震撼! NESARA(9-8)
原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?
作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin
中文翻譯: 林琚月
原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm
原文網站: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/is-nesara-real#ixzz2BFA5hksX
Who drafted NESARA? 是誰起草了NESARA的?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul drafted certain sections of the secret NESARA Law.
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul 起草了部份的NESARA法令!
14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law. This includes Paul Wellstone, who when he was about to break his gag order was killed with his wife and daughter in a plane crash. This was a reminder to all under a gag order not to speak about NESARA Law. I have received emails from these ones saying they cannot help me at all because they are under a gag order and fear for their lives.
有十四個國會議員貢獻了他們專業的知識協助起草此法令的許多層面! 這裏面包括了Paul Wellstone --- 當他正想打破 “禁言令”時 --- 他和太太和女兒都飛機失事死了! --- 這是對所有想打破 “禁言令”的人的警告! 我有收到許多EMAIL告訴我他們在“禁言令”之下, 所以不能幫我, 否則會有性命危險!
The key word is FAIR. Would it be fair to eliminate a ten million dollar mortgage on an estate or yacht purchased with laundered drug money? Or a hundred million dollar mortgage on a building acquired by someone whose money came by defrauding investors or deliberately putting small companies out of business? Would it be fair to eradicate a $25,000 credit card debt incurred by someone who replaced last year’s model of an expensive car with the latest model? Choices like that, like all other free will choices, are the responsibilities of the individuals.
這裏的關鍵字是 --- 公平!!! 如果有個毒販用漂白的錢買了遊艇與豪宅, 他的債務該被消除嗎? 或是一個億萬豪宅的主人從事的是欺騙投資人的勾當, 或是設局害小公司破產的人, 他的債務該被減免嗎? 或是有人有$25,000的信用卡債只因他不負責任的消費了一輛當年最新型的豪車來取代他去年買的那輛? 這種選擇 --- 就像其他自由意志的選項一樣, 都是個人的責任!
The differences are due to purview divergences. Our information comes from ‘higher HQ’ sources: Ashtar, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Lady Master Nada, and St Germain. All below do not know what all above are planning, only general directions. You can be certain that what we have said is correct as it has come from those in charge of implementing the plan. This is not a criticism, just a different view from a higher level of involvement.
這些差異都是因為離題的視野角度問題! 我們的訊息都來自 ‘higher HQ’消息: 例如Ashtar, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Lady Master Nada, and St Germain. 下面人並無法知道上面的大師們的規劃 --- 只知道一個大約的方向而已! 你可以確定的是我們說的事情都是正確的! 因為都來自主導這些計畫的大師們! 這不是批評, 只是一個不同的意見 --- 當你從更高的參與度來看事情的時候!!!
How are 9/11 and NESARA related?
The Cabal engineered 9/11 to stop NESARA’s announcement which was scheduled for 10 minutes after the Twin Towers/Pentagon/PA attacks. They have continued to use and expand War Powers Act-based invasions without lawful congressional actions and would–if not foiled–declare Martial Law to declare a Dictatorship or NWO. The failure to achieve their ends…thus far… is driving them to extremes that are becoming more and more transparent as time is running out. They are losing and they know it. They will not prevail. This is due to a Divine Decree which is being implemented throughout this and planet, solar system and universe.
黑暗份子設計了911事件來阻止 “NESARA大宣佈” --- 那時預計的時間原本是在雙子星大樓\五角大廈\ PA被攻擊之後的十分鐘要宣佈的! 他們一直持續使用和擴大(War Powers Act-based invasions) 以戰爭權力條款為基礎的攻擊行動來想宣佈 ‘戒嚴’而獲得 ‘專制獨裁的權力’或是 光明會的 ‘新世界秩序’. --- 而沒有通過合法的國會審核! ---假如沒被阻擋的話! 而一再的挫敗而達不到目的 --- 已經把他們逼入極端 --- 隨著時間的過去, 這些現象越來越明顯! 他們一直在輸, 而他們也知道! 他們將後繼無力! --- 這都是因為神聖旨令的指示, 不止存在於這整件事, 而是整個地球, 太陽系與整個宇宙!
