降落部隊 PART 4:人類接觸官(2)
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Channel: Suzanne Lie20130331
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130402
The Landing Party Part 4
I must apologize for our story moving through different periods of time. You see our Ship has entered the mid-fourth dimension of your planet Earth. Therefore, our broadcasts to you are greatly disrupted by the time differential between the fourth dimension and your third dimensional physical world.
Furthermore, your third dimensional physical world is expanding its essence into the fourth dimensional expression of your reality. Some of you are able to follow the expansion of Gaia’s consciousness into the higher frequencies of multidimensional Earth, and some of you cannot.
Therefore, we are only in communication with those of you who can expand your consciousness enough to calibrate your attention to the mid-fourth dimensional version of your reality. We know that this expansion of your consciousness may be somewhat confusing to you because you are also holding a physical form in the third dimension.
However, if you are able to tune into our message, you are likely aware of your multidimensional nature. Hence, you can also understand that there are many versions and frequencies of reality swimming together in the great cosmic flow of the ONE.
但是,只要你能夠轉入我們的訊息,你很可能已經覺知到你們多維度的本質.因此你能夠理解到事實上有很多不同的版本和頻率的實相浮沉在一起在這偉大的 ‘合一’ 之流當中.
As your consciousness becomes calibrated to the extending arm of the higher frequencies of Gaia’s New Earth, you will flow into the higher expressions of your planetary reality. These higher frequencies of Earth all flow in theCosmicSeaof the NOW of the ONE.
隨著你們覺知頻率與蓋亞新地球實相所伸出的更高頻率協調整合在一起之後,你會流入更高的你的地球實相表達中.這些更高的地球頻率全都流在宇宙海洋的 ‘合一’ 之當下!
Within thisCosmicSea, the many timelines of “life on planet Earth” intermingle like currents within the ocean. Because of the intermingling of different timelines and the frequencies of your changing reality, it is common for you, our ascending ones, to simultaneously experience more than one reality.
在這宇宙海洋---許多 “地球人生” 的時間線互相交錯---就好像海洋中的暗流一樣.正由於這交錯的不同時間線,與你改變中的不同頻率的實相,所以很正常的,親愛的揚升中的一們, 你們會同時經驗超過一個實相的經驗.
We left off, or are still experiencing, our interaction with our first contact person. It is very common for those living in a polarized reality to think that a unique experience can be a dangerous one. This is the cautious thinking that is necessary for life on a polarized reality.
我們上次停在---而且也還在經驗---我們的 第一個 ‘人類接觸官’ 的溝通故事.通常---一個生存在一個二元對立世界中的人會認為 ‘一個特殊的經驗’---會是危險的! ───這是一種 ‘謹慎的思維’---對於二元世界的生活是必須的!
We now remind you that our contact person’s last thoughts were, “He wants to tell me something, but I have a feeling I may not like what that is. Fortunately, I have to go, so I can put this communication off for now.”
我們現在提醒你---我們‘人類接觸官’ 上文的最後一個想法是“他要告訴我一些事,但我有種感覺 ─── 我可能不會喜歡這個事.幸運的是---我現在必須走了,所以我可以暫時中斷這個溝通. “
I went through my morning with the feeling that the tall blond man with the blue eyes was watching me. Interestingly, his observation did not feel invasive. In fact, it felt quite comforting; as if some who loved me was over-looking me to make sure I was OK. However, I had never met this man before, so how could he love me? Nonetheless, he seemed to radiate love.
我整個早上都覺得有個高大的金髮碧眼的男人一直看著我.有趣的是---他對我的觀察並不讓我覺得 ‘冒犯’! 事實上,他讓我覺得滿舒服的,就像有人愛著我,而且一直照看著我---確定我沒事一般.但是,我以前沒見過這個男人,所以他如何會愛我呢? 無論如何,他好像散發著愛.
Eventually, the business of my day took over my mind and I forgot the man, as well as the feeling of love. After all, how often do people walk around feeling a radiation of love? By nighttime I had completely forgotten my experience of being protected by love and went to bed, too tired from my busy day to even reflect on what had happened.
I remembered paying my bills. I remembered going to the gas stations, the grocery store and the bank. I remembered going to work. But I did not remember the man with the loving feeling. Why?
Why did I remember all the boring, survival things and forget the feeling of love? However, I did realize that I was wishing that I had someone looking over me and sending me love. I fell off to sleep feeling depressed by the loneliness of my life.
I awoke the next morning at my usual time and drug myself out of bed. I was exhausted and felt like I had not slept a wink. However, I did remember feeling sorry for myself as a fell asleep. Then, when I got in the shower and felt the warm water hit my head, I remembered something.
