耶穌撒南達: 最後的蠻荒之地~~~大逮捕!
The Final Frontier ~ Arrests! A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 29, 2013
Posted by beth on May 29, 2013 at 1:31pm
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130531
注: Elizabeth Truwin在此訊息之第三部份中勇敢的跨出了一步路 --- 爆料出西方靈學界被控制真相. 此事將會讓一些人不舒服, 所以我寫了 “‘上帝會不會犯錯’ 之 ‘你’ 在那裏?”文歡迎大家參考!
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-final-frontier-arrests-a-message-from-sananda-through#ixzz2Uhf0JrY9
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The Final Frontier ~ Arrests! A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 29, 2013
Greetings! This is Sananda. We take a moment following the Full Moon lunar eclipse to acknowledge those Souls who have left in waves to The Scorpi Black Hole. There are many more who have passed away from Earth and taken up residence on Planet Herculobus.
大家好! 這是耶穌撒南達. 讓我們花點時間來跟隨全月月蝕來向那些隨著這陣磁波離開到天蠍座黑洞中的靈魂們致意. 還會有更多靈魂會從地球過世到Herculobus行星去的人.
The Egyptians called it Djed, our connection to the Galaxy and the Mayans called it Xibalba Portal, The Gateway to the OtherWorld. Opening this portal, reestablishing this Love-Light Connection.
埃及人稱之為Djed, 這行星是我們與銀河系的連接星球, 瑪雅人稱之為Xibalba星門 ---是我們到其他世界的出口. 打開了這星門, 我們就重建了這個 ‘光與愛’ 的連接點.
Xibalba originated on Orion. There was a period of time when the Lyra Humans lived on a Planet which orbited Sirius. Sirius Humans continued to remain in Etheric Bodies. The Kumaras decided to remain incarnate in bodies and moved to a constellation in Orion where there were Reptilian Humans. It was Sanat Kumara, the Heirarch of Venus, who led this group to Orion.
Xibalba人則起源于獵戶座Orion. 有一段時間有個Lyra人類住在一個環繞天狼星的行星之上. 天狼星人持續維持在乙太體之中. 另外有個 Kumaras人 --- 他們是物質肉體形式 --- 他們搬到獵戶座行星群Orion居住 --- 在那裏也有蜥蝪人種存在. 而Sanat Kumara, 金星的高靈 --- 就是祂引領他們到獵戶座行星群Orion去殖民的.
The Kumaras are all Hybrids. They did this, so they would remain incarnate and combine the DNA of all 12 races. In time, each one of the Kumaras has incarnated into one of the 12 races of man and this formed the 13th. We are the 13th. We have learned through this experience, it is not the race that defines a person, but their Soul. It was a compassionate act of love to combine all the races of human. By doing this, it brings peace. Each One can see there is a part of them in everyone else; We Are All One.
Kumaras人都是混種人. 他們這樣做的目的是為了維持人身, 並且合併全部十二個種族的DNA. 因此隨著時間過去, 每個轉世到這12個種族之一的Kumaras人都擁有這12種DNA. ---- 所以就製造出了第13個種族. 我們地球人類就是這第13種種族. ---- 來自這個經驗的 ‘學習’就是 --- ‘種族血緣’ 無法定義一個人, 但是他的靈魂可以!!! --- 當初合併這些人類種族是出於一個 ‘愛的同理心’ 的行動. 這樣做的結果能夠為星際帶來和平. 因為在每個人身上都可以看到其他種族的一部份. 我們是一個 ‘合一’!
The Council of Kumaras have kept the lineage of the Anandas. All of the Kumaras have remained incarnate. They realized that only by entering Earth in incarnate body form, are they able to help ascend other incarnate realms. This time it is necessary to ascend Earth by living a 3D life and coming through that experience. The reptilians and humans must now integrate and must do this through peace.
Kumara議會又保持了Anandas人的傳統. Kumara人都保持著轉世人身. 他們當年瞭解到 --- 只有透過轉世人身形式, 來到地球, 他們才能協助其他的轉世人身實相星球. 而這一次 --- 非常有必要透過一個三維形式的生活方式來’揚升’ 地球 --- 同時從這個經驗中昇華出去. 蜥蝪人種與人類現在必須整合, 而且必須以和平的方法整合完畢!
