Saturday, April 6, 2013
作者:Michael Henry Dunn 20130406
RL注:對於NEIL KEENAN律師不熟悉的人---在此補充說明 ---
St. Germain聖哲曼大師當然與他在聯繫之中!
NEIL KEENAN最新訊息:全球金融警報---與時間賽跑---防堵銀行詐欺集團的最後手段---全球金融大崩盤---黑暗份子害怕NEIL KEENAN手上的證據正在歇斯底里的想做最後反擊.
· Central bankers secretly stockpiling gold through third parties in anticipation of euro collapse
許多中央銀行秘密的透過第三人士在儲存黃金 ---等待著‘歐元’崩解.
· Greek assets – even whole islands – being secretly sold off to pay troika
· Check for $300 million signed by CEO of major bank is used to defraud global gold reserves
· United Bank of Switzerland selling US dollars at 20% discount in preparation for collapse, while UBS bonds are discounted more than 30% in global trade, as banksters try to dump fast for cash now
瑞士聯合銀行以八折價格拋售手中美元---預期美元崩盤, UBS瑞銀債券則目前貶值三成,因為所有銀行都在折換現金當中.
· Cyprus theft of savings accounts was test run, coming soon to a bank near you
· How Neil Keenan and the Alliance intend to prevent oligarchy’s plan for financial chaos
Neil Keenan和同盟們打算如何對抗這幾個少數黑暗頭目的金融混亂計畫呢?
by Michael Henry Dunn
JAKARTA, April 5, 2013: Word has reached Neil Keenan here that the banking cabal’s fear and desperation are now moving into what may be a final phase. They tried triggering World War III and that didn’t work. They thought they could depopulate the planet through designer diseases, and that didn’t work. They thought they could escape to vast underground cities, and (thanks to off-planet allies) that can no longer work. Facing exposure, humiliation, and prison (if they are lucky) they are now down to their last desperate throw: to create financial chaos by collapsing world currencies and pulling off a vast Cyprus-style theft of middle-class savings in the U.S. As global forces line up behind Neil Keenan, the Alliance, the Qing Dynasty, and the imminent “Changing of the Guard” to reclaim control over the Global Collateral Accounts, the oligarchs are desperately stockpiling gold in the hope that they can once more dominate an impoverished humanity by surviving the chaos that they themselves plan to trigger.
加爾哥達20130405:Neil Keenan已經聽到風聲說黑暗銀行強盜們已經害怕絕望到進入可能是‘最後一招’了.他們本來要展開第三次世界大戰---沒成功.他們以為他們透過‘人造疾病’可以大量降低地球人口---沒成!他們以為他們可以逃到地下城市去--- (感謝外星人協助)此事已不可行. (RL注:光明會地下基地都被外星人炸光了,少數封了.)面對著“大揭露”,羞辱,以及坐牢(如果運氣好的話)
---他們現在只剩最後絕望的一招了:透過讓金錢崩潰來創造全球性金融混亂,然後再重複製造一個超級巨大的賽浦路斯的銀行存款竊取案來偷走美國中產階級在銀行的存款.而隨著全球力量對Neil Keenan的支持,這些同盟們,清朝代表,以及最近的“歷史黃金新守護接班人’對‘the Global Collateral Accounts’全球黃金抵押帳戶的重新控制,這幾個黑黑頭目們已經絕望的在堆積黃金---期望他們可以再一次控制一個被陷入貧窮中的人類,---這是他們最近的技倆---也是他們一慣玩的遊戲.
(RL注---他們控制地球金融方法就是“先製造一個金融困境’ ‘然後提出一個更糟的搜主意來解決問題’ ---其結果在其中大賺其錢,而地球人陷入艱困貧窮中永世不得超生.)
Not going to happen – they made the mistake of stealing from Neil Keenan.
門都沒有!這次不會成功的! ---因為他們犯了一個大錯---他們偷了Neil Keenan(看管)的錢.
Clearly, there’s more to it than that, and this fight for freedom has been secretly waged by thousands of men and women for decades. But it may well be that historians will look back at the moment when the hapless Daniele Del Bosco absconded with $144.4 billion in bonds entrusted to Keenan by the Dragon Family as the turning point that set the final wheels in motion to bring down Financial Tyranny. As Del Bosco attempted to launder the bonds through the Italian government, the U.N., the World Economic Forum, and the so-called Office of International Treasury Control, Keenan relentlessly pursued the unfolding evidence that led to the Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit and the creation of the Monaco Accords, which are now supported by more than 160 nations. Information continues to flow into Keenan on a daily basis from multiple sources, as witnessed first-hand by this writer.