For just a brief moment, I saw myself in a very large room with many people that I did not know. Even then, I still did not remember the tall blond man with the blue eyes. I was too busy. I had to go to get some breakfast. I had some calls to make and then I had to get ready for work. I had to go about my day, just like every day.
只短暫的一下子,我看到自己在一間很大的房間與許多不認識的人在一起. 即使在那時,我仍然不記得那個金髮碧眼的男人.我太忙了.我必須去吃早餐.我必須打幾個電話,然後我必須準備上班.我必須過我的一天---就像我每天所做的一樣.
However, as I got out of the shower, I found that I did NOT want to have this day be just like every other day. Something had happened, but I could not quite remember it. I decided to put on my robe and meditate. Whatever had happened yesterday upset me a great deal. I had to find out what that was and release it so that I would not be grouchy all day.
I went into the other room, lit some candles and put on some soft music. The meditation meant that I would not have breakfast. I was hungry, in fact starving for something else. Unfortunately, I did not know what that something was.
I was surprised how quickly I went into a deep meditation. It was as if I was looking for something, or someone. With that thought I suddenly saw a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes.
I just got a short glimpse of him, and then I doubted myself. Just one second of doubt and the man disappeared. Of course, I knew he was not a real man, as he was just in my imagination. However, I wanted very much to spend some time with that imaginary man. Within that short glimpse I felt such love that I wanted to him to come back.
Therefore, I tried and tried to get him to come back. Why did he leave so quickly? Why wouldn't he come back? I was getting increasingly angry. I was angry with him for leaving so soon and angry with myself for—well—I didn't know why I was angry with myself.
In fact, anger at my self felt normal. In a kind of sick way it felt comfortable. If I was angry with myself instead of being angry with others or the general condition of my life, then at least I was not a victim. And then I started to cry.
事實上,對自己生氣感覺起來很正常.在某種變態的方式下,對自己生氣感覺起來很舒服. 如果我對自己生氣而不是對別人生氣或是對我的人生生氣---那至少我不覺得自己是個 ‘受害者’.然後我就開始哭了!
I cried and cried. In fact, I cried so much that I had to call in sick to work. I went back to bed and cried some more. Why was I crying? I could not possibly be crying because of an imaginary man that I kept forgetting.
But, my tears were about forgetting. While I lay in bed amongst my tears and misery, I realized that there was a lot I had forgotten. I could not remember what that "lot" was, but I felt the hole in my heart. There had to be more to life than running errands and doing work. There just had to be!
Then I remembered that when I was a child I always played with imaginary people. I also remembered how these imaginary people sent me love and understanding, which was much more rewarding than anything I got in my outside world.
In fact, I remembered how I had an inside world and an outside world. Inside was filled with Faerie, Angels and people like the tall blond man with the blue eyes. Then I really cried. I sobbed until I could hardly breathe. Suddenly, I felt so very lonely—lonely for my inside life. How could I have forgotten what had made me happier than anything that I found in my outside life? With that thought, I fell into a restless sleep.
事實上,我記得我同時擁有一個內在世界與一個外在世界.內在世界總是充滿了仙境,天使,以及像那個高個子金髮碧眼的男人一樣的人. 然後我就真的哭了. 我直啜泣到自己幾乎無法呼吸為止.然後突然間,我覺得如此非常非常的孤單---為了我內在的世界.我怎麼能忘記那讓我更快樂超過任何事任何外面世界所能給我的過去?這樣想了以後,我跌入了一個不是很平靜的睡眠當中.
When I finally awoke it was mid-day. All I could remember was bits and pieces of a being back in that room with a group of people. Someone was talking to us. Actually, it was more that some thing was talking to us because it was certainly not human. In fact, it appeared to be a tall, glowing light that once in a while sent out a ray almost like an arm.
當我再醒來---已經是中午了.我能記得的只有鴻爪片影---又是回到那個房間---與一群人在一起.有一個人在跟我們說話. 事實上,感覺起來比較像是有個 ‘東西’ 在說話---因為那絕對不是人類.事實上,看起來是一個高個子的發光體---偶爾會看到好像手臂的東西揮動.
I was hypnotized by this Being and felt such love, not just coming from it, but also coming from me. I loved this being so very, much. It was not a romantic love, or even a human love. It was a spiritual love like I used to feel for the Being that looked just like that when I was a child.
It was then that I began to remember. Then, beyond my control I fell into a deep trance. I was in that room with the great Being speaking to us, and I was sitting beside the tall man with the blond hair and blue eyes.
然後我開始記得–然後,我無法控制的進入了一個昏沉境界.我就那房間裏聽那個偉大的存有對我們說話, 而我就坐在這個金髮碧眼的高個子男人身旁.
Posted by Sue at 7:07 PM 1 comment: