
震撼! NESARA(9-6

原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?


作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin 

中文翻譯: 林琚月 

原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm 



What will happen to the Federal Reserve and IRS? 

美國聯邦儲備銀行  美國國稅局 未來會如何? 


Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are submitting legislation to put the Federal Reserve under the USTreasury and write off all that false-debt that is income for the Bushes and Cabal associates…and END IRS collections. 

Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul正提出新的法案要將 美國聯邦儲備銀行納入財政部, 同時取消所有的 假債務 --- 那些是布希與黑暗份子們的收入, 同時會將 美國國稅局結束掉!!!  


The Federal Reserve has been folded into the US Treasury and all of the Gold and Phoenix, Precious Metal-Backed currency, is in the banks NOW. The USTreasury is already taking over many functions of the Federal Reserve. The IRS is KAPUT, gone, dissolved, except for refunds, awaiting public announcements. 

美國聯邦儲備銀行已經被納入財政部了, 而所有的黃金, 以及鳳凰貨幣 --- ‘金本位 的貨幣現在已經都在銀行中了! 財政部早就取代了很多美國聯邦儲備銀行的工作. 美國國稅局早就停擺了! 取消了! 解體了! 除了退款業務還在之外, 就只等著公開宣佈了!!!  


What will happen to the banks? 



The general direction of the economy is downward as we are approaching the point where the full off-balance sheet amounts of derivatives are going to have to be dealt with–$2,000 Trillion estimated. Since they amount to more than all the banks’ assets/income in the world, a wholesale bust or bankruptcy is inevitable. 

整體經濟的方向是向下的, 尤其當我們接近這個點 --- 當所有收支不平衡的損益表的所有相關的 衍生物都到期而必須面對的時候 --- 預估是兩千兆美元!!! 由於這個金額是遠超過世界上所有銀行資產收入之總額, 所以銀行們要嘛做清倉大拍賣或是宣佈破案 --- 這是無法避免的!!!  


That involves, banks, stock/bond markets, hedge funds, n funds, 401k investments and most mutual funds. 

Since these are insured by insurance companies, they also will have to face the facts that they dont have enough reserves to pay claims.

 Nationalization of the major banks is likely. That would allow the governments to take them over, clean them out of the criminals and shadow-banking practices, and write off the mostly worthless derivatives, keeping only the true asset-based investments.

 They will then reopen as US Treasury Banks backed by precious metals and without fractional banking. 

這包括了銀行們, 股票\債券市場, 風險基金, 退休基金, 401k投資基金以及互助保險基金! 既然這些保險是由保險公司所承銷的, 他們也必須面對他們沒有足夠儲備來支付所有理賠的事實!!! 把主要銀行們收歸國有是非常可能的! 這樣政府可以將之接收過來, 把他們那些不合法的犯罪行徑全部改正過來, 以及掃除那些毫無價值的 衍生物 而只保留真正有資產價值的投資! 然後以財政部 金本位銀行之名義重新開門營業, 以稀有金屬做抵押, 而再沒有杠杆原理的銀行操作!!! 


Big Box Banks are very likely to become nationalized so they can be disinfected from their toxic derivativesestimated to be as much as $2000 Trillion worldwide.

大間的銀行最可能被國有化! 這樣他們那些 有毒的 銀行衍生操作才能被消毒乾淨! --- 預估全世界這些 大約 兩千兆!!!  


What will happen to the Euro? The stock market?

 歐元會怎樣? 股市呢?


The Euro is going to go sliding downward. Only Gold/Silver will hold value. The stock market has not yet realized the magnitude of the unfunded debt of the world. It is impossible to EVER pay it back. So bankruptcy is the only option for the Cabal.  And, as we have been saying: That has NOTHING to do with the Republic, which is fully funded by NESARA and which is already in the Announcement stage, even though not yet formally announced. 

歐元會慢慢滑落穀底! 只有黃金與白銀會有價值! 股市還沒搞清楚這個全世界債務的雪花會滾多大? 還沒反應過來! --- 這筆債是不可能還得清的!!! 所以黑暗份子唯一的一條路就是宣佈破產!--- 而且正如我們一再強調的 --- 這些債務跟民眾沒有關係! 全球人民已經在NESARA的保護傘之下了! 而且已經接近 大宣佈了!!! --- 即使還沒正式宣佈!!! 


What is the validity of all these discussions of “package deliveries”? 

那些關於 “package deliveries”(包裹交付)的討論到底有多少真實性? 


