

原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?


作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin 

中文翻譯: 林琚月 

原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm 



When is all this likely to be announced?  何時可能可以宣佈這一切? 


Soon. Be cautious about anyone giving an exact date for actions. That should be seriously questioned. We will know when these events are happening, be assured of that. Signing the NESARA Petition is one of the most important things anyone can do to bring the Announcement into fruition. 

快了! 對於給出日期的人要小心! 那是很有問題的! 當事情發生時我們絕對會知道的! 請大家簽署NESARA宣佈之請願書是大家能夠讓此 大宣佈儘快發生的最重要方法! 


We have been INSIDE NESARA LAW since Oct 2nd per KOS’s authority and direction. Much is being done to purge the financial systems of ‘tinkering’ vulnerabilities. That has progressed significantly and will be ready when needed. 

依照KOS的權力與指示, 我們從10\02日起就已經在NESARA法律之內. 很多努力都在改變目前搖搖晃晃的金融體系的脆弱部份. 這部份進行的很好, 而且在需要的時候就會完全就位了!  


Mother Sekhmet confirmed not only that we are inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since October 2nd. 

Mother Sekhmet確認我們不止已經在NESARA法律之中, 以及這代表的所有改變意涵之內, 而且最重要的根本改變已經安靜的從 



We are not waiting for Inauguration. Tying all these loose ends together: 9/11 Treason, the role of the Vatican/Pope; War Crimes; Financial Fraud on unbelievable level; Peace across the planet; Truth about Galactic presence and assistance throughout all times and ages; truth about all the clones, holograms of all types; complicity of the media; the rogue intelligence harassment of citizens; and criminal collusion and corruption with all government heads. 

我們沒在等一個開始的典禮. 再把所有線索綁緊: 例如: 911叛國罪, 梵蒂岡教宗的角色, 戰爭罪犯, 不可思議的金融詐騙在各個階層, 地球的和平, 銀河聯邦存在之事實以及在人類歷史上的所有協助, 克隆人之存在, 全息事實的各種存在, 媒體的複雜度, 對人民隱私的流氓行為的情報騷擾, 所有政治領導人的各種犯罪與腐敗行徑, . 


We have been told there are two things pre-requisite to NESARA’s Announcement.  They are: Sibel Edmond’s testimony about 9/11 and the lifting of the coverup about the galactic presence in our skies, over every major city on the planet. The two, 4 day, earth-based meetings in Europe and Dharamsala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the King of Swords–all of whom work together, since being in service together during the Vietnam war, at the 38th level above the President. 

”NESARA大宣佈之前有兩件事必須先發生. 一是Sibel Edmond911的證詞, 二是 銀河聯邦的大揭露 ───承認銀河飛船存在於地球的所有主要都市天空的訊息. KOS與埃及王, 他們都是總統之上第38高層的領導, 也都曾在越戰中做過同袍. --- 他們在經過在歐洲和Dharamsala四天的 地球會議”,以及在太陽系審理庭在土星的會議, 以及在華盛頓DC所做的會議之後已經草擬了一份公告聲明!!! 


That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have White Knight assets inside. Those White Knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about and support the needed changes. The ascended masters are now present. It is obvious to any informed observer that any large sums paid to anyone at this time would put their lives in extreme danger as well as result in the funds being stolen. 

這公告說得很清楚: 所有已知的字母政府單位, 和一些大家不知道的單位, 都有白色騎士們的資產存在! 白色騎士們和四萬名完全覺醒的銀河地球人會聯合在軍隊中的補充編制人員, 將會起動軍隊做所需要的政府改變! 回返來的大師們都在! 任何有知識的觀察家都可以清楚的瞭解到如果在此時釋放出任何大筆金錢給任何人都會讓那些人的性命產生非常危險, 而錢也會被偷. 


That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV. 

所以在娜達夫人在電視上 大宣佈之前, 以及政府改變之前, 這是一個不可以發放款項的至關重要的理由! 


