That this is correct. That because you are still within the context of physical reality, that many of the laws of that physical reality are still in effect. That this Awareness spoke of the instantaneous nature of manifestation that is approaching, that is coming, but it is not here yet. That the process of transmogrification is one that many aspire to and it is difficult to see and to understand or even believe that they are currently in the process of transmogrifying themselves from a rooted physical being into a physical being that is free of such roots, such chains that hold one in physical form.
答: 很多人無法相信 ‘立即顯化能力’ 以及 ‘身體大轉變’ 都在發生程式中,但事實是如此.
That many are going through a process of physical transmogrification that involves many physical symptoms. Many are aware of their aches and pains, of their intestinal difficulties, of heart pains. Many are experiencing extreme fatigue and exhaustion and are often feeling as if a truck has run over them.
This is compounded when one must be involved in physical endeavors that demand that they must rise every morning before they are ready to, that they must endure physical assault as they sally forth into the physical reality of their lives and that it is difficult to understand why it is so. That it is so because it is still the perceived reality of one’s experience and that these changes that are occurring at subliminal levels, at the level of the DNA itself, are often not comprehended or understood, but they are experienced. Therefore, as the transmogrification process continues, so do these aches and pains, these periods of exhaustion, confusion, emotional despair or upheaval. It is still unfortunately part of the process that one must go through as one is shifting in the physical, including a transmogrification of the physical body to its higher state where conscious awareness is coming from a higher level of consciousness itself, from 5th dimensional or beyond.
很多改變如DNA的改變都很微細微妙,人們查覺不到,只知道自己生理與情緒的變化,但這是必要過程---隨著 ‘高覺知能力’ 從五維以及更高不斷進來.
The problem here often is that the mind has comprehension but the body, which is in the realm of the low self, the subconsciousness, is still trying to adjust, is still trying to hold an old reality that it is used to; and if one does not work at that inner level,if one does not learn how to communicate with the low self, subconsciousness, then the journey is fraught with difficulty.
這裏的問題是心智有 ‘理解力’ 但是身體是卡在低頻率的實相中---‘潛意識’ 想調整自己,但身體會緊抓著舊實相不放---所以如果一個人不在內裏的觀念態度上下功夫的話,假如不跟自己較低頻的自我去溝通,去改變 ‘潛意識’---那自己跟自己打架的結果---路就走得歧嶇不平了!
But that which you have stated is correct. The transmogrification process is underway and is indeed that which will lead to the complete renewal of the physical form so that when the nine-month period is complete and one begins the new journey of consciousness in the new reality that will begin then, there will be atotal transformation, transfiguration, transmogrificationof one’s body, mind, heart and soul.
所以,九個月調整期之後確實會有 transformation, total transfiguration, transmogrificationof one’s body, mind, heart and soul.
一個人的身體,心智,內心與靈魂的 ‘完全’ ‘大改造’“大轉變” “大變異”!
Thank you Awareness for that explanation. I am also thinking that the Ascension process therefore is not necessarily a process or it definitely isn’t a process of escaping the physical; but rather bringing the higher consciousness energies into the physical in order to transform the 3D paradigm.
問: 所以 “揚升”不是從物質世界逃走,而是引入更高覺知能量入物質身體,入物質世界來轉變三維世界.
That this too is correct. That if one were to review some of the channelings of this Awareness from the past several years, one will instantly see that Awareness has always spoken of being five-dimensional in third-dimensional reality. That what this will enable a being to achieve is that they will not then be imprisoned in the third-dimensionality that was that of the old consciousness, the old planet A/B of duality that had the dark ones in control.
答: 我過去一直提到 “做為五維人存在三維實相中”! ---但我們將達到的成果是--- “不會被三維實相困住“! ---困住---那是舊的覺知了! ---是老的 A/B地球二元對立概念並且有黑暗份子控制著.
But that this process in physicality, because of the physical nature of a third-dimensional reality, has its own laws and rules, and that many who thought that they could escape those laws and rules in an instantaneous shift were greatly disappointed. Even many who did not quite expect this, but did expect a greater shift to occur, may have experienced a disappointment as well, but their adjustment to the new situation is for them more stabilizing and opening than those who simply expected to escape the old reality for they did not do well in that reality.
這不是一個簡單的 “逃離”---而是一個 ‘穩定’的 “開放”與 "調整"!
That there are many of those who are the Light Workers, the Warriors of Spirit, the Wanderers, the Seekers of Soul, who had such high empathy with their spiritual nature, their spiritual being, that they did most definitely wish to escape the harshness, the oppressiveness, the violence of the third-dimensional world that they were living in. They still wish this to be so and if, in their intent and desire, they still hold that it must occur instantly without effort on their part to look within themselves, they will continue to be disappointed as they were on the 21st of December, 2012.
That the process is one that this Awareness described as a gift from the Divine. It is also a gift from your own High Self and your own spiritual nature, your own soul outside of the time paradigm that most are in at this time. That which is the instantaneous nature of the Eternal Now is that which is experienced, and from that level the transmogrification process has already occurred. It is not in process as it is on this third-dimensional, physical, dualistic reality, but that which has already happened.
如同說過的---這 ‘九個月期’ 是一個 ‘神聖禮物’---來自你們的 ‘高我’,你們 ‘靈性自然’ ‘你們的靈魂’---來自高維度! 來自永恆的 ‘當下’ ---這 ‘大變異’ 已經發生---它不是三維的一種物質,二元對立程式---但它已經發生了!
That while one is still within third-dimensionality and yet escapes that third-dimensional reality at night or at those times when one is able to go into the dreamscape, that this knowledge is available. But herein lies the rub, for when one returns back into physicality, when one awakens in the world that they left several hours previously when they went to sleep, one still re-enters into physical form and is still subject at this time to the physical laws that govern this reality.