
(3-2非常重要)Mother Sekhmet:




It is not President Obama who will take away the right to have a gun. It is the Galactics who will insist on World Peace, by Gaia's request, that will make the weapons inoperable. President Obama, along with me and you and all of us are also Galactics.



It is through the coordinated efforts of the Galactic Federation, those in the skies over Earth, and you, the Ground Crew, working in your roles, who are bringing Peace to the Earth. We also have Galactics working in the courts. We have the International Criminal Court of Justice atthe Hague. We have Universal Jurisdiction.



We have 16 million men working with the King of Swords (KOS). All the Dark Hats, working with the 13 Families of the Illuminati, will be rounded up, arrested, and tried for war crimes, including genocide. These atrocities will no longer be allowed on Earth.

我們有一千六百萬人與“劍王” (耶穌之分身)一起工作. 所有黑帽子們,與光明會13個家庭一起工作的---全部都會被兜圈起來,逮捕,並依戰爭罪犯法受審,包括‘人種屠殺滅絕’罪. 以後地球上這些暴行都不再被允許.


The Master Plan includes dissolving the Federal Reserve Bank and the The Internal Revenue Service. There will be payments made to every man, woman and child for monies taken from them illegally. This will be for every person on Earth.



The division between the haves and the have nots will be permanently eliminated. Everyone will have all they need, once the payments are received. There will be new currencies, and new partnerships in the countries around the world.

In order for the Master Plan to be fully carried out, we must have disclosure of the Galactic Presence on Earth. This means everyone will learn about the millions of Galactics here now, who are working through the Office of the Christ, to bring harmony to Earth. We are working in concert with you to solve the World's problems. President Obama has been criticized for tackling too many issues at once. What cannot be seen is that he has millions of Galactic helpers working on these issues with him. It will be accomplished. It is happening now.

Once everyone is aware that the removals have taken place, there will be no reason to hold up disclosure. There will be no reason to hold up the payments made available through the Reformation Act, NESARA Law.


When this happens StarShips of all sizes and all types will be seen flying in the skies over all Earth. This is called mass decloakings. Everyone will know we are here.

當這件事發生時,各種各式的飛船將出現在天空飛越整個地球讓大家都能看到.這叫“mass decloakings”(大規模集體去除隱身罩).每個人都會知道我們就在這裏.

It will be a great reunion with all of you, a part of our larger family of star nations. Within days we will be landing on Earth and interacting with you. You will have mentors to help you work into your new lives. You will have loved ones coming back to live with you. You will have technologies that will make life easy. You will have all necessary abundance.



Free energy and new building practices will end pollution on the Planet.



All of these things we have been talking about for many, many years. There are some new to these ideas, so we went into a detailed review for the ones reading this news for the first time.


NASA will have to remove the denials from their website and this will be done at the time of decloakings.

NASA必須撤銷他們網路上的‘否認’ ---而這些事會發生在“decloakings”(去除隱身罩)時.

(RL注: FBI今天20130329在網站已經解密釋放出文章照片承認1950年代有抓到外星飛碟與逮捕到外星人事---目前點閱率很高.)


註: 20130330Fox 新聞台說此文已超過一百五十萬點閱率

March 30, 2013 Fox 新聞影片

Released UFO memo reignitesRoswell conspiracy theories

FBI承認Roswell外星飛碟撞毀, 外星人被捕事件為真實不虛!

Trace Gallagher reports fromLos Angeles

FBi文章 --- 翻譯中

FBI承認外星人是 "真"的!

FBI Confirm Aliens Exist - Released Declassified UFO Documents & Files - Who Is The Real Threat To Earth?

What we have not been talking about is, at the time of decloakings, there will be an half-step increase in intelligence and heart opening for all inhabitants on Earth. This serves the purpose of dropping the veils which stand between you and the other dimensions and parallels. With these veils dropped, you will remember you are a Creator God.
我們還沒談到的是---“decloakings”(飛船去除隱身罩)時,地球居民會產生‘半步’‘智慧’成長,以及心靈的開放---這對‘帷幕’的掉落有幫助---這是目前站在你們與其他維度與平行實相之間的‘帷幕’ .

You will be ready to explore Co-Creation with immediate results. We would like you to consider what this means. Instant Creation. Some of you are doing this now, in fact you are very good at it. You repeatedly create that which you do not want in your lives, due to repetitive thought that you do not want it in your life.

你們將會準備好來探索‘有立即結果’的“共同創造”技術.我們想請你們想想這所代表的意義. ---“立即創造”!你們有些人現在就已經在做這個.事實上你們技術還不錯.你一直持續的創造著你不想要的東西在你們生活中,透過重複的去思考你人生不想要的東西.(RL注---結果是扎扎實實把它們給拉進來了.)


We have healing techniques that can help you balance all of your subtle bodies, the mental, physical, the emotional and spiritual bodies. In doing this, you change your point of view. You will be able to rise above the chaos on Earth and come into joy and love. When the declaokings come it will be easier to be fully in joy and experience more love.

我們有‘療愈技術’來幫助你們平衡你們所有的‘細微身體’---心智層,物質層,情緒層,以及靈性層等.這樣做(治療)了以後,你們會改變你們看事情的角度.你們將可以跳脫地球的混亂,而進入歡樂與愛之中. (RL注:地球制度改造會需要三年,而地球整體改變完成理想要二十年至少.)當“decloakings”(飛船去除隱身罩)時,你們將可以更容易的停留在歡樂中並可以體驗到更多的愛.

You may begin today removing old programs and shifting your thoughts to those of abundance. Continue to imagine the changes you will have in your life when the changes come about.

你們今天就可以開始移除“老舊思想模式” ---把你們的想法提升到“富裕”的想法中去.繼續去想像你們人生會有的改變---“大改變”發生的時候.

    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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