震撼! NESARA(9-7)
原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?
作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin
中文翻譯: 林琚月
原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm
原文網站: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/is-nesara-real#ixzz2BFA5hksX
What will be happening to the last cabal in these days ahead?
Ashtar stated on 11/18: “NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land. Black Ops funding is being cancelled and certain Black Ops programs are being dismantled and shut down.” Many foundation changes are already being implemented. House Arrest of the leaders of 195 countries has been necessary as part of the changes. Ashtar said that the funding for the Black Ops programs have been shut down…permanently. Blackwater troops are ready to seek other work as they are not being paid what is owed to them. Cabal Black Ops programs are being defunded and will no longer have their drug money to fund them.
阿斯塔司令在11\18說: “NESARA現在是這塊土地的法律了!黑暗份子的行動基金已經被取消了! 一些黑暗行動組織已經被解體關門大吉了!” 許多基礎改變已經被裝置完成了! 195國的國家領導人的軟禁逮捕對於 “大改變”是必須的! 阿斯塔司令說一些黑暗行動組織已經被 ‘永久’解體關門大吉了!黑水部隊(Blackwater troops)已經準備要另外找工作 --- 因為欠他們的薪水沒拿到! 黑暗份子們的黑暗行動都 ‘斷奶’了, 也不會再有 “販毒收入”來支持他們了!
No solid-hologram will actually take office … although Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Hillary, and many more in Congress and elsewhere in government and banking are now just that. Paschat Warriors are paying ‘business calls’ on the 13 Elder Dragon Families. These ‘calls’ are also happening to BlackWater, Haliburton and many others. All false intel stories about Obama or any appointees will be exposed. Do NOT think that any solid holograms will be taking office. With the Announcement, the ‘power’ to sustain those ones will be withdrawn and they will ‘fizzle out’.
再不會有 “影子人”做總統了...雖然布希, Cheney, Paulson, Hillary(希拉蕊)以及許多國會議員, 政府行政人員以及銀行人員…等 --- 都只是“影子人”而已! (注: 老闆在後頭!) “猶太逾越節(復活節)戰士”(Paschat warriors)一直在拜訪十三個資深的龍家族(Elder Dragon Families)! 同時也拜訪BlackWater, Haliburton和其他家族! 所有關於歐巴馬或其他工作人員的謠言都會被曝光! 隨著 “大宣佈”的發生, 那些支援這些錯誤訊息的力量將會逐步消失, 終至銷聲匿跡!
The War Crimes Arrests for 9/11 involvement will be quite broad and quite extensive. Likewise for acts of Treason. These are critical elements of justice that must be allowed to fulfill Planetary and Universal legal requirements.
911事件的戰爭罪犯之逮捕行動將會牽連甚廣. 大多為 ‘叛國罪’! 這是非常重大的正義之伸張! 對於地球與宇宙法律的尊嚴具有不可違逆的涵意!
The truth must be told with purity, clarity and exactness. Most of us are well aware that all political, religious, economic, sciences and histories have been manipulated and distorted for purposes of control throughout the ages. That ends now. The most important lies have been the withholding of our own origins, purposes and potentials for the purpose of enslavement and prevention of Planetary Ascension. This will be one of the most amazing revelations of all times.
“真相”必須完全清楚的, 純潔的, 精確的被說明出來!!! 我們大部份人都知道許多世紀以來, 所有政治, 宗教, 經濟, 科學與歷史都被動過手腳來曲解來完成操控我們的目的! --- 而這其中最大的謊言就是--- 隱瞞我們的出身背景, 我們生命的目的, 以及我們的潛能 --- 以達到奴隸我們的目的, --- 以及阻止地球的揚升!!! ─── 這將會是最驚人的事實!!!
On October 30th, in Ashville, NC, CH 13, WSOL, locals were surprised to see huge movements of large military aircraft–painted black–into the local area. CIA, FBI in large numbers filled the area, and then thousands of business-suited prisoners in handcuffs and leg shackles were loaded on the planes in the wee hours of the night. Those planes were headed for the Hague and the prisoners were said to be 10,000 bankers and associates indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald’s 56 Grand Juries meeting over the last 3+ years. It was obvious that a Federal Judge had unsealed those indictments.
在 North Carolina, Ashville市, 在第十三號WSOL電視臺, 10\30日, 當地民眾很震驚的看到大量的漆黑的軍事飛機被運送到當地! CIA和 FBI的人員大量進駐! 然後在淩晨1到3點間, 幾千名穿西裝戴著腳鐐手銬的囚犯被帶上飛機. 這些飛機是要飛往Hague, 而囚犯是一萬名銀行家與銀行人員. 他們歷經三年審查, 被Patrick Fitzgerald的56名陪審團員判定有罪. --- 很顯然, 一個聯邦法官已經起訴了他們!
Ashtar mentioned the King of Egypt as an Adept who had accomplished miracles. We understood that he was referring to the KOE’s masterful orchestration and coordination of all that was required to effect the success of the arrests, and the transport to Europe of all those corrupt ones, for formal trial in the Hague.
