(號外!酷! 3-2不到兩天超過百萬人爭讀!)
20130329 FBI確認“外星人”確實存在!
Pope also claims to have had a close-up photograph of a UFO on the wall of his office when he worked for MoD. In a UFO documentary entitled The Day Before Disclosure Nick Pope attempted to debunk several incidents before going on to state that an extraterrestrial presence is undoubtedly and unequivocally engaging the human race.
Nick Pope同時宣稱當他在英國國防部上班時,有一張UFO的近距離照片一直放在他辦公室牆上.在英國的UFO紀錄片叫做”The Day Before Disclosure”(大揭露之前一天),Nick Pope先戳穿了幾個外星事件的報導---然後再宣稱“外星人的存在是毫無疑問,毫不含糊地,非常明確地存在於我們人類的活動當中.
l Nick Pope investigated UFO reports during his time working for MoD.
Nick Pope任職英國國防部MoD時專門負責外星人研究
In addition, the MoD confirmed that they found evidence of the existence of MJ-12 (Majestic-12) under a secret stamp but could attain no further information on the subject. The MJ-12 documents were also confirmed by Stanton Friedman's interview with Charlette Mann, who confirmed that her grandfather was involved in a UFO crash retrieval involving alien bodies as early as 1941. Mann claimed her grandfather had told her that he had seen unusual small bodies that either had as skin, or were covered in, some kind of material that looked like aluminium tin-foil. Is it just a coincidence that the Guy Hottel memo also describes the same details?
此外,英國國防部MoD承認---他們有找到MJ-12 (Majestic-12)這個神秘太空科學研究單位存在的證據---檔上蓋了一個秘密印章---除此之外沒有找到任何其他訊息.(RL注: PROJECT CAMELOT有訪問到在MJ-12 (Majestic-12)工作過的科學家,我也寫過‘他乾爹是外星人’一文報導此事.)Stanton Friedman也訪問過Charlette Mann證實了MJ-12 (Majestic-12)的存在. --- Charlette Mann的祖父在1941年參與了搬運一架墜落的外星飛船的搬運工作,也搬過外星人屍體. Charlette Mann的祖父告訴過她說---外星人屍體非常小,而且不曉得是皮膚還是穿著像鋁一般顏色的衣服. ---怎麼這麼巧?美國FBI的Guy Hottel的報告說法也是這樣?
Despite this new information the Majestic-12 documents remain labelled a 'hoax' by the FBI yet the Guy Hottel memo has not been labelled a hoax. It has been confirmed by other government whistleblowers, such as Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean, that Majestic-12 is now called PI40 and that there are now 36, or possibly more, members.
雖然有這新消息出現, FBI關於Majestic-12神秘太空科學研究單位報告是歸類在“無稽之談”底下,但是FBI的Guy Hottel報告卻不歸類在“無稽之談”底下. (標準為何?)根據指揮軍士長Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean的作證--- Majestic-12已經改名為PI40,而且人員已擴大為36人甚至可能更多.
Note: information regarding this evidence seems to be rapidly disappearing from the internet.
The Disclosure Movement
Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, stated that certain freedoms could be accessed if a protective layer of secrecy could be stripped away. He also stated that him and Buzz Aldrin were being watched by someone much more technologically advanced than us all the time that they were on the moon and that there was no question of a space station before later denying ever saying it.
Neil Armstrong,第一位上月亮的地球人,宣稱--- “如果某些秘密的保護層能被撕開的話,人類可以得到某部份的自由.”---他同時也說他和Buzz Aldrin當時在月球上都被某些---比我們科技進步非常多倍的人---全時候監控著. ---以及在月球上毫無疑問的有別的太空站存在---但是後來Neil Armstrong又否認說過這些話.
In addition, Edgar Mitchell (the 6th man on the moon) says he knows we have been visited and that extraterrestrial life exists. There are over four-hundred government and military officials that took part in Steven Greer's Disclosure Project plus several more who are not taking part but are taking part in the disclosure movement.
此外,Edgar Mitchell ---第六個上月球的人---他說---他知道我們一直被外星人拜訪著,外星生命確實存在.在Steven Greer的“大揭露計畫”中有超過四百個政府人員和軍方人員---參與了作證---再加上幾多個沒有出面作證但是有協助參與“大揭露計畫”工作進行的幕後人員.
