
(重要) 獅身人面:



The sphinx speaks about the new world manifestation

Channel: Petra Margolis May 30, 2013


RL獅身人面說話很直接但是清楚明瞭易懂一針見血此文祂分析了‘地球轉變’  ‘新世界’ 之顯化過程中 ---人類必需做出的 ‘改變’!!! ~~~ 非常中肯實用! ~~~請大家三思祂的 ‘大白話’!!!


The sphinx speaks about the new world manifestation

You all have so many ideas of how the new world could be, but your ideas are way ahead of what the world is at this moment.


When we speak about manifesting you have to take into consideration where your world is at this moment.

當我們討論到 ‘顯化現實’ 的時候~~~ 你必須要考慮一下你的世界現在是在什麼狀況之下.

Manifesting is different and it is time for you to figure this out in a new way, but the new way is not there yet, as many are still working according to the old directions.

‘顯化現實’是困難的 --- 而且現在是你們用一種新的方法來搞清楚狀況的時候了但是這新的方法還沒出現因為許多人仍然朝向舊的方向在運作他的人生與事情.

You are looking for a world without money and we would like you to think about this and if it would work in the world you are in at this moment.


When the earth became more populated, bartering of foods and other ways of working with each other turned into a money system.

當地球變得更擁擠食物的以貨易貨以及其他交易方法最終都歸結到 ---一個’金錢制度’.

You really have to think about why this happened and if a bartering system would work for the entire earth population. As at this time you have large cities where not many will actually have a way of for example exchanging services for food.

你們真的要好好思考一下這件事為什麼會發生? --- 以及是否一個 ‘以貨易貨的交換制度’ 能適用於整個地球人口在此時你們有許多大都市 --- 在那裏沒有許多真的能夠有方法以 ‘服務勞動’ 來交換 ‘食物’ 的有效方法.

There is a different mentality upon earth at this time then in the old times, the consciousness of the humans is different than in the old days. Many are used to the mentality of working for what they need and to receive money for this. After all money weighs less than a pound of apples. It is easier to carry money around then to barter for something you might not need and go a couple of miles with a pound of apples and barter it for what you really need, a pound of meat.

目前地球上有一種心態 --- 跟過去不同 --- 亦即人類的覺知意識跟過去人不同了許多人的心態 --- 已經習慣了 ‘為需要而工作’  ‘習慣收到金錢報償’無論如何金錢的重量還是遠低於一英磅蘋果攜帶金錢是比 ‘以物易物’ 的交換制度來獲取一些你或許不需要的東西方便或是你得帶著一英磅蘋果走上一兩英里去交換你真正需要的東西比方一磅肉要來得方便.

There is also another mentality present where many think they deserve all they need without working.

現在還有另一種心態存在~~~ 就是許多人覺得他們應該得到他們所需的一切而不用工作.

Both mentalities are not aligning itself with a world that does not have money.

這兩種心態都與一個 ‘沒有金錢的世界’ 的心態--- 沒有調整對齊!!!

The first mentality, working for what you need, they are used to receive money for their work, to buy what they need, being able to choose what they want to buy.

第一種心態--- 為所需要的而工作習慣得到金錢償付來採購所需 ~~~ 讓自己可以選擇自己真正要買的東西.

If you take away working for money, only certain things are going to be available when they want to have everything available, more choices.

假如你拿掉 ‘為錢而工作’ 這點 --- 只有某些特定東西會存在 --- 當他們想要有所有的東西所有的選擇時.

For the ones that want to have everything without working for it, they will not be satisfied with exchanging either work for food, or food for work, as both ways do involve work.

而對於那些什麼都想要但不想工作來付出代價的人他們不會對 ‘以工作來交換食物’ 或是 ‘以食物來交換工作’ 會感到滿意. --- 因為這兩個狀況還是都得 ‘工作’!

The world at this moment has a large human population and especially in the large cities you will not be able to grow food, this is also a limitation.

在此時此刻的世界擁有一個大的人口數量特別是在大都市中你將無法種植食物 --- 這也是一個限制!

