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        (3-1) 極度重要 “揚升課程”      

地球\昴宿星聯盟 --- 穿越第四維度


Pleiadian/Earth Alliance - Journey Through Fourth Dimension


Channeller: Suzanne Lie\6-16-13


中文翻译: 林琚月2030617


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 (3-1)(非常重要)狮身人面: 大實話!


              而且不擔心 ‘光工們”???

great-sphinx-of-giza        AtlantisFound  

The Sphinx speaks why the dark cabal is still in control and not worried about lightworkers

管道: Petra Margolis 20130615  www.ascendedmasters.org

中文翻译: 林琚月 20130616  http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin



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  非常重要: (3-1)連接 多維度的本我

     地球\昴宿星扬升 --- 拜訪星船


Pleaidian/Earth Ascension -- Visiting Starships

Channeller: Suzanne Lie\  June 14, 2013



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       聖哲曼大師: 20130614



A Message from St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 14, 2013

  By admin | June 14, 2013 Uncategorized

  • Posted by beth on June 15, 2013



A Message From St. Germain through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 14, 2013


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昴宿星\大角星人聯盟:地球降落部隊PARTY 3:




Thursday, March 28, 2013

Channel: Suzanne Lie 20130328

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130329


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與神相處Part 1

沒想到新浪的網友們對白宮請願書的回應如此的熱烈.非常感激!你們也讓我相信了地球上還是有不少好人存在的. ---為了感謝你們這些真正高素質的地球人” ---我決定寫一系列與神相處的文章---以協助朋友們瞭解真相,並增加信心.大家日子也好過些.

我對神秘的神佛世界知道的不算多,但也可以說很多.感覺起來好像一生都坐在巨大冰山的一角,看似不多,但其實是坐在巨無霸的寶山上面.相信很多朋友也都有這些感觸.因此此文抛磚引玉,也希望朋友們分享經驗,讓往天堂的路上---大家好走一些. ---別擔心,這不是不吉利話. ---咱們現在已經不用經歷死亡了,直接帶著肉身就要進天堂了. ---但是此系列文與其他佛\\玄學文章不同之處在於---我們是討論運用這些知識在生活中,活用真理,活在真相中的方法與學問.就讓咱們從實用的角度真的來討論點有用的學問!

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(勁爆31)Elizabeth Trutwin:

大揭露, NESARA與全局介紹 Part 3



Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 3 by Elizabeth Trutwin,March 26, 2013 

Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part 3 by Elizabeth Trutwin, March 26, 2013
Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture Part I by Eliz...

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(勁爆32)Elizabeth Trutwin:

大揭露, NESARA與全局介紹 Part 3


George Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney with Donald Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers - with several others - planned 911.  They worked all summer and on the morning when Alan Greenspan was at The World Trade Center, the financial headquarters of the United States, to publicly begin to Announce provisions of NESARA Law Dick Cheney, working from fifty stories below the White House with NSA Operatives worked the joy stick flying the Missiles into the Towers and the Pentagon. It was so much worse than duping people with the first Missile called Sputnik. It set NESARA Law enactment back 11 years and counting. Do you think you can connect the dots between Disclosure, Announcements, NESARA? They say hindsight is 20/20 Vision. How much longer are you going to allow money to be spent on something you know nothing about? You wonder why Congress refuses to make things better.

老布希與Dick Cheney 以及Donald Rumsfeld   Joint Chiefs of Staff主席 Richard Myers 以及其他人共同策劃了911. 他們準備了整個夏天, 然後在早上, Alan Greenspan在世貿中心的美國金融總部 --- 已經準備好了對公眾宣佈NESARA法案 --- 這時, Dick Cheney, 在白宮底下五十層樓位置, NSA操作人員一起按下操縱杆的扳扣 --- 啟動火箭射入雙子星大樓以及五角大廈. 這令人髮指的犯行比用Sputnik人造衛星愚弄人民可惡不知多少倍? 也把 NESARA法案倒退了11年之久而且還在持續中. 現在你連得起這些點了嗎? 看到圖了嗎? 大揭露…大宣佈…NESARA法案? 他們說 ‘事後諸葛後見之明是完美的20/20視力’. 你還要允許他們繼續灑錢灑多久在你完全不知道在搞什麼的事情上? 而你還懷疑為何國會拒絕把事情給處理好?

