震撼! NESARA(9-2)
原文: Is NESARA Real? NESARA真有此事?
作者: by Elizabeth Trutwin
中文翻譯: 林琚月
原文發表日期:December 6, 2011 at 12:32pm
原文網站: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/is-nesara-real#ixzz2BFA5hksX
What does NESARA mandate?
The Illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. It involves — due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.
光明會成員會不惜任何代價的阻擋NESARA法令的頒行 --- 因為它等於立即公告了他們從政治到經濟控制的下臺, 等於放棄了對人民以及地球能源的掌控. 這等同於回歸到由美國與190國家所同意的憲法與習慣法COMMON LAW. 內容包含了 --- 貸款免除, 信用卡債務免除, 學生貸款免除, 國稅局的個人稅務免除, 而只用一個 “非必須品稅”來支付政府開銷. 而食衣住行醫療以及二手商品全部免稅. --- 所以所有國會議員, 國家公務員主管們必須全體辭職. 所有律師們要重新花30天時間去學習憲政法律Constitutional Law, 因為目前的現行法律會解除.
The world economic system will shift to transparent operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.
世界的經濟系統回改變成透明的作業系統 --- Basel II 在2011年四月已經裝置完畢. --- 有稀有金屬支持的貨幣 --- 而美國聯邦儲備銀行以及其強盜收款代理機構 --- 美國國稅局 ─── 以及所有有字母代號的腐敗組織都會被解散! 目前的美國聯邦儲備銀行紙條(美鈔) 將會被美國財政部發行的紙鈔所取代, 而且有黃金\白銀等稀有金屬儲備做為 “金本位”紙幣. 一元換一元!
Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items.
而200年前聖哲曼大師為目前這時機所創立的特別基金會與其他78個計畫案將會提供支持給 “免費教育”以及提升所有人的生活品質. 被壓抑住的科技, 被秘密操控住的科技, 將會公開出來給民眾. 這些科技將為家庭生活, 工業使用與旅行帶來乾淨與可以無限使用的能源!!!在 “外星揭露”發生時將會有大部份科技複製的展示品提供給大家!!!
There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.
同時在 “外星揭露”發生後30天, 會有一個 新的 “貨幣索引指示”出來. 如果原來你賺的每個100元都要交個人所得稅與購物稅的話, 你現在只會交你所採購“非必需品”的購物稅而已, ---所以頂多只動到你賺的十元錢以內的錢去繳稅! ---這樣同時取消了過去 fiat money (信用貨幣) 所造成的虛假的通貨膨脹問題. 使用 ‘金本位’貨幣就不會有這些問題了!
Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon a single command.
“和平” 將是 “必要條件”!!! 戰爭與核子武器將不再被允許!!! 方法與武器來達到這樣的 “和平目的”已經都就位了, 而且只要一個指令下來就會施行!
A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.
一個小小的分子改變就可以讓整個核能過程失效! 銀河聯邦與人類共同組成的團隊將會在 “大揭露”之後兩個月內清除掉所有空氣, 水, 泥土與 毒品污染.以後不會再有污染性工業. 因為它們會被 ‘非污染性’ 工業所取代! !! 而老機械將會被不斷迴圈使用的能源機械所取代!!!
Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from.
慈善捐助款項將會很多. “特殊禮物基金”將會林林種種種類繁雜, 遍佈全世界,讓大家享受到從沒有過的機會, 可以選擇新的未來職業. 而 ‘再教育中心’ 將會指導新的技術! 新的醫療與診斷方法與治療科技將可以逆轉所有症狀, 並恢復“最佳狀態”的健康!!! --- 這些科技與方法目前都存在!!! 還有很多被壓制住的科技都會被釋放出來利益大家!!!
Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is being powered up now. St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from all satellites…connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the Flagship of the Galactic Federation …with messages from Ashtar and Sananda. First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA’s Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are intrinsically connected.
我們新的經濟基礎已經都安排好了, 而且都炮製好了! 聖哲曼St Germain 與Kuthumi大師負責這個部份! “大逮捕”會宣佈, 而銀河聯邦的百萬大軍會在地球的所有主要城市的天空出現! 然後一個直接的公告會透過衛星宣佈… 並與在耶路撒冷的銀河聯邦總部的 阿斯塔司令與 耶穌撒達南(Ashtar and Sananda)用Nanite科技連接的訊息做宣佈!!! 這是為什麼要求 NESARA 大公佈的Petition與 外星大揭露 the Disclosure 的Petition是無法分割的兩件事情!!!
An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the abundance–free from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts…with NO IRS; NO war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored. Peace will be declared. Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will experience an increase in quality of life…no matter what age.