We know there have been some alien groups trying to sell you the story of food replicators and more technical advances, but this is a story, not what is really going to happen.

我們知道有一些外星人團體試著騙你們說---  ‘食物複製機’ 以及其他更進步的科技 --- 但這只是一個故事而已! --- 不是真正會發生的事!

You have to be realistic as far as manifesting a new world reality is on your mind, and realistic in what and how the changes will affect all upon earth, not just the few.

你們必須要切合實際! --關於如何顯化一個 ‘新世界實相’ 在你的心裏 --- 切合實際的意思就是說 --- 什麼樣的改變? 以及, 如何做改變~~~ 才能產生全球性的影響,而不只是少許改變???

We would suggest focusing on what can be changed at this moment and take it from there.

我們會建議 ~~~ 在此時~~~專注在 “什麼能夠被改變? ~~~然後從那裏開始改起!

Do not expect an immediate change, as there are many people on earth and change will have to come from the heart, but also from understanding the change within.

還有~~~ 不要期望一個 ‘立即的改變’ 發生 --- 因為地球上人很多,改變必須來自於 ‘內心’!!! ~~~ 以及  “如何從內在自我改變起”的 ‘真實理解’!

You cannot expect that everyone will turn into a loving being in one night.

你不能期望每一個人在一夜之間都轉變成一個 ‘有愛心人士’!

Spirituality will become more important, but there are many ways of being spiritually awake.

‘靈性之學’ 將會越來越重要 --- 但是 ‘靈性的覺醒’ 有許多不同方法的!

There is another mentality process within the ones that are awake. In a way they are based upon the same two mentalities that we spoke about before.

而在已經覺醒的一們當中~~~ 有另外一種心理程式存在一方面~~~~ 他們也是奠基於剛才談到的兩種心態.

There is the mentality of everything has to be available to them, everything should happen to them no matter what, as after all they are aware and awake.

他們覺得~~~ 由於 ‘他們覺醒了’~~~~ 所以每樣東西應該提供給他們,所有美好應該屬於他們~~~ 無論如何! --- 這是一種心態!

The other part of this mentality is the ones that know they will have to work to awaken further spiritually. If someone knows something, knows how to do something that can advance others spiritually. The expectation is that they should make this available for every person.

另一部份的心態是 ~~~ 一部份人明白~~~ 他們必需再努力的去 ‘覺醒’自己更多的 ‘靈性能量’如果有人知道一些事情知道如何去做一些事情來協助其他人的 ‘靈性成長’ --- 他們就覺得自己應該去提供出這個協助.

There is a mentality that spiritual work is done by each person, but like with the overall mentalities, there is a difference between the ones that actually do work and the ones that wait for it.

還有一種心態是~~~ ‘靈性工作’ 是每個人自己要去做的功課, ~~~ 但是就跟一般的狀況一樣~~~ 永遠有個不同的狀況, 就是~~~~ 有人會真的去做功課, 另一批人還在拖延真正去做功課的時間!!!

We are not saying there is anything wrong either way, and it is the peoples choice to work in their own way spiritually.

我們不是在指責誰對誰錯那是人們自己的選擇 --- 在他們自己的 ‘靈性成長’ !

We have another mentality hanging in between. In a world where spirituality becomes more important, you will have more spiritual teachers.

我們還有另一種 ‘心態’是介於這兩者之間的 --- 就是~~~ 在這個 ‘靈性’ 越來越重要的世界之中~~~ 你們將會有更多靈性導師出現!

They are the ones that have in some way chosen to be teachers in this life, or already were teachers in previous lives. You will also find that more spiritual healers will be needed and come forward.

他們這些靈性導師都在某種程度上選擇在此生做靈性導師, 或是已經做了好幾世的靈性導師了你們也會發現更多靈性治療師也將會需要而且會出現.

These people will be fulltime teachers, healers and how are they going to survive?


(RL錢從何處來? --- 獅面人身此文在教 ‘經濟學’  ‘政治學’與 靈性社會的轉變吶!)