On April 29th  - May 3rd, 2013 there will be a Citizen Hearing held for the first time in 45 years concerning extraterrestrials at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.two blocks from The White House and twelve blocks from the Capitol. Some forty or fifty witnesses will give testimony to former Congress Members and it will be filmed for a Documentary called The Truth Embargo. This is being produced by the Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group http://ParadigmResearchGroup.org Stephen Bassett. There will be a live stream available for a nominal fee all week. It is important that together we witness this Disclosure of the Secret Space Program from the whistle blowers, witnesses and researchers who have dedicated their lives to telling the truth. To arrange live streaming of the event visit http://CitizenHearing.org Archives of the event will be free to all with no suppression of the information. Later The Truth Embargo Documentary will be available in theaters around the nation.

20130429---20130503, 一個45年來首度舉辦的 ‘外星公民聽證會’即將舉辦 --- 討論關於外星人的事情 --- 地點就在 華盛頓DC的國家記者俱樂部---距離白宮兩個街口, 距離國會十二個街口. 4050個證人會對前任國會議員作證, 而且過程會拍攝下來作成紀錄片叫做 ‘真相禁運’. --- Paradigm Research Group   http://ParadigmResearchGroup.org 執行長Stephen Bassett製作. 一整個禮拜都會有現場網路直播, 只收基本費用. 非常重要的是 --- 我們要一起見證這個 ‘秘密太空計畫的大揭露’ --- 來自告密者們, 證人和研究者們 --- 他們都奉獻了生命來說出真相. 網路直播請看http://CitizenHearing.org 檔案影片資料則免費提供 --- 只要不壓抑訊息的話. 之後, ‘真相禁運’影片會在全國的戲院中放映. 

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(勁爆3—3)Elizabeth Trutwin:

大揭露, NESARA与全局介绍 Part 3

勁爆4 勁爆5   

President Obama has the technology to link through video from Camp David to these Missions in Space communicating with these Astronauts. Twin Brothers and both of them Commanders of the ISS - Mark and Scott Kelly helped Gabrielle Giffords who was on The House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology recover from a gunshot wound to the brain in a Black Ops attempt to take her life. Gabby is married to Mark Kelly and he is now retired from the Space Program. He had logged more miles to the ISS from the Space Shuttle than any other before he retired. It is time to end the Truth Embargo.

从戴维营(美总统渡假的农庄) --- 欧巴马总统有科技透过视讯连接到这些太空任务中心与航天员沟通. 双胞胎兄弟, 同时也都是 国际太空站’ (ISS)上的指挥官--- Mark and Scott Kelly --- 他们协助众议会的科学\太空\科技组的众议员Gabrielle Giffords --- 从一个射入头部的枪伤中复原. --- 因为 黑暗人员 要取她的性命. Gabby现在与Mark Kelly结婚, 而且Mark也退休了. 他在 ‘国际太空站’ (ISS)所做过的宇宙飞船飞航哩程数远超过任何其它人 --- 在他退休之前. 现在是解除真相封口令的时候了.  

勁爆6 勁爆7   

In the post-NESARA world transportation which now is all polluting and petroleum based will go away. Zero Point devices and energies will be non-polluting, inexpensive and complementary to our development. Most factories and power plants and highways will no longer be appropriate. We will be using anti-gravity lifting devices of many types that require no such support systems. 

NESARA法案宣布之后的世界的交通工具 --- 那些使用污染能源与石油的全都会消失. ‘零点科技’ 工具与能源将不会造成污染, 非常便宜, 而且对我们的(灵性)进展有帮助. 大部份的工厂与发电厂与高速公路都将不再适用. 我们会使用多种不同的 ‘反重力飞机’ --- 是完全不需要这些支持系统的.


Since every particle of matter and spirit is upgrading, even our present homes will upgrade with us until we are ready and desiring to move to the crystal cities and restore the old areas to pristine natural areas. Tabletop 3D copiers, Replicators and Organic gardens with new seeds and new technologies are the two most important aspects of our new living arrangements.

We will want everything in our homes and everything we eat and wear to be non-toxic to us and others. I can tell you that the ships replicators can make anything you can imagine exactly the way you most desire it to look and taste and yet be completely healthy and supportive ofour new crystalline structures. New ways to communicate in many modes will replace our current commercial systems. 

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靈魂的旅程就是~~~ 體驗 \ 學習 \ 選擇創造






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