震撼! NESARA(9-4)
原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?
中文翻譯: 林琚月
原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm
原文網站: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/is-nesara-real#ixzz2BFA5hksX
Will any be left behind or lose out from participation in NESARA – for instance, from the drop in value of our 401Ks?
有人或什麼原因不能享受NESARA的嗎? 比如, 我們的退休福利401K會因此降低福利嗎?
No one will be left behind that chooses to trust, ask and allow the new to unfold. Presenters were all very definite about not fearing loss of Social Security; 401Ks, Retirement benefits, supplies of food, non-toxic medical treatment, education for our children. It won’t happen! NESARA is here and is ready to bring better solutions forward with our Announcement.
沒有任何支持新法的人會被排除在外! 父母們不用擔心失去社會福利金,或401K或退休福利金, 食物的供應, 無毒的醫療, 以及孩子們的教育! 那是不會發生的! NESARA已經在這裏了! 而且已經準備好了在 “大宣佈”之後會宣佈所有更好的解決問題的方案出來!!!
When will children be eligible to receive their benefit?
New kids being born will be able to ‘come aboard’ in 12-15 months.
Gold will be the currency of choice 黃金將會是貨幣選擇之一!
Gold will be the currency of choice for as long as we still need currency, and it is also important in the alchemy of our own Ascension.
只要我們仍需要貨幣 --- 黃金就會是選項, 而且它對我們個人的揚升有 “煉金術”的重要性!
What will be the impact of these programs? 這些計畫將會產生什麼影響?
The arrangement is exceedingly fair and will have a predictable effect of jump-starting the new economy and technologies. Of course, anyone wanting to open a trust or create a foundation will incur fees and expenses for those professional services.
由於這些安排都很公平, 所以會有個預期中的刺激效應而產生出更多新的經濟與新科技! 當然, 任何人想要開一個信用帳戶或是基金會, 會需要付專業服務費用.
Four countries – the US, the UK, Canada and Australia — will begin the NESARA distributions within 72 hours after Announcement of NESARA. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I neither created nor am involved with the administration of any of these major programs so I can’t speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments.
有四個國家 --- 美國, 英國, 加拿大與澳洲 --- 在 NESARA宣佈之後的72小時會開始發放基金. 其他國家則會在接下來的12到15個月內依照順序號碼來發放款項! ---由於我個人沒有參與制定與這些主要計畫的行政工作, 所以我無法就這些計畫是如何發放款項的事做說明!
A few of the major programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated.
有一些主要計畫並沒有貼標籤 --- 所以理論上而言, 應該是為重要的臨時需求而做的準備!
There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much simpler than the random and complicated bookkeeping methods that were spoken of ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects will still be greater than ever!
在 “大宣佈”之後的12到15個月內, 全部目前的78個計畫基金全部付出之後,會有個 “新計畫”出現! 這和十年前比起來, 將會是如此簡單的記帳方式! 非常慷慨, 而可以做其他計畫的剩餘款項仍然非常龐大!
Will every one of the original participants in the 78 major gifting programs receive a payout? 原來這78個主要計畫的參與人也會收到福利嗎?
Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the major gifting programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose will receive a payout.
每一個正直的計畫參與人, 每個與神聖使命相契合的人都會收到福利!
Anyone in these programs who has been intending or demonstrating criminally-corrupt intentions and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to unity, healing, harmony and integrity will not receive a payout from their investment in the programs.
而任何一個參與這些計畫的人, 如果證明他的目的與用心是有犯罪企圖的, 他的靈性震動頻率和行為被證明是傷害團結, 療愈, 合諧, 與正直的, 將無法收到他們投資在基金中的福利!
How will this disqualification be determined?
如何決定 “資格取消”?
KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved in the major gifting programs for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or intentions has basically disqualified one half of the original participants. That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by half as many people than was originally calculated. I won’t cite expected amounts, but it should be clear that far more — perhaps double the original amounts — will now be available for the gifting programs and their intended humanitarian projects.
KOS和他的人馬一直在監測每個參與的人很多年了. 由於不負責任和犯罪行為而被取消參與資格的人大約占了原始參與人的一半! 所以可以發放的錢就更多了! --- 由於原先那些投機取巧的有心機人員. 我不想說數目字 ! 但很明顯可能比原來的數目字已經多一倍了! --- 將充裕的提供所有發放所需, 以及一些人道計畫所需!
Will the existing economy utterly collapse?
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it's too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American's comprehension.
有許多人已經理解這個巨大的改變是需要的 --- 改變雖然痛苦 --- 我們無法用貼膏藥的方式來挽救這個舊的系統了! 它已經無藥可救了! 太晚了! 也沒有這樣的資源可以救他們了! 在美國和其他世界上90%的國家比起來, 我們已經好太多了!很多美國人根本無法理解那種狀況!
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic Citizenship.
在這外表的經濟崩潰的同時, 我們卻又得到了一個意涵更深遠的宇宙狀況 --- 那就是全宇宙等待著我們加入銀河社會成為銀河公民的一員!
What is the fate of victims of stock-market fraud?
