Monsanto protests scheduled in 36 countries
Monsanto protests scheduled in 36 countries
Posted By:IZAKOVIC[Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday,10-May-201303:42:36
中文翻譯: 林琚月 20130522 http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1717767374
Published time: May 09, 201319:23
Edited time: May 10, 201301:08
An international protest planned for later this month against biotechnology company Monsanto is slated to span six continents and include demonstrations in dozens of countries around the globe.
一個國際性抗議活動將在五月底舉行, 抗議生化科技公司‘孟山都’---這活動預計將延燒六個大陸,包括在全球幾打的國家的示威抗議活動.
Amid growing concerns over St. Louis, Missouri-based Monsanto and the impact the company is having on agriculture, activists have planned rallies for later this month in 36 countries.
全球36個國家的社會改革人士在五月底計畫集合人潮來向---總部在密蘇里州聖露意市的 ‘孟山都’ 公司抗議---大家對於這家公司在農業上所造成的影響感到越來越憂心.
Monsanto, a titan of the emerging biotech industry, has come under attack from environmentalists, agriculturalists and average consumers over the company’s conduct in the realm of genetically-modified organisms and genetically-engineered foods. Despite research on the effects of GMO crops being largely considered inconclusive, Monsanto has lobbied hard inWashington and around the globe to be able to continue manufacturing lab-made foods without the oversight that many have demanded.
‘孟山都’公司, 目前現出臺面的生化科技巨人, 現在受到來自環保人士, 農業人士, 以及一般消費者的攻擊---關於這公司在轉基因改造食品領域的行為. 雖然對於轉基因改造穀物的影響的研究結果---大部份都是‘沒有結論’---可是‘孟山都’公司在華盛頓DC以及全世界都派出了大量說客來繼續生產‘實驗室出來的產品’---而沒有疏忽---這是目前大家要求的‘嚴謹’!
In March, Congress passed a biotech rider dubbed the “Monsanto Protection Act” by its critics that essentially allows that company and others that use GMOs to plant and sell genetically-altered products without gaining federal permission.
三月份,美國國會通過了一份生化法令附件---被評論者認為是 “‘孟山都’保護法案” ---因為這法案本質上就是允許這公司以及其他公司使用轉基因改造穀物來種植並銷售轉基因改造食品---而不需要聯邦政府允許.
“The provision would strip federal courts of the authority to halt the sale and planting of an illegal, potentially hazardous GE crop while the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) assesses those potential hazards,” dozens of food businesses and retailers wrote Congress before the bill was passed.
這法令會讓聯邦法院沒有任何權力來阻擋‘孟山都’轉基因改造食品的銷售或是種植任何不合法的,具有潛在危險的轉基因改造穀物---在美國農業局(USDA)在 ‘評估’ 這些幾打的不同食品企業以及零售業中的食物的可能的潛在危險之時---國會的法令附件在 ‘正式通過’ 之前---如此決定!!! ???
(注: 豬玀! 笨蛋! 混蛋!白癡加三級!!!)
In the weeks since the rider was approved within an annual agriculture spending bill, anti-Monsanto sentiment has only increased. The international day of protest scheduled for May 25 is now looking at becoming one for the record books, and even a number of celebrities have lent their star power to help raise awareness of the movement.
在這法令附件通過的這幾個禮拜之後,一個每年的農業部預算審核期間---反‘孟山都’的情緒增加了.這個國際性的抗議日期---20130525日---將成為一個歷史性的日子---就連幾個名人也使用他們的明星光環來提高這個運動的 ‘群眾意識’!
“Here in America you don’t get the right to know whether you’re eating genetically modified organisms,” award-winning music performer Dave Matthews says in a video for the march that has been uploaded to the Web. Comedian Bill Maher and actor Danny DeVito also appeared in the clip to plead with people around the world to rally against GMO companies.
“這裏在美國,你沒有權力知道你是否正吃著轉基因改造食品”---得獎歌唱家Dave Matthews在三月份的影片中說.
脫口秀明星Bill Maher和演員Danny DeVito也同時出現在影片中來聲援此事---呼喚集合群眾來反對轉基因改造食品.
But even as the anti-Monsanto movement increases in intensity, the company itself continues to generate record-setting profits. In April the company announced a 22 percent increase in net profits, and representatives for the companies said they expect to see that trend continue.
但是,即使在反‘孟山都’的活動變得越來越熱烈當中,‘孟山都’繼續獲得 ‘破紀錄的利潤’! 在四月,這公司宣佈了22%的淨利成長,而且公司業務員宣稱他們期待看到這趨勢的成長.
"So our bottom line business outlook today means the momentum that we anticipated in our first quarter has clearly carried through into even stronger business results for the second quarter," CEO Hugh Grant told analysts and reporters during a phone call last month.
“‘孟山都’CEO Hugh Grant在上個月在電話訪問中告訴分析師和記者們說: “所以我們的基礎骨幹生意顯然代表了我們可以預期第一季的成績會延續到第二季持續強勢的成長.”
Earlier this year, Grant told the Wall Street Journal that despite an international backlash, venues around the world have been unable to link to his company with any concrete health risks caused by their products.
今年初,‘孟山都’CEO Hugh Grant告訴華爾街日報說---雖然有一點國際性反對力量,但是全世界銷售管道還是可以與我們聯機(作生意)---即使他們的產品被證實製造出了任何健康的危險.
“They're the most-tested food product that the world has ever seen. Europe set up its own Food Standards Agency, which has now spent €300 million ($403.7 million), and has concluded that these technologies are safe,” Grant said in January. “France determined there's no safety issue on a corn line we submitted there. So there's always a great deal of political noise and turmoil. If you strip that back and you get to the science, the science is very strong around these technologies.”
“他們的產品是這個世界所被作過最多測試的產品.歐洲設立了一個 ‘食物標準局’,一年花掉€300 million歐元($403.7 million美元), 而結論是---這些科技是安全的! "‘孟山都’CEO Hugh Grant在一月份說. “法國決定了我們所提供的玉米是沒有安全問題的.所以總是會有一些政治噪音,以及動亂.但脫掉了這些就是科學.這些科技的科學是很強勢的.”
But despite those claims, anti-Monsanto actions are expected to continue as planned around the world — and in those very countries. Four demonstrations are scheduled forBritain, including events inLondon and Bristol, and two separate events are scheduled for May 25 inParis. In theUS, demos are planned in 48 of the 50 states, plus theDistrict of Columbia.
雖然‘孟山都’做了這些‘宣稱’,但是 “反‘孟山都’活動仍然會依照計畫在全世界持續下去---而且就在他所提到的國家之中.有四個抗議活動將在英國和法國舉行--- London倫敦and Bristol, 以及兩個在20130525日在巴黎.在美國,有48到50州加上 華盛頓DC特區都會舉行抗議示威活動!!!
Posted by John MacHaffie at 11:55 AM