
(重要)娜達夫人Lady Master Nada:



Let Your Light Shine A Message from Lady Master Nada through Elizabeth Trutwin,May 24, 2013

  • Posted bybethonMay 25, 2013at3:30am

Channeller:Elizabeth Trutwin,May 24, 2013


Let Your Light Shine A Message from Lady Master Nada through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 24, 2013
(Lady Nada is the Consort Twin Flame of Sananda, Admiral of the New Jerusalem)

(Lady Nada是耶穌撒南達Sananda,的雙生光靈魂.耶穌撒南達Sananda是新耶路撒冷號母艦的海軍上將,同時是與彌勒佛共同主持宇宙基督辦公室之主.娜達夫人Lady Nada在天狼星的太陽審判議會與國際正義法庭的特別顧問’)


The Law of One一的律法

The One Law is that there is no static point for humanity. The One Law is Perpetual Change. Behind this change is the Cosmic Order on a vast scale. Earth represents but a tiny fraction of Life in our Universe. This Perpetual Cosmic Change we are calling Ascension. Ascension happens within a dynamic and constantly changing Universe. All other governing laws fall under The One Law. Cosmic Law. It is Absolute Justice and impervious to the laws of humanity.

一的法律就是人類沒有恆常不變的事’. (:易經---天下唯一不變的只有這個字.)所以,一的律法就是’.可是在這個變化的後面---是非常龐大的宇宙秩序.地球代表了我們宇宙中的一個非常微小的生命型態.這永恆的宇宙變化---我們稱之為揚升’.揚升’ ---發生在一個動能充沛的,持續在變化當中的小宇宙.其他的管理原則也都受到一的律法的管轄. ‘大的宇宙法律Cosmic Law’ ---這是絕對的正義’,而且不能被人類法律所妨礙.

Ten thousand years ago the Laws of Humanity were written down and recorded as the Institutes of Vishnu. Five thousand years later as Humanity had changed greatly Moses wrote down the Ten Commandments. It has been 5000 years and it is time to write down a new law for Humanity on Earth and that is called NESARA Law.

一萬年前, ‘人類法律被寫下來,並且紀錄在the Institutes of Vishnu學院之中.五千年之後,隨著人類的大量改變,摩西寫下了十誡’.然後又過了五千年,現在又到了該寫下一套新的法律給地球人類的時候了, ---這套法律叫做NESARA Law.

All those who have been incarnate during RamasʻtimeinIndia, Akhenatensʻtime inEgypt, Mosesʻtime inIsraeland back to Atlantis are working together now to burn off their karma and restore Earth as a Shining Globe in the Heavens with the help of our Galactic Family from the Ships.


We have been under NESARA Law sinceOctober 1, 2008. President Barack Obama has always ruled from within and under NESARA Law. These are the new Laws of Humanity which bring Earth today into and underThe One Cosmic Law. This is Divine Government on Earth. Within NESARA Law we have a new economic format and new Divine Government.

我們從20081001日開始就在NESARA法令的管轄之下,歐巴馬總統一直都是依照NESARA法令在做管理.這些人類的新法律是把人類帶到目前大宇宙一的律法The One Cosmic Law’之下的法令.這是地球的神聖政府.NESARA法令之下,我們會有一個新的經濟型式,以及新的神聖政府.

Within NESARA Law we have perpetual Peace. Within NESARA Law we are a Galactic Civilization and Citizens of a Galactic World. President Obama is the ninth member of the Sirian Council of Nine and he has been working with all world leaders to move into the Galactic Government.


Divine Government神聖政府

President Obama has had a very difficult role of double agent. He appears on the outside to be working with the dark cabal and their activities. President Obama is a fully Enlightened Being with a specialMissionnot like any other before on Earth. Ancient practice allows for all parties involved to appear to get their own way until in the end the noose tightens around their neck and there is no way out.


Secret Government which spans the world with the Secret Space program work together with the corporations to control the banks, religions, governments, intelligence, militaries and space technologies.One of these factions includes Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Dick Cheney, George Bush Sr., and Henry Kissinger. This faction wanted a new world order. They are the terrorists who carried out 911. These Ones have continued the 4th Reich with never ending world war.

