



But many are starting to realize that when they have a thought and there is sufficient energy behind the thought, that this thought can materialize or manifest itself in short order. That the Interpreter and his wife have been doing this now for the last several months. That often they simply think of what is needed or required and within the space of a few hours, generally less than twenty-four hours, that which they thought of, that which they focused on, had entered their lives.



But also in this mundane fashion, there are many who still dismiss this as active manifestation, who are negative in their interpretation of such results and indeed dismissive of such actions. But this Awareness says that this is still manifestation in 3D, that it is still within the old energies that are transforming; and therefore often appear in such a way, not an instant manifestation perhaps, but still manifestation.


That others of you are also now starting to see this more and more and that this is encouraged by this Awareness, this encouragement includes the expansion of your awareness to how you are manifesting.  For those who are manifesting in a positive way, there is great excitement now but still is in uncertainty, still confusion, still that doubt process for many. But nonetheless, the energies are starting to move and many are starting to see the results, starting to see evidence of this process.



Equally there are many who are still stuck in their old beliefs, their old disappointments, their own negativity and they are choosing to believe that nothing is happening to them, and unfortunately they are manifesting this.  This of course, simply reinforces their negative belief system and while they may proclaim to wish to see results and that because nothing is happening, that this must mean that such information as is being presented now is bogus, still the energies carry on. And it is why this Awareness has said continuously that you must be careful about what you wish for, that you must realize how being ensnared in your negative beliefs at this time in particular and in the times ahead, that it will simply reinforce your reality of negativity. You will manifest the negative results of this negativity.


This Awareness can only speak this to you, but it is the responsibility of each and every one of you to truly start looking at how it is that the reality you surround yourself is formed, where does it begin? Does it truly begin outside of yourself?  Thus you have evidence that something is happening because the evidence is out there and not within you?  Or does it have anything to do with your thought process, the energetic level of your thoughts, your desires, your beliefs?  This Awareness of course says, it has everything to do with this inner reflection, it is the beginning point, it is not the ending point; nor is the manifestation of the outside first before one can  believe the beginning point, it is more the ending point of this process.

看看你身旁的現實是怎麼顯化的?它跟你內在的反射有所有的關係. --- ‘顯化從你內心開始.但不是結束在那裏.現實是你內心的映照---所以是折射點不是起點’!

Therefore, as long as one is waiting for the evidence to appear in their outside reference of reality and holds a doubt of such thing happening, or is negative to this happening, they will not see the evidence.


For those who are now underway in this process, they will start to see outside evidence presenting itself more and more. At first it may be the small things, material substances, new relationships forming, that which could easily be dismissed. 

那些已經在程式中的人---他們會開始看到外在徵兆主動出現---越來越多.剛開始可能只是小事,一些物質物體,新的人際關係出現, ---這些徵兆很容易被忽略.


But this Awareness asks you to look at each and every occurrence in your life, both positive and negative, and that by looking within and seeing where the process began, how it was sparked, where it comes from, you will begin to have a greater connection to the manifestation that you are creating, the reality you are shaping around yourself.



Be patient at this time, for many had hoped with the Ascension event of December 21st, everything would instantly have been shifted and changed, and that the highest desires that have so long been held by so many would instantly manifest themselves. But now more are seeing that in this process, there is a need to be patient and positive, to realize thatthis crucial period of time has been given to one and all to work on themselves,to realize how potent and powerful they are as creator beings. 

此時要有耐性!許多人都期望20121221的揚升事件---可以讓每件事都立即改變, ---我們如此長期以來最大的渴望可以立即化現出來! ---可是現在,越來越多人明白---我們需要保持耐性與正面心態! ---我們必須瞭解---目前這關鍵時刻---其實是上天的禮物---讓每個人可以在自己身上下功夫!---去瞭解自己是多麼厲害強大的造物存有.


One would not expect a baby to start running the first time it stood up, and this Awareness reminds you that the birth has not even occurred yet, that you are still in the developmental stage at this point. That the patience this Awareness is recommending is so thatone can attune to the process itself, so that one can indeed incorporate that knowingness that is opening within them into the physicality of their 3rd dimensional life, and yet not have such high expectations of such miracles that are of an extraordinary level, that they are extremely disappointed if they do not instantly manifest that which they have been hoping for, wishing for or praying for. 



