聖哲曼大師: Part 138, Nesara,債務操作與希望
Part 138, Nesara, Debt Manipulation, and Hope by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on04/04/13
- Posted by beth on April 4, 2013 at 8:29am Elizabeth Truwin 推薦
- Channel: Kathryn E. May, PsyD 20130404
- 中文翻譯:林琚月20130404
Part 138, Nesara, Debt Manipulation, and Hope
by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on04/04/13
Let us begin tonight with a love letter from Us to all of you who are “fighting the good fight” as you say. You may not be aware of it, those of you who are activists for justice, equality, fairness and children’s rights, for instance, that you are laying the groundwork for the new civilization to come. You, with your energy and conviction - your Heart - are creating the energy patterns, creating the framework for the social mores which will be the new social, legal, educational systems which will shape life in a completely new way. Your words and actions ring out far beyond your speeches, your testimonies, and your demonstrations. They are heard across the firmament, to rejoicing Star Brothers and Sisters’ delight. You are rising, lifting yourselves higher every day, and we all con gratulate you one your courage and your wisdom.
今晚讓我們先用---由我們給你們的一封情書來開場吧! ---你們這些“打好的戰事的戰士們” ---就像你們說的---你們可能沒有注意到---你們這些提倡正公平義的社會活動人士,提倡兒童權益的人---舉例而言---你們就是在為“新的文明”奠定基礎.你們,用你們的能量與決心---你們的心意---正在創造這個能量型式,創造社會道德的架構---這將會成為新的社會,法律,教育系統---而且會重塑社會生活的模式.你們的話語和行動所發出的聲響---遠超過你們的演講,你們的見證以及你們的示範所到達的地方.它們橫亙了天空,到達了歡欣鼓舞的星際兄弟姐妹們那裏,讓他們快樂.你們在升起,每天都把自己提升得更高一些, ---而我們全部人都恭喜你們所擁有的智慧以及勇氣.
You have heard much about the massive changes to expect - some disaster scenarios, some more moderate possible timelines. You may have also heard about the concept of “jumping timelines.” This occurs when all the possible variables stretching out from a current situation are projected forward, creating multiple possible outcomes. When the most probable outcome is passed over in favor of a much higher vibrational option, we call it “jumping timelines.” You might call it a quantum leap. Well, Dear Children, you are very close to jumping the timeline which would predict more of the same in favor of one which will take you directly toward the next phase of your Ascension to the 5th dimension.
你們都聽說了很多關於即將到來的改變---有些是災難性的景象,有些是比較溫和的時間線.而你們可能也聽說過了“跳躍式的時間線”. ---這會發生在當所有可能的‘變數’從一個當前狀況延伸出去,被反射出來---而創造出了許多種可能的結果時發生.而當---最可能發生的’狀況被放棄,而一個更高振動的選擇取代了原先的可能性時,這“跳躍式的時間線”就發生了. ---你亦可稱之為“量子跳躍”.Well,親愛的孩子們,你們現在非常接近一個“跳躍時間線”的發生---而這個會讓你們超越預期的結果---一個可能直接把你們帶到往第五維度揚升的下一個階段.
You are already positioned to do this because so many of you took hold in the past few months and have made real efforts to change the way you live. You have been attentive to the needs of those around you, more patient when things do not go your way, and you have dedicated more of your energy to the important relationships in your life and less to “getting ahead” in your work when it means trading meaning for money.
你們目前已經在這個起跑點了---因為你們許多人在過去幾個月接受了新觀念而做出了真實的努力來改變你們生活的方式.你們一段時間以來開始在乎並關心身旁人們的需要,而且比以前更有耐性, ---當事情發展得不順你意的時候,而且你們已經把你們的能量更多花在你人生中重要的關係上而比較少在‘關注’ “在你們的工作上出人頭地’這回事---因為那代表的意義就是--- “用金錢換取意義”! (注:金錢比任何事的真實意義重要.)
With these shifts in action and attitude, without your awareness you are acting as a counterbalance to the flagrant greed and violence that has filled the news - although it is a small minority of the population who are behaving so viciously. Unfortunately, it is the minority with all the money and all the power.
All around the world, the people are rising. News of financial chaos in the budget dealings of countries all over the world are finally revealing the secret behind the “sleeper cells” - the cabal which long ago established the lending practices which would end with this inevitable debacle. There is no real financial precipice over which an entire country can plunge. After all, the pieces of paper you call money has no inherent value. If all money were to suddenly disappear, life would go on. After a period of adjustment, you would establish a barter system, as was done in eons past, and the power would be returned to the people, where it rightfully belongs.
