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20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!



FBI Confirm Aliens Exist - Released Declassified UFO Documents & Files - Who Is The Real Threat To Earth?

 作者: sparkster20130329




March 30, 2013飛狐新聞片:

Released UFO memo reignitesRoswellconspiracy theories


記者Trace Gallagher reports from Los Angeles在洛杉磯報導網址:

FBI Confirm Aliens Exist - Released Declassified UFO Documents & Files - Who Is The Real Threat To Earth? 


The Guy Hottel FBI Memo 1950

1950FBI人員Guy Hottel關於羅斯威爾外星墜毀事件報告


1950 Guy Hottel FBI Memo

Source: Hottel Par...

There's been a whole lot of buzz going on in the UFO and alien community over the past few years with UFO sightings and public interest increasing tenfold over the past ten years. First the UK's Ministry of Defense (MoD) decided to carry out a phased release of their official UFO documents leading up to 2012, NSA then made their files public and accessible online and now the FBI have started releasing their documents too.

最近有關飛碟與外星人社會的報導多如牛毛,討論之聲吵雜到不行,特別是過去這幾年來,有關於看到外星飛船UFO的次數大幅度增加,民眾對此的興趣十倍於過去十年來.首先是英國國防部(MoD)決定公開,分階段發佈他們正式的UFO檔,直到2012年的所有檔案.之後,美國國家安全局NSA也在網上公開他們的檔案讓民眾觀看,而現在, FBI也開始釋放他們的檔案了.

FBI Documents - UFO's & Aliens

FBI文件--- UFO飛船&外星人

Although there's some interesting information there, controversy has arisen particularly in relation to a document written by FBI special agent Guy Hottel in 1950 who claimed to have received information from a US Air Force investigator about a UFO found in New Mexico. The document claims that three bodies about three feet tall, dressed in a very fine metallic cloth and bandaged up in a way similar to the method that test pilots use were recovered from the crash.

雖然這裏有些有趣的消息,但是質疑還是有的---特別是關於FBI特派員Guy Hottel在1950年所提出的報告---宣稱他收到一個美國空軍調查員關於在新墨西哥州找到的UFO飛船報告.這文件宣稱在飛船墜毀現場發現了三個屍身,都大約三英尺高,穿著一種纖細的金屬布衣服,合身的打扮像是試飛飛行員的穿著.


Whilst many people are claiming that this document proves the existence of extraterrestrial life and it IS an official FBI document it has been suggested (decades ago) by Bruce Maccabee that the document could also relate to a hoax originally perpetrated by Silas Newton. Officially there is no explanation for the document and the FBI have placed it under the perhaps appropriate subcategory Unexplained Phenomenon. However, the document was actually presented as evidence to Dr Steven Greer for the purpose of the Disclosure Project, a non-profit organization that has collected over 120 hours of witness testimony from government and military officials, astronauts, pilots, etc who have all confirmed their will to testify under oath before congress that what they are saying about the UFO phenomena is the truth.

當許多人宣稱這檔證明了外星生命的存在的同時---這份‘正式的FBI檔’同時也提到說(Bruce Maccabee幾十年前的備註) ---這檔也有可能只是Silas Newton所製造的假檔--- FBI對此沒有確實的說明,只是把這份文件歸類入---或許恰當的欄目中---叫做Unexplained Phenomenon無法解釋的現象.但是,這份檔也被提供給了“外星大揭露計畫”的負責人Dr Steven Greer做為證據之一.這個Dr Steven Greer發起的非營利組織“外星大揭露計畫”the Disclosure Project, ---已經收集到了超過120個小時的證人證詞---來自政府人員,軍方人員,太空人,飛行員,等等, … ---這些人都宣稱確認自己說的是事實,而且也願意在國會面前發誓作證---他們所說明的‘外星現象’是真實不虛的.

l      See the official explanation by Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone, for the Guy Hottel memo, in the column to the right.

l    請看上士Clifford Stone的正式說明影片. (文底附網址)

(RL注:此上士也是‘光工\星際人’ ---從小就見過外星人.長大後竟成為負責關外星人的‘獄卒’ ---他作證說看過的外星人種就有五十幾個.)

One document contained within the FBI files provides a detailed illustration of a flying disc which is, rather coincidentally, identical to the several discs that can be seen on the Youtube video of NASA's infamous tether overload incident. The disc even had the triangular notch in it - after NASA told us that the anomalies on the video footage were most likely ice or dust particles. When this excuse didn't fly too well they claimed they were camera anomalies - NASA gave two different conflicting explanations.

在FBI檔案中有詳細描述了一個‘飛碟’ ---很巧的,竟然與在Youtube影片上NASA那次非常丟臉的STS-75 tether事件的幾個‘飛碟’樣子完全一樣. (RL注: 1996年NASA試航一艘用反動力的太空船,結果失敗的事件.)這飛碟甚至有個三角形的刻痕在裏面---那時NASA還告訴我們影片上不合常規的地方可能是冰雪或是大氣層中沙塵所造成的.而當這個藉口不管用了之後,他們又宣稱那是‘照相機問題’ --- NASA自己的解釋前後不一致.


FBI Documents - Cattle Mutilation


The FBI also released documents in relation to cattle mutilations which have been strongly attributed to alleged UFO and alien activity whereby organs and blood had been removed with surgical precision. Several theories have been put forward to explain the cattle mutilation phenomenon such as other animals feeding on the carcass while it's fresh, biological warfare experiments and even satanic occultism which was rife throughout the prison system. However, there remains absolutely no evidence to this day, even though cattle mutilations still take place. What we do know is that many of the animals seem to have been dropped from a great height and black helicopters are often seen. Some kind of belt, harness or strap was also found at one of the cattle mutilation sites which may have been used to either lift up or release the cow(s). It's not only animals that are being mutilated though, there are actually also many human mutilations taking place too.



NSA Documents - Extra Terrestrial Intelligence


Contained within the NSA's archive is a document which appears to relate to29 encoded messages received by extraterrestrial intelligence. Whilst this document stormed the internet amongst believers who claimed it also proved the existence of intelligent alien life, several skeptics came to the conclusion that the document is, in fact, just a staff training exercise. However, government whistleblowers have come forward to say that signals, such as the 'wow signal' have been received and documented numerous times by Harvard University but have been ignored because there were no furthers anomalies when those regions were scanned again.HarvardUniversity confirmed with researchers that the claims were genuine.

NSA美國國家安全局外星情報組的檔案資料中顯然有收到29個來自外太空的密碼資料.---這份文件像颱風一樣掃過外星相信者網站做為證據證明外星人的存在,但是一些懷疑論者仍然結論說---這只是一份‘員工訓練檔案’而已.但是,來自政府內部的‘告密者’解釋說---這些‘訊號’,比方'wow signal'音,也同時被哈佛大學所收到好幾次,也都做了記錄---可是一直被大家忽視---因為後來再檢查時並沒有發現那些區域有任何異常狀態.哈佛大學研究人員已經確認這些宣稱都是真的.


MoD Documents – Unexplained


Whilst the Ministry of Defense's documents hold witness testimony but seemingly very little else information on the subject, former MoD employee Nick Pope believes that between 5-10% of sightings cannot be explained in conventional terms and that more investigations are required in the interest of national security.

當英國國防部外星資料含有證人證詞,但是好像資料並不多,前任職員Nick Pope認為說--- 5-10%看到外星飛船的證詞並無法用常理合理解釋,而為了國家的國防安全需要做更多的調查.


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