Forces are now in motion to prevent this final dark plan from succeeding. The cabal’s desperation is palpable. It’s every man for himself, as the once monolithic Illuminati becomes merely a pack of vicious thieves – which is all they ever were in fact – fleeing from the justice they thought they would never face. Meanwhile, the pressure on them increases daily as the avenues of escape are closed off one by one. And military, militia, and intelligence cooperation is poised to make the long-awaited final sweep of the cabal power structure.
The cabal’s strategy down through the ages has always been the same: “out of chaos, order.” They create the chaos, and then impose an ever more oppressive “order,” in order to degrade free human beings into debt slaves. They lived by their twisted version of The Golden Rule: ”he who has the gold makes the rules.” They amassed the gold reserves now known as The Global Collateral Accounts on the pretext of removing the cause of war (while slaughtering millions in a series of gold-theft wars). In a century-long struggle, they succeeded in subverting their greatest enemy – a free American republic – into the bankster-controlled U.S.A., Inc., via their secret ownership of the Federal Reserve System. They triggered the Great Depression so they could buyAmerica for a song while outlawing private ownership of gold. The final phase of their grand strategy called for their rulership over a post-Armageddon remnant of mankind. These plans have now fallen apart, and their grand goal of ultimate dominion has been reduced to a desperate struggle for survival.
Agency sources confirmed to Keenan in a face-to-face meeting in Jakarta this week that the bankster sect is planning a counter-attack in the coming weeks, hoping to get their last moves in before Keenan and the Alliance take control of the Global Accounts. The disarray in their ranks is evident from the following reports that high-level financial contacts have provided to Keenan in conversations witnessed by this writer in recent days:
· Josef Ackerman of Deutschebank, and other European central bankers, have reportedly supervised secret stockpiling of gold through vast purchases through third and fourth party front men. These purchases of precious metals are paid for with euros that will soon be worthless. Ackerman’s gold buyers are authorized to purchase as much as 10,000 metric tons per month – a staggering amount.
· So-called “bail-outs” will be offered to struggling European nations – bail-outs comprised of the same baseless euros – charging usurious rates of eighteen to twenty percent. The struggling nations will ultimately be unable to pay, and the bankers will come calling to claim national assets and sovereignty for a pittance. This is already happening, of course, inGreece, where parts ofGreece itself are being sold off to foreign buyers, such as a large section of the idyllic Greek island of Corfu. Our source stated that if the Greek people knew what was really going on, “there would be a revolution tomorrow.” The Emir ofQatar has been making regular buying trips to Greece for the last three months. It remains to be seen if there will be anything left of Greece for the Greeks.
· The euro itself is doomed: as noted here before, the gold reserves backing the euro have been leased with counterfeit notes issued by Mario Draghi’s European Central Bank. Neil Keenan has massive documentation of this fraud, and will be coming after the ECB and Draghi in short order.
· Sources report that United Bank of Switzerland is now selling US dollars at 20% discount in preparation for collapse, while UBS bonds are discounted more than 30% in global trade, as banksters try to dump fast for quick cash.
· Attempts to defraud the Global Accounts are becoming ever more brazen, as a $300 million dollar bank draft bearing the signature of the CEO of one of the world’s largest banks was reportedly used in an attempt to persuade banks to bypass the usual four to six week waiting period for verification of such funds, so that funds supposedly based in Global Account gold assets could be withdrawn within five days of deposit. By the time the fraud would be revealed (our source stated), the funds – and the fraudsters – would be gone. This is but one instance, we are told, of multiple such attempts to raid the global candy store before the new sheriff shuts down the racket.
· Multiple high-level sources have told Neil Keenan: “everyone knows you’re coming – you’ve got them running scared.”
許多高層訊息告訴Neil Keenan: “每個人都知道你快要來了---他們都嚇壞了.”
As recently reported by Drake Bailey, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is implementing Cyprus-style plans to seize bank accounts, and contents of safety deposit boxes, if any such are judged to be “of a contraband nature,” in the opinion of the agent. This danger to ordinary Americans’ savings was confirmed to Neil Keenan in person this week by an intelligence community contact, who stated that DHS is planning to use mercenary forces comprised of foreign nationals to back this brazen destruction of the American middle class. Pentagon and agency forces are lined up to defeat any such move, and it is expected that the vast American militia movement would immediately swing into action as well. DHS is apparently one of the last lairs of cabal operatives, and should be a target of Alliance efforts in the coming days. We hope and intend that violence will be avoided, but it may well be that the end game will be tough going.
