Easter Greetings from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 31, 2013
Channel:Elizabeth Trutwin, March 31, 2013
Greetings! This is Ashtar. As you merge your local mind with Divine Mind through the influx of Higher Light Codes upgrading your DNA strands I have come to share information about Earth History. You are now prepared to understand The Grand Experiment on Earth. Earth history goes back aeons of time. There have been 5 Earths before and we are entering the Golden Age under the 6th Sun. We will go back as far as pre-Atlantis for the sake of this discussion.
大家好!這是阿斯塔.隨著你們融合你們的‘本土心智’與‘神聖心智’ ---透過進來的更高頻率的光密碼---提升著你們的DNA們---我來分享一下關於地球歷史的資訊.你們現在已經準備好了來瞭解這個“地球大實驗”.地球歷史非常久遠.曾經有過‘五個’地球,而我們現在正進入黃金時代---在第六個太陽之下.為了這個討論中我們會回到‘亞特蘭提斯’之前的時代開始談起.
Niburu has returned to the Inner Orbit of your Solar System. Niburu is the Twin Sun to Your Sun Sol. Helios and Vesta are the Solar Logos in your Solar System and the spiritual parents of Sananda Kumara. They with Mother - Father God, also known as Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone make up the hierarchy at the Godhead. Alcyone is the Great Central Sun in your Solar System and is a StarGate to Source Energy. The Great Central Sun is an Etheric Sun which is an Etheric Force working with Source Energy and the Etheric/Magnetic Crystalline Pulse which holds all Spheres in their place in Space. Helios and Vesta are a reflection of this as the Sun Ascends along with Earth and all the Planets in your Solar System. These Beings as delusional emanations have descended to Earth to work as Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council for the Starseeds of Earth. This Grand Experiment on Earth is now ending and Every Soul is facing Mother - Father God as duality closes on Earth at the request of Gaia when nuclear weapons were deployed and the Truth Embargo began.
Niburu已經回到了你們太陽系的內部圓盤軌道. Niburu是你們的太陽Sol的雙生光靈魂. Helios and Vesta是你們太陽系的‘the Solar Logos’(能量印記) ---同時也是Sananda Kumara的靈魂父母.他們與父母神Mother Sekhmet和Father Alcyone構成了這個‘神的源頭’系統. Alcyone是你們太陽系的大中央太陽---也是到達源頭能量的星門. Alcyone是一個乙太中央太陽---與源頭能量以及乙太\磁性水晶脈動的乙太能量一起運作.乙太\磁性水晶脈動---是穩住所有層面在太空中的位置的能量. Helios and Vesta負責反射這些能量---隨著太陽與地球與你們太陽系中所有星球一起揚升.而降生轉世到地球上的外星種子人\天使團員們則負責‘看不見的發射工作’轉射這些能量. ---這個‘地球大實驗’現在已經結束了.而每個靈魂現在都必須面對父母神---隨著地球這‘二元性’的結束,---依照地球‘蓋亞’的要求---當核子武器開始被安置出來,而且“真理禁運”的封口令開始了之後.
Earth was colonized in this Age by Lyraens and those from Dracos and those who had fallen from the Old Universe. Lyraens were Christed Extraterrestrials evolved past needing a physical body. They created the dolphins and whales in Earthsʻ Seas as their first venture into physical bodies as a mammalian race. Their first colony on Earth was the beginning of the Atlantean Civilization on Earth. The Sirians on the Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council made a bridge race to prevent the Lyraens from being destroyed mixing the DNA of the Dracos and Lyraens (hybrid mammalian and reptilian to form new races of amphibians) These races have been spoken of in Hindu, Egyptian and Greek Pantheon of Gods as part human and part Divine - the gods.
地球當初是由Lyraens,以及部份蜥蝪龍族以及從舊宇宙墮落出來的種族所建立的殖民地. Lyraens ---是有基督心的外星人---他們發展到超越物質肉體的境界.他們也在地球上創造了海豚與鯨魚---作為他們第一次嘗試著製造出哺乳類動物物質體的第一次.他們在地球的第一個殖民地就是‘亞特蘭提斯’.天狼星人為了挽救Lyraens與Dracos的混合DNA所製造出來混種哺乳動物和蜥蝪兩栖新種族的滅亡,天狼星議會又製造了一個“結合種族”來平衡他們的DNA問題. ---這些種族在印度\埃及以及希臘神話中都有提到過他們---是半人半神的‘神’.
