(勁爆3—3)Elizabeth Trutwin:
大揭露, NESARA与全局介绍 Part 3
President Obama has the technology to link through video from Camp David to these Missions in Space communicating with these Astronauts. Twin Brothers and both of them Commanders of the ISS - Mark and Scott Kelly helped Gabrielle Giffords who was on The House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology recover from a gunshot wound to the brain in a Black Ops attempt to take her life. Gabby is married to Mark Kelly and he is now retired from the Space Program. He had logged more miles to the ISS from the Space Shuttle than any other before he retired. It is time to end the Truth Embargo.
从戴维营(美总统渡假的农庄) --- 欧巴马总统有科技透过视讯连接到这些太空任务中心与航天员沟通. 双胞胎兄弟, 同时也都是 ‘国际太空站’ (ISS)上的指挥官--- Mark and Scott Kelly --- 他们协助众议会的科学\太空\科技组的众议员Gabrielle Giffords --- 从一个射入头部的枪伤中复原. --- 因为 ‘黑暗人员’ 要取她的性命. Gabby现在与Mark Kelly结婚, 而且Mark也退休了. 他在 ‘国际太空站’ (ISS)所做过的宇宙飞船飞航哩程数远超过任何其它人 --- 在他退休之前. 现在是解除真相封口令的时候了.
In the post-NESARA world transportation which now is all polluting and petroleum based will go away. Zero Point devices and energies will be non-polluting, inexpensive and complementary to our development. Most factories and power plants and highways will no longer be appropriate. We will be using anti-gravity lifting devices of many types that require no such support systems.
在NESARA法案宣布之后的世界的交通工具 --- 那些使用污染能源与石油的全都会消失. ‘零点科技’ 工具与能源将不会造成污染, 非常便宜, 而且对我们的(灵性)进展有帮助. 大部份的工厂与发电厂与高速公路都将不再适用. 我们会使用多种不同的 ‘反重力飞机’ --- 是完全不需要这些支持系统的.
Since every particle of matter and spirit is upgrading, even our present homes will upgrade with us until we are ready and desiring to move to the crystal cities and restore the old areas to pristine natural areas. Tabletop 3D copiers, Replicators and Organic gardens with new seeds and new technologies are the two most important aspects of our new living arrangements. We will want everything in our homes and everything we eat and wear to be non-toxic to us and others. I can tell you that the ships replicators can make anything you can imagine exactly the way you most desire it to look and taste and yet be completely healthy and supportive ofour new crystalline structures. New ways to communicate in many modes will replace our current commercial systems.
由于所有物质分子以及灵性能量都在晋级当中, 就连我们的家也会跟着我们升级 --- 直到我们准备好了并渴望搬入 ‘水晶城市’ --- 然后把旧区域恢复成原有的自然风貌. 我们还会有’Tabletop 3D copiers’桌上形的拷贝机, Replicators复制机以及有机的花园 ---会有新的种子和新科技 --- 而这些将是我们生活中最重要的新生活工具. 我们届时家中的所有东西, 包括吃的, 穿的 --- 全都无毒 --- 对我们自己和别人而言. 我还可以告诉你 --- 飞船上的 Replicators复制机可以制造出你能想象到的任何东西 --- 依照你渴望的样子, 口味出现--- 可是却完全健康, 完全支持我们 “新的水晶态的身体结构”. 我们会使用新方法来沟通 --- 完全取代我们目前的商业系统.
I will be at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure April 29th - May 3rd because I feel it is one of the most important events we will ever witness in our lifetimes. I invite you, I implore you, I beseech you to be there too asking for the Change which you Desire To See either live or live stream. We will do this Together and We will do this with Love. Please sign the Petition right now. Please share it so we obtain quickly the 100,000 signatures it deserves. http://Wh.gov/Hqqe © Elizabeth Trutwinhttp://GalacticRoundTable.org Please follow this link ~ I invite you to become a Member of Galactic roundtable ~ Sign Up Here. Also go there for daily email updates.
我将会在20130429到20130503日在 ‘公民听证会’ 上 --- 因为我觉得这是我们一生会见证到的最重要的事件了. 所以我邀请你, --- 我恳求你, 我请求你要参与来要求 ‘改变’ 的发生 --- 不论你是渴望现场参与或是看现场直播. 让我们一起做这件事, 而且让我们用爱来做这件事! 请现在就去签 ‘请愿书’. 请分享这消息出去, 让我们早日得到它该得到的十万份签字. http://Wh.gov/Hqqe © Elizabeth Trutwinhttp://GalacticRoundTable.org 请跟随这个网站消息 ~~~ 我邀请你们来成为会员. ~ Sign Up Here 同时请注意你电子邮箱里的讯息.