全世界各地---人們都站了出來.全世界國家在預算上的金融亂像的新聞---終於曝露出了“睡覺的細胞”後面的秘密---黑暗份子們很久以前制定了這個“貸款制度” ---那本來就是一定會走到今天無法避免的崩潰的狀況裏來的. ---事實上,在一整個國家裏面,根本就沒有一個真實的金融財務斷崖險象是讓這個國家會摔入的.說到底---你們稱為金錢的薄紙片---根本就沒有價值.假如世界上的金錢都突然消失的話---人類的生命\生活仍是會持續下去的.在一段時間的適應之後,你們會建立一個‘交換制度’---就像你們很久以前實施過很久的制度,而權力會回歸人民手上---這本來就屬於人民的權力!
You have grown so used to the system in which you must work to earn money to pay for the things that rightfully belong to you and should be free - like the land, the water, the fruits of the fields and the resources from the Earth - that you cannot imagine a life without this slavery. You think that you are working for yourselves when you commute to your job, and work hundreds of hours of overtime without pay, giving your heart and soul to the company which earns $100 profit for every dollar they pay you. You believe you are living the American Dream when you sign for a house which is then owned by the bank for 30 years, while you work longer hours than anyone should ever need to in order to buy your freedom from interest-generated lifetime servitude. You have no way of knowing how pervasive this spider web of overlapping layers of trickery is until you experience a world without debt. then you will see how every morsel you eat, the clothes you wear and the furniture and cars you buy are taxed, controlled and manipulated, not by your government but by the financiers who might theoretically control and profit from every step in the process of making a shirt, for instance.
你們已經如此習慣於這個制度---在這制度中你們必須工作賺錢來給付‘本來就屬於你們而且本來就應該是免費的東西’ ---像土地呀!水呀!大地上的水果,以及地球的資源---因此,你們根本就無法想像一個‘沒有奴隸制度的生活’! ---當你們趕交通車去上班時你們以為自己在為自己工作,而且還做一堆無償的‘超時工作\加班時間’---把時間和靈魂賣給公司---而這些公司在付給你們的每一塊錢上都賺了$100塊錢.你們相信你們在過著美國夢的生活---當你們簽下一棟房子時---可是銀行擁有它30年---而你們房奴們卻必須超時工作來來買回你們的自由----從償付利息的終生勞役中出來.你們根本就無法想像這個陰謀的蜘蛛網中層層迭迭的架構有多深入---直到有一天---當你們可以活在沒有債務的世界中時你們才能瞭解.然後你們就會看到你們吃的每一塊肉,你們穿的每件衣服,以及你們買的傢俱與汽車---是如何的被扣了稅金,被控制住,被操控著---不是被你們的政府所控制住---而是被銀行家們所控制住---舉例而言---一件襯衫的製造---他們可以用一套理論來控制以及圖利這過程的每一步路.
The cotton grower and the harvester probably both owe money for loans on their equipment. Next come the intermediaries who arrange for the sale of the cotton to weavers, then the weavers incorporate the textile designers and dyers to create the final cloth product before they can even address the sale to yet another company who has pledged himself to the banks. Transport, store fronts and ultimate customer - all have pledged themselves to the banks. So you see, the secret to making endless amounts of money without any effort at all is to be the lender!
Now, imagine the same scenario without the layers of debt-induced inflation. How hard do you suppose the buyer would have to work to to buy the said shirt, or any other product for that matter, if it weren’t for the layers upon layers of secret taxes, paid in the form of interest on loans? The clever bankers have found ways to tax everyone on everything, without your knowledge, and to profit regardless of whether the product ever sells or not! Imagine how different your life would look if everything you needed cost half or a quarter of what it costs now, while your ability to work to provide for yourself remained the same. The Earth is overflowing with abundance. There is no need for these layers and layers of money-skimming, debt-producing loan sharks who suck the blood of the world economies, all the way to the top, leaving little for anyone but themselves.