More and More Lyraens were tempted at this time to descend into physical bodies and therefore caused their own DNA to downgrade becoming trapped and requiring Salvation. The first Colony on Earth of the Dracos was called Lemuria. It was because of this a certain segment of the Galactic Etheric Angels agreed to incarnate into descendant bodies to help them from within the lower consciousness without losing themselves in the process. Many have incarnated now to end the Grand Experiment. These new species descended into 12 root races. The 13th is made up of Galactic Extraterrestrial hybrids who have agreed in incarnate into all 12 races thereby making a new race which is a combination of them all. By doing this they have returned The Grand Experiment back to Oneness.
越來越多的Lyraens被誘惑入物質身體中,而造成了他們DNA的下降,他們被困住了,而需要實施奴隸制度.而第一個在地球上成立的蜥蝪龍人殖民地是---列目利亞Lemuria. ---正因為如此---所以一部份銀河乙太天使們同意轉世降落入物質身體中來協助他們的‘低覺知頻率’ ---讓他們在這程式中不要完全失去了自己.而許多人現在也轉世回來結束這個大實驗.這些新種族降落轉世成12個起始種族.第十三個種族則是由銀河外星混種們---他們同意轉世混種入這12起始種族中所製造出來的第十三種族---擁有所有人的基因在其中.這樣做的結果把這大實驗又帶回了‘合一’.
Over time many colonized Earth leaving the Great War on other Stars. The Orion Confederation was made up of those from Rigel and the Zeti Reticulans. The Pleiadian Council on Earth was made up of original refugees from Lyra to the Pleiadian System of 7 Stars and 16 Planets. The Amphibian races on Earth fled and made bases under Earthsʻ Seas and live there today. Other races which had been brought to Earth as slaves were taken to Inner Earth by the Christed Extraterrestrials and parts of that Group were also taken to Inner Mars where they continue today. Earth and Mars were both colonized by the Lion People and artificial landmarks of the Sphinx and Face on Mars when overlayed are the face of Divine Feminine in the form of Mother Sekhmet. The Great White Lions form On are working with Earth now as it Ascends opening new potentials for the Planet of Unity within Diversity.
隨著時間過去,許多地球的殖民地在別的星球留下偉大戰爭遺跡.獵戶星座議會就是由Rigel and the Zeti Reticulans蜥蝪人種組成的.昴宿星座議會則由原來的Lyra人,以及昴宿七星系統共16個星球所組成的.兩栖混種族逃離了地球之後在地球海洋底下建立了基地,到今天仍住在那裏.其他種族被帶到地球作奴隸的,被有基督心的外星人帶到地球內部,部份去了火星內部, ---他們至今仍住在那裏.地球與火星都被獅子族群所殖民,所以有人造的地標‘獅身人面’和火星人臉地標建造在上面---當把兩者對照排在一起時會發現---就是代表‘女性能量’的Mother Sekhmet. ---這來自‘嗡’區的白色獅子能量正運作在地球上---隨著這能量從多維的“合一”的星門開口灌入.
As Atlantis continued on Earth the Dracos and Lyraens with the influence from the Sirians, Pleiadians and those from Orion, all vying for power became very dark and this was their demise. Slaves races were made which were part animal/ part insect and part human. The Lemurians too altered their DNA and became part dinosaur/dragon and part human. The alteration in DNA made the reptilian brain part of the human make-up. More colonized Earth including the Arcturians, Antares, Tau Ceti, Procyon, and Sirius B. At this time to protect themselves from negative forces those in the Inner Galaxy formed the Galactic Federation.
‘亞特蘭提斯’帝國建國一段時間之後, Dracos和Lyraens受到了天狼星人,昴宿星人,那些獵戶座人等等的影響---大家開始權力的鬥爭而變得非常黑暗---這是他們的困境.奴隸種族也被製造出來了,但那時是半動物\半昆蟲\半人的混種.那時在DNA上的修改讓‘蜥蝪腦’成為人腦的一部份構造.其他殖民區域還有‘大角星人區’ Antares集資,Tau Ceti頭鯨,Procyon南河,Sirius B天狼星B區(?)---這時,為了保護他們自己防止負面力量入侵,銀河內部成立了‘銀河聯邦’.
