Elizabeth Trutwin:
Learn To Make ET Contact For World Peace by Elizabeth Trutwin
"Consciousness transcends space and time; it is bound by no time and no place, and yet it is present at every place and is witness to every time. It is subtle and all-pervading, yet it is at the very core of our own being. It is that whereby we are awake; it is that whereby we are. While we are generally focused – bound if you will – to one space and one time, consciousness is essentially unbounded – and therefore, so are we." ~Dr. Steven Greer
Dr. Steven Greer醫生說: “ ‘覺知能力’是超越時間與空間的.沒有時間或空間可以捆綁它,而且它存在於每一個地方,而且每一次都可以被感知到.它是微妙的,可是卻無處不在,它就存在於我們的存在的核心.倚靠它我們得以覺醒!事實上,我們就等於是我們的覺知.可是當我們通常被時間和空間吸引住,或是捆綁住時, ‘覺知’的本質卻是不受限制的---所以,我們事實上也是不受限制的.”
There are two types of Extraterrestrial Contact we will experience together; Etheric Contact and Physical Contact.
Etheric Contact can be viewed through your Mindʻs Eye between your brows. It is experienced from the Merkahba Body which is your vehicle to take you into Outer Space. Physical Contact is experienced through your senses; sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell - You will see your Visitors Craft and You May See Them if they are close enough or if they land.
Dr. Steven Greer has created an Android and iPhone App to help folks make contact.
Dr. Steven Greer有發明了一個Android and iPhone App來協助大家與外星人聯繫.
About 4-5 times a year he takes a group of about 20 people out to make Physical Contact. He has given a Clarion Call for as many as possible to embark on Making Contact.
I have been making Etheric and Physical Contact daily for ten years. I too can teach you how. I do not use technology for this. I connect through Consciousness and I can teach you to as well.
This can be learned by anyone who has the longing, intensity, humility and love to practice practice practice. Dr. Greer mentioned meditating 6-8 hours/day. I too do that. I have done it everyday with a full time job working as a nurse - I would get up at 3am - meditate 3hrs - live a normal life 6am-8pm and then go back to meditating 3hrs. On the weekends I would stay longer in meditation. I was making contact and it was very enjoyable to spend part of everyday there.
任何有渴望心,強烈的期望,謙虛以及愛來一直不斷的做練習的人都可以學會. Dr. Greer提到一天要做六到八小時的冥想. ---我也是這樣做.當我還是個全職護士時,我仍然每天這樣做---我那時會清晨三點起床---冥想三個小時---然後過一個正常的六點到晚上八點的生活,然後再回去冥想三個小時.在週末,我會做更長的冥想.我一直都與他們保持連系---而且每天花時間在那裏是很快樂的事情.
It is very important now that we have entered the 5th Dimension to Make Contact and Ask For Peace. Each time we ask for contact our Galactic Friends are given the opportunity to lend support and help to move forward with Landings. As we reach out as a Conscious Collective it builds layer upon layer through the Dimensions bringing through the embodied hearts on Earth the changes we seek inside the 5th Dimension.
I have designed a series of four classes to teach you these techniques. They are as follows:
Etheric Contact:‘乙太體接觸’
This Class if for folks of all experience levels. Each Class will be part lecture and part lab. This lecture will cover Meditation, Mantra and Intention. I will discuss each and give pointers for more effective practice. During Lab this day we will attempt contact on the Etheric Plane. I will facilitate an initiation with transmissions through Guided Imagery to take you to a point in Space. This day we will Contact The Great White Brotherhood on Sirius. Some will indeed have contact this first time out. Others may practice the techniques taught this day and have success of Etheric ET Contact after a little bit of practice.
Each Class will be taught on a conference call. After you register then a phone number and conference code will be mailed the day before class.