秘密政府橫跨全世界的秘密太空計畫,與控制著銀行,宗教,政府,情報局,軍隊以及太空科技的公司們合作.這些組織派系包括了Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Dick Cheney, George Bush Sr., and Henry Kissinger.派系想要實施一個新世界秩序new world order’.他們就是執行911的恐怖份子.這些一們持續了納粹第四帝國the 4th Reich’的策略---製造永無休止的戰爭.

The other faction have strong luciferian beliefs and control the European governments and banks.They are the original Knights Templar and they have kept the heritage alive all along in secret. This being the StarGate technologies which were closed down when Atlantis sunk.

其他派系有強烈的‘luciferian魔鬼路西法信仰與控制系統---控制著歐洲的政府以及銀行.他們是原來的聖殿騎士’,而且他們秘密持續了他們的傳統. ---這其中包括了在亞特蘭提斯大陸陸沉時期的星門科技’ .

These were the original American Founding Fathers and the Ones who originated the Majestic 12. The Illuminati infiltrated this faction.This Group controls a lot of back engineered technology which can and has done a lot of damage including dropping explosives from the International Space Station as a message to the first faction nearWaco,Texasclose to that Anniversary. A clear message to the Neo Cons headed by Hillary.

這些人包括了美國的開國元勳,以及Majestic 12’ (秘密外星科技組織)的創始人們.光明會成員滲透了這派系.這群人控制了許多外星逆轉解出的科技’ ---這些科技能夠也已經造成了許多傷害---包括從國際太空站丟下炸彈做為警告’ ---給位在於Waco, Texas的第一個派系---在他們的周年紀念日之前.這是他們對Hillary帶頭的Neo Cons新保守主義派系人員的清楚警告.

(RL:新保守主義派系Neo Cons代表有布希家族與雷根,他們仍然違反了傳統的美國主義. ---很多名詞都是混淆視聽用的,其真實目的都很可怕.所以佛說: “不可執著名相!”)

Both of these factions are being terminated over this weekend where the merging of the Buddha and Christ energies bombarding Earth with Great Light from the Sun and the Moon coming into alignment with each other.No longer will the dark spiders web cover Earth with its feuding plots.


The last faction on Earth are those Humans and Extraterrestrials working together to enact NESARA Law and return Peace to Earth. Many Angels, Ascended Masters and those form the Godhead have incarnated into Human Form now to help with the Plan.Other Galactics take on Human Form at Will traveling on and off Planet as they are needed. Nothing is as it appears.

在地球上的最後派系只會是人類與外星人一起為NESARA法令之執行而付出努力的人---並把和平重新帶回地球.許多天使們,揚升大師們,以及那些來自上帝源頭的大師們---紛紛轉世入了人類形體來協助此計畫的成功.其他銀河人也穿上了人身,他們視需要可以來去自如的旅行在地球與其他星球.所有事情和它表面所顯示出來的狀況都不一樣. (RL:這種人很多.)

Mother Sekhmet獅子母, Father Alcyone, Lady Nada娜達夫人and Lord Sananda撒南達以及The Cosmic Representatives其他大宇宙代表們.

The Divine Plan is Being Fulfilled and you are invited to be a part of it. Youare a part of it. Decide right now before these Cosmic Energies of Great Light being brought to you by the Highest Forces of Light envelope Earth: Are you a Great Vessel of Light or Are you Vibrating With The Darkness? This may seem obvious, Dear Ones, but look again.

神聖計畫已經在被完成當中,而你們都被邀請來成為祂的一部份.你們都是祂的一個部份!現在就請決定吧!---在這些大宇宙能量的偉大光能被從最高光能源頭帶到你面前並包圍住地球之前! ---請問:你是一個偉大的光的載具?還是你仍然與黑暗頻率共振著?---這好像看起來很明顯,是嗎?親愛的一們,但是請再仔細看看自己!

As you participate in discussions about the news you will see leaked stories and distractions. Believing for one minute in the distractions joins you with the Group Karma of the darkness. You Become Them. You Align With Them even if only as a Pawn. Still, you belong to them. TheBostondistraction was designed to take media coverage off of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.