阿斯塔司令有提到 ‘埃及王’是個創造奇跡的專家! 我們明白他指的是‘埃及王’在 “大逮捕”上巧妙的絕佳安排與組織策劃, 讓 “大逮捕”能順利成功! 並把這些腐敗份子送到Hague去接受正式審判!
Ashtar told us that those ones will not be returning. They will be joined by Illuminati families [“families” as in lines of control] and minions and their programs of control of the people of this Planet are already being dismantled and shut down permanently. We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives.
阿斯塔司令告訴我們這些人不會回來了! 他們會與 光明會家族成員在一起! 所有光明會的奴僕, 以及他們控制人民的計畫都被永遠的解體了! --- 我們所看到的正是NESARA的第一顆收穫果實 --- 而這只是開始而已! 每天都會有新的正面的進展發生! 所有當選的政治人物都必須實現諾言! 任何無法兌現諾言的政治家都將被移除並被誠實的人民代表所取代!
10,000 bankers were arrested, tried in the Hague, and executed a week ago, while holograms are in their places in the top levels of the banks and their families will not know until after our Announcement. It has taken many, many years of secret Grand Jury sifting through mountains of facts to bring 10,000+ sealed indictments to be unsealed jointly by Patrick Fitzgerald and Lady Master Nada for serving by US Marshals, the military; interpol and backed by the Galactic Federation Ships over all our major cities now. That number comes from the 56 Grand Juries that met for over 3 years as part of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigations of various illuminati directed criminal matters.
那一萬名銀行人員被逮捕, 在Hague被審判, 而且已經於一個禮拜之前被執行死刑了! 由於 “全息影子人”取代了他們的位置, 連他們的家人們都不知道 --- 直到 “大宣佈”! --- 這些人是歷經了秘密陪審團多年的仔細審核過像山那麼高的檔證據, 之後才能由Patrick Fitzgerald 法官與娜達夫人( Lady Master Nada) ,透過美國警方, 軍隊與情報單位之協助, 以及 銀河聯邦在所有主要城市上空監測, 才終於將秘密起訴變成公開起訴! 這56位陪審團員三年來, 在整個光明會指使的犯罪調查過程, 一直與我見過面, 而數目字也是他們給我的!
The King of Egypt is our direct source for that number and that information. It was his job to bring all of those ones indicted for treasonable offenses to Asheville, NC where they were guarded by a team of military, CIA and FBI before being put onto large black aircraft and flown to the Hague for trial and for execution a week later. The late night transport was reported on local TV Ch 13 and nowhere else.
‘埃及王’目前是我直接的消息來源與數位來源. 他就是負責把這些依照叛國罪被起訴之人帶到Asheville, NC受到CIA and FBI 以及軍隊之監管, 然後再將犯人用黑色飛機帶到Hague做最後審判以及處死的人. 當地的地方電視臺Ch 13有報導此事! 其他地方就都沒有了!
We were told by KOE that they were gone…a week later. Holograms were put in their places and they are still going to work and home, until after our Announcements. These ones were international criminals who stole 300 Trillion dollars and cost the lives of untold numbers. They were not ‘white collar criminals’. Some other thousands were arrested and received average sentences of 25 years confinement in foreign facilities. We are talking about the worst of the worst. War Crimes, Genocide, Terrorism and Treason are the crimes involved. This will all come out after Announcements.
埃及王KOE告訴我那些人一個禮拜就執行完畢了! “全息影子人”被放上他們的位置, 看起來好像他們仍上班下班 ---直到 “大宣佈”! 這些都是國際罪犯 ---偷了三百兆美元以及無數人的性命! 他們不是 “白領罪犯”! 其他還有數千人都早被逮捕, 而且被判平均25年以上的監獄判決, 目前都關在外國! 我們談的這些都是混帳中的混帳! 戰爭罪犯! 種族滅絕罪犯! 恐怖份子! 叛國賊! 等等罪行! “大宣佈”之後這些事都會公佈出來!
100 million reptilians have been removed over the last 8 years from surface and subsurface environments. Every organization, political, religious, military, legal, media, of any magnitude, on the Planet has been infiltrated and controlled by these ones, as agents of the 13 Old Dragon families. There has been almost complete control of every facet of existence until Faction Three, Galactic Federation, and the ascended masters were given permission in 1987 and 1999 to ‘remove the controllers’ and assist the planet in ascending. It is only in recent days that enough of us have awakened enough to tip the balance to the Light. That was by Divine decree and with direct Source Light infusions which will continue through Ascension.
有一百萬蜥蝪人在過去八年間被從地表與洞穴中移除了! 他們是十三個老龍家族(the 13 Old Dragon families)的走狗 --- 地球所有的組織機構, 政治, 宗教, 軍隊, 司法系統, 媒體, …等無不被他們滲透與控制住! 他們對地球全局擁有全盤的控制! 直到1987到1999年Faction Three, (Galactic Federation)銀河聯邦, and (the ascended masters)以及回轉的大師們才給出指令將他們移除, 並協助地球的揚升! 因為直到最近地球人口的覺醒度才足以將地球頻率向光明這邊移過來!!! 所以神聖旨意以及源頭光能的支持才能持續進來直到地球揚升為止!!!