Bartering for food? Bartering for some work that is needed in their house?

以物易物換食物 ‘工作服務’ 換取生存所需物品?

How much teaching or healing is a landlord going to accept?

一個房東願意接受多少 ‘教學’  ‘治療’做交換呢?

Especially if you take into account that almost 99% of the people at this moment are not spiritually awake in the sense that most of you are.

特別是 --- 如果你仔細思考一下 ---- 幾乎99%的人類 在此時都還 ‘沒有’ 靈性的覺醒 ~~~ 一如你們大部份人有的.

They will be looking for teachers and healers once they become more awake, and they will find them.

這些 ‘未覺醒者’ 將會尋找老師與治療師 ---- 一但他們搞清楚狀況一些而且當然~~~ 他們會找到他們(這些靈師\治療師).


You have to think about how the fact that some of the mentality of everything spiritual has to be free is going to have an effect on those teachers and healers who will be on the forefront of teaching and healing the ones that will be newly awakened.

你必需要思考一下關於這個事實~~~~ 就是那些認為 ‘所有與靈修有關的事情都應該是免費的’ 的想法 ~~~ 這種想法對於那些 ‘靈性導師\治療師’ 將會有什麼影響誰又會去站在前線來教導和治療這些剛醒過來的人呢???

 It is not going to be as it was before, the awakening has been a trickle process of someone awakening here and there.

事情已經跟以前不一樣了 ~~~ 覺醒的人過去是漏水樣的這裏醒一個那裏醒一個.

 There are going to be larger groups awakening and they will need someone to guide them, someone to teach them, someone to heal them.

即將會有大量的團體覺醒發生 ~~~ 而他們將會需要人去引導有人去教和去治療他們.

By staying within the mentality of everything spiritual is free, should be free, you are in a way not supporting the process of larger awakenings. Many newly spiritually awakened ones have encountered this mentality, and it has interfered with some as their process of awakening could have been much greater.

只因停留在這種 ‘靈學免費’ 的心態之中應該免費的心態之中,  --- 你就是間接的 ‘沒有’ 支持 ‘大量的覺醒’很多靈性覺醒的一們都遇到了這種心態~~~ 而且這種心態也妨礙了一些人的 ‘持續覺醒程式’~~~而沒達到最高成就!

This doesnt mean that teachers and healers should now start asking large amounts for their teachings and healings, but you should keep in mind that being a healer or teacher is in fact work that many do not see as work.

這並不代表‘靈性導師\治療師’們現在應該開始要求很高的服務費而只是要你記得 --- 一個‘靈性導師\治療師’所做的仍然是 ‘工作’!

When you speak about finding a job that you love doing, most of you speak about a job in the regular world and you expect to get paid for that job. When a spiritual teacher or healer finds a job they love doing, being a spiritual teacher or healer, you expect them to do this for free.

當你們提到 ‘找一個自己喜歡的工作’  ~~~ 你們大部份人談的工作是在三維世界的常態工作而且你期望獲得補償可是當一個‘靈性導師\治療師’找到自己愛做的工作是去做一個 ‘靈性導師\治療師’時,人們卻期望他們免費來做.

Now, not each and every spiritually awakened person has this mentality, but it is prevalent amongst many. This is an influential mentality that has an effect not just on the teachers and healers, but on every person upon earth.


(RL請朋友們瞭解sphinx是在解釋 ‘人類覺知意識’ 必須 ‘觀微知著’ 明白 ‘牽一發動全身’ 的全面性影響~~~ 我們心態觀念正確了才能顯化出真正的 ‘黃金世紀’英文講 Cant leave one stone unturned.要翻耕每顆石頭否則藏汙納垢,  ‘大覺醒’ 不會發生所以祂是在講道理不是罵人. )

It influences their way of being able to manifest as well.

而且這心態影響了大家 ‘顯化’ ()現實的能力 !

There are many limited beliefs that are influencing the way manifestation is taking place and many times it is making manifesting much harder than it should be.

