(號外!酷! 3-3不到兩天超過百萬人爭讀! )
20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!
The memo also states:報告中其他內容:
"1. Parts of the discs carry crews, others are under remote control.
2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size."
Eventually the document states:最後這份報告說:
4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world.
5. They do not come from any 'planets' as we use the word but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
6.這些拜訪者的身體們以及他們的飛機在進入我們稠密物質世界的低振動頻率時會‘自動’ ‘顯化成為物質.
"7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace.
8. The region from which they come is NOT the 'astral plane' but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
8.他們過來的地方並不是在“星光層”而是與Lokas or Talas有呼應相連接的地方.玄學人士會瞭解這些術語. (RL注:作者意思可能是說這些外星人不是來自天使層面而是與地球物質層面有關連的地方---別的太空銀河區. )
9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that."
Could the fact that the aliens allegedly communicate by telepathy and use thought to control their craft be the real reason for the remote viewing experiments in order to find out where the visitors were from?
Despite the fact that the public were told there was no conclusive evidence to suggest that remote viewing was useful, Nick Pope claimed that he had seen surprisingly successful remote viewing experiments being carried out first-hand himself.
雖然民眾被告知--- ‘心靈遙視’實驗並沒有產生出決定性結論, Nick Pope宣稱---他有看過非常驚人的成功的‘心靈遙視’實驗結果---而且是他負責做的.
(RL注:我曾報導過PROJECT CAMELOT所訪問的‘超級殺手’與‘海豚人’ ---他們都宣稱可以‘隔空殺人’. )
Weaponization Of Space太空武器化
Whilst the Disclosure project offers very little actual smoking-gun evidence (even over 10 years later), we need to remember that there are plans for the weaponization of space which Dr. Greer and all other participants of the Disclosure project seem to oppose. There is over 120 hours of highly compelling testimony from massively prestigious, highly reputable and credible government witnesses, people who we have trusted (and who have earned our trust) to have their fingers on the nuclear trigger; people such as Dan Salter, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) who claims to have direct knowledge of a worldwide organization called ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization) that was set up specifically to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations.
雖然“大揭露計畫”並沒有提出任何一槍閉命的證據(即使在十年後的今天),我們仍需要記得---有個‘太空作戰計畫’存在---這是所有從Dr. Greer以及所有參與 “大揭露計畫”的人員所反對的. “大揭露計畫”總共有120個小時的十分具有說服力的證詞---來自許多,非常受尊敬的,地位崇高的,非常可信的政府見證人---是我們信任的人們(而且他們也贏得過我們的尊敬) ---我們曾信任他們放在核子武器按鈕上的手指頭---比方Dan Salter, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office國家偵察辦公室) ---他宣稱知道一個組織叫做ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization高級接觸情報組織) ---是特別成立來與外星文明聯絡的.
As noted as part of Disclosure project testimony, when Mikhail Gorbachev was asked on CNN whether they should stop using weapons in space Mikhail's wife stepped in and said "No, I don't think we should ban nuclear weapons in space because of alien spacecraft!".
如上所述--- “大揭露計畫”的部份證詞---當前蘇聯總理哥巴契夫Mikhail Gorbachev有一次被CNN訪問時, ---被問到: “是否該停止太空中的核子武器時”,他的太太搶著回答說: “不,我不認為我們應該‘因為外星人飛船’而停止太空中的核子武器!”
Her statement is ambiguous and can be taken either way.
Did she mean that alien spacecraft are being used to propose an opposition to the weaponization of space? Or did she mean that we need to keep nuclear weapons as defense against alien spacecraft?
如果她的意思是--- “外星飛船”被使用來抗衡‘太空武器化’嗎?還是她的意思是---我們必須使用太空中的核子武器來防衛自己對抗飛船?
Many officials testified to the fact that UFO's had been shutting down equipment at secret nuclear installations and that they are concerned that we may take nuclear weapons into space, in which case, the aliens may need to retaliate.
It was also claimed that the aliens are concerned that we may be on the brink of destroying ourselves - Earth is a precious resource for the extraterrestrials who are interested in Earth's magnetic field which they can use to maneuver and stay aloft according to Wang Sichao of China's Purple Mountain Observatory who confirmed that the observatory had observed ET craft on numerous occasions.
另一個訊息是---外星人擔心我們快要毀掉我們自己了---而地球是某些外星人珍貴的資源, ---他們對我們的磁力場感興趣---因為他們可以使用來做某些機動和空中停留---依照中國紫山研究所的王思潮教授---他確認他們有觀察到外星飛船許多次.
So, are the aliens a threat to us or are we a threat to the aliens?
by Sparkster
Ed Mitchell On The Alleged UFO/EBE Presence Ed Mitchell外星人的存在
Neil Armstrong's Cryptic Speech阿姆斯壯演講
Dr Steven Greer On What's Really Going On? Dr Steven Greer現在發生了什麼事?
Sgt. Bob Dean On NATO Sgt. Bob Dean關於‘北約’
Lt. Col. Corso OnRoswell---UFO Technology Lt. Col. Corso
他乾爹是外星人--- ET Go Home 真人版--- 全球黑暗秘密政府的生物科學家驚爆絕世秘密(2011-11-02 10:01:31)
全球黑暗秘密政府的 “超級超人戰士”--- Duncan O'Finioan(2011-11-02 10:43:13)
海豚人\超級超人士兵---- Aaron McCollum酷! 3-3不到两天超过百万人争读!)20130329 FBI确认 鈥溚庑侨蒜澣肥荡嬖! --- 解密了机密外星文" title="此博文包含图片" align="absmiddle" border="0" height="15" width="15">酷! 3-3不到两天超过百万人争读!)20130329 FBI确认 鈥溚庑侨蒜澣肥荡嬖! --- 解密了机密外星文" title="此博文包含音乐" align="absmiddle" border="0" height="15" width="15">(2011-11-02 11:13:32)
83歲的美國軍事長 鮑伯.迪恩2003年在外星人飛船住了六星期!(2012-04-0123:41:19)