?),以及訓練設備給你們使用.


You may drop the illusion that you were meant to do menial labor until you are too old and worn out to care. You may drop the illusion that you have no control over your life. The only requirement will be living life from a heart-centered focus, with love.



Love for all on Earth, including Self-Love. It begins here.We welcome you to call on us for assistance at any time along the way. Call me, Mother Sekhmet. I will show you in subtle ways the steps to take, as we move forward in changing this Planet back to Love.

我們把我們的愛給所有地球上的人---包括對自己的愛.一切從這裏開始!我們歡迎你們在任何時候呼喚我們在路途中協助你們.呼喚我, Mother Sekhmet吧!我會指點你們該走的精密的步驟---隨著我們繼續在改造這個星球回復到愛的前進路上.


We look forward to reviewing all the stories from days gone by. We look forward to laughing at ourselves for the roles we played. We look forward to the delightful times ahead as One. We will join you and live with you and build Terra Nova together.



Bring these ideas into your heart, with joy, as we co-create this as reality, now.


~Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin,
November 25, 2009

~~~~ Mother Sekhmet透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導, 20091125


RL: 這文雖然在2009年底就傳導出來了---如果依照某些無明人士的看法---這叫做不准的騙人訊息.所以我只好公佈我與祂們神尊們對所謂時間的經驗!

我在2009年農曆過年被告知了一個奇跡會發生在我身上在2010.但是那奇跡發生了一半,一半未完成.所以是有奇跡發生,只是不完全.接著祂們告訴我2011年會完成.然後又說2012年會完成,前幾天又告訴我---最近就會完成. ---我被耍了嗎?

我覺得我被人類給耍了!---由於地球改變進度一直拖延,連帶我個人事情也被拖延. ---幸好, “公民聽證會是千真萬確會在20130429日舉行,否則我那另一半奇跡的完成真不知要等到什麼時候.所以請大家行行好,大力提高一下集體覺知頻率讓事情儘早完成吧!我們其實是有創造能力的造物主’!如果此文所說是你想要的,我們必須想辦法提高集體覺知頻率讓事情儘早完成!

還沒簽白宮請願書---請趕快! !!!!!!!!




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