




Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Channel: Suzanne Lie 4-9-13



GalacticAlliancewith Earth

The Landing Party ~ Part 6



I have decided that I must write down my experiences, as a confirmation that these experiences are real and not just a “figment of my imagination.” There is a fearful voice in me that is confused, but I know there is also a part of me that is very wise. Last night I dreamt that I had another experience. I was standing in a long corridor with many other Beings.



I say the term “Beings” as many of those with me were not human. Some were very tall with blue skin and a few had very dark skin with a third eye in the center of their forehead. Their mouths were very small, and I could see no ears. I soon learned they were telepathic when I heard one of them talk inside my head. It, as no gender could be determined, was very friendly and asked if I were from Earth.



“Ah, yes, I think so,” I muttered with my old-fashioned voice.



The Being’s small mouth expanded in size to become a lovely smile, which made me laugh. Not that I was laughing at It’s mouth. I was laughing because It totally understood me.



“Do you mind if I use my voice,” I said. “I can’t talk with my mind like you do.”

“你介意我用聲音說話嗎?”我說. “我無法像你一樣用我的心智說話.”


“Oh but you can. You will remember soon.” It telepathically responded.



I wanted to ask It more about our location, when we were ushered into a large, very beautiful room. The room was lined with many portals, which revealed that we were in outer space. Lush, comfortable chairs lined the huge room, with small tables in front of them. On the tables were small glasses of unknown liquid with a pitcher to refill our glasses.

我想要問祂我們在那裏,但我們被招呼入了一間很大很美麗的房間.這房間有很多‘星門’ ---所以顯然我們在外太空.豪華的,舒適的椅子排在房間裏,而且坐位前都有個小桌子.桌上都有小杯子,裝有不知名的飲料,旁邊還有一壺可以隨時補充.


I sat between my new friend and a male who looked quite human until he started to talk and his voice made a shrill sound that I could make no sense of. I started to tell him that I did not understand his language when a huge Being of Light entered the room. I felt a familiar loving sensation and found myself relaxing because of this Being’s presence.



However, that relaxation turned to excitement when the tall blond man with the blue eyes entered the room just after him. Why was this man so familiar and why was I so filled with joy to see him? On the other hand he seemed to barely notice me, which hurt my feelings. Why would he not acknowledge me when I felt like we knew each other?



Before I could ponder that thought any longer, the huge Being of Light began to speak in a telepathic manner. However, this telepathic message was heard in my heart rather than in my head.




Dear members of our away team,” the Being began, “It is lovely to see you all in your natural state. We understand that returning to your natural form is a relief after wearing the guise of a human circa 2013AD. We are aware that while you are wearing your human form many of you have forgotten about your true SELF who is with us now.



In fact, some of you totally forgot about your Multidimensional SELF when you are awake in your human form, which is why we have brought you here now. We who live safe and fulfilling lives on the Starships often forget the difficulties of a third dimensional frequency of reality.

事實上,你們有些人完全忘記了你們多維度的本我當你們醒著存在于人身之中時--- 這正是為什麼我們現在帶你們到這裏來的原因.我們這些安全的生活著,有意義的生活在星船上的人,時常忘了生活在第三維度頻率現實的困難.


Hence, before we give you our primary message, we will remind you that all of you are crewmembers of this Starship. You have been chosen for a special mission to bi-locate to planet Earth to assist with Gaia’s planetary ascension. You are originally from many different worlds, and are all holding an earth vessel during the Earth time of 2013.



Because the illusions of that world are so powerful, most of you have forgotten your true SELF and believe that you are “only human.” Therefore, we have decided to invite you to join us in your higher dimensional form while your human body sleeps.



Our Starship resonates beyond time, hence you are joining us from many different timelines on Earth. Since most of you have been forgetting about your true SELF while wearing your earth vessel, we have decided to gather you together as your higher dimensional SELF to remind you what you were told before your mission began.



We wish to commend all of you for the great contributions that you have made in your guise as a “normal” human on planet Earth. Despite the fact that most of you have temporarily forgotten your true nature, you have been able to carry out your assignment to work towards awakening and educating humanity regarding the importance of the timeline in which they live.



We organized this mission at the request of Gaia, who is the collective consciousness of planet Earth. Gaia is returning to a higher expression of Her multidimensional planet and wishes to take as many of Her humans as possible. Gaia, as well as Her plant and animal kingdom are ready for the transition. However, many humans have become lost in their third/fourth dimensional density of separation and limitation.



Therefore, they feel separate from each other, separate from the planet and separate from their true SELF in the higher dimensions. Much of this forgetfulness is because the polarity of light/love and dark/fear has been tipped towards darkness and fear rather than light and love.



Hence, so much energy and attention must be placed on the process of daily survival that there is no ‘time’ for the meditative exercises that are vital for them to communicate with their Higher Expression aboard our Ship or on their Homeworld.




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