This does not mean it will not be manifested.  It is simply still curtailed by the 3rd dimensional reality and its rules and laws that are in the process of shifting and changing. As your patience increases and you realize there are subtle changes and small manifestations that are now occurring, this will encourage you and as your encouragement increases, the evidence will begin to present itself more quickly and more solidly.



That humanity is in the process of birthing itself as a new species, no longer enslaved by those who are the controllers and the manipulators, but as this Awareness has said, you are in process, you have not arrived at the end point. The end point is that which is ahead still and this Awareness is aware that many will be upset to hear this, for many in their impatience demand that “it must be so, now!” That this Awareness would say to you that in this demand that is unreasonable for the place you are in that it is within this unreasonableness that the biggest blocks and barriers exist for you to achieve exactly what it is that you are truly wishing for, that being the expansion in your consciousness, the opening to your higher multidimensional natures and the fabrication of a life around oneself that is beyond the entrapment of physicality yet still part of it.

人類在重新‘生產’一個新的自己!不要用不合科學的負面想法擋住自己的希望的實現. ---去擴大自己的覺知能力!去開放多維度的自己!讓自己的生活心態超越物質現實的羈絆!

That it is the responsibility of each and every one who is seeking their higher expression of self in this physical reality to work on oneself, to dig within oneself, to find those areas ofnegativityandrepulsionand to see how that it is, that as one holds such energies within oneself, one naturallyblocks the manifestation process and the evolutionary process as well.

這是每個人自己的責任---目前困在物質世界可是卻尋求更高的自我表達(存在)方式的人自己的責任!----要在自己身上下功夫!往自己身上挖掘!把自己的負面心態挖出來(如貪嗔癡慢疑嫉妒自卑自大自艾自憐仇恨歧視小心眼小氣自私暴力壞脾氣)! ---睜開眼睛看看它們!---因為一個人只要囤積這些東西在內心---就自然會擋住自然顯化能力以及靈性成長程式!!!

Thatthis gift of the nine-month period of development is exactly that, a gift from the Divine for those who are not quite far enough along, for those who had understanding and awareness but had not yet completed inner work or inner process.

“九個月的成長期”正是“上帝的禮物”---送給還未準備好的人(注:只剩六個月) ---以及那些明白了道理,覺知到正發生的事---但還沒有做好‘內心清理工作’以及調節整合好自己內在程式的人.


能否很快釋放轉變貪嗔癡慢疑自卑自傲為快樂 平靜?

你面對事情能否看  到好的一面? 正面的部份? 

你懂不懂得 “天意” 如NESARA是如何可以全面改變所有問題去伏符合真正的合諧與公平正義?

你現在思考事情在心中能抓得住 “真相\真理” 是什麼嗎? 還是你仍然受到負面思想影響而用 ‘有色眼鏡’ 在看所有事? 

---“面對真理\真相是需要大無畏精神的! 縮頭烏龜的能量高不了! 持續的讓自己愚蠢無知無明都會讓能量持續下降---即使目前你泡在高能量中,但如果你是一顆死掉的電池 ---對你有用嗎? )

That now with the next trimester, it is the possibility to go even deeper in the investigation ofone’s inherent character and nature.That as one is willing to look at themselves, even in their darkness, even in their negativity, there is then the opportunity to release this darkness, this ambiguity, this negativity. That this responsibility is your own, it is not the responsibility of this Awareness to do it for you. It is not the responsibility of a guru or teacher to do it for you.  It lies within each and every individual.  This responsibility is the responsibility of the soul as it accepts that it is opening to the new reality. For those who are listening to their soul, who are searching and seeking it, that they are seeing within themselves the expansion of their consciousness and awareness. And now comes the opportunity to go even deeper.