The time for peace is now. We on Earth are being given the chance to chose love, or leave to Herculobus. This is a parallel Planet which is pristine and carries on the reptilian way of life. If One choses peace, through love, compassion, and Oneness, they will ascend with Earth. There is no judgment, it is time now for Earth to ascend, and each Soul has a choice.
現在就是 ‘和平’的時機! 我們在地球上的人都被給予了機會來 ‘選擇’ 愛, 或是離開到Herculobus行星去. 這是地球的‘平行星球’ --- 是個清澈質樸的星球 --- 而且持續著 ‘蜥蝪人種’ 的(三維)生活方式. 但是一個透過愛與悲憫心來選擇和平與 ‘合一’ 的人 --- 他們會隨同地球揚升(入五維). --- 這樣做不是一種對人的評判 --- 只是地球揚升的時間到了, 而每個靈魂有一個 ‘選擇權’!
I ask you pause for a moment. I wish to acknowledge the millions of adept Beings who work form the Ships to assist this Mission. There is a vast network of militia, communications technologies, recording technologies, angelic forces, secret service, computer data banks, legions of workers repairing timelines, Wingmakers holding the Earth grid stable with their vast Ships and Crews. The list is vast and far exceeds what has been mentioned here.
現在我請大家暫停一下. 讓我們花點時間來禮敬一下數以百萬計的那些非常能幹的存有們 --- 他們從飛船上協助著 ‘揚升地球’ 的使命. 這是一個非常廣大的網路人員團體 --- 其中包括了軍隊, 溝通科技人員, 記錄科技人員, 天使團隊, 秘密組織人員, 電腦資料庫人員, 無數個 ‘時間線’修理團隊, 以及 ‘造翼飛船’ 艦隊 --- 他們用他們龐大的飛船隊伍以及人員們維護地球柵欄的穩定. 這些工作人員名單太巨大了--- 遠超過我們這裏所提到的這些人員.
We must also acknowledge the role of the Archangels Michael, Metatron, Chamuel and Andrew who have worked with the Highest Forces of Light and the Galactics from many quadrants of Space to bring about the final arrests on Earth. This has not been an easy process.
我們同時也必須向大天使麥克Archangels Michael, Metatron, Chamuel and Andrew, 等天使團隊致敬答謝 --- 他們與最高的光的軍隊, 以及來自無數重太空的銀河人合作 --- 來完成最後的地球逮捕工作. 這真不是一個容易的過程!
Many times these Ones have taken on human form and fought all night to help civilian victims of drone attacks, those caught in weather super storms, derailed trains, collapsed bridges, earth quake victims. Their work has been diverse and they have taken no rest. They have weeped beside you Unseen.
許多次這些一們穿上了人身, 徹夜戰鬥 --- 來協助受到 ‘無人機’ 襲擊的人民受害者, 在天氣的超級風暴中受困的人, 出軌的火車事件人員, 斷裂的橋樑事件, 以及地震受難者們. 他們的工作非常多樣化, 而且他們不休息. 有時他們在你們身旁看不到的哭泣著.
Honor today the dark Ones who chose not to go on at New Earth. Pray them safe journey to the far shore. Those going on to Herculobus do so because it is part of the Great Plan.
今天我們也尊重那些 ‘黑暗份子’ 們 --- 那些選擇不進入 ‘新地球的人員’.那些轉去Herculobus星球的人 --- 他們這樣做 --- 因為那也是 ‘偉大計畫’的一個部份.
This is a place where they can reintegrate love into their DNA. Many millions of years ago during the Grand Experiment they used the technologies of Atlantis to splice out of their own genes the capability for compassion, love and forgiveness. Most important of these was self-forgiveness.
在Herculobus星球 --- 他們可以將 ‘愛’ 重新整合入他們的DNA當中. ---幾百萬年前, 在 ‘大實驗’ 年代 --- 他們使用了 ‘亞特蘭提斯” 科技將他們的‘悲憫心’ 與愛的能力 --- 從他們自己的基因中移出去. 而其中最重要的一個能力就是 --- ‘原諒自己’ 的能力.