還有很多 ‘有限制性的觀念\信念’ ‘正’ 影響著(新世界‘顯化’的發生而且很多時候--- 它們讓 ‘顯化’ 很困難發生!!! --- 超越本來的狀況!


You really have to think about the reality you are in right now, as some expect changes that are in a way beyond your reach at this moment.

你真的必需想想你現在所處的實相, 因為一些人期望的改變 --- 是超越你目前達得到的(顯化能力程度)!

(RL換言之如果你道德卓越黃金世紀很快就來至少你個人命與際遇會好,反之你想混水摸魚趁機撈一筆表面裝好人 --- 問題是 --- 你的現實是你自己顯化的不是別人!)

The world is not going to change as fast as you would like, you have to accept this before you can even think about what is really needed for everyone upon earth right now.

這世界將不會如你所願的快速改變你必須先接受這點才能開始考慮 ---地球上每個人現在 ‘真的’ 需要做的(改變)--- 在現在!

(RL這是雞生蛋或蛋生雞問題 ---人心態先改~~~ 新世界就來沒人改就沒新世紀空浪費了這些來協助我們的宇宙能量與大師們. --- 其實sphinx談的就是3\5維人分開之選擇.)

Manifestation is different as the new earth is all about giving you the choice in how you would like the world to move forward. The greatest difference is that you do it yourself, instead of having it done for you.

現在的 ‘顯化’ 與以前是不同的 --- 因為 ‘新地球’的主題教學就是~~~ 你想要這個世界如何去改變進化?~~~~ 而且最最…大的差別是 ~~~ 你要自己做自己去’顯化’!!! ~~~ 而不是別人去替你做!!!

(RL過去地球與昴宿星在揚升之前黑暗份子倡狂--- 原因就是大家當綿羊任人宰割冷漠又自私自利自掃門前雪沒有對社會負起責任~~~ 所以這個 ‘小惡累積成大惡’ 的駝鳥性格與縮頭烏龜道德是首先要改掉的習性~~~否則 ‘黃金世紀’ 來不了人沒變這社會如何進步? )

This is going to require some thought and in-depth searching within as what your idea of the new world is at this moment, is not in alignment with 99% of all others upon earth at this moment.

所以你們要好好思考一下並且深入的研究一下~~~ ‘此刻你要的新世界是什麼樣子? --- 與此時在地球上的其他99%的人的狀況並沒有對齊吧?

You are the one that will find new ways of creation.

所以你們就是這個一 ~~~ 你會找到 ‘新的創造方法’!

(RL祂所謂的 ‘創造’ 就是我們的思想\行為祂的意思是~~~我們每個人都可以透過我們的思想行為去影響很多人 --- 這就是在創造 ‘新現實’ ~~~而且現在時空能量幫助很大但是 ‘影響’ 最好的方法仍是 ‘以身作則行為示範’! )

 Creation will also take place on a larger scale, as your creation is going to influence more people than you think.

“創造” 現在也會在更大規模上發生因為你們的創造(個人思想\行為)都將會影響超過你所想像的人數.

For those who remember being upon earth in Atlantis and even before, you will remember that you were the ones creating upon earth. At that time there were less people on earth incarnated so creation was simple as each person was fully awake spiritually.

那些記得自己在亞特蘭提斯時代就在地球上的人甚至更早年代的人你會記得你就是那些在地球上做創造的人在那時地球上轉世人口少所以‘創造’ 是相對簡單的行為 --- 因為每個人都是靈性完全覺醒的人.

At this moment in time 99% is not awake and yet your creation will have an effect upon them without them having a choice in what is being created.

目前此時此刻, 99%的人沒有覺醒可是你的 ‘創造’ 將會對他們造成影響 --- 而他們對被創造的結果一點選擇權力也沒有 !



  This is the time to return to that state of creation, fully conscious of your surroundings and fully conscious of not only your own needs but also the needs of others.

現在是時候~~~回歸到‘創造’(而不是順從接受別人的安排)的時候了! ---請完全覺知到你自己的環境(給你的是什麼東西),而且完全覺知意識到~~~不只是你個人的需要~~~還包括了別人的需要!!!!

