
Channel:  Ashtar/Athena
April 7 2013  
1:49 PM Mountain Daylight Time



This is Lord Ashtar who serves The Most Radiant One (the Christ) on His Mission of Love.

這是阿斯塔司令---我為最亮的光服務(耶穌基督) ---在祂的愛的使命之中.


My beloved family, this is the time for joy for all to keep their promises; the promises you all agreed to when you signed your contracts before taking on this incarnation on Mother Gaia.

親愛的家人們,現在就是大家喜悅並完成承諾的時間到了. ---你們此次轉世在蓋亞之前所作的承諾,所簽的合約---現在到了完成階段了.


The road was not easy, as you all know, but you wrote your scripts and you acted out your parts ... like St Germain wrote in his Shakespeare plays awaken upon your paths or journeys and help with yours and others' Ascensions.  



Most have not awakened from their deep sleep and have gotten off of their paths.  Go, my dear ones, into your Stillness daily, and ask and you shall receive; knock and it shall be opened unto you. That is the promise Mother/Father God has given to you, Her Children.


(RL:此處的答案不是考試時背的標準答案’ ---這答案可能因人因事不同, ‘答案給予的方式也不同,意義層次也不同---重點都是讓你在體會到答案之前,讓你智慧成長靈性成長’ ---如此你才能面對下個考題,解出下個答案進入下個成長’! ---許多人修行的問題都卡死在尋找標準答案!


Now, to focus on the activities at hand.We are almost at the beginning of the end,for we must open up the last door (or wave) to complete all Light Beings' Ascension with their Planet Earth. 



One of these doors is the premier movie, SIRIUS,that will be shown, or held, in Los Angeles, California. Steven Greer has dedicated most of his life to getting all of the research on UFO's ... extraterrestrials ... to get this information out; to make this Disclosure happen all over your globe.

其中的一扇門是天狼星電影 首映會---將會在加州洛杉磯舉行. Steven Greer醫師花了他人生大部份的人生在做ufo與外星人研究---並把消息釋放出去讓公眾知道---而他的這個影片會讓外星事實大揭露普遍流傳到你們地球的每個地方.


Another big event isthe Citizen Hearing on Disclosure on the 29th of April through, or to, the 3rd of May.  You all can really help, dear ones, if you could spread this good news out to all you know and then it will make a huge splash, bringing Disclosure into manifestation.



We up here on the ships are so excited and are so proud of you and appreciate all of your faithful work to make this happen. It couldn't have taken place without you, dear ones. 


We need you, as well as you need us. We can't thank you enough for your Love, Light and dedication to us, your brothers and sisters, who are longing to join and assist as you set up a whole new society of Oneness.  The new Golden Age.

我們需要你們,就像你們需要我們一樣.我們無法謝謝你們更多---對於你們所給予我們在愛,光與奉獻的給予上---你們的兄弟姐妹們,他們很渴望參加你們並協助你們去成立一個全新的合一社會. ---這新的黃金世紀!  


We are surrounding your beautiful planet and want to salute you, humbly, and bow to you with love, gratitude, harmony and peace.

我們現在正 包圍住你們美麗的行星,並且想要對你們歡呼,給你們一個謙恭的敬禮---用愛,感恩,合諧與和平.


I love you beyond measure.  Your beloved Galactic brother,



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    Rebecca Lin

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