It is this quality which enabled them to continue with greed, violence and atrocities. They are forgiven. We love them more. We thank them and give them our deep gratitude for the role they played in returning Earth to love and only love.
就是因為如此特殊的 ‘稟性’ --- 讓他們能夠如此的貪婪, 暴力, 以及做得出所有暴行。 他們已經被原諒了! 我們更愛他們. 我們感謝他們並深深感恩他們所扮演的角色 --- 來協助地球恢復到 ~~~愛~~~也只有 ‘愛’ 之中.
I ask you please allow these very high influxes of light carrying these Ones away from Earth to burn through your body removing all programs still holding you back from full surrender of the Light. All this fire, warmth and light to change your nature and help you to your Highest Path. We are All One. Not because we are all at equal places on the Path – -because we all had an equal chance at love.
我請求你們允許這些非常高的光能量脈衝的進入 --- 不但將這些人帶離地球, 而且允許這光能 ‘燃燒’ 過你們的身體--- 燒走任何還困住你們的 ‘程式設計’ --- 讓你們回復不到‘光明’ 中的東西. 這些火焰, 溫暖, 以及 光能 會改變你的‘個性’, 並且幫助你們走回你們最高的高我的路線. 我們全都是 ‘合一’中的一份子. 不只是因為我們在這條路線上全都平等 --- 而且因為我們都有一個平等的機會在 ‘愛’ 中!
Following arrests our Moorish President of the united States will open the ten foot by ten foot Bruton Vault which was buried twenty feet containing the real Declaration of Independence and the real Bill of Rights.
在大逮捕之後, 我們的美國 ‘摩爾人總統’(注: 摩爾人據說是亞特蘭提斯時的 ‘心靈導師團體族群’)將會打開一個十乘十英尺長的在維吉尼亞州的Bruton地窖 --- 那裏20英尺深處埋著原來的 ‘美國獨立宣言’ 原件, 以及‘人權宣言’ 原件Declaration of Independence and the real Bill of Rights.
The Holy Kumaras were considered Eternal Youth. This is a misnomer. It really menat they were Eternal Immortal Beings who never laid down their Human Form but stayed incarnate to help throughout all Ages of Time. Sanat Kumara is an Avatara form of Lord Maitreya and Buddha. He is the Path of Love. Sanaka Kumara is an Avatara form of St. Germain and He is the Path of Ascension.
神聖的Kumara人 --- 被認為是 ‘長生不老’ 的人種. 這是一個誤解. --- 這只代表了他們是 ‘長生不死’ 的存有 --- 他們從沒放下過他們的人體, 而一直維持人身來在整個歷史中協助地球.
Sanat Kumara就是彌勒佛與釋迦牟尼佛的’聖者身’ Avatara form. 代表著 ‘愛的路徑’!
Sanaka Kumara則是聖哲曼大師的’聖者身’ Avatara form. --- 代表著 ‘揚升之路’!
These Ones have worked with Sanatana Kumara an Avatara form of Archangel Michael and Sananda Kumara and Avatara form of Jesus the Christ and King of Swords (KOS). Michael and Sananda work with the Secret Forces. Ashtar is a part of the United States Military. KOS is the Provost Marshall General and this role was resurrected after 911 to bring all aspects of military law enforcement under one office, headed by The Prince of Peace. Archangel Chamuel is a Member of the Alien Contact Organization (ACIO) as are many many others working for Disclosure.
Sanatana Kumara ---則是 大天使麥克的’聖者身’ Avatara form.
Sananda Kumara ---則是 耶穌基督與劍王KOS的’聖者身’ Avatara form.
大天使麥克Michael 與耶穌撒南達 Sananda都在秘密組織中工作.
劍王KOS負責美國陸軍the Provost Marshall General一職, 負責美軍人事調查與監禁. ---這職位在911之後恢復 --- 目的是在 ‘和平王子’ 辦公室之下能將所有執法人員統籌在一個辦公室之下.
Archangel Chamuel --- 是 ‘外星接觸協會’(ACIO)的一員 --- 與其他許許多多為著‘大掲露’ 而努力的人員一起合作.