 It is going to take time for that divine reality, that some are holding in front of you as if it is already here, to be manifested.



All the times that you have accepted that you are the creator, it is now time to be that creator.



And creators are not the ones in charge of everyone that cannot create yet at this time.


Creation is about a change in consciousness, a change in the way you think and act, but most important a change in the way you see yourself and others and the world around you. Keeping it real, not allowing yourself to be pulled in by anything that is not yet reality at this moment. It could become reality in the future, but keep in mind that you still have a long way to go.

“創造”是一種“覺知的變化”---是你‘思考方式’‘行為’的改變!!!---但最重要的~~~‘你對自己的看法’以及‘對別人看法’以及‘你對身旁世界看法’的改變!!!活在“真理”(而不是幻覺裏) ~~~在此時不要讓自己被任何東西拉進去---而那是與‘真理\真相’相反的!“真理\真相的世界”會到來,只是記得~~~你們還有很長的路要走!

You can see yourself as a creator, as someone who can make changes, but also as someone compassionate enough to know that some of the changes you have in mind are not the ones the earth and everyone upon it needs at this time.


You are not going to give newly awakening people a chance if you give them a worldview or world reality that has not yet manifested.

That is one of the reasons many have turned back to their sleep state.

如果你給了剛覺醒的人一個機會去看到一個還沒有實現的‘新世界實相或景像’.  ---這就是那個人又回轉身去睡覺的原因之一.

Give them something real, something that is real and can be seen for real.


For the ones that are a step further and have started to see the glimpses of the spiritual world, allow them to explore with or without guidance in their own way without limitations of what they should be, how they should act and what is and what isnt allowed as far as spiritual awakening.

而對那些已經跨出一步路的人,已經瞥見‘靈性世界’之人, ----請允許他們用他們自己的方式去探索,有無人引導都一樣,而不要去限制他們應該怎麼樣,他們該如何去表現,以及靈性覺醒之路有什麼規定限制!


This is all about becoming a conscious creator and the new way of creating through your own work on this creation.



There is no great being out there making the choices for you, there has never been one, it has always been you. Yes you have been influenced by others as you have not been able to fully create on a conscious level. Think about this when you start to create again on a conscious level.

外面並沒有偉大的大師在為你做決定~~~從來就沒這個人存在~~~~一直都是你自己(在決定自己的前途)! 是的,過去你並無法在一個完全有覺知的狀態下在做創造.(但現在你可以重新選擇了.)想想這件事~~~當你開始,用清楚的覺知,重新去創造的時候!

 Many have forgotten and over time many will remember this part of themselves, but it is going to take time.

許多人已經遺忘了,但是隨著時間過去~~~他們會記得這部份的他們自己(如何腦袋混沌的亂創造過)---  可是這需要花點時間.

 And your way of thinking, way of working and way of creating is going to be the greatest influence as how many will remember the creator within themselves.


You have always thought and known you were the creators of this reality, now show it to the rest of the world.



From one source to another

May 30, 2013

Petra Margolis


1)   揚升地球大轉變是一種人類覺知意識的戰鬥.所以只要訊息與提高覺知意識無關,修改掉三維思想無關~~~有問題!

2)   改變成長承認錯誤,接受現實絕對不舒服!所以只要是強調水到渠成’ ~~~一切美好,你都不用付出的,沒什麼要改的,~~~就是有問題的.

3)   只要不強調自我成長,而只是自我發現~~~有問題.

4)   拼命介紹外星知識!~~~誰知是真是假?只是吸引大家去背標準答案不是去反省\實驗真理的’,不強調靈性成長的~~~有問題!


另外,目前覺知意識覺醒戰役~~~黑暗份子常假裝成靈性人士’,也開博,也號稱通靈,也做翻譯---只是他們的目的---仍是‘diversion’ (分散覺醒力道\誤導你的注意力)---比方~~~他們的翻譯是故意不讓你讀懂的翻譯---只希望你自以為讀了’ ---然後自我感覺良好就行! ~~~而且把重點全錯過去!





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