一個臨時政府會成立! --- 在所有有關 “人類源起”與 “銀河聯邦”的謊言被揭露之後. 關於 “銀河聯邦”不存在的謊言至少已經70年之久了!!! 每個人將會被告知真相! 每個人每個人生的層面都將可以分享宇宙的繁榮豐盛! 每個人都被邀請參與各個層面! 而不再有信用卡債\房貸按揭\學生貸款…等等債務!!! 不再有國稅局!!! 沒有戰爭!! 所有軍人解散回家擔任新的職務與接受新的教育. 合乎憲法的法律common law 將被徹底執行!!! 和平被會宣佈!!! 泥土\空氣\水\天空都會被淨化無毒!!! 所有人的DNA都會提高覺醒度!!! 所有人的生活品質都會提高!!! --- 不管是任何年齡的人!!!
Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications system–’Internet 5′… will begin to replace existing communications systems. Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation innovations will not require roads or petroleum products.
改善的教育機會會免費提供給所有人! ~~~ 伴隨著改善的醫療品質!!! 以及一個新的全世界級的溝通系統設備!!! “Internet5”(網路五) 會取代目前的舊網路!!! 零污染的能源機器會很普遍通俗化!!!新的交通方法也是!!! 新的房屋設計會被介紹出來!!! --- 因為新的交通方式將不再需要馬路或是石油化學產品!!!
There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within 30 days of NESARA’s Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs $1000 x 10%=$100…a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.
以後只有 “非必需品”會被扣稅!!! 食物與醫療絕對沒有稅!!! NASARA宣佈的30天之後會有一個 “世界貨幣資訊索引”宣佈 --- 若以1:10的比率來算的話 --- 如果原來你賺的每個100元都要交個人所得稅與購物稅的話,你現在只會交你所採購 “非必需品”的購物稅而已, ---所以頂多只動到你賺的十元錢以內的錢去繳稅!例如 以前全部收入$1000要扣10%, 現在只扣繳100的10%= $100-$10=省了很多錢! ---這樣同時取消了過去 fiat money (信用貨幣) 所造成的虛假的通貨膨脹問題. 使用 ‘金本位’貨幣就不會有這些問題了!
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality.
這些基金在12到15個月內會解決掉地球上所有貧窮問題. 這同時確保了所有人的 “靈性教育”機會 --- 關於 “我們是誰?”的問題! --- 關於我們都是源頭的一小部份, 只是存在於肉體中, 做為源頭的一種顯現而已!!!
Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?
KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests–is thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA’s “Postal Lady”, she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA’s Announcement and authorize deliveries of funds.
KOS劍王 有實質上的權力, 透過1999年在Hague的國際正義法庭所頒給的權力,來頒佈NESARA以及使用他軍事上的許可權 “依照需要”來使用! 娜達夫人 --- 也被ICJ/World Court國際正義法庭\世界法庭 聯合指定為International Special Prosecutor 國際執行特使 --- 有權力採取任何行動, 包括 解散我們的高等法院,以及解密 10, 000個起訴以及逮捕通知 --- 所以是此法案之世界法庭代表之 最高司令官 --- 可以超越任何其他法院的許可權!!! 所以身為 此太陽系的審理庭之主席, 以及 身為 NESARA的 “信使夫人” , --- 只有她是唯一一個可以決定宣佈 NESARA的公佈的人, 也是唯一可以下令放款的人!!!
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal [Lady Master Nada] who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.
我們事實上現在是在the International Court of Justice/World Court國際正義法庭與世界法庭的司法管轄之下, 以及 身為 太陽系審理庭主席 娜達夫人 的 “信使夫人”之領導之下, 依法逮捕被起訴人員, 解散我們腐敗的司法系統, 以及宣佈NESARA. 國際刑警隊代理與國際正義法庭人員, 以及82個銀河聯邦人員都在華盛頓DC, 以及其他人. 我們已被通知銀河聯邦飛船已經在所有主要都市上空, 只要指令一下達就會全部現身了!!!
NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones. Many of these are now clones.
在 娜達夫人在電視上宣佈NESARA之前不會有人收到任何錢! 但在她宣佈的72小時之後, 她就會宣佈放款日期!!! 依照太陽系審理庭主席, 她是 特別信使! 依照 國際正義法庭所賦予的權力, 她將解散 我們的高等法院, 並指定Patrick Fitzgerald 做為 首席檢察官, 然後下令逮捕以及移除所有名單上的人員!!! 其中許多人早已經是克隆人了!
The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germain and the King of Swords who is head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle.
原本依照 國際正義法庭所指示的 “收場日期”是在1999年, 聖哲曼大師和KOS劍王, 帶領著他們的四百萬民間自衛隊員與四萬名銀河聯邦人類成員, 可以在這個週期剩下的時間內執行 ‘大逮捕’, 以確保整個地球的揚升到5D的準備工作得以完成!