在第二階段的三個月成長期---(高宇宙能量的協助)讓一個人可以更深入的去探索自己的內在---你的 ‘本性’ 與 ‘性格’! ---包括自己負面的部份---所以你才能釋放那黑暗,那模棱兩可,所有負面. ---這是你自己的責任---不是上帝天神的! --- 我們不能為你做這個! 更不是你的老師\大師\師傅或任何別人的! 

For those who are insistent that they should be given these manifestations instantly without work, without responsibility to achieve these results within themselves, they will find their lives becoming even more difficult and hollow. This is because they do have within them the inner yearning and even understanding that they are more than they think they are. You are more than you think you are. But again, to look outside of oneself to find evidence there first before going within, before taking on the responsibility of the inner work will always deny one the evidence that they are seeking.

那些認為自己應該立即得到 ‘超能力’ 而自己不需要去做任何付出與努力的人將發現自己生活越來越困難與空洞! ---因為你內心欠缺 ‘變好的渴望’而且你不懂自己內在強大的潛力,你不願意理解 ‘方法’ 與 ‘程式’! 

仍然在等外界給他 ‘徵兆’ 的人就是不瞭解自己是誰的人,就是不願意去做 “內在工作” 來讓事情發生的人! (RL注: 英諺: “把車子套在馬前面,馬怎麼跑? 車子怎麼拉得動?)

That it is imperative now to realize that as the next three months open up that the opportunity to do this inner work is increased as well. That it is not simply about seeking a therapist out to help one decide what is wrong within, it is more that one needs to have intention to doing this inner examination.  That this intention to be open to the blocks and barriers, the negative thoughts and beliefs, the hesitancy of stepping into one’s greatness because that which is the Light within is too spooky, too scary still, is exactly that which needs to be looked at. That as one opens up to their intention to do the inner work, the process will evolve in and of itself, and opportunities will be provided to begin this deeper investigation.  All are capable, it is intent and desire to be honest with oneself, to be truthful in the examination of one’s own being that is required here.That with such intent, such honesty, the inner doors will begin to open even more and that which is the shifting of consciousness will go into high gear indeed.

隨著一個人有意願去開放自己去做這種 “自我檢測”---目前能量會讓這程式自然順暢展開---機會會出現來讓他們看到自己來改變.所有人都可以做得到! 只要願意誠實面對自己! ---這種 ‘用心’ “誠實”---會讓內心的門開放出更多潛力---而能把 “覺知能力” 提高到更高速度與維度!


That this Awareness does say to one, to all, that the journey ahead is an amazing one for those who embrace it. It will be a difficult one for those who are trying to embrace but still are doubtful and uncertain, and it will be a most challenging journey indeed for those who have a sense of it, but reject that it must begin within them.


That the energies of the Divine are also now present on this earthly plane of consciousness. That to assist one and all in this inward journey, this Awareness does recommend that one and all pray for the Divine Intervention to continue to manifest Itself even more in one’s life, to acquire that sensibility of Spiritual Purpose.That in acquiring this sensibility of Spiritual Purpose, of opening to Divine Consciousness, one is taken gently by the hand and led forward.  But it does involve trust, it does involve a willingness to open oneself up, to look within, to trust and believe a new reality is shaping itself all around oneself. And that as one opens to such levels of trust and belief, the evidence will begin to manifest itself more and more, and that as this happens it becomes easier to move forward.

這是一個圈---現在的神聖能量可以讓人正向去發展內心能量或反向去遭遇困難負面事件---需要的是 ‘開放的心胸’ ‘企圖心’ ‘信任上帝與新實相的顯現’---這樣做的人自然會看到更多 ‘證據’! 


That this Awareness wishes you all a most amazing journey as you open the inner doors of self-reflection and self-awareness in the months ahead.

Thank you Awareness, that was very interesting.  I do have a couple of questions if there is time.

Please proceed.

The first question is about transmogrification.  Many seem to be very disappointed because transmogrification has not occurred.  Considering the nine-month period of the development of the new human, can we assume that that is a form of transmogrification and it has to take place at a slower rate so that our bodies do not completely break down?

請問: 聽說人類身體會有 ‘大轉變’ 發生---可是眼前還看不到,是因為必須慢慢來免得人身承受不了嗎? 


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    Rebecca Lin

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