
() ‘地球大轉變進程分析20130410

 ---主要使用資料Sheldan Niddle20130409

與 眼鏡蛇201304109

‘大撤退’ ‘地球大復原’a new, physically unified Gaia:

an inevitable concomitant of the surface realm's reconfiguration and transition to its 5D state.


(意即--- ‘亞特蘭提斯大陸’會浮起,地球大陸與海洋恢復最初形態,所以人類會在某時間‘大撤退’等待地球復原之後再回來‘伊甸園’!!! )



This dimensional reunion ends the current dysfunctional split between the surface world and Inner Earth.



restoring not only her own reunified Spirit but also that of her entire multidimensional solar system.



Gaia's newly resuscitated environments will begin a series of shifts to prepare for the Lighter, clearer, more crystalline diversity of life that befits this most unique and precious living orb.




She is to return to a way of being that she possessed before her surface was downgraded to its present savage 3D state.



Your new star-nation will take on the environments that were planned initially for the various daughter worlds that comprise her.




The affect of her transformation is to flow out through the solar system, triggering similar ecological rehabilitation there: returning flora and fauna to Mars and Venus as well as stimulating a complete reconstitution of the large water-planet, Pax.

地球的‘大復蘇轉變’會激勵起整個太陽系的轉變,造成‘生態物理環境’在別的星球的複健! ---讓動植物群重新回歸火星與金星---同時刺激水行星Pax的完全重組與再造.


Gaia is to become reunited within herself and serve as a template for life as it exists throughout this soon-to-be resurrected solar system.




The state of dimensional separation that followed is now to be healed by the formal disclosure of your space family, who intend to place this realm firmly onto the final leg of the journey to full consciousness.





the Heaven-decreed time arrives.


(RL注:天庭下命令是一個‘科學’過程,不是‘上帝個人意見’ ---比方宇宙磁場\能量\星門\地球人的自由意志\集體意志…等---天庭一部份功能是‘統計精算單位’---所以請家人們小心自己的‘心想事成’! )



Our sacred duties include providing you with spiritual teachings about your most unusual living home world and how to become her primary land-guardians.



We come to teach you who you are to become, and to instill within you a great love and respect for the spiritual essences that reside deep within you and which are to be manifest everywhere in this new star-nation.



Our mission then requires us to becomeformal guidesfor your future activities. This stunningly beautiful collection of worlds is to be your future home. We are receiving instructions from Heaven regardinghow to evolve the divine plan for the Sun and her transformed daughters.This inspirational mission will be a blessing for all! The instruction and training you receive will prepare you for what is expected of all fully conscious Beings of Light. You are to rejoin the ranks of a magnificent array of Spiritual Hierarchies and Life Streams which, in the name of Heaven, are to change this sector of physicality. This prepares the stage for the events which are to secure a permanent galactic peace, and provides the backdrop where entire galaxies can join together in the Creator's holy Light. These new unions will form the foundation for spreading Light throughout physicality!

我們的任務要求我們成為你們未來活動事件的“正式引導員”這個擁有許多驚人的美麗國家的世界是你們未來的家. 我們正接收著‘天庭’的命令關於如何來作業展出“有關太陽和周邊‘已經復原的’女兒星球們”的神聖計畫.這個激勵人心的使命將會是對大家的加持與祝福!你們會接收到‘完全意識的光存有’的指示與訓練.你們會加入這神奇系列的‘靈性管理組織’以及生命之流---任務就是要改善‘這一方物理世界’!---這也會設下保障‘銀河永久和平’的舞臺,同時讓整個銀河系們都可以共用造物主的榮光.這些結盟與結合會可以塑造出一個基礎---‘光’可以散佈滿整個物質界.


The cetaceans are to extend their spiritual influences as Gaia's primary aquatic guardians, and together, you are to become a team whose purpose is to ensure that each of Gaia's living environments attains its fullest potential.




Galactic energies preparing us for the activation of the portal on May 25th are beginning to accelerate.



Venus-Mars conjunction this weekend0413 was the initial trigger point of that process, bringing some much needed balance in relationships between male and female polarity.


Sheldan2.jpg    There will be no drastic changes in the global financial system before the portal opens05\25.


(RL: NESARA執行必須在 ‘新政府制度’ 之下才能開始.而 ‘新靈性政府’ 意謂著 地球黑暗侵略性男性能量的結束,二元對立的結束.陰陽平衡能量的開始--- 所以果然與此星象引進之能量有關.所以換言之---六月份如果大家集體冥想動作快的話---NESARA就到手了!)


After the portal opens, I will be allowed to release a great part of the Ascension Plan to the surface population

星門開啟之後我將可以釋放許多地球人類的 ‘揚升計畫’!

(RL:原來‘揚升’是DNA修復---所以我們就可以上‘光的城市’與‘地心世界’做‘醫療旅遊’去恢復‘全意識’了! 開香檳吧! 家人們!)


以上內容純屬 林琚月 個人看法! 細節\時間或許推論錯誤, 但是大方向應該沒錯! 出不了今年這幾個月了! 家人們! 加油!


~~~~~感恩 銀河聯邦 所有大師\天使\家人們!感恩!~~~~~




    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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