Etheric Contact:‘乙太體接觸’
This Class if for folks of all experience levels. Each Class will be part lecture and part lab. This lecture will cover techniques for Upgrading Your Vehicle and What the Merkahba Body is and How To Use It. All Classes Build Upon the Last. During Lab this day we will attend Holodeck Training at Alpha Centauri. I will facilitate an initiation with transmissions through Guided Imagery to take you to a point in Space. This day we will meet St. Germain at the Alpha Centauri Holodecks where we will undergo a training for Contacting ET by beaming up to Niburu as a Group. Some will indeed have contact this first time out. Others may practice the techniques taught this day and have success of Etheric ET Contact after a little bit of practice. Each Class will be taught on a conference call. After you register then a phone number and conference code will be mailed the day before class.
這課程主要指導‘提升你的人身載具’,何謂‘梅卡巴’身體以及如何使用它.這天課程會上Alpha Centauri飛船接受Holodeck全息碼頭訓練.我會先指導冥想畫面並先啟發一個傳輸出去來帶大家入太空中的一個點.這天我們會與‘聖哲曼大師’在Holodeck全息碼頭會面,在那裏我們會接受訓練去‘放光’到Niburu星球做‘團體連系’與外星人接觸.
Etheric Contact:‘乙太體接觸’
This Class if for folks of all experience levels. Each Class will be part lecture and part lab. This lecture will cover techniques for connecting with Coherent Thought, An Introduction on The Earth Merkahba and Etheric ET Space Crafts. All Classes Build Upon the Last. During Lab this day we will Travel on the Etheric to Saturn. I will facilitate an initiation with transmissions through Guided Imagery to take you to a point in Space at Raʻs CreationTemple on Saturn. There you will see Raʻs Crystal Staff and be taken to the Etheric Rings of Creation where we will Intend World Peace on Earth and Invite our ET Friends to land here and interact with us. Some will indeed have contact this first time out. Others may practice the techniques taught this day and have success of Etheric ET Contact after a little bit of practice. Each Class will be taught on a conference call. After you register then a phone number and conference code will be mailed the day before class.
這課程主要指導“身心一致的協調思想Coherent Thought” ---介紹地球的梅卡巴基礎課程,以及乙太體飛碟.所有課程與前面課程皆有銜接.這天大家會以乙太體旅行到天狼星.你們會看到Ra的水晶人員,並被帶到‘創造的乙太圈’---在那裏我們會為‘世界和平’祈禱,並邀請我們的外星人朋友們降落在地球,與我們互動.
Physical Contact:‘物理接觸’
This Class if for folks of all experience levels. Each Class will be part lecture and part lab. This lecture will cover techniques for Physically Calling In The Ships. All Classes Build Upon the Last. During Lab this day we will Connect By Coherent Thought to Invite ET Visitors Physically in The Sky Overhead. I will facilitate an initiation with transmissions through proven techniques to call in the Ships. Some will indeed have contact this first time out. Others may practice the techniques taught this day and have success of Physical ET Contact after a little bit of practice. Each Class will be taught on a conference call. After you register then a phone number and conference code will be mailed the day before class.
See Class Registration Here 課程註冊在此
The Keshe Foundation World Peace Treaty Conference is April 21, 2013 one day before Earth Day and the release of the Sirius Movie in LA. One week later we hold the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. Go See The Movie! Take Your Kids, Take Your Mom! Purchase your Live Stream Access for $3.80 for the entire week of Hearings in advance and have the link for access ready before the event. (Click on the Pic to buy Access Thru Paypal.com using a bank account, credit card or paypal account)
In case you were unable to listen in on Monday April 1, 2013 Steve gave a great interview! I youtubed it for your enjoyment.
He included a lot of information I didnʻt know before so I hope youʻll let it play in the background while you do your other work. I know you will enjoy it. I promise we will do one more interview before the Citizen Hearing April 29 - May 3rd. Please purchase your Livestream now so that way the link will be waiting in your email box and when it comes time you will be ready to link up.
Its only $3.80 for the whole week and helps finance the world service of the Citizen Hearing Foundation. Thank you for all you do. Please share the Petition with all your friends. http://WH.Gov/Hqqe
“外星公聽會”網路直播Livestream一整個禮拜只要$3.80.有許多同步翻譯之語言字幕,懂其他外語的人可選擇. 但有中文翻譯的錄影帶只會在事後出來‘有中文翻譯的檔案帶’.
Dr. Steven Greer 談 與外星人連絡經驗 (英文)