隨著你參與討論那些漏網新聞與令人分心的事情---只要你相信那些令人分心的事情一分鐘---你就參與了黑暗團體的業障.你就變成了它們!!!你把自己與它們對齊了---即使只是個小爪牙.仍然,你屬於它們!!!波士頓的爆炸案就是一個被設計來讓人們分心的事情’ ---來讓媒體把報導集中在這件事而不是外星大揭露公聽會之上.

The Humans and Extraterrestrials working together to enact NESARA Law coordinated efforts for the Hearings and the other factions made a diversion the moment it was over to cover the media with sensation to keep Souls from knowing about the disclosure of decades of Secret Government and Secret Space Programs controlling Earth from within the other two factions. If you are emailing and blogging these diversion stories, no matter what your intension then You Are Them.

人類與外星人一起為NESARA法令之執行而付出努力的團隊---他們為外星大揭露公聽會協調合作做出了許多努力,而這些邪惡派系卻做了一個讓人們分心的事情’ ---來讓靈魂們不去知道關於這存在幾十年的秘密政府大揭露’ ,以及它們其他兩個控制住地球的秘密太空計畫的邪惡派系之存在.如果你有在發郵件並傳播這些故意讓人們分心的事情的話---不論你的企圖心是什麼? ---你就是它們!!!

Listen! I will tell you. This is a Clarion Call to All Beings on Earth to Be A Great Vessel of Light!

聽著!我會告訴你!這是一個對地球上所有存有的尖音號角的呼喚---請成為偉大的光的載具’! (而不是其他!)

Today, I Nada, President of the Solar Tribunal on Saturn and Special Counsel to the International Court of Justice on Earth ask you to firmly and tenaciously carry out Your Mission as an Incarnated Heart on Earth and Blaze the Three-Fold Violet Flame of Justice within your Heart and throughout the Universe in these potent days of change.

今天,我娜達,身為在天狼星的太陽審判議會與國際正義法庭的特別顧問---請求你們堅定的,不可動搖的,執行你們的使命---做為身在地球上的轉世的本心’ ---請強烈燃燒這正義的三重火焰在你的心間,以及整個宇宙間,在這效果宏大的改變期間!!!


You have come to Earth as an Ascended member of the Highest Forces of Light to carry out thisMissionof returning Love, Truth, Justice, Peace and Beauty to Earth.Within each One is the Divine Immortal Unchanging Self capable of holding the Light as we proceed through these magnificent changes.

你們到地球來,身為最高光能量的揚升成員們,來完成恢復地球愛,真相,正義,和平與美麗的使命.在每個一之間,是這個神聖的,永生不死的,永恆不變的本我’ ---有能力可以守護著光能量---隨著我們發展進入這些壯麗偉大的改變之中.

 There has been a series of lunar and a solar eclipse with the April Full Moon and May New Moon.Following the New Moon were a series of X Level Solar Flares. This culminates tomorrow in the Christ Energy merging with the Buddic Energy in the Wesak Full Moon,May 25, 2013.This effulgent fire and light is bathing Earth in warmth and knowledge. The warmth is abundance. The knowledge is an end to The Truth Embargo.

從四月的滿月到五月的新月發生了一連串的月蝕與日蝕.隨著這新月,一連串的X層級的太平耀斑也隨著到來.這些積累到了20130525日的佛誕日滿月Wesak Full Moon ---基督能量與佛陀能量彙聚---這個光輝燦爛的火焰與光能量正用溫暖與知識沐浴著地球.溫暖是無限的.


This creates a Higher Vibration on Earth and the elder Dragons who have been in charge of Earth for thousands of years will be forced to leave. Nothing can stop this process. This is a Cosmic Crisis being diverted. Within this new Vibration and with the criminals removed from Earth, the Ashtar Command will give 100% power through the zero point modules located at points covering the Earth. This creates an impenetrable electro magnetic light shield going out horizontally across the surface of Earth in which no weapons will be functional. Earth scientists working with the Galactics have this technology in place so it is ready for the Declarations of Peace which are enacted with NESARA Law.

