Though this may be so, this Awareness must again remind all that this reality is in the state of flux. It is shifting, albeit slowly, and that instead of just wishing to escape instantly, one must have the patience and fortitude to understand and recognize that the shift is happening, while it may be accelerating, that for many, it is still in slow motion.
這三維實相目前在 ‘漲潮’ 中---它在改變但慢慢的. ---大家要有耐性與堅定信心來理解並認出改變的發生---雖然它會加快但仍是慢動作進行.
That this means that often when one returns from a higher fifth-dimensional level of consciousness attained during one’s dreaming experiences, one still is disappointed to return into the physical body and to endure yet another day in the oppressive heaviness that is third-dimensionality, having experienced such freedom in fifth-dimensionality but a short while ago.
That this is not punishment, that this is not inflicted upon one here in the physical simply to make one suffer. It is simply the process that is underway and those who see it from the expanded perspective of the instantaneous now, the Eternal Now, realize it is a process that has completed itself, while those here now on the physical are still struggling to understand this.
這不是在處罰大家---只是進行中的程式! ---從高維度看下來是已經完成的程式---在 ‘永恆的當下’ ---但物質世界的人仍在為此掙扎當中!
It would be most helpful, most beneficial, for those who still wish to escape to realize that perhaps there is work here yet to do for them.The developmental process this Awareness is speaking of is their own personal developmental process. That in the recognition that this period of time that one experiences in this third-dimensional reality is the gift of the Divine to work on oneself, to expand and open one’s self, to release and let go of the negative beliefs and attitudes – that one will begin to settle into their true nature of a spiritual being having a physical experience that it is beginning to become more and more aware of: the awareness around its spiritual nature, not the entrapped state that it experiences in physicality.
That those who refuse to do the inner work, those who refuse to say “yes” to the Divine that has presented this gift, but only insist that they be removed, will eventually experience a removal from the physical third-dimensional form. It comes through that which isthe traditional death experience,but they will no longer be able at this time in this life, to play in the physical. They will no longer be able to fully appreciate themselves as high spiritual beings who escape the physical hum-drum of that which they have experienced so long. That this is the promise of God Itself: that all will be returned. None will be left behind, but this is a slightly different matter.
冥頑不靈的人---不肯在自己身上內在下功夫的人 ---最後還是會以傳統三維方式 ‘死亡’!!! ---他們會失去機會---理解自己成為一個 “高維度靈性存有”的可能性---可以逃離已經經驗了那麼久的無聊的 ‘生老病死’! ---這是上帝對你的承諾---“全部人都可以回家!"---沒有人會被留下來! ---除非自己選擇如此!
At this time, this Awareness simply does recommend that one and all who are truly seeking their spiritual understanding and awareness in a third-dimensional form be open to this process of development, be open to that which is their grander nature, be willing to look at themselves in their Light and in their Dark, and to put aside that this physical reality that they dislike so strongly, even hate so intensely, is one that they have chosen for themselves.To deny this, to avoid this, entraps one further in the physical delusion that is current in so many lives.
所以上帝對你的簡單建議就是--- “真誠的尋求靈性的理解力\覺知力” “用開放心胸面對靈性成長‘ “接受更偉大的天性” “看清自己的光明與黑暗面” “拋棄你痛恨的---那些通常也是你為自己做的選擇”!---如果不這樣做你就會繼續困在物質幻象中---你已經歷多世的東西!
Thank you Awareness. That’s all the questions I have for today. Do you have anything else you would like to add to this message?
That this Awareness would at this time like to add here, that while many are still struggling, many are starting to sense and feel and even see the evidence of change around them and that this too is that which will encourage them toward more inner examination, inner work.
That many feel that they should not need to do this inner work and this Awareness says that those who choose to follow this route are indeed entitled to follow this route.
That those who are sensing and feeling that they need to look at themselves more are indeed those who are beginning to realize that there is work involved. It is not unreasonable work, it is not work that the soul itself did not accept as part of the deal, for moving into the physical reality at this time was the choice of Spirit Itself, of each soul that extended itself into physicality.
你們現在在此就是由於你們的 ‘靈魂合約’ ,而你們現在要做的改變工作也是你們 ‘靈魂合約’中同意的.這不是不合理的工作! ---許多人已意識到自己做這些 “內心檢驗” 的必要!
Ultimately all will return back to Spirit, back into the soul, but this is that golden opportunity now to bring such high level consciousness into one’s physical experience, one’s physical state of being.It is not simply about manifesting material objects, money and fame or fortune or love, as in relationship. It is about self-awareness, self-understanding, self-appreciation. And that part of this does indeed very much require that work be done, for as this work occurs within oneself, the awareness increases, the understanding and the wisdom.
最後全部人都會回到靈魂世界,但這是個黃金機會來帶 ‘高維度覺知’ 入物質身體經驗中.重點不是有能力去立即顯化 ‘金錢’ ‘物質品’‘名聲’ ‘財富’ 或是‘愛情關係’ ---這三維轉變成五維的轉世經驗重點是---self-awareness自我的覺知, self-understanding自我的理解, self-appreciation自我的價值. ---以上才是必須完成的 ‘功課’! ---這些 ‘功課’ 只能發生在 ‘內心裏’,然後 ‘覺知能力’ 增加,理解力與智慧增加!
That for those many who are indeed doing this inner work, that this Awareness says to you: keep up the good work for you are already starting to see the results and that it is indeed a bright new world that is dawning. But remember also to be patient with yourselves, to be light on yourselves, to be loving towards yourself, for this is that which will most stimulate further growth for you, will support you on the journey as the world itself starts to shake down, starts to collapse, starts to shift.
已經在做的人! 加油! 繼續下去! 請記得對自己要有耐性!放輕鬆! 要愛自己! ───才能刺激更多成長 ---尤其在接下來要面對的---世界的崩潰,與改變!
That there is much ahead for one and all no matter which perspective they take or have, or which journey they do make for themselves. But that the journey is one of the soul, it always has been, it always will be.
這旅程永遠只與你的 ‘靈魂成長’ 有關! 一直都是! 永遠如此!
For those who cannot move the energies of negativity, it matters little in some ways, for they too are still having an experience of the soul in the physical and they will realize the totality of this experience when they have left the physical form behind.
對於那些認為自己 ‘無法消除自己的負面’ 的人---從某個角度來說也無所謂---這也是一種 ‘靈魂體驗’–等他們過到另一邊(或是死亡之後)---他們會看到 “全面” 的!
But for those many who are expanding themselves into new states of conscious awareness, who are embracing the responsibility of their own inner journey and do not seek evidence only from the outside first and foremost, but look within to create the new environment, the new emotional energetics, the new mental paradigms – that they will find that they are on track, that they are indeed spiritual beings having a most wondrous physical journey.
而那些正在擴張自己覺知意識的人,正在負起對自己的責任的人,沒在指望著外界給他們所有答案的人,而是往內看在創造自己的新環境,新的情緒能量,新的心理實相的人---他們會發現自己行進路線正確! ---他們確實是個 “靈性存有”---來經歷一個不可思議的物質旅程!
Thank you very much for that message, Cosmic Awareness, and I also thank you on behalf of all who would hear this message and all who would read it. Thank you.