Outside of the Prosperity, Freedom, Farm Claim programs, the bad guys owe additional settlements for which they have not paid; i.e., stock market fraud settlements, will these be paid too and will they be paid one for one or will the payments be RE-Indexed 90%? If so, will they be paid in the new Rainbow Currency that is backed by gold/silver?
除了 繁榮基金, 自由基金, 農民賠償基金之外, 這些壞人欠了更多調解款項, 例如, 股市詐欺賠償款, 而這些賠償他們會付嗎? 會 ‘等比率1比1付’ ? 還是會用“貨幣新索引以90%支付”? 如果如此, 會用新的 金本位的 “彩虹貨幣”來付嗎?
Those obligations are of the Corporation USA, in D.C. They have nothing to do with NESARA. The money they put into their secret offshore accounts has been recovered by the Hong Kong Blondes who now work for KOS. The country settlements represent fraud/theft and none of them will get those funds—$300Trillion cyber-lifted from those secret accounts and back in the U.S. now…in safe hands.
這些責任是屬於在華盛頓DC的美國公司的假政府的, 與NESARA無關! 他們藏在海外的帳戶早就被KOS旗下的the Hong Kong Blondes公司所找到. 這個代表著被詐欺與竊盜走的款項所變成的國家調解基金, 共三百兆美金, 早被網路從那些秘密帳戶中攔截回來, 目前已安全的儲存在美國. 那些人再也摸不到這筆錢!
Neither Wanta nor 160 nations’ heads will get any of that stolen money. St Germain has good projects benefiting the People that will get that money. Post Announcement, the Phoenix ‘Rainbow’ currency will be exchangable by US Citizens, in this country, on a $1=$1 basis. 30 days after NESARA’s announcement, all non-NESARA funds/prices will be reindexed to wring inflation out of the world economy. That will put more spendable income into the hands of citizens.
不論是Wanta或是那160國的國家領導人能夠得到這些被偷走的錢. 聖哲曼有好的方案來處理這些錢以利益人民. 在 “大宣佈”之後, 這鳳凰 “彩虹”貨幣將可以在美國以一對一的比例讓人民對換. 在 “大宣佈”之後30天, “新貨幣索引”出爐, 將通貨膨脹從世界經濟中解決掉. 人民手上又會有更多錢可以使用!
How is this operation being conceived and managed?
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.
聖哲曼基金會 … 將亞特蘭斯帝國的黃金在這時提出來給 光之工作者們使用.而NESARA成功的極至之處在於聖哲曼的顧問委員會. 回返來的大師聖哲曼守護著這筆款項, 而且還從金星協調了許多黃金過來, 以及宇宙其他地方的黃金 ---所以累積到$1+40個零的金額的錢, 所以足夠發給每個人一千萬美元 --- 不論男女老少 --- 在 “大宣佈”之後!
Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely.
聖哲曼的 “數學對術” --- 一直用數學模型演算出可以自己反復充填的方法來保持住收入以及所有需要! 我看過那些模型演算例子, 它們絕對可以無限提供給政府和人民和所有計劃的需要!
There is no need for any anxiety or fear. All has been prepared and solutions to all the major challenges of food, shelter, income, education and safety are included in NESARA’s provisions.
害怕或焦慮是不需要! 所有事都已經準備好了! 不論是重要民生物資的食物, 住房, 收入, 教育或是安全問題都已經包含在NESARA條款裏了! 所有解決辦法都好了!
What about the impact of matters like the Bailout on NESARA?
When Bush signed that bogus bailout bill, it did not become law! He was under house arrest. That was what Ashtar meant on Tuesday 10/7, when he said: “Bailout Cancelled!” Signing that bill was only a way to get him to convict himself and all who were his corrupt co-conspirators in treason … going all the way back to 9/11. What this meant was that the Congressional votes had to do with the CorporationUSA and not the Republic which is “We the People,” who are being protected and funded inside NESARA.
當布希簽了那個偽造的(或是 狗屁的) 保釋條款 --- 那並沒有變成法律! 他當時是在軟禁的狀態中. 這就是阿斯塔司令官在10\7星期二所說的 “保釋條款”取消的意思! 簽署那檔只是讓他自己給自己定罪, 以及他所有的叛國共犯份子… 一直牽連到911事件. 這代表的意義是國會那時的投票與與 “the Corporation USA”偽政府有關而不是代表聯合公國, 不是代表應該受到NESARA法案所保護的人民!
When will the banking and economic arrangements behind NESARA be put in place?
All NESARA gold and precious metals are in US Banks along with our new Phoenix Currency, and we are compliant with Basel II since 0ct 1.
所有NESARA的黃金與重金屬都在美國銀行中與我們新的鳳凰貨幣在一起, 而且我們從10\01日開始就完全遵守Basel II金融法令.
New banking and economic systems are NOW in place! KOS has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada.
新銀行與經濟系統現在已經就位. KOS劍王早派他的人到所有銀行去了! 99%的組織架構都已完成, 只要Ashtar, St Germain and/or 或是Lady Master Nada 指令一下, 就會開始進行!!!