All the preparations are now complete. When the first TV address is heard, the removals will all have been accomplished. This is a worldwide restoration of freedom, honesty and abundance. Gold in the amount of $1+ 40 zeros, has been recovered and includes gold and precious metals from many other Planets. These funds have been accumulating in Master Trusts for the last 200+ years through the stewardship of St Germain. Over 200 banks and safe depositories are involved worldwide in these programs. All but the master criminals and confederates, will have greater abundance, opportunities and assistance in all areas: medical, educational, expanded spiritual awareness, political expression, and so many other areas that will be possible when peace is established….  The means is already in place and can be accomplished by a single command. 

所有的準備都已經完成了! 當電視 大宣佈發生時, 所有 大逮捕也完成了! 這是一個全球性的自由, 誠實與繁榮的復原!黃金數量是$1x40個零,都已經找到, 其中包括來自別的星球的稀有金屬.這些款項在過去200年來都在聖哲曼大師的監理之下.全世界超過200個銀行以及安全的儲存地都有參與在這些計畫之中!除了那些大壞蛋以及他們的爪牙之外, 所有人都可以得到繁榮富裕, 機會與協助在各個領域: 醫療, 教育, 靈性提升的學習, 政治才華, …等等---有如此多範圍的可能性讓人們發揮! --- 在重建和平之後!───方法都已經存在了! ───只需要一個命令就可以被啟動!  


What is the cabal doing to prevent its announcement? 

黑暗份子們做什麼事來阻撓 大宣佈? 


The Bush crime family and cohorts have tried everything, including the demolition of the Twin Towersand other 9/11-related events, to see to it that the Announcement would never be allowed to occur. They have failed, but their efforts have delayed parts of the program until now. 

布希罪犯家族以及他們的大軍團試過了所有的方法 --- 包括毀掉 雙子星大樓, 以及其他911相關事件. ---以確保 大宣佈永不會發生! 他們是失敗的, 但他們的干擾確實拖延了整個計畫至今.  


There are disinformation ‘damage control teams’ who have planted bait on the internet. Their websites were made by people who got tired of waiting for announcement, turned bitter, and then became pawns for Cabal disinformation and damage control efforts. 

他們的 損害控制隊在網路上設有釣餌發散錯誤訊息!他們的網站上有很多等得不耐煩而轉憤怒的博友, 被他們利用來傳播錯誤消息


But the Announcement is coming soon. 



In earlier actions it was noted that “moles” existed in many agencies including the US Marshalls and those insiders consistently gave advance notice to bankers and administrative heads whenever arrests or other legal actions were scheduled. Mother confirmed that all such ones have been removed and will no longer be an impediment as the above actions prepare the way for massive arrests of indicted ones. 

在早期的工作中, 我們注意到很多 地鼠存在很多單位中, 包括美國警方,而這些人一直不斷提早偷偷放出警告給銀行家以及行政官們何時會被抓與被告的消息. Mother Sekhmet 有確認這些 地鼠都被移除了, 以後不會有這些障礙存在, 特別是當對起訴人員做 大逮捕! 


Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed. They are being electronically ‘tagged’ and will be ‘bagged’ on a single command. Many are already ‘missing in action’. This is crunch time for the tricksters.

任何款項轉移來顛覆NESARA或偷竊 調節款項的事, 都會被攔截, 並交給聖哲曼大師處理, 而罪犯會被移除!這些人都已被貼了標籤, 而且只要一個命令就會被收押監禁. 許多人都已經憑空消失了! 現在是這些搗蛋鬼的被輦碎時間!  


Are the so-called “packages” legitimate? 

有所謂的 (包裹) “packages”這些案子合法嗎?  



Do not be concerned with Casper et al’s emphasis on “packages” being delivered before NESARA is announced. That is a Bush Sr ruse to dissappoint and distract Lightworkers. 

別管Casper et al提到“packages”之一事, 會在NESARA大宣佈之前送到 --- 那是老布希的欺騙手法來分散光工們的注意力以及讓他們失望!!! 


Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”– before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule—should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the dark side works. 

任何人在娜達夫人在電視上做 大宣佈之前收到任何類似 包裹要求籤任何字 --- 要小心可能是有性命危險的事. 黑黑們就是這樣做事情的!  


Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. We have been watching the arrests and trials of these dark ones for over two years now. That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV. 