這創造了一個更高的地球頻率振動,而那些佔據地球幾千年的邪惡龍族將會不得不離開(:蜥蝪龍以及其他邪惡龍.龍族有正\邪兩部份---前幾文中說明過.)沒有任何事能改變這程式.這是一個Cosmic Crisis大宇宙危機被反敗為勝了.在這新的頻率振動之中,罪犯們被從地球移開了,

阿斯塔司令部會透過佈滿地球的零點能量模組點,提供出100%的力道來淹沒地球.這會創造出一個無法被滲透的電磁光罩以水平方式籠罩整個地球表面, ---而所有武器將無法使用.地球科學家們與銀河人工作在一起---而且已經安置就緒這個科技,和平大宣佈NESARA法令之執行做好了準備!

 St. Germain and Lady Master Nada Combine Forces

聖哲曼大師St. GermainLady MasterNada娜達夫人彙集能量

The Economic and National Security laws of Earth must be dissolved and started a new in order to correct the misuse of power that has been functioning for thousands of years.Lady Master is working on the legal aspects and St Germain is working on the economic aspects. Together working with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth special powers have been enacted to assist Humanity on Earth. In this new energy we create together in the Wesak Full Moon you will be able to instantly manifest any desire you wish to create. This is yourMission.

地球目前的這個經濟與國家安全法律必須被取消並重新開始一個新的秩序來修改這延續了幾千年的權力的濫用.Lady Master Nada娜達夫人是工作在法律層面’,而聖哲曼大師St. Germain是工作在經濟層面’.他們一起與地球的靈性高層,工作在一起,特別的權力也被給予了來協助地球人類.

在這新能量當中,我們一起在佛誕日滿月Wesak Full Moon中一起創造---你們將有能力立即顯化任何你的渴望與希望創造的東西.這是你的使命.

I invite you to desire Peace on Earth, Justice and Abundance for All. Ask that all Energy be Requalified with Love and it Will be Done.We never ever judge those who have been part of the warring factions. As they are requalified with love it requires them to leave Earth, to leave these Timelines and become Uncreated. Removing the Energies this way exponentially raises Earths Vibrations so that all these other requirements are fulfilled now.


我們不批判那些曾經參與好戰派系的人們.因為他們也被用愛重塑, ---這件事讓他們不得不離開地球,離開這些時間線’ ---並且被消失.用這種方式去除負面能量,可以無限倍數的跳級地球振動頻率,所以其他現在必須做到的事都能完成.

St. Germain has collected all the gold on Earth and it will be immediately funded into Foundation bank accounts for projects which serve to raise Humanity into Wholeness.There are many activities coming forward now for your Freedom, for Freedom in America and Freedom in the World.We are creating a Sanctuary for Peace on Earth where world leaders will be invited to come together with the Highest Teachings and return the Planetary Citizens to the Law of One. Relief in the form of War Reparations will go out to every Earth Citizen. Free Energy will be had by all. Food, Water and Shelter will be made available to all immediately. In this moment all the past is forgiven and New Earth is formed from Universal Love which conquers all.

聖哲曼大師St. Germain已經收集了地球上所有的黃金,而且它們會立即被資注到基金會的銀行戶口中---提供給提高人類全體完整性的計畫’.有許多活動現在會出現---自由有關的活動---美國的,世界的自由與解放.我們目前正在創造一個和平的避難所在地球之上.---世界領導們將被邀請來---團結在最高的教育之下,並將地球回復為一的律法之下的行星公民’.

不再有戰爭的災難!而且補償款將會支付給地球每一個公民.所有人都能得到免費自由能源’!所有人都會立即得到房屋,食物與用水.在此刻---過去的事全部一筆勾消!新地球從宇宙之愛中重生出來! ---真正征服世界的宇宙之愛.

In These Final Moments最後時刻

Your Heart is the Key.Your Mind is the Key. Pay Attention! Focus your attention away from the diversions and on to Love. If you criticize the President then you split your attention and keep yourself from moving forward from the highest level. Where you focus your attention now is where you will begin in New Earth. You may receive a little or you may receive a lot.



