
獅身人面: 20130515



The sphinx speaks what is a control system energy system

管道: Petra Margolis 20130515


Control systems are present in many ways. You in fact have your own control/energy system so to speak that you use to come down upon earth and have your experiences within a lower dimensional frequency.


To lower parts of yourself down into a lower frequency you need a control/energy system that allows you to control the experience and create certain experiences that you have chosen.

把部份的你降低到一個‘低維度頻率’ ---你需要一個‘能量之控制系統’---那是可以允許你來控制這個經驗,創造一些你所選擇的特定的經驗的.

Some control/energy systems are placed by others, they can either interfere with your chosen path or support your chosen path.


We can call this control or energy systems, energies are being directed a certain way to perform a certain action, or to prevent a certain action.

我們可以稱呼這個叫做‘控制系統’或是‘能量系統’---總之,能量是被 引導向了一個‘特定的方向’來執行一定的行為,或是去防止一個特定的行為.

As we speak about your own control/energy system, we also would like to speak about the fact that you have been shut off from a big part of this system for a long time. This is represented in a way through non remembrance of your spiritual reality.

當我們談到你自己的能量之控制系統時, ---我們同時也要談到這個事實--- 就是你被‘這個大系統’所關掉很長一段時間了.這從你‘不記得’ ‘你的靈性實相’這件事就可以看得出來.

Not all of this was done by you though, some if this was added by others.



Yes, you can see everyone as being one, but even within this oneness each being makes their own decisions. Free will wouldn’t be needed if there was only one being.


The first beings that came upon earth to experience physicality, they had a full conscious experience from the human level up all the way to their source level, of all that was experienced upon earth and in this way they could guide their experiences, create experiences and make choices to change or adjust their experiences upon earth.


Once more beings were having experiences upon earth, more interaction was taking place between beings. When more beings are together different opinions are present and creating and experiencing becomes influenced by others, you cannot avoid this.


Just imagine a large sea of water, each drop has the free will to move in any direction. Some will follow the flow, others will go against the flow, as some go against the flow, the flow changes.


Not to mention the fact that there are also other beings upon other planets with their own experiences and choices.


As time passed certain actions were taken by some that placed controls upon the experiences upon earth, to be clear, limitations were placed upon what could be experienced upon earth.


You are all energy beings, others were able to interfere with the control systems you had in place within your own energy.


When another groups placed a veil within a certain dimension, many were being cut off from their full conscious experience. You can say you allowed this or not. At this moment it has become unimportant as it did happen and yes some have fought against it and failed as not each person agreed to this veil.

所以當另一個團體放置了一個帷幕在一個特定的維度之內,許多人就被割斷了與自己‘全意識覺知’的經驗了.(RL注:所以你實際上經驗到的事情可能是全部實相的一半甚至更少,甚至與事實完全相反.)你可以(辯)說---(‘殘缺’或是‘錯誤’)問題是你允許之下才發生的,或者不是.但在此時,這問題已經不重要了---因為這狀況確實發生了!  ---而且是的,有些人對抗過這些事,而且失敗了! ---畢竟不是每一個人都同意這帷幕!

Just like at this moment upon earth, many agree with one side of the story, others agree with the other side of the story and some are in the middle of the story.


Many were tricked into a certain experience, just like at this moment.


They were told many stories about what it could do for them, how it would advance them and allow them to experience even more than what was there at the moment.

他們被告知了許多的故事~~關於這個可以為他們做什麼\帶來什麼?這可以如何的讓他們進步? ~~~ 並且讓他們去經驗超越目前所能的狀況.(RL注:比方孟山都.)

Yet, once one of the veils was placed, disappointment was born.


Many were disconnected from their higher consciousness and the control system, the veil, prevented them from re-connecting with their higher consciousness.


Some were able to find a way through and these teaching were presented in the mystery schools. Many just accepted the veil and lived their life’s upon earth, lifetime after lifetime.



As you can see free will is something that is allowed on any level, it is not just on the human level of your being, it is on all levels of your being, and those higher parts of your being, the parts on the other side of the veils, have been working on getting re-connected again as well.


You can see the result in the great shift of people awakening at this moment compared to the past.


At this moment we see however a similarity between before the shift and after the shift. Many are again falling for the stories about advancement, amazing experiences and more. In this way a new control system is being created through many awakened ones.


Yes, we know, you all are living through the heart, not to mention that at that time all were living through the heart as well. In fact every human is in one way or another living through the heart, as choices are made through the emotional state of being together with thought about how each being feels at the moment of the choice.


To think that you are living more from the heart then another person is a trap of the ego, but also a trap of the control system present amongst you.




You see in this way many control systems have been placed upon the earth, but also within you.

你懂了嗎? ---用這種方式,許多控制系統被設置在地球上,也在你的內裏.

(RL注:中國人說“王不見王”就指的是這內裏控制系統陷阱意思.沒必要存在與無來由的‘膨脹小我’習性流行成人性之必然.  )

Who placed them?這是誰設置出來的?

That is for you to decide, but to think that all of them were placed by only your being is closing your eyes for the reality that is present within many dimensions and realities.


Control systems are present, either by your own choice or the choice of others, it is for you to determine which ones stay and which ones go.





At this time many new control systems are being created already, discernment as to who and what is key.


Control systems come in many different forms and shapes, but no matter what, they are usually there to limit you in some way.


Even your own personal control system you used to move down to earth is limiting you in some way.


At this time, where the full connection within comes available to experience for every human if they choose to do so, we suggest that you be very aware of any controls that will or are preventing you from reaching this state of full consciousness again.



As only from this full connection within you can create and have the experiences you choose to experience.


From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個源頭

Petra Margolis   May 15, 2013

RL注: 歡迎大家轉載, 但請勿刪修任何文字, 特別是渠道名稱與譯者名稱. 尊重作者, 譯者與著作權! 請小心因果報應! 並請大家不要轉載刨竊的作品, 不要成為幫兇並分擔業障! 請大家協助保持靈學界的清淨! 修行路上大家加油! 無限祝福!




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