
獅身人面: 20130514



The Sphinx speaks it is simple yet almost impossibleMay 14, 2013



目前幾乎所有地球人,包括光工在內,一方面由於肉身的局限,二方面由於靈魂DNA未恢復而且還卡有負面外星人的置入物,三是自己在思考與求知上的懶惰,小我習性的影響,常讓我們看事情既不科學也不客觀,還自以為是得意非凡, ---說穿了---這地球不是獄星’ ---精神病院!---我們都是非常需要療愈之人. ---這也是為什麼飛碟大降落,第一批是醫療團隊之因.而地心Agarthan家人們也迫不及待等著我們入他們的療愈室. ---因為我們現在都是很難相處的人類---說我們是原始人’ ---算客氣了!

我們難相處---主因在不夠追求真理不是著就是著’.老是用自己的知見在強辯---這種不登大雅之堂,沒有空性智慧的小孩子脾氣, ---會讓我們成為自己最大的敵人.

舉例而言吧--- ‘淨空法師可以不受這五丈紅塵與貪官污吏干擾或是被光明會控制住,我們就不行,這都是沒有空性智慧的表現.愛情階梯那對老人家帶著八個孩子都可以過著幸福的桃花源日子一生,而我們卻痛苦萬分,怪誰?

人面獅身’ Sphinx在此給我們的警語---不只是關於地球大轉變所需的人類心態,才能協助創造黃金世紀’;更重要的是與外星族群的相處.

我們既不可以隨便多疑的毛病,無中生有去亂懷疑別人,打壞彼此關係,我們也不能拋棄自己智慧盲從一切. ---這是一個全新的課題’!但也是古老的課題!

舉例而言,我三生有幸認識了不少世外高人---他們是人類中的高人真真實實據有操縱能量的能力.但是經過多年觀察---我發覺能量’ =\= ‘智慧’=\=修養=\=道德.一切事仍是必須聽其言,觀其行,就事論事,切勿妄自菲薄而不去追求真理.人類當綿羊久了,在覺醒之初問題很多,還像個不思上進的小孩,所以希望大家自己警覺!

比方吧! ---眼鏡蛇0522新文指出--- ‘大揭露一定在0525日之後才有發生可能,而且不會很快,他也說---雖然網路上Benjamin Fulford, Drake以及其他消息指出大轉變已就緒,但是---我們所不知的地球上還有負面外星人的無形魔鬼們潛伏四處,而且有兩百萬心智創傷嚴重之人心智被控制住---此負面能量不消除乾淨, ‘大揭露無法發生.眼鏡蛇此文還解釋了David Wilcock以及我們光工們最近接到的夢中訊息---所以我覺得眼鏡蛇之說法很正確有理.所以我們大家必須搞清楚狀況,多做冥想,才能早日搞定地球大轉變’!(等CVN717翻譯中)

The thought system of the human mind is not compatible with the thought system of the higher mind. In fact they are completely different.


The thought system of the human mind is based on physical actions and reactions; the thought system of the higher mind is based upon spiritual actions and reactions.



Combining the two minds seems to be impossible.


Yet, the human mind and the higher mind exist within the same space.


They are in fact both energies, energies that can be combined, can be merged and can become one mind.

它們事實上都是能量, ---可以被結合的能量,可以被融合,而且可以是一個心智.

Within human form however you can never fully dispose of the human mind and thought as it is needed to navigate through human life and is used to navigate through the spiritual realities.


The understanding ability of the human mind is not limited, but controlled by the human thought system of each person.


When it is said that the human only uses part of their brain, what is meant is that not all that the human mind can understand is being accepted by the human.

當人們說---人類只使用他們大腦的一部份時,那意思是 ---不是所有人類的心智所可以理解的東西---都能被人類自己所接受.

There are limitations, as the human mind is controlled through many belief systems of limitation, even though many would say there are no limits.


The human mind has the capability of understanding and translating energy, yet the translating within the human belief system is limited by the belief system of each human.


The higher mind in its own way sees the energy that is present, yet it is different than seeing with the human eye, but by seeing the energy present the human mind is capable of immediately translating each situation and making adjustments.