Edgar Mitchell has confirmed that he met with high-up government officials at the Pentagon who confirmed that the extraterrestrial presence is real, an alien spacecraft really did crash at Roswell in 1947 and the government has been covering up the evidence for decades. When questioned as to who was keeping the information secret the government officials stated that they did not know but it was obviously a transnational covert group who operate amongst the highest echelons of government.
Edgar Mitchell承認他與五角大廈的軍方高層見過面,他們也確認外星人存在是真的,以及1947年確實有一飛船墜毀在Roswell洛斯威爾,而且政府掩蓋這件事實已經幾十年了.那---到底是誰在掩蓋這些事實呢? ---這些政府官員說---他們不知道---但很顯然是一個超越國家間的掩護組織---他們運作的都是最高層級的政府官員.
Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean confirmed that this meeting had taken place in a basement room of the Pentagon nicknamed 'the tank'. According to Colonel Philip J Corso's books, The Day After Roswell and Dawn Of A New Age, and according to Corso's testimony, it was in the basement of the Pentagon that Corso gained access to the Roswell file.
指揮軍士長Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean確認---陸軍上校Colonel Philip J Corso確實在五角大廈的地下室叫做'the tank'(坦克)的房間裏有一個‘會議’發生---依照陸軍上校Colonel Philip J Corso所寫的書--- The Day After Roswell and Dawn Of A New Age,(洛斯威爾的隔天與一個新世紀的開始),以及依照他的證詞---他就是在那時接觸到了洛斯威爾檔案的.
Robert O' Dean had Cosmic Top Secret Clearance (38 levels above top secret) and claims that, whilst working for NATO, he saw a classified document entitled The Assessment which explained the UFO/EBE presence in great detail and theorized that the extraterrestrials have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years and that man's evolution may have even been a result of intervention by the extraterrestrials who are apparently knowledgeable on the subjects of genetic engineering and cloning.
Robert O' Dean擁有Cosmic Top Secret Clearance(超過最高機密38層之上的高級政府秘密人員) ---宣稱---在NATO(北約)工作期間---他閱讀過一個機密檔叫做The Assessment(估計\揣測) ---檔中解釋了UFO/EBE的外星存在現象---有許多詳細的描述在其中,而結論是---外星人存在已經幾百年了,如果不是幾千年的話---所以人類的進化非常可能是外星人干預的結果---他們很顯然的懂基因改造技術與克隆技術.(RL注:這裏所研究的外星人顯然是負面外星人小灰人與蜥蝪人為主.)
Remote Viewing
In addition to the above, the FBI have many more documents relating to the alleged UFO/EBE presence including one document containing insightful information that a remote viewer had channeled during the time of the remote viewing experiments. The information seems to corroborate that from other official government whistleblower testimony, including that of Lt. Colonel Philip J Corso.
除了上面所言, FBI有更多文件與UFO/EBE之存在現象有關 ---其中一份檔提到很深入的訊息關於---有一個‘通靈人’做了一個‘心靈遙視能力’的實驗. ---這訊息與許多政府人員告密者證詞一致---也包括與Lt. Colonel Philip J Corso的證詞一致.
Corso (and many others) claim that the extraterrestrials have developed technology that interfaces with coherent thought and that they wore head-bands which allowed them to become an integrated part of their spacecraft - in other words,they navigated their spacecraft simply by thought.
Lt. Colonel Philip J Corso和許多其他人證實---外星人發展出了很進步的科技---可以與‘思想’介面連系溝通---他們頭上戴著一條帶子就可以讓他們自己變成飛船的一個部份---換言之,他們簡單的用思想來開飛船---就可以了!
The information in the FBI document states:
"A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the 'flying saucers'. If one of those should be attacked, the plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion."
“一個非常嚴重的狀況有可能會在任何時候發生---有關於‘飛碟’的事.如果其中一個被攻擊到的話, ‘飛機’一定幾乎會毀掉.而公眾的心裏會產生恐慌,以及國際間的擔憂與疑慮會產生.”