A Note From Beth: Hi Everybody~ I have a special request, well two. I have added a We The People Petition to the White House website. I know that what is written into the Petition is taking place. It is what everybody else is afraid to say. These Ones cannot hurt me. I say it because the We The People website has a lot of traffic. It is a dare. The Petitionsʻ purpose is to ask the media to do their job and report on the Citizensʻ Hearing. I know some from foreign countries feel it is very difficult to register on that site. Please be patient and try again. I am receiving many emails from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan in Chinese and they manage with little English, If you sign I would like to send you a thank you in the form of an Ebook. Just send me an email the number you signed and I will get your book of choice to you in ebook form. See http://GalacticRoundTable.org for more details. Ram Berkowitz and Mark Huber have both already signed. Letʻs do this one last time as a family together, please. Its a very good vibration for change and unity. PLEASE SIGN HERE and please ASK YOUR FRIENDS SIGN ~ALSO in April I have to travel three times to bring the Light Codes in. I will be attending a spiritual retreat with Sri Svami Purna to ground the energies before Disclosure. I have posted about it in Events at http://GalacticRoundTable.org That will take place April 12-15 Next I will be attending the Sirius Movie Premiere in LA on April 22 A week later I will fly to The Citizen Hearing April 29 and I will be there all week. In all cases my flights and registrations are paid for as donations from friends. I still have expenses for this pilgrimage. I really could use your help to see me through April. Please donate if you can. Any small amount will help. It is my duty to carry my energy to these places to see Disclosure through. It is My Mission. I still need help with transfers once I land. Taxis. Trains. I need parking fees at the airport three times or transport there which is 2 hours one direction to get there. I will need an occasional meal. I do not at the moment have money for these things. You may donate as you feel inspired to lift some of this burden from my shoulders HERE. If you would like to mail a check, please email me etrutwin@gmail.com With My Deepest Gratitude, ~beth I am doing all in my power to be a good example and help in every way possible. Thank you for all you do. Namaste! http://GalacticRoundTable.org, http://Garuda.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visithttp://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara
Elizabeth Trutwin的附注说明: 大家好! 我有一个特别的请求 --- 事实上是两个. 我做了一个 “We The People Petition”请愿书在白宫网站上. 我知道我写进 ‘请愿书’中的事情是事实! 而且是大家害怕讲的事. 但这些人伤害不了我. 我这么说是因为We The People website网站拜访的人数很多. 这是很大胆的一个举动. 这‘请愿书’是要求媒体做他们该做的工作, 而且报导“公民听证会’! 所以你会明白我们多么需要在一个礼拜之内达到150个签字在这‘请愿书’上面!? 只有这样媒体才能看到我们的请愿!
我知道一些外国国家会觉得要注册进入这网站很难. 请保持耐性继续试! 如果你签字的话我会寄一本 ‘电子书’ 给你做为答谢. 只要你寄你签字的号码给我的电子邮件我就寄给你你要的电子书. Ram Berkowitz and Mark Huber两个人都签了. 让我们家人们再次团结在这件事上. 这是提供 ‘改变’以及 ‘合一’的非常好的振动频率. 请签字! 并请邀请你的朋友们来签字 --- 还有, 在四月份我会做三次旅行去带入 ‘光密码’ --- 我会加入一个 ‘灵性闭静会’与 Sri Svami Purna一起来稳住地球能量 --- 在 ‘大揭露’之前.
我已经有公布这消息在 http://GalacticRoundTable.org 的 Events事件栏. 这‘灵性闭静会’会在20130412—15日之间举行, 此外我会参加 ‘天狼星首映会’在洛杉矶在20130422日, 之后我会参加20130429日的 ‘公民听证会’ 在华盛顿DC--- 并停留一整个礼拜. 参加这些活动的机票与登记费都是透过朋友们赞助的. 而除此之外我仍有开销问题.
我真的需要大家的协助来渡过四月份. 如果可以的话请捐款. 任何小数额捐款都有帮助. 这是我的责任来把我的能量带到这些地方来确保 ‘大揭露’ 的发生. 这是我的使命. 一但到达当地我仍然会有交通问题. 出租车. 火车. 我需要机场停车费用三次, 或是交通协助 --- 每次来回各需要两个小时. 我偶尔需要吃饭. 目前我还没有钱来应付这些开销. 如果你能捐款的话, 请协助减轻我的压力. 如果你要寄支票给我的话 --- 请先寄电子邮件给我etrutwin@gmail.com. 深谢各位! 我会从 ‘大揭露’ 现场每天做报告给大家. http://BBSRadio.com/galacticroundtable 我尽所有力量在做一个好榜样 --- 并在各方面尽力协助. 谢谢你们所做的全部事情. Namaste!
RL注: 请大家不要觉得奇怪 --- 能量这么强的Elizabeth Truwin为何会没钱--- 事实上这是一种 ‘示现’ 一种 ‘行为示范’ --- 最后大家会发觉 ---这些 ‘圣者’ 要做的事还是都圆满完成了, 但是他们身上很少有钱的. 可是他们也不怕. 事情永远会解决! 上帝自会安排! 他们示范的就是 --- 没有金钱恐惧的人生, 以及上帝 ‘同时性’ 的安排! --- 而真的 ‘想要捐款’ 的人也会发现自己突然有钱可以捐 --- 人生就是这么奇妙! 所以这是 ‘信念’ 的示范与学习!
想捐款的人可以直接上她的网站用信用卡捐款. 谢谢大家!