Something else, I may or may not have mentioned before, is that only about 50 members of Congress are still alive. Many {480+} were killed and cloned and many are solid holograms. When Ashtar/Nada/Sananda/Mother Sekhmet/Red/Green/KOS say they are taking care of business, that’s what they mean. Everything will be announced at once. It will already be a done deal.
還有, 我之前不知提過沒, 就是國會議員只剩50人仍然活著! 許多(480人)都已經處決了! 或是使用克隆人! 而其他則只是 “全息影子人”! 所以當Ashtar/Nada/Sananda/Mother Sekhmet/Red/Green/KOS 說他們會處理事情時, --- 這就是他們的意思!!! 每件事都會被宣佈! 那會已經是早完成的事了!
Massive special police operations involving 300+ officers took place, at least three separate locations. Seizure and transport of safe deposit lockers to secure locations where contents of documents, drugs, money, stolen computer technologies, etc will be inventoried, analayzed and followed up with arrests. These sites are crucial intermediary drops for agents, criminals and other international intelligence dark ops agents. Such ops have been planned and carried out several times over the past two years. Often we never see evidence of it in the news. The implications will unfold in the coming days, and will trigger panic attempts to remove additional incriminating evidence from bank safe deposit facilities, which it is presumed will now be more closely monitored for just such actions.
在至少三個以上的不同地點 --- 大量的特殊員警部隊, 大約300人以上參與了特殊行動. 許多銀行保險櫃被帶走, 運用到特殊地點去做儲存, 分析, 以及後來的逮捕行動! 這些銀行保險櫃中裝有檔, 毒品, 錢, 被偷竊的電腦科技, 等! ---這些地點都是黑暗份子, 罪犯們, 國際情報黑暗份子之間諜所使用的! 這種逮捕行動在過去兩年來已經許多次了! 可是我們在新聞媒體中從未看到任何報導. 未來, 當這些消息漏出去以後會有許多人急吼吼的去他們銀行保險箱中拿東西, 怕被抓到犯罪證據! --- 而我們預期這樣的行為也會被嚴密監控住!
This unprecedented operation took two years of planning, observation and top secret levels of police cooperation…following Chris Story’s publication of the methods/extent and names of international financial criminals, banksters, politicians fraudulent transactions that secreted $300 Trillion into private accounts. Those funds have now been recovered and will be very instrumental in funding the new financial systems that NESARA requires. That these operations are now surfacing speaks clearly to the difference in this moment as compared to all those preceding today’s. Chris Story was working for the cabal and a shill for the UKcrown. He was shot out on the street when they no longer had a use for him.
這種從未有過的先例的行動在過去兩年間經過籌畫, 觀察, 以及高層秘密員警的合作, 伴隨著Chris Story的刊物登載了這些國際金融罪犯, 銀行強盜, 政客們的詐欺行為的嚴重性, 所使用的方法, 所有罪犯的名字, 以及他們將3百兆私藏入自己口袋的事實. 這筆錢已經拿回來了, 而且會使用在NESARA計畫案中來創造新的金融系統所需! 此時此刻你應該感覺到這些我揭露的行動與今天之前你所知道的新聞… 有多麼大的不同吧!--- Chris Story 是光明會成員! 是英國皇家的秘密走狗, 當他失去他的利用價值之後, 他在街上被槍殺了!
These are the kind of undercover actions closing the traps that have been so carefully placed. We are going to be hearing of many more such actions that are now in process. Another example is that of the years of Federal Grand Jury deliberations in the US. Those hearings have produced 10,000 sealed indictments that are about to be unsealed and served.
這些秘密行動關閉了所有精心計畫所設下的圈套. 它們仍然不斷的在發生當中 !我們將會聽到更多這些行動! 另一個例子是 --- 聯邦調查庭在美國的努力! 這些審理已累積出了一萬個秘密起訴案, 而很快就會變成公開起訴!
Some of the items in those 7000 lockboxes involve Trillions of dollars in gold certificates; incriminating evidence of organized crime heads, government intel services, agents, bankster operations–worldwide–that hit them like a brick-bat in the face. They just met to do ‘damage control’ during the Bilderbergers’ meeting in Chantilly, VA.Make no mistake, the chainsaws are ‘clearing the forest’ of liars, lies, fraud, murder, and every other despicable practice you know or never heard of. There will be “shock and awe” when the details can be told.
這七千個銀行保險櫃中出來的東西包括了上兆的黃金持有證書, 政府高層的犯罪紀錄, 黑社會頭目的犯罪紀錄, 政府情報人員, 代表, 銀行強盜行動 --- 世界性的犯罪紀錄 --- 就像磚塊做的棒球棒一樣打到他們所有人的臉上! 他們在Bilderberger在Chantilly, VA做了一次聚會, 討論如何控制局面. 請搞清楚這電動鋸子已經在清除撒謊者森林了! 所有的謊言, 詐欺, 謀殺, 和所有可恥的, 你從沒聽過的事都會被掃除! 當所有細節可以公佈時, 大家會極度震驚!!!