五角大廈,情報局人員已經準備好來對抗光明會在美國的最後謊言組織“國家安全局” ---只要他們‘動’民眾的銀行存款---他們就會展開行動,同時美國民兵組織隨時會全面總動員來應付.
The reason the control of the Global Accounts is so crucial at this critical turning point is simple: it is the cabal’s last available source of actual (as opposed to fiat) money. Mercenaries don’t work for free. Once the final agreements are signed, and Mr. Keenan and the Alliance take over management of the Accounts, the final framework for global financial reform will be in place. This event is imminent. Hard on the heels of the agreements, Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit will be re-filed with final damning evidence in place, and the liens on the central banks will be re-imposed. With this legal basis firmly established, other long-planned moves against the cabal will swiftly follow.
為何控制住這‘全球帳戶’如此重要? ---因為在這關鍵時間---那是光明會最後的一筆“真實資產”而非“假錢”.而請傭兵是要付錢的!一旦Neil Keenan和盟友們簽了同意書,拿走了‘全球黃金抵押帳戶’的管理權---全球金融改造就會開始了!這事件是箭在弦上了!而更嚴重讓他們站不住腳的是--- Keenan的千億黃金訴訟案還要重新開庭---而且有了新的要命證據---而所有中央銀行會收到‘資產留置抵押權’通知會放上他們現有資產上. ---然後所有計劃了非常長久的“終結光明會”計畫將會快速完成.
As the dust from this momentous Changing of the Guard settles, plans call for rapid implementation of emergency funds, eradication of phony debt, and careful development of humanitarian programs for the nations of the world. These funds will not be distributed to governments or banks, but to foundations that serve the people, that stimulate national economies, rebuild infrastructure, implement free energy technologies (yes, they exist!), restore the environment, or provide health care and education.
隨著這‘全球帳戶’的監守權換班---從黑黑手上拿走---立即會有快速的計畫立即會執行---如‘緊急資金’的安置, “假債務解除”,以及其他經過仔細安排的“全球國家人道計畫”等都會立即施行!這些錢不會發給政府或銀行---而是發給“好的服務人民的基金會” ---能夠刺激國家經濟,重建社會架構,落實‘免費自由能源’的單位機構. (是的,真的有這種機構存在.) ---能夠重建環境健康,提供健康醫療以及教育的機構.
(RL註: 這內容與 聖哲曼通靈文一致.)
It may well be asked by reasonable persons how it could possibly be that one man, Neil Keenan, could be so formidable and dangerous to the survival of a ruthless and murderous cabal, and avoid being killed by them. Keenan has avoided mention of this topic in past posts, but I think it important that all those praying for his success should know that he has survived four such attempts in the last three years. The protection around him has increased with each successive attempt, and Mr. Keenan himself inflicted heavy punishment on one assailant inEurope (the would-be assassin ended up in the hospital, while Keenan escaped with a scratch). Attribute it to the luck of the Irish (though the Irish say that if it weren’t for bad luck, we’d have no luck at all), or to the prayers of millions, or to the guardianship of intelligence community allies, or to the protective devas invoked for him in Indonesian ceremony, but the fact is that Neil Keenan now laughs at the thought of danger, and is confident of success.
上次在歐洲企圖暗殺Neil Keenan的人自己受了重傷躺在醫院裏,而Neil Keenan一點事也沒.總之, Neil Keenan對危險一點也不害怕,而且覺得可笑!他對成功充滿完全信心!
Of course, Keenan pretty much laughs at danger in any case…or even relishes it. This reporter witnessed Keenan’s blithe response to an apparent attack by a black-clad female assassin in a Jakartashopping mall only days ago:
OK, folks, we know how serious all this is, but do you expect Neil Keenan to stop being Neil Keenan? As may be expected, the would-be attacker not only got off scot free, but was given a generous tip!
From Jakarta, where we find something to laugh about even on dark days…..(but it’s spring, and the days are getting brighter, and longer – here’s hoping we’ll look back on this April in years to come as a turning point for us all).
Posted by enerchi at 4/06/2013 04:14:00 AM
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