Dennis Kucinich, talking on Clout/Air America Radio, actually discussed what was supposed to happen on 9/11: “An important Announcement was scheduled which would change our economic and political systems.” (He could not use the term NESARA because of the gag order, but all who know understand that is what he was describing).
Dennis Kucinich就曾在上Clout/Air America Radio收音機電台的節目時談到在911之前原本有個 “大宣佈”要發表! 而且這“大宣佈”將會改變整個經濟與政治系統! (他那時無法用NESARA這個字, 因為“禁言令”, 但知道的人都知道他說的是什麼.)
At the time of 9/11 attacks, a special section of the Pentagon had just been modified for higher-security protection, and that segment of the Pentagon was a special Naval Intelligence communications facility involved with NESARA’s Announcement. It was the exact target of the missile attack. Transmission of codes to central banks were already in process at the time of the attack with the Announcement less than 10 minutes away.
在911時, 五角大廈的一個特殊部份才剛裝置了更高的安全設施保護, 而這部門是要來做為海軍特種情報溝通單位 --- 其地點也是NESARA要做“大宣佈” 的地點! --- 那裏也就是被導彈打到的地方!!! 而對全世界所有中央銀行的廣播也已經準備就緒! --- 而距離廣播時間十分鐘, 這地點就被攻擊了!
The Pennsylvania site was an underground storage for important NESARA-related documents and was an exact targeted location. At the moment of what was called a plane crash, FEMA/FBI were already standing by in the nearby woods. They then rushed out to secure the area from other investigators. No plane crashed. Each tower was attacked by a specially-prepared aircraft, modified by Secret Government/CIA to carry missiles and also special holographic projectors to project the illusion of the aircraft in the news releases.
賓州被攻擊的地點是一個地下儲藏室 --- 放有重要的NESARA相關資料的檔 --- 也是被攻擊的很準確的地點! 在那時候 --- 他們宣稱的 ‘飛機攻擊’時 --- FEMA/FBI也早就躲在旁邊的樹林裏, 他們沖出來來維護現場是怕其他調查人員出現 --- 被發現根本就沒有‘飛機攻擊’這回事! 雙子星大樓兩棟都被特別製造的飛機, 被秘密政府\CIA所修改成可以帶著導彈的飛機, 而且用 “全息投影”在新聞發佈時製造出‘飛機攻擊’的錄影帶!
The Twin Towers sub-floors held records and a lot of gold. The black ops folks had pre-installed various explosive devices and came back several weeks before 9/11 to install detonators and make electrical connections and circuit checks so that they could remotely trigger the explosions to take out the massive base supports and central columns, steal the gold, and kill any people around who could testify as to what they were doing.
雙子星大樓的地下層中藏有資料紀錄與很多黃金. 黑暗人員事先裝置了不同種的炸彈, 然後在911的幾個禮拜前回來加裝雷管, 電線, 電路晶體, 讓他們可以遙控引爆炸彈, 毀壞那龐大的地基, 中央支柱, 偷走黃金, 同時殺掉所有剛好在附近的民眾, 免得有人見證他們的勾當!
They didn’t kill them all as they were in a rush to load up the gold and get it away before the explosions were detonated. So there were witnesses to each of these actions. A total of 75,000 people were actually killed in those demolitions on 911. Certain areas were targeted to destroy records and accounts detailing liabilities of cabal firms.
他們沒有殺掉所有證人 --- 因為他們忙著在按下雷管引爆之前將黃金搬走, 所以他們所有的行動都被人看到了! 都有證人! 這次911爆炸共殺了七萬五千人! 某些區域是特別針對銷毀光明會旗下公司的犯罪紀錄, 會計帳目資料而做的!