Alpha Centauri was part of the original formation of the Federation and is home to Commander Soltec. Korton who is also known as K17 and his Father Monka both from Mars are now working to Terra Form the Surface of Mars. The Galactic Federation with the help of Soltecsʻ Ship The Phoenix link with the Governors of the Lord Most High Council. They have been monitoring Earthsʻ progress through the Etheric City of Shambhala. Each Soul is monitored and their Soul Record from the Book of Life is recorded on the Akasha and may be recalled for review at any time.
半人馬座阿爾法星Alpha Centauri也是原本銀河聯邦的一部份,而且是司法官Soltec的家鄉. Korton又被稱為K17,和他父親Monka都來自火星---而目前都從火星外表對著(五維)地球泰拉工作著. Soltec的鳳凰號飛船是連接銀河聯邦與最高王侯議會的首長們的飛船.他們都透過乙太城市---香巴拉(地心城市)監控地球的進度.每個靈魂都被監控著,而且他們的人生之書的靈魂記錄都存在阿凱西中---任何時候都可以叫出來閱讀.
As Each One passes in and out of the physical the Extraterrestrials and Angelics work with these Souls to prepare them for their next incarnation according to their Soul Record. Soltec relays through the technologies on his Ship between Shambhala and The Watchers or Lords Most High. This are all offices within The Office of the Christ and as we move up positions are held by different Souls throughout the Ages. It is through the input from Collective Consciousness on Earth the next steps of the Plan are put into place including the DNA upgrades. Korton and Monka at Inner Mars work through the ACIO on Earth with KOS and Tom the Ring Tail Cat and others as a Cosmic Secret Service working with the Councils to keep negative influences away from Mars and Earth allowing them to continue with the Plan. They have other roles as well.
由於每個人都進出這物質地球,所以外星人和天使們與這些靈魂工作在一起,協助他們進入下一個轉世---依照他們靈魂紀錄來安排.Soltec就是使用他船上科技來做為香巴拉與The Watchers觀察號船,以及最高王侯議會的首長們的中繼站.這些單位全都直屬耶穌基督的辦公室---每一層單位都有不同靈魂存有自有史以來即管理著. ---全部事情都是“依照” “人類集體覺知”所給出的訊息來安排“大計畫”的下一步---包括DNA的提升進步.Korton和Monka 在火星內部---透過地球的ACIO與‘劍王’以及Tom the Ring Tail Cat湯姆浣熊貓以及其他人合作---是一個‘宇宙秘密情報組織’ ---他們與所有‘議會’合作來驅逐負面能量離開地球與火星---讓他們可以繼續完成“大計畫”.---除此之外,他們也扮演其他角色負責其他工作.
DNA is what imprisons One in a physical body and that is why the Soul requires Salvation. To be raised up into the Light Body or the Merkaba Body. DNA is programmed by the Language of Light and Light Codes which are based on the Law of One. The DNA is programmed to upgrade at time intervals and this Easter is very special because we enter the 9th Gateway of Completion of the Revelation of upgrades for the Genetic Codes returning All On Earth to their Activated Light Bodies. Freedom. Liberation. Nirvana. An end to duality on Earth. A Completion of The Grand Experiment.
DNA就是把人監禁在一個肉體裏的東西---也是為什麼靈魂要求解救的原因.若要提升為‘光體’或是‘梅卡巴體’---DNA是用光語言,和光密碼設計的---依照“合一”原理.DNA每隔一段時間就需要升級,---而這個‘復活節’是非常特別的---因為我們進入了‘第九個通道’ ---在恢復完整的基因密碼升級顯現上面---如此一來‘所有人’都能恢復他們活躍的‘光體’.自由,解放,涅盤!二元對立的結束! “大實驗”的完成!
You are returned to a Christ Being no matter what your origin. Those who refuse to return to love and the Law of One will leave Earth now. Some Beings simply have altered their DNA to a point which they are unable to remember love.