拿一個合法的計畫, 以及它的受益人名單, 寄一些 試探氣球出去, 然後看看有多少傻子可以被套住. 再偷他們的錢, 把他們帶到海外, 然後處理掉. (殺了) 所以為了保護這些款項, 受益人, 以及受益群體, 在這些惡徒被移除之前, 沒有款項會發放出去! 我們已經觀察這些逮捕與法庭審理事件超過兩年了, 所以這個安全考量是至關重要的! 在娜達夫人在電視上做 大宣佈之前以及政府改變之前, 這是一個不可以發放款項的至關重要的理由!


 How does the Announcement of NESARA fit into the general flow of events leading up to First Contact? 



When Regime changes, 9/11 exposure by Sibel Edmonds (in final negotiations for TV address at this moment) and revelations of the Galactic UFO Presence will forever dissolve the Cabal coverup or suppression of these facts. We will all then get an experience of upshift by a half step. This upshift would have taken many, many lifetimes of spiritual progress to accomplish, but has been decreed by the Grace of Source to each of us. Therewith most if not all will ‘remember’ our core-resonance with the Spiritual Dimensions and most hearts will open to that knowledge, already present. 

當政府結構改變, 而且Sibel Edmond911的證詞被公開, 以及 銀河聯邦存在的大揭露之後, ───黑暗人員的謊言被拆穿了, 我們就向前進行了半步路! 這半步路的提升可是許多輪回轉世所得到的靈性進展 --- 但早就被源頭造物主所命令要在我們每個人身上發生. 因此, 大部份的人, 如果不是全部的人的話, 會記起我們與造物主的共鳴, 此時所有的  才會開放來接受“NESARA大宣佈的知識 --- 那些早已存在的知識! 


This experience will be so awesome that most will want to stay home from work, school or whatever the next day or three, to process this experience. Since this will coincide with NESARA’s Announcement and >36 hours of TV/Radio Broadcasts of economic, political and spiritual information, which will be quite dramatic to most. It has been known but suppressed by the Cabal for eons of time to keep us in ignorance and separation from our Source awareness. People hearing these broadcasts will quickly learn that debt is going to be forgiven and that net income will be increased through elimination of the IRS, Income Taxes and credit card debt with NESARA’s Announcement and all the positive improvements it supports. 

這些經驗將是如此驚人 --- 大部份人將會選擇不去上班, 不上學, 留在家裏兩三天時間來消化這些經驗! ───這時段也正與 “NESARA大宣佈之後36小時的電視\收音機的廣播同時 --- 會有關於 經濟, 政治, 和靈性修養的訊息 --- 對大部份人而言將是非常戲劇化的! 黑暗份子億萬年來一直把人們留在黑暗當中, 讓人們無知, 並保持與源頭覺知的分離! 聽到廣播的人們將會知道所有債務都免除了! 個人收入也會因為國稅局與個人稅務的取消, 卡債的解除, 以及所有 NESARA計畫所帶來的正面大改造而大為增加!  


Can you give me an example of a country acting on its knowledge of NESARA? 



Yes. The news in Iceland recently was that they are bankrupt, but will refuse Bailout Funds. They know that they will come inside NESARA’s funding provisions so they are allowing their corporate bankrupcy to proceed. 

是的!冰島最近的消息是他們已經破產了, 卻拒絕 保釋款”(BAILOUT FUNDS). 他們知道他們可以得到NESARA款項所以他們持續的讓他們的企業倒閉!  


What about something called “country settlement payments”?  Will they take place? 

有個所謂的“country settlement payments”(國家債務調解款)嗎? 何時會發生? 


There are bogus “country settlement payments” that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus. NO such payments will be going to the crooks! I repeat: “country settlement payments” will NOT take place. Those funds will be used for the benefit of all peoples on the Planet. 

那個放屁的“country settlement payments”(國家債務調解款)是那些銀行強盜們欺騙大眾的話! 沒這回事! 沒有這種錢去付給這些騙子!  

我重說一遍:沒有“country settlement payments”(國家債務調解款)”這東西存在! 不會發生! 所有錢都只會用在地球的人民身上!!!  




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