The Announcement was scheduled for 10:15 AM on Sept 11, 2001…but that was ‘prevented’ by theTwin Towers attacks, which were planned and executed by our own governments black ops agents. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen and many others are speaking out on this subject which will result in the arrest and removal of Bush, Cheney, et al, with a new election coming within 6 months of NESARA’s Announcement.
這個“大宣佈”原本是訂2001年09\11日早上10:15AM --- 由於雙子星事件被防止了! --- 這是我們自己政府的黑暗份子所為. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen 和其他人都對此事做出了說明與譴責 --- 會導致接下來Bush, Cheney和其他人的逮捕與移除行動. 而一個新的“NESARA大宣佈”之後六個月內會有一個新的選舉!
The “Wisdom Economy”“智慧型經濟”
We are on the threshold of very major changes. On Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio Show, Thom had Dr David C Korten, an economist, speaking about the bankruptcy of “Phantom Economy,” based on fiat paper. He called for an immediate change to Precious Metals Backed Currency, leading to a “Wisdom Economy”. He then said, on the air, “I will not answer any questions on when NESARA will be announced or when disbursements will occur. All of that is speculative….” Dr Korten previously discussed these matters on Democracy NOW, with Amy Goodman.
我們正站在非常巨大的改變的門崁上. Dr David C Korten(經濟學家) --- 在上Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio Show收音機節目時說到 --- 這個 “鬼魅經濟”將會崩潰! 因為使用的是 fiat paper(借據紙鈔)! 他提倡回歸 ‘金本位’貨幣! 因而可以製造出一個“智慧型經濟”! 他說他不能回答關於NESARA何時會宣佈? 款項如何發放的問題? … 因為這些都只是猜測而已! Dr Korten之前也在Democracy NOW與主持人Amy Goodman談及相同的事!
Plunging Stock Market即將跳水的股市
The KOSgave an update and said that there are variables but that the direction was clearly downward for the stock market. These are estimates based on current knowledge only and there are NO DATES or absolute Dow numbers. Whenever they step in and close the markets they will also have to close the banks for two weeks to clean up the criminals and their practices. They would–in this country–then reopen the banks as US Treasury Banks under NESARA.
埃及王給了點最新消息說 --- 會有些變數, 但大方向是確定的! 股市會跳水! 這些預測是只基於目前的知識, 沒有日期, 沒有一個Dow道瓊指數號碼! 什麼時候他們開始干涉並關掉市場, 他們也必須關掉銀行兩個禮拜 --- 來逮捕所有罪犯以及收集他們的行為證據! 他們會 --- 至少在美國 --- 將銀行關掉, 然後再以美國財政部銀行名義重開張 --- 遵守NESARA法令!
That decision will be made by St Germain. 這決定將由聖哲曼決定!
The Dow dropped 300 points in the last 30 minutes and then bounced back to 6594 which is a lower close and, again, it happened on HIGH volume=50% greater than average. That says that the trend continues downward. Thom Hartmann said that he has been saying for 5 years that the market could fall to 5000 or even 3000, and folks should not discount that possibility since we know that he has access toKOS and St Germain and Lady Master Nada.
道瓊指數在最近30分鐘跌到300點, 然後又反彈到6594點, 仍是個低點. 而且成交量放大 = 超過50%的平均值, --- 意即股市是向下的趨勢. Thom Hartmann說他這五年來一直告訴大家會跌破5000甚至3000點 --- 大家應該不可等閒視之 --- 因為我們知道他是可以接近埃及王, 聖哲曼與娜達夫人的人!
The main point is not a number. 但重點不是一個數目字!
It is that the trend is definitely downward and to take whatever actions are prudent in your individual case. It is also to understand that St Germain may not take action until it goes as low as 3000. St Germain gives KOS his orders and he will not tell us any exact number or date.
重點是這是一個向下的趨勢. 個人自己要小心! 也有可能聖哲曼大師啥也不做直讓它跌到3000點! 聖哲曼大師直接下達指令給埃及王 --- 但他不會告訴我們確切的數目字或日期!