The human mind, the human eyes are not seeing the energy present. The human eyes are not trained to see the energies present, but this is taken care of by what some would call the inner eyes. The pineal gland is part of this system of seeing with the inner human eyes. The translating is however still done through the human mind.


RL注: 這也是為何 ‘通靈文’ 會出錯原因之一.

Humans can however learn how to translate the energies that can be seen with the inner eyes and the human can learn how to move and direct the energy with the assistance of the inner eyes.


Many however rely upon what they feel as humans through their belief system of the human mind, as the translation of the feelings take place through the human mind. The experience of your higher parts, the feeling you get from being one with some of those higher parts, is still translated through the human mind, with the limitation of the human mind.

但是許多人,無論如何,還是仰賴著他們人類的感覺,透過人類心智的信念系統,在人類心智中在轉譯這些感覺’. ---換言之,你對於你與你的高我的感覺,與萬有合一的高緯度感覺---仍然被人類,透過狹隘的人類心智---在被翻譯出來.

When some say they speak from the higher mind, they are in fact still speaking through the human mind. The experience the human has of being one with the higher mind is translated through the human mind, and of course is limited.

當一些人說---他們是從他們的高我在說話時,他們仍然事實上從他們人類的心智在說話.人類所經驗到的與自己高我心智合一’ ---仍然是透過人類心智在轉譯---所以當然是有限度的翻譯’.

 Changing and updating the translation process is limited by belief systems of the human.

而要改變或是更新這樣的‘翻譯程式’ ---‘受限制’人類自己的‘信念系統’的.

Some will be fully open to experience, to experience no matter what, yet the translation through the human mind will most of the time only translate that which the human beliefs is present.


The human mind tries to understand the human reality and now also the spiritual reality.


The experience of the spiritual reality is also limited by the human mind and beliefs.

靈性現實經驗’ ---一樣受限於人類心智與人類自己的‘信念系統’ !

For many, creation is based upon a thought system, you think it, it will happen.

比方許多人認為--- “創造是基於思想,所以你想了’ --- ‘它就會發生了’!

Many have also experienced that no matter how many times they think it, it will never happen.


This is because just thinking is not creation, creation is based upon movement of energy, controlling energy in a way to adjust to what you want to create.

而不知道---只是並非創造’!創造是奠基於行動的能量’ ---是一種能量控制過程---去調整能量到你要創造的能量裏去.

How many can actually create in this way, many parts of your higher being are capable of this, but bringing those creations into the human reality is in many ways limited by the energy flow within the human reality.

有多少人真的能夠這樣來創造? ---你們高我的許多部份都具備這種能力,但是要把那些創造帶入人類現實中---在許多方面而言---限制住了能量的流動 ---在人類實相之中!

Anything created through your higher being is created within a higher dimensional frequency and will have to be brought down through many frequencies to manifest upon earth.


Wouldn’t it be faster if you could create from the energy upon earth and within the earth reality?


It requires a different approach to creation, it requires that you learn to see the energies and learn how to control and direct the energies to adjust to what you want to create.

這需要使用一種完全不同的方法來創造---它需要你們學習看到能量’ ---並且學習’ ‘如何控制能量---指導能量去調適到你們要創造的東西上去.

It requires energy systems to be setup to bring in the right energy, or to direct the right energy, always keeping in mind that what you are doing is going to affect the energy of others in some way.

要做到這樣---需要‘能量系統’的設立---來帶入正確能量,或者是指揮正確的能量, ---永遠記得---你們在做的事---就是用某種方法來影響’ ‘別人或是別的能量’!

These are the way creation works and in this way you will have to keep in mind that others can influence your creation and you will have to adjust at times to these interferences.


Creating is not waiting for the creation to reach you, creation is actively starting your own creation.


--- ‘創造是去積極的開創你自己的創造過程!

Creating is not done by just changing your thoughts and beliefs or even moving into higher frequencies,it is done by actively working with the energies to create from the human level.



The human mind is in need of adjustments and this is not impossible.


Your human belief and understanding is making it impossible at times.

你們人類的信念與理解(的所知障) ---讓這改變---在很多時候---都不可能!