現在,想像一下同樣的景象但卻沒有層層迭迭的由債務所引發的通貨膨脹.你認為---購衫者必須多努力工作來買這件襯衫呢?或是其他產品呢?如果不是這層層迭迭的秘密稅金,而且都是以利息償還本金的方式出現?---這些聰明的銀行家們早就找到了方法來向你們在每件事上抽取稅金---而且讓你察覺不到---而且賺了一堆錢---不論這貨物有沒賣出去! 想像一下你們的人生將會有多大的差別,假如你們所需要的所有東西全部都便宜一半以上甚至只剩目前價值的四分之一---可是你工作賺錢養自己的能力都一樣的話?這地球有充沛的富裕存在.完全不需要這些層層迭迭的壓榨金錢的做法,債務貸款鯊魚的存在---他們是世界經濟的吸血鬼,從最底下到最高層---只剩個殘渣給別人,全部都留給自己.
You see, freedom from the cabal will be freedom in more ways than you can even imagine - to say nothing of the impact on the environment of all the manufacturing of unnecessary products and mining and pumping of natural resources, which would all be made immediately extinct by free energy and a truly environmentally aware consciousness on Planet Earth.
你們看到了嗎? ---從黑暗份子手中脫身的自由是遠超過你們能夠想像的廣泛的---更不用提到對整個環境所會造成的影響----那些多餘的產品的生產製造問題以及對自然資源的抽取與使用問題---這些在‘免費自由能源’的提供以及對地球環保覺知的提升之後---這些會是馬上取消消失的東西.
We ask you now to begin looking around you, in your homes, your offices and schools. Evaluate how many of the objects, pieces of clothing, toys and objects which promise to bestow higher status upon the owner do you truly need? Start your new life for the new era by refusing to follow the bidding of advertising. Buy only what you absolutely need. Wear clothing that is comfortable and practical, and begin eating the freshest, most natural locally-grown organic foods you can find. We guarantee you will be healthier and wealthier!
And now an announcement about the Nesara funds and how they will be dispersed. Initially, the first influx of resources - we don’t even like the word “money” - will be discreetly used to fund worthy non-profits, as we have said. There is no need for grant-writing or requests from the directors and money-managers of those organizations. Everyone here in higher dimensions know who they are. The people who have protected and held sacred the trusts which were entrusted to them do not ask for recognition or thanks. They are the guardians of Earth and mankind. In many cases, the recipient of funding will have no idea where the influx of wealth came from. This is as it should be, for the destruction is simply a return to the people of the wealth that has been stolen from them and from the Earth herself, in the form of precious jewels and gold.
而現在---關於Nesara款項的一個公佈以及發放方式的宣告---在一開始,頭一批‘資源’ ---我們根本不喜歡‘錢’這個字---會很謹慎的用在值得的,非營利的單位---就像我們說過的.這些機構的主管\經理根本就不需要填寫任何的‘基金申請書’. 在更高維度的這裏每個人都知道他們是誰.這些人---他們保護著這些神聖的信託基金---忠於職守---根本沒有期望任何讚美或感謝.他們是地球與人類的保護者.在許多情況之下,收到款項的人根本就不知道這些財富來自何處.本來就該這樣---因為財富本來就是屬於人們自己的,可是他們卻受創了,所以這只是歸還人們自己以及地球自己被偷竊的財物, ---用貴重珠寶和黃金的形式來還給人們罷了.
There have been many recent attempts to distribute the funds which have been ferociously blocked by the bank cartel. A recent ploy is to simply refuse to turn over funds to the owner of those funds, while threatening them with murder. The greedy banks do not want to return the deposited funds to their rightful owners when they can use those funds to loan out 9 times its actual worth and make money on it.
Your determined and fearless Lightworkers on the ground and above have been working relentlessly to put pressure on the criminal bankers to force them to abide by legally binding agreements. It may require intervention from people in high places, like your President and the new Pope, who now controls assets greater than the GDP of most of the countries of the world.
So you see, Dear Ones, the whole fabric of your culture is going to be unraveled, to be created anew. At each tiny step of the way, the Powers That Be have resisted with the worst retaliatory actions, using intimidation, and assassination wherever necessary to maintain their grip on all the world’s resources. We are now working behind the scenes to assure that these obstructors and manipulators will be removed. We will keep you informed of the progress. You who are working hard to raise your vibration deserve to know the results of your efforts. We beg your patience and your perseverance.
It will not be long now until the Disclosure Hearings, which we urge all of you to subscribe to and watch. Make sure your friends are aware of the proceedings. This is crucial to the awakening of many of those who remain reluctant to believe the message of joy and change. We are grateful for your participation.
We remain, Your Mother/Father God, working with Jesus and the Legions of Light.
Via Kathryn May,April 4, 2013, 3 AM http://www.whoneedslight.org/