Where Are We Now? The Evolution of Human Consciousness in the Dawn of the New Age
推薦: Elizabeth Truwin 20130328
Posted bybethonMarch 28, 2013at8:05pm
通靈管道:Will Berlinghoff
作者: Admin\Healer Journal 20130328
Posted byadminonMarch 28, 2013in2013,
HJ: Now more than ever, your personal energetic frequency, beliefs and thoughts will dictate what you experience and perceive. This has always been the case, but one of the main difference now being that those who choose higher consciousness and personal transformation are being greatly facilitated – more so, in fact, than at any other time in history. The energies are such that a much more profound level of awareness and physical/mental/spiritual experience are being accommodated. However, it requires a certain minimum level of consciousness to be able to perceive this subtle, yet profound and powerful change.
Those who are not yet at this level of understanding will not be able to perceive this expanded energetic possibility and so will doubt its existence, which will further reinforce their beliefs, and hence their limited reality.
(RL注:吸引力法則--- “不可能”的想法引來‘不可能’的現實.心想事成!)
In this way, there is an energetic split formingbetween those who would choose spirituality and awareness and those who do not believe these concepts to be worthwhile or even valid.
以這種方式,有一種‘能量的分際點’就形成了--- 分開了那些會選擇“靈性’與‘覺知’的人,以及那些不相信這些概念是有價值的,或是真實合理的人.
The latter group is experiencing great difficulty at this time as the time to manifestation from the conception of a thought increases dramatically. They are manifesting ego dramas and difficulties into their lives, but do not believe they are doing so — stuck in the old illusion that life happens to them by some outside force, when in fact, they do not realize they are creating every supposed problem and challenge they experience.
On the other hand, those who are spiritually aware and making the effort to develop the self are finding continually greater ease as they master the fundamental spiritual concepts requisite for a higher dimensional/density experience.
And so, there is a clear line being drawn in the sand as these two groups follow their respective paths, which are diverging. The difference now, in this new age, being that the two groups are not being forced to occupy the same energetic space as they had been in the past. With the opening of the higher (4th and up) density experiences now available to us as Gaia shifts correspondingly, there is a wider ‘spectrum’ of energetic frequencies available for us to exist within — a little breathing room, if you will.
因此所以,在沙灘上面有條清楚的線被劃了下去,分開了追尋不同路線的人們---從此分道揚鏢.現在的差異是---在這個新的時代---這兩組不同人馬,不會再像過去一樣,被強迫停留在同一種能量空間中.隨著第四維度以及更高的密度的空間的開放----選擇不同人生體驗的機會打開了---隨著地球蓋亞的揚升我們搭上了便車. ---現在我們有許多不同能量頻率選擇---去存在其中---你可以說---我們終於有了屬於自己的呼吸空間!
- Truth真相
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness
We welcome youCosmic Awarenessand now that it is a day or two after the March Equinox, we are wondering if there is any information you would like us to hear at this time?
That which is the Spring Equinox in North America, the Fall Equinox in the southern hemisphere here in the land that is known as Australia, it does mark the ending of that first three-month period of time that this Awareness described as the first trimester of development of the new being, the evolved being, that is now developing and in process.
(略翻)過去三個月是‘一個新的能量存在顯現發展階段’ ---現在這個‘已經成形的能量’仍然持續在亙進一步的發展程式中.
That for many the first three months have been eventful, both on a personal level as well as an external level, that being the outside reality around them. That this would of course include one’s own personal space, but does also include the regional environment one finds themselves in, the national environment and of course, the global environment.
That during the first three months, the fetus of that which is the new developing being, was going through much change, much growth, but at a primary level. Therefore, it would not always have been felt as something immediate for many, but was something internal that changed what was occurring: new energies entering, but still unfamiliar to many.
That during this three-month period there were many who did sense that something was happening, that an internal process was underway. But in terms of one’s reflections to that which is external, for many it did not seem like much was happening on the outside. This of course, as this Awareness has just spoken, the environment outside of one’s self. Others have begun to see changes that they have noted, manifestation occurring in their lives, that which this Awareness would call the example of the inner power being broadcast to the outer state of perceived reality. Many of these manifestations may not appear to be outstanding at all and many could argue them away, could simply say things were happening or did happen that were not extraordinary in the sense of an event that might have occurred instantaneously and miraculously.
(簡述)有些人開始注意到他們人生的改變,許多苗頭已出現了, ---這是他們內在力量的顯現---是吸引力法則的化現.而許多什麼都看不見感覺不到只會吵嚷著沒有的人---覺得任何事‘應該’要戲劇性奇跡性發生才是發生的人–就是我們以上所說的---覺得自己人生是外在影響所造成的人.
That many still wish their powers to be so honed at this time that they expect to simply think of something and to have it happen. But it is not yet this way for many so that many are experiencing manifestation at the old levels, if you will. The old levels are those levels where manifestation occurred in physicality after a delayed period of time, for there is still a large gap between that which is thought of and its instantaneous appearance.
Many had hoped that this would be more available to them; that they could wish for something and it was instantly in their hand or in front of them. Yet the ability to manifest has always been available but many have not understood it or recognized that there is an interval that is required to bring forth the manifested dream, thought or wish.
許多人期望著‘立即顯化’快快發生,希望想要什麼可以立即出現在手中或眼前. ---其實‘人的顯化能力’一直都在---許多人不瞭解這點---也沒理解‘顯化所需時間’ ---來讓夢想成真.
And therefore due to assumptions held in the physical form, when things finally would appear it would seem more often they showed up because one had worked for them, saved for them, bargained for them, and that eventually they would appear.This is why it is so difficult for many yet to understand this wondrous process of manifestation. And that during the first three-month period it has still been largely the old energies that are in transformation but still presenting themselves in old forms;the delay being primary to the manifested materials or wishes presenting themselves.
會顯得事情好像顯化得較常較快---正是因為這個人為了這個‘顯化’做了努力,為這事存了心(專注),為了這事去爭取,所以最後這件事會發生.---這就是為什麼許多人還不瞭解這個美妙的‘顯化’程式的原因.---過去三個月仍然是舊能量的轉變期顯化方法---所有的‘拖延’ ---主要原因在所期望的物質體問題或是一個人呈現希望的方法.
Yet many are starting to see the results more quickly. That many are realizing that as one puts the energy out, that that which is desired or wished for, that which is energized comes to them. It may still be arriving in the mundane form, for make no mistake, you are still in the mundane energies. The transformation from the old planet A/B to the new planet A/B is still underway; just as you are still in process at the same time.