

原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?




每個地球人未來的希望: NESARA 

--- 天使是怎麼打敗魔鬼的? 

--- 如何從內部運作將黑暗政府合法的逼到死角? 

--- 和平如何重整與確保? 

--- 大同世界憑什麼產生? 

 ~~~ 準備好! 這是超越你想像極限的幸福故事! ~~~ 

作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin 

中文翻譯: 林琚月 

原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm 




摘錄自~David E Robinson from his book NESARA 

Read more: 


“Long before NESARA, a project was born to restore the United States of America to its original Constitution of the Republic, and to remove the structure of the Corporate United States. 

遠在NESARA 出現之前, 一個提案就被提出來重整美國法律, 恢復美國原來的憲法, 以及移除目前的 美國公司架構的美國政府.


This project began in the early 1950’s and involved intelligent and patriotic minds of both civilian and military background. These people over the years became known as the White Knights 

這個提案始於1950年, 同時由一些民間與有軍隊背景的睿智的愛國者提出.他們後來被稱為 白色騎士


. Out of this restoration process came the Prosperity Programs, the Farmer Claims, and finally NESARA. 

從這個重整的程式中跑出了三個東西: “繁榮計畫”, “農民賠償法案以及最後成形的 NESARA 


The children of the wealthy families on our planet became concerned about the future of our civilization, when they observed the poverty, disease, starvation and suffering of the masses. They saw the imbalance between the wealth of the few and the destitution of the many, and agreed among themselves to try to correct it. One hundred of these wealthy children, who came to be known as “wealthy visionaries”, put one million dollars each, of their money, into investment programs in the 1980’s called “roll programs” to generate funds to be used for humanitarian purposes. 

───這些法案的出現是由於全球的富貴家庭們看到了社會上的貧窮, 疾病, 饑荒, 以及一般民眾的疾苦, 他們開始擔心人類文明的未來.他們看到了許多人民的窮困與貧富的不平衡, 所以他們彼此之間同意,決定試著改善這種現象. 其中有一百個富裕家庭, 後來被稱為 有遠見的富人們”,1980年每個家庭拿出了自己的一百萬美元進入所謂的 “Roll Program”(延展法案), 以為 人道主義計畫之進行提供資金! 


Thus, the Prosperity Programs were born. Gradually, news of this spread to the public and millions of people invested small amounts of their meager funds to aid in these various Prosperity Programs success. Also, during the 1970’s and 1980’s many U.S. farmers were losing their land, machinery, buildings, and cattle due to fraudulent foreclosures by the Federal Reserve Banks, in cooperation with the IRS. Many farmers joined forces and brought a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Government, the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, and the IRS, for fraud against the farmers.” ~David E Robinson from his book NESARA 

因此所以, “繁榮計畫”就創立了!逐漸的, 消息傳到民眾耳中, 百萬名民眾開始從他們僅有的錢裏捐款到基金裏來協助 “繁榮計畫” 的成功. 同時,19701980年間, 由於美國國稅局與美國聯邦銀行詐欺性的查封手段, 使得許多美國農民失去土地, 機械, 建築物與牲畜, 所以許多農民集結在一起,聯合對美國政府, 包括對 “非美國政府”的 美國聯邦儲備銀行, 與美國稅務局,  “詐欺罪” 為名, 向法院提起 “聯合控訴”( Class Action Suit). 


~David E Robinson from his book NESARA  


Is NESARA for real? NESARA是真的嗎? 


I can assure you that NESARA [the National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is for real. I say that because I and my colleagues have talked to Bill Clinton, King of Swords (KOS), Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Lady Master Nada and 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law – not a bill!  

我可以保證 NESARA  (The National Economic Security and Reformation Act…國家經濟安全改造法) 是真的!!! 因為我以及我的同事跟 克林頓(Bill Clinton), King of Swords (KOS)劍王 , 阿斯塔Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet,娜達夫人Lady Master Nada 以及十四個國會議員, --- 他們是參與這個法案各個層面的草擬創立人員的人 --- 都說過話, 討論這件 法案”(law) ───不是Bill (未通過國會討論通過的議案) !!! --- 意即 --- NESARA 早已是國會通過的法案(ACT)!!! 


KOS and Seal teams recently moved the original signed document to a safer place so it will be available to Lady Master Nada when she makes her TV Announcement. Some of those 14 members of congress are Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, Paul Wellstone, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and Harry Reid. 

劍王和密封團隊最近將原始簽署的檔搬運到一個安全的地方去 --- 以方便娜達夫人 當她準備要在電視上出現公告這件事情的時候使用! 這十四名國會議員包括了Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, Paul Wellstone, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and Harry Reid 這九人在其中. 


KOS is a code name for one of highest ranking in the Secret Service. His job is to work very closely with President Obama, among others. He is the incarnation of Lord Sananda and one of his lifetimes was Jesus. He is a Navy Seal and served in the Vietnam War, he worked his way through the ranks into the Secret Service. There are many incarnate Souls now who are living here and you would recognize them as Archangels and also Kalki Maitrya is here on Earth. Some of these Ones take on a human body at will and they are not here full time. Others are here all the time living among us. I have met some. 

劍王KOS是一個最高階秘密情報組織主管人員的密碼名字. 他的許多職責之一是與歐巴馬總統保持密切聯繫. 他是耶穌 Lord Sananda的轉世. 他是海軍海豹部隊的成員, 曾參與越戰, 也是從基層升上來到秘密情報組織的人. 有很多轉世的高靈目前住在地球上, 而且你也會認出他們 ---  大天使團人員, 以及Kalki Maitrya 目前都在地球上. 有一些人可以隨心所欲隨時變化出人身, 但他們不會所有時候都在. 其他一些人則全時與我們住在一起, 在我們之間. 我也遇過一些! 


We need not look for Jesus to return wearing sandals and a robe. If he had returned that way he would have been killed, again. If he shows up in a business suit you will not think he is Jesus. He is here none the less living among us. There are many Higher Beings working in Galactic Human bodies working with him. We have arrived and we must work together to raise consciousness. 

我們不要以為耶穌會穿著木屐與白袍回來出現在我們眼前. 如果他這樣做他很快就又會被殺了! 如果他穿著西裝出現, 你不會認為他是耶穌基督. 他事實上已經在這裏了, 就生活在我們之間. 而且有很多高靈也以人身的方式隨同他一起工作. 我們已經來了, 到達這裏了, 我們需要一起工作提升 群眾意識!  


NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] was signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully enacted.

在西元2000 克林頓簽署了 NESARA 法案[National Economic Security and Reformation Act] (國家經濟安全改造法), 但是被密封起來不讓任何人證實它的存在 --- 直到它可以被宣佈為止 --- 屆時它就是完全需要被執行的法案了!!! 


What are your sources on NESARA?我的訊息來源?


What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence. 

我所知道的一切來自Faction 3 Intelligence --- 那是高過總統38階的階級 --- 其中包括了 劍王KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization](高級秘密情報人員組織) --- 我也是其中的一個人員, --- 以及 銀河聯邦 Ashtar Command, 回返的大師高靈團, Mother Sekhmet, 太陽系審理團主席, 以及 政府和情報局各階層中的白色騎士團人員”.


One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liaison between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar’s incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country. 

33年前, 我的一個朋友曾被這100 富裕的遠見者所要求協助 --- 做為他們各組人員中的聯絡人員. 我的朋友, Rama Arjuna, 是銀河聯邦 Ashtar Command阿斯塔司令官的兒子的轉世, 1979年被Ashtar Command阿斯塔司令官要求與劍王KOS合作來處理這法案的公告事情. 這些人都是真人實事分佈在全世界各地各個國家, 而且有銀河聯邦的支持. 


The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media–like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet through direct channeling; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the Starships and Solar Tribunal Councils. 

我們的一些訊息來自民間管道, Air America Radio, 地方新聞人員, 但最重要的, 來自總統以上的38個階層ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course)(埃及王---也是密碼名), 以及Mother Sekhmet的通靈訊息. 以及與阿斯塔, 耶穌SANANDA, 以及回返的大師們在飛碟上的OOB會議以及來自太陽系審理法院的會議內容. 


KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germain by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4 million, and is a high ranking member of the secret service. 

劍王KOS有個秘密的電話聯機系統 --- 可以將訊息傳出去散播給大眾知道. 他主要駐守地點在華盛頓DC, 在1999年被聖哲曼大師在世界法國被指定為世界超過四百萬國民自衛隊人員的司令, 而他本身就是情報系統的高級人員.


One source was approached more than 33 years ago by the wealthy visionaries and asked to assist with what became NESARA. She has continued with that work to this moment. And, NO, this is not Dove.  Rama goes up to the ships almost every night to work with Mother Sekhmet, and many others. We are all dedicated to getting NESARA announced and bringing the New Republic into full manifestation and to full Planetary Ascension. 

我們其中一個線人在33年前就被 富裕的有遠見人團體要求協助後來成為NESARA法案的事情. --- 而且這不是過去式, 這事還在進行當中 --- Rama這線人, 如今幾乎每晚上都上去飛船與 Mother Sekhmet以及其他人一起工作. 我們都付出一切來協助 NESARA法案的公佈, 以及將新的聯合眾國帶入實現當中, 直到地球全然揚升為止. 


Our summaries are sent to a very small circle of close friends. We try to only include what we have personal knowledge of even though–like everyone else–information comes in dribs and drabs and some questions and exact times will not be answered until it is safe to do so. I mention the designations of those we get info from even though some congressmen have checkered political records. Some are double agents and will soon decloak and spill the beans as to their roles. Filters are about to be ‘cleared’ and new mission assignments will be downloaded, internally, to each of us as these current events transpire. I should mention that many existing leaders may well surrender their vehicles to fully awakened galactic walkins. This has already happened in many cases…in addition to the hundreds of involuntarily cabal-cloned ‘standins’ we see on TV. 

我們關於此 nesara法案的綜述報告只有給過一小群圈內的朋友. 我們試著只給出我們確實知道的事情 --- 雖然像所有人一樣 --- 消息是一點一滴的進來, 而有些問題與時間問題尚無法回答. --- 直到安全時才能給出去! 我有提到一些指定的國會議員 --- 即使有些人的政治紀錄有缺陷 --- 因為有些人是兩面間諜, 而且很快會去除掩護走出來, 把一切攤在陽光下. --- 一如他們的使命所要求的. 濾光鏡將會拿掉, 而新的工作指令會被下載下來給我們所有的人, 隨著事情的公告進度而定. --- 而且我應該提到許多目前的領導人們最好將他們的身體載具乖乖交出來給覺醒的銀河人員 “換體”(Walk-in). ---這種 “換體”(Walk-in) 已經發生很多次了. 還有很多我們在電視上看到的cabal(黑暗組織成員) 其實是暫代的克隆 (stand- in cabal clones)! 

    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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