Casper/Poof reports what is fed to him by faction 1 and 2 sources.  1/3 is based on partial truths but spun to confuse and keep folks looking for “packies” that will never come until after NESARA is announced. Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule– should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the darkside works. Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed.

Casper/Poof關於“package deliveries”(包裹交付)的消息是黑暗份子faction 1 and 2部門所給他的假消息!!! 其中1\3的真實消息被編織進去來混淆視聽 --- 讓人們忙著找不會到達的包裹! --- 因為NESARA還沒 大宣佈! --- 在娜達夫人在電視上公告交付之前 --- 大家要小心不要亂簽任何檔 --- 可能會造成性命問題!!! 黑黑們就是這樣做事情的! 拿一個合法的計畫, 以及它的受益人名單, 寄一些 試探氣球出去, 然後看看有多少傻子可以被套住. 再偷他們的錢, 把他們帶到海外, 然後處理掉. (殺了) 所以為了保護這些款項, 受益人, 以及受益群體, 在這些惡徒被移除之前, 沒有款項會發放出去! 我們已經觀察這些逮捕與法庭審理事件超過兩年了, 所以這個安全考量是至關重要的! 在娜達夫人在電視上做 大宣佈之前以及政府改變之前, 這是一個不可以發放款項的至關重要的理由! 任何款項轉移來顛覆NESARA或偷竊 調節款項的事,都會被攔截, 並交給聖哲曼大師處理, 而罪犯會被移除! 


I have heard of “major gifting programs” or “numbered programs” connected with “original investors.” What are these and how will they work? 

我聽說了 主要禮物計畫” (“major gifting programs” or “numbered programs”) 與原始投資人有關! 這是怎麼一種狀況? 如何運作? 


Only programs completed before the end of 1999 will pay out…. However everyone will still get $10 Million. … The 78 major programs are funds designed for huge projects. Recipients will be contributing $10 Million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. … There are bogus settlement payments that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus and no such payments will be going to the crooks! Same is true of the packages touted by a few Faction Two bankster shills. 

只有在1999年前完成的 計畫 之錢會被撥出去! 目前有78個計畫要撥款給非常龐大的案子! 受益人將會交出一千萬去給他們名單上的200人! … --- 這些是虛假的 債務調解款” (settlement payments) --- 黑暗份子創造出來騙你們的! 完全是假的! 沒有要付給這些騙子的錢!!! 同樣的, 銀行強盜團Faction Two bankster shills人員所宣傳的假 包裹也是假的!!!


People that invested in the 78 programs before the end of 1999 are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. Those designated participants in the 78 original and existing numbered progams will receive large amounts to facilitate huge humanitarian projects.  These are people who invested in the original 78 programs before the end of 1999.  They are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. 

1999年底前投資在這78個計畫的投資人是這些計畫合法的受益人, 而且會擔負起管理與支付這些款項的任務!每個計畫都有清楚的檔對於款項處理的指示! 這些參與這78個計畫的參與人會依照原始順序, 獲得鉅款來支付很多人道支持的項目!!! 這些參與人都是在1999年前就投資在計畫中的人!!! 這些參與這78個計畫的參與人會依照原始順序, 獲得鉅款來支付很多人道支持的項目!!!每個計畫都有清楚的檔對於款項處理的指示! 


All major programs in all countries will be completed over 12-15 months maximum, except for the first four.  People in the programs will receive many hundreds of billions –- which is an understatement — of which they will be mandatorily gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. All the lists will be cross-compared to ensure that everyone gets that amount. There will not be any duplications as each ‘gifting list’ will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice. 

除了首批的四國之外, 所有主要的計畫案在所有的國家都會在最多1215個月中完成款項分發! 這些計畫投資人都會回收好幾百個十億美金 --- 這數目可能還低估了! ─── 但依照規定他們必須各拿出一千萬的一小部份零頭利益交給名單上所有的200! 這名單都會經過交叉比對來確認每個人都拿到他應得的錢!這付款程式會有記錄 --- 所以不會有多拿一次或少拿的情況發生!  


Of course, the main purpose of these programs is to level the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the world. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses. I’m only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts.   Clarifying instructions and examples will be included in the major-program package instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements but all will participate in this gifting distribution.

當然! 這些計畫的主要目的就是把經濟遊戲的立腳點扯平, 同時為人道救援計畫提供大量資金! 除此之外, 參與人員如果願意多捐款的話, 還可以再捐! 我目前只討論眼前已制定的部份!!! 每個執行人員在收到 包裹時都會收到清楚的檔指示!!! 不同計畫有不同檔指示 --- 但都是在全球發款的發放工作當中!!!

    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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