The Sirian Commander, Barack Obama, a fully adept Galactic from Andromeda Galaxy is the Commander in Chief of the military working closely with the Provost Marshall. They hold the legal power of opening the Bruton Vault and returning the documents originally signed in 1774 restoring the Republic and enacting NESARA Law.
天狼星司令官, 歐巴馬, 來自仙女座星系, 是一個具有所有能力的銀河人 --- 他是三軍總司令 , 並且與劍王KOS負責美國陸軍the Provost Marshall General密切合作. 他們擁有打開Bruton地窖的法律權力, 並將這份1774年簽的原始檔歸還給 美國共和國, 同時執行NESARA法律.
They all know exactly what they are doing. All of the fake stories have been a diversion serving the Light to get the work done behind the scenes. It has been a very elaborate play within the Illusion. It has caused a lot of confusion, but that is clearing up now.
他們都完全清楚自己在幹什麼. 所有的假故事都是一種 ‘分散注意力’ 的手段 --- 來協助光明部隊在幕後完成工作. 這是一個在 ‘幻象’ 中的精細安排. 也製造出了許多的混亂, 但現在這些混亂都逐一在被清理當中.
This Master Plan has been in place for millions of years to once and for all end the Grand Experiment on Earth.
這個 ‘偉大計畫’ 是數百萬年前就寫好的劇本, --- 要一次來總結掉在地球上所做的這個 ‘地球大實驗’!
Following arrests we will have Announcements. Seven to ten days later will will have Ships landing on Earth.Please continue to hold the light through these trying times as we are on the cusp of Change Over. Thank you for All You Do as incarnate Hearts on Earth blazing the Light of Change. Salut! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. © All Rights Reserved. http://youtu.be/fetOaDiMPzA
在 ‘大逮捕’ 結束之後, 我們會做 ‘大宣佈’. 7到10天之後就會有飛船降落地球! 請持續為光明舉高你的火焰! ---在這段困難時間裏 --- 我們已經在 ‘地球大轉變’ 的邊緣之上了! 謝謝你們全部做為地球轉世的本心們 --- 謝謝你們為 ‘地球大轉變’ 燃燒著光明的火焰. 向你們致敬! 這是耶穌撒南達透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導!
An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life,Missionand what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara
Hello Everybody~ It has been a very difficult path bringing messages which are so far outside what anyone knows as reality. I have enjoyed every minute of this great honor to be in a body now.Many of the channels you read are connecting with computer programs. When they go into deep meditation to bring back the messages they link to actual machine technologies sending out a signal. These were put in place by the Illuminati and it creates a diversion for the light workers.
嗨!大家好! ~~過去一直以來真的是一段困難的路程----在傳導這些與大家所熟知的‘(三維)真相’相距如此遙遠的‘宇宙真相”! 我很享受這整個在人身中的榮譽過程. ---但是, (不好意思告訴你們) ---你們閱讀的許多管道通靈消息都是---只有通到‘光明會’的電腦軟體程式上而已!!! ---當這些通靈人進入深度冥想去接收訊息時,他們常常只有連到一個真實的電腦科技---所餵食的訊息而已!!!---“光明會”設計了這些程式來忽悠光工們---以轉移‘光工們’的焦點注意力!!!
Then I get emails saying its so hard to know what is real and what is not. Amidst all the confusion I carry on bringing messages hoping it helps. Greg Giles featured a video of a machine voice with a message which mentioned me by name at least 4 times discrediting my channels. There have been whole websites built to discredit my work.
然後我會收到網路郵件說---好困難分辨真假訊息.在所有混亂當中,我持續的傳導訊息來協助. Greg Giles曾經貼了一個影片---裏面有個機器聲音至少提到我的名字四次---來污蔑我的網站.而且一直有一整個網站是設計來污蔑我的網站.
In 2010 David Wilcock wrote three paragraphs on his blog titled NESARA Never! He mentioned me by describing my work throughout discrediting me. He has since taken it down from the archives. None of that matters.Only Disclosure matters.
2010年David Wilcock寫了一篇文叫做“NESARA Never! NESARA永不!”之文---寫了三段---完全從頭到尾在污蔑我. ---這篇文他已經從他的檔案中取消掉了! ---但這些事都無所謂!!! ---只有‘大揭露’要緊!!!
Our only chance at Disclosure is alternative media.Many many many Ones who have a lot of money have sent diversions of all kinds to keep light workers from the truth. Kept the light workers away from their own personal growth through Self discovery.
我們唯一的機會能夠‘大揭露’是靠‘民間媒體\網路消息傳播’.可是難以計數的有錢人都使用了各種手段~~~來轉移‘光工們’的焦點注意力!!!~~~讓他們遠離‘真相’!!!~~~同時讓‘光工們’ 偏離追尋“自我成長”的路線,而走入“自我發現”的(自我感覺良好)路線!!!
Sherry Shriner, a murderer and a war criminal; woman lawyer from England who spent all her time in New Jersey connected with the Big O – hedge fund got hooked up with Ted Gunderson. Dove fell into the same trap before her heart could no longer hold the vibration of love. Sherry Shrinerʻs handle was Poofness. Poof was playing like he was a spiritual person and that he was a “he”. Poof is a war criminal who could no longer hold her energy here. She passed on. We thank her for her service.
Sherry Shriner,是一個‘殺人犯’,以及‘戰爭罪犯’ ---是來自英國的一名女律師---她住在New Jersey新澤西州一生,與the Big O – hedge fund風險基金有關係,與FBI的Ted Gunderson坑沼一氣.鴿子飛入了網中直到她的心臟再也支撐不起‘愛的震動頻率’.Sherry Shriner就是Poofness. Poof假裝是個男人,是個‘靈性人員’,但他其實是個‘戰爭罪犯’ ---由於無法再支撐她的能量了,所以她死了.我們感謝她所扮演的角色.
Sa Lu Sa created a diversion for a very very long time keeping immature Ones dangling and crying: When is this going to happen!?! They keep saying the same thing every week! Sa Lu Sa was an embarrassment that kept the sheep holding their breath instead of encouraging them to seek real truth.
Sa Lu Sa也在非常長的時間裏---創造了一個---轉移‘光工們’的焦點注意力的管道!!!~~~讓不成熟的他們哭叫著:到底何時會發生啊? ----他們幾乎每個禮拜都講同樣的話!Sa Lu Sa是一個‘丟臉的現象’---因為他讓綿羊們繼續‘暫停呼吸’而不是鼓勵他們去尋找真相!
In time that work could no longer tolerate the new Light energies coming in.Caspar and Cobra – all connected with theJerseyoperation which goes back to the Big O hedge fund and they with others are very convincing with their disinformation.
當時間到時,他們的工作將再也無法承受住新的光能量的進來.Caspar小精靈andCobra眼鏡蛇–都與新澤西州FBI部門有關連,與the Big O hedge fund風險基金有關係---他們釋放出來的‘假消息’非常具有說服力!
Every single paragraph they write holds some truth and the rest diversion.Now there is a whole segment of light workers who have flocked to the bedtime stories ofMiddle Earth and Mother Father God announcing the Past Lives of innocents.
他們寫的片段中都含有一些事實,其他的則是‘轉移焦點’的手段.另外,現在有一部份‘光工們’ ---都跑去聽‘地心世界’的故事,以及以Mother Father God為名的通靈人---宣稱‘過去世’都是無辜的! (沒有業障的!)
They have been told – though they worry what would happen to their little doggie – if they left on the Ships to desert their home for some months because Earth will be uninhabitable (Are you kidding me?!) – that they are an immortal Being who never died and a key player in Ascension and the wife of the Cosmic Christ. Folks have packed their bags so they can be ready to whisk off to Middle Earth on a MotherShip. Hopefully they wonʻt leave the iron plugged in when they go. A certain blogger went out and stood on a hill because duringan hour with an Angelhe was told he was a chosen One and would be picked up for a ride. WOW.