This is also reflected in your surroundings, what choices you make and how you accept and deal with these experiences, as well as understand these experiences.

這些所知障也反應在你們的生活環境中---你為自己人生所做的選擇? ---以及你是如何去接受並處理這些經驗的? ---以及你又如何去解讀你人生中的這些經驗?

There is a different subset of beliefs as far as the human reality and the spiritual reality.Many will see the human reality as something they can change, but real change is not seen at this moment.The spiritual reality is considered to be divine in a way, perfect, everything happens according to what is send to you by the divine consciousness of either your own being or an overall being that is in control of the spiritual reality.


RL註: 意思就是一切是 天意 是 命運 所以自己沒有責任!這與 上帝透過我們來經驗人生的 自作自受自主法則相去甚遠!

再說簡單一些吧! ---我跟我神尊多年相處---祂們常 故意說謊引領我思考以及去負起自己的責任!總之,

一切 挑戰 為我們而設計!


In fact what is happening on earth and within the earth reality is created on many different levels of your own being and other beings.


But the acceptance on a spiritual level is different than on the human level.


In a way you have set yourself up with a glorious view of what is happening in spirit, compared to what is happening on earth. Yes, you experience nice things upon earth, but what are they compared to what happens in spirit.

從一個角度而言---你們已經給你們自己設立了一個光輝的看法---關於現在在靈性上正在發生的事, ---與目前實際上在地球上正發生的事而言.是的,你們現在正在經驗到地球上發生的好事,可是---它們與靈性層面相比呢?

When everything that happens in spirit is a divine action, than everything that happens on earth is a divine action.But the actions upon earth are judged as good or bad, the actions within spirit are not judged.

當每件事發生在靈性上的如果是個神聖的行動的話,那每件發生在地球上的就都也是一個神聖的行動了.不是嗎?可是,地球上的所有行動都被評論為善或惡, ---可是靈性行為卻不被這樣評議???

RL註: 簡言之---對所有事---不思善不思惡,不可以有 評論別人之心---要從 開悟角度理解所有好惡,而且同時不可拋棄 明辨是非的智慧之心’!

Beings that are coming from other planets are given a free pass by many as they are considered to be of a higher consciousness. This because the human mind is translating their actions according to the human belief system, yet many have no clue of the real actions of these beings from other planets.

許多人對來自別的行星的存有們給了他們自由進出證’(信任) ---因為他們被認為是擁有更高覺知的存有.這是因為人類心智用自己的信念系統來翻譯他們的行為---可是,許多人完全不知道這些外星存有的真正行為是在做些什麼?

Maybe these beings are of a different consciousness than the human, what makes you think that each being is operating from the same consciousness that you as humans use upon earth.

或許這些存有是來自與人類不同的覺知意識---那你們為何認為每個人都是用同樣的覺知意識 ---和地球人類一樣的---在運作呢?

In this way translation of any action of other beings becomes even more complicated.


These beings will come to you in a certain way, with certain actions, actions that comply with your belief system of good and bad. Your translation of their actions is according to the human belief system of good and bad.


This is happening within your human reality, but when it comes to the spiritual reality you are taking it all for real, every action, every way these beings act and how they present themselves to you.


All you need is an energy that feels good and you will accept their representation of why they are here to help you.


Maybe these beings are just better in manipulating the energies, controlling the energies.

有沒想過? ---或許這些存有只是比較厲害---在操弄控制這些能量上頭?

There is so much that you as human take for truth within the spiritual reality without having the real understanding and ability to understand on a human level.

你們人類把許多靈性實相事當成是真的’ ---而沒有去確實的理解這些事---從人類的角度去理解.

It is all as simple as letting go of all beliefs and expectations, yet, it is almost impossible as the human mind will most of the time just put a new belief system and expectation in the place of the old ones.

而人類真正最需要做的一件事---就是放下所有人類信念\成見,或是預設立場’ ---來重新理解學習別的存有的真相---,這件事幾乎不可能!---因為人類心智---在大部份時候---只會用一個新信念系統與新預設立場來取代舊的.

From one source to another從一個源頭到另一個

PetraMargolisMay 14, 2013



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