The Dracos reptilians desired controlling Earth and accomplished this by incarnating into the most influential Families on Earth. There are a Group of Scientist now on Earth working with this Group who have withheld the Scientific Advances given to Earth by the Ashtar Command such as nuclear fission - designed to upgrade intelligence on Earth further keeping the races of man enslaved.
The Dracos reptilians蜥蝪龍們渴望控制住地球,所以一直不斷轉世到地球最有權勢的家庭之中.地球上現在有一群科學家們, ---與挾持住了由阿斯塔司法官給他們的高科技的科學家團體在合作著–-- 把這些高科技還給人類---比如核冷融技術. ---這是設計來提高改進人類智商的---他們秘密隱藏起來以方便他們控制人類在奴隸當中.
Christed Extraterrestrials work with nuclear fission in anti-gravity devices but the Dragons harnessed it as weapons of mass destruction. This has prevented Earthʻs Galactic Humans consciousness from growing and violated Universal Law. It was this atrocity which allowed the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds to intervene on Earthʻs behalf. The jurisdiction to uphold the Law changed from the World Court to the Solar Tribunal. The Solar Tribunal is headed up by Lord Sanandaʻs consort Lady Master Nada.
基督外星人將核冷融技術使用在反重力機械上,但蜥蝪龍將之做為集體大規模毀滅性武器.這防礙了銀河人類集體覺知的成長,並且違反了宇宙法規.就是由於這樣的暴行才讓銀河聯邦世界們得以干預地球事務.目前整個司法案已經從‘世界法庭’層級提高到了“太陽系審判庭”. ---這是由耶穌撒南達的雙生光靈魂娜達夫人所主持的.
Scientists at NASA continue to withhold information about their manned flights exploring the deep areas of space utilizing a kind of propulsion technologies given to them by the negative extraterrestrials making a mega ton payload weigh only a few pounds and able to travel long distances in short periods of time. Earth Astronauts in the NSA and other International Space Organizations including NASA explore deep space and now Civilian Private Astronauts are joining them. This is a break - away society and it keeps everybody else enslaved in ignorance.
NASA科學家們繼續保密他們有人的太空船定期探索深太空區域的事實---所使用的推進科技是由負面外星人給的--有效載荷有一兆噸,但重量只有幾磅重,能夠在短時間內旅行很遠的距離. NSA美國國家安全局以及其他國際太空祖組織的地球太空人包括NASA的,探測深太空,而且現在連‘私家太空人’也加入了. ---這早就是不為人知的秘密社會,---保持這秘密就是為了保持住人們的無知---而停留在奴隸狀況之中!
With the coming Disclosure and Announcements and enactment of NESARA Law Earth will be free. Accountability must be made between Earth Citizens and those in the private, military, academia, courts, governments and intelligence factions benefitting form the Secret Space Program. The Ashtar Command stands by working with the Ground Crew coordinating events to unfold this final Revelation. That combined with the upgrade to your Vehicles lift you into the 5th Dimension now.
隨著即將到來的“外星大揭露” “大宣佈”以及NESARA法案的執行---地球將獲得自由!“責任的追究”---從地球公民,以及那些在私人,軍隊,學術單位,法院,政府以及情報單位---相關人員---從‘太空秘密計畫’中獲得好處的人---都必須負起責任面對法律仲裁.阿斯塔司法官與地面工作人員協調聯絡事件的公佈---這最後的“大真相顯露” ---這也包括了“現在”在“提升”你的人體載具到第五維度.
Etheric Light Cities are being built and you will shuttle there above Earth and integrate into Etheric Living with the help of Mentors and Extraterrestrials returning to Earth to help in this its next stage of development. This is a most glorious Resurrection of Christed Souls on Earth. Salut! This is Ashtar. I will See You on the RainbowBridge. through Elizabeth Trutwin, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013.
乙太的光城市們已在建造當中,你們將會被接到地球上空的光之城市裏去,整合入乙太的生活中---透過‘心靈導師’的輔導,以及外星人回到地球來協助下一階段的發展.這將是最光輝的‘耶穌靈魂’在地球的復活! Salut!(歡呼聲)這是阿斯塔.我會在彩虹橋上與你們見面!
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