他們(這些光工們)都已經被告知了---雖然他們擔心他們的小狗狗會發生什麼事---假如他們離開家上飛船數個月之久---因為地球會有一段時間無法居住(你在開玩笑嗎?)---以及他們(這些光工們)都已經被告知了---他們都是永生不死的存有---而且是‘揚升要角’而且是‘大宇宙基督’的老婆.有些人打包好了準備上母艦去地心世界.希望他們走時別忘了拔掉熨斗插頭. (免得火災).有些博友出去站在山上---因為在‘與天使談話一小時’節目中---他們告訴他---他被選中了---而且飛船會來接他走.(我的天啊!)
I have been very sad for many years in the background watching all the games.I have been cast aside and belittled by everyone I ever worked with. I have been called compromised. I have done much behind the scenes which may never be known.The whole point is helping as many as possible be awake and aware. My sadness stems from knowing how many have been reading all the crap for so many years andso many who have been reading some good stuff for so many years and still and yet they absolutely refuse to meditate. Never meditate. Some of the greatest teachers with the highest knowledge never ever ever meditate.
You have to decide how this makes you feel. All this. You have to decide if you are going to go within andlook for your own answers.You have to decide from where you will begin in New Earth.
Most feel when the changes come everything will be ok. Thatʻs not true. No you will not be worried about money anymore. It will be time to look at your Soul and worry about that.
許多人以為--- 當‘大轉變’發生之時就萬事OKAY了! ---這不是事實!!!---不,你們將不會再擔心錢了.那將會是一個‘觀看自己靈魂’的時間---你們最好開始擔心這件事!!!
It may be some length of time before you can really benefit from the new changes because you will have to fix all the imbalances that were never addressed all these years when you were carried off in diversions instead of working on your Highest Good. All this time waiting for payouts from bonds, from currencies, from donations into hedge funds.When you are clutching your millions in your little fist from youʻpackiesʻafter all these years –what will your Soul look like?What will be the diagnosis inside?You chose to run down the rabbit hole and stay there completely ignoring your own development.All the things that have been bothering you since childhood will not be wiped away.
在你們被轉移焦點的這些年時間中~~~你們沒有把重心放在‘為自己最大的利益而努力’這件事上~~~所以,你們藉時將必須修理你們一直沒有處理的那些‘不平衡’!~~~你們浪費了這麼多時間在等待債券付款,貨幣重估,從風險基金的捐款.等到你終於把多年等待的小錢包拿到手之後, ---你們的靈魂看起來會是什麼樣子呢???診斷報告看起來會是什麼樣子???你們選擇跑入兔子洞中躲了起來---完全忽視自己的成長---你們童年創傷的陰影至今仍然困擾著你們---從沒有被解除掉!
Your Ascension or your Enlightenment is not automatic. When you arrive at Zero Point we will have no more war. How will you feel seeing the Ones who have done the Inner work move ahead and leave you behind?They will not even be allowed to talk to you because they will have to sign non-disclosure statements to accept their next higherMission.
你們的‘揚升’或是‘開悟’ ---不會是‘自動發生的’!當你們到達‘零點場’時---我們將不再有戰爭了!你將作何感想呢?~~~當你看到那些做了‘內心的功課’的人往前移走了,而你被留在後面???----他們將不會被允許與你們說話~~因為他們會必須簽署一張‘保密宣言’~~~來進入他們的下一個使命!!!
If you are mourning a war criminal and murderer because you were fooled into believing that was a truth warrior then it is for you I mourn. My sadness has come from answering thousands and thousands of emails over the years. I can only be an example because if you chose not to heed the warnings handed down for billions of years, likely you will not listen now. The Truth is out there and your Guides stand by to help you at your beckoning.Be Brave! Do the work. Namaste!
如果你還在哀悼一個一個‘殺人犯’,以及‘戰爭罪犯’ ---因為這麼多年下來你被騙去相信他是一個‘真理的戰士’---那我哀悼的是你!我的憂傷來自於幾年來回答了數千封信---但我只能為你們作個榜樣!---因為假如你們以前不注意這個十億年以來的老警告的話,可能你們現在也不會聽我的勸! 真理~~~就在那裏!你們的‘指導靈’一直都在等待著你們的召喚.請勇敢起來!做該做的功課吧!!!
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/the-final-frontier-arrests-a-message-from-sananda-through#ixzz2UhfO6C4m
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