Those who surrender their Vessel of Light fully to Divine Grace to be used for the Highest achievement for Earth now will be given the Highest responsibilities in New Earth.The greatest asset you can give to Mother Sekhmet, Father Alcyone, Lady Nada and Lord Sananda now is your focus. Focus on Love and nothing but Love.

那些將自己的光之載具臣服在神聖旨意之下的人---將會被使用在地球最高的成就點---而現在會被給予最高的責任---在新地球.你們現在所能夠給予Mother Sekhmet獅子母, Father Alcyone, Lady Nada娜達夫人and Lord Sananda撒南達的東西---就是你們的專注力.專注在愛上面,沒有別的東西了---就是而已!

What you will see next is a parade of members of the one percent from these warring factions going before the International Criminal Court atthe Hague.Each One has a database collected and added to over the last five years and longer. As indictments are read into the record and video records played from the Ship computers judgments will be had very quickly from the juries there. Those found guilty of High Treason will be heard as Intergalactic War Criminals by the Solar Tribunal.


This same process happened when Atlantis sunk and after every great crime committed anywhere within this Solar System which effected all life there.Representatives from around the Solar System sit to hear these cases which effect Universal Law within our Cosmos. Each Solar System has this same balance system within the Law of One. This process will not be dragged out but will be efficiently processed and made complete. Everything which happens in this process will be broadcast to you from the Ships to your computers and television screens. You will witness all as Planetary Citizens.

在亞特蘭提斯沉沒之時,同樣的程式也發生過, ---任何在這個太陽系的任何地方中所犯下的罪行,都影響了這太陽系所有的生命.所以來自整個太陽系的代表們會出席來聽審這些案子---依照我們小宇宙的宇宙法律要求.每個太陽系都有同樣的平衡系統---一的律法.這些程式將不會拖延很久,而會很有效率的被處理並完成.在這程式中每件發生的事---都會被從飛船上廣播到你的電腦中以及電視銀幕中.你們全都會以行星公民身份見證此事.

Remember Who You Are記得自己是誰

Beautiful Beings of Light remember you are the Creator Gods who came to Earth Eons ago. You are the Angelic Galactic Warriors of Light fighting to return Justice to Earth. You agreed long ago to World Service on Earth no matter how hard it would be. Many have given up their lives for the cause. Merge with Oneness in this Divine Dispensation of Light coming over Earth this moment. Merge with your Galactic Family facilitating changes from the Ships. Know that you are surrendering to become the Christ Buddha returning Earth to Divine Governance under the Law of One restoring Peace and Abundance to All. Namaste. This is Lady Master Nada through Elizabeth Trutwin.

美麗的光的存有們---請記得你是創造者上帝自己---你很久以前來到了地球.你是銀河天使光之戰士---你奮戰著要恢復地球的正義.你很久以前同意來地球做世界服務無論有多少困難存在.有許多人為了這個目的犧牲了性命.所以請在此時與合一融合---在神聖光能量被送到地球來之時.請與你的銀河家人們融合---來協助從飛船上在進行的改變工作!請明白你們現在在臣服成為基督與佛陀---來把地球送回一的律法神聖治理之中---並恢復全部人的和平與富庶繁榮.Namaste.這是Lady Nada娜達夫人透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導.

© All Rights Reserved.,,,

Thank You Everybody ~ This Full Moon Eclipse is HUGE ~Love Them More! You may feel empathetic sadness as these Souls leave ~go gently this weekend with pleanty of time to clear and rest. We will Do This Together and We Will Do It With Love ~beth

感謝你們每個人~~~這個全月月蝕是超級巨大事件’~~~多愛它們更多!你可能會感覺到一些同情的憂傷---隨著這些靈魂的離開~~~這個週末請溫柔一些~~~多花時間清理與休息.讓我們一起做這件事---讓我們一起用愛做這件事~~~ ~beth


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That’s what friends are for? --- Whitney Houston

I’m your angel.--- Celine Deon

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    Rebecca Lin

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