
(勁爆32)Elizabeth Trutwin:

大揭露, NESARA與全局介紹 Part 3


George Bush Sr. and Dick Cheney with Donald Rumsfeld and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers - with several others - planned 911.  They worked all summer and on the morning when Alan Greenspan was at The World Trade Center, the financial headquarters of the United States, to publicly begin to Announce provisions of NESARA Law Dick Cheney, working from fifty stories below the White House with NSA Operatives worked the joy stick flying the Missiles into the Towers and the Pentagon. It was so much worse than duping people with the first Missile called Sputnik. It set NESARA Law enactment back 11 years and counting. Do you think you can connect the dots between Disclosure, Announcements, NESARA? They say hindsight is 20/20 Vision. How much longer are you going to allow money to be spent on something you know nothing about? You wonder why Congress refuses to make things better.

老布希與Dick Cheney 以及Donald Rumsfeld   Joint Chiefs of Staff主席 Richard Myers 以及其他人共同策劃了911. 他們準備了整個夏天, 然後在早上, Alan Greenspan在世貿中心的美國金融總部 --- 已經準備好了對公眾宣佈NESARA法案 --- 這時, Dick Cheney, 在白宮底下五十層樓位置, NSA操作人員一起按下操縱杆的扳扣 --- 啟動火箭射入雙子星大樓以及五角大廈. 這令人髮指的犯行比用Sputnik人造衛星愚弄人民可惡不知多少倍? 也把 NESARA法案倒退了11年之久而且還在持續中. 現在你連得起這些點了嗎? 看到圖了嗎? 大揭露…大宣佈…NESARA法案? 他們說 ‘事後諸葛後見之明是完美的20/20視力’. 你還要允許他們繼續灑錢灑多久在你完全不知道在搞什麼的事情上? 而你還懷疑為何國會拒絕把事情給處理好?

On April 29th  - May 3rd, 2013 there will be a Citizen Hearing held for the first time in 45 years concerning extraterrestrials at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.two blocks from The White House and twelve blocks from the Capitol. Some forty or fifty witnesses will give testimony to former Congress Members and it will be filmed for a Documentary called The Truth Embargo. This is being produced by the Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group Stephen Bassett. There will be a live stream available for a nominal fee all week. It is important that together we witness this Disclosure of the Secret Space Program from the whistle blowers, witnesses and researchers who have dedicated their lives to telling the truth. To arrange live streaming of the event visit Archives of the event will be free to all with no suppression of the information. Later The Truth Embargo Documentary will be available in theaters around the nation.

20130429---20130503, 一個45年來首度舉辦的 ‘外星公民聽證會’即將舉辦 --- 討論關於外星人的事情 --- 地點就在 華盛頓DC的國家記者俱樂部---距離白宮兩個街口, 距離國會十二個街口. 4050個證人會對前任國會議員作證, 而且過程會拍攝下來作成紀錄片叫做 ‘真相禁運’. --- Paradigm Research Group 執行長Stephen Bassett製作. 一整個禮拜都會有現場網路直播, 只收基本費用. 非常重要的是 --- 我們要一起見證這個 ‘秘密太空計畫的大揭露’ --- 來自告密者們, 證人和研究者們 --- 他們都奉獻了生命來說出真相. 網路直播請看 檔案影片資料則免費提供 --- 只要不壓抑訊息的話. 之後, ‘真相禁運’影片會在全國的戲院中放映. 

As Earth Citizens it is our responsibility that we participate in Action Politics and ask our elected officials to come clean. President Obama just may be prepared to do this. It is possible he has been preparing for lifetimes to do just this. President Obama will be the Disclosure President. This will pave the way for Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law. First We The People must ask him to. You may help by simply signing a Petition. Can you spare two or three minutes to sign a Petition? If you are over thirteen years old and a Citizen of Earth in any country you are eligible to sign.

做為地球公民 --- 我們的職責就是去參與 ‘行動政治’ --- 並要求我們民選的官員們誠實忠於職守. 歐巴馬總統可能已經準備好要這樣做了. 很可能, 他為了做這件事已經準備了幾個轉世了. 歐巴馬總統會是‘大揭露總統’. 這將可以為 ‘大宣佈’ 鋪路, 並為NESARA法案的執行鋪路. 我們人民 --- 必須要求他這樣做! 你可以幫忙這件事 --- 只要幫忙簽這個 ‘請願書’. 你可以花23分鐘去簽一個  ‘請願書’嗎?只要你超過13, 是一個地球公民, 從任何國家 --- 你都可以簽. 

RL: 請家人們幫忙簽一下! 我以及Bonnie以及 ‘生命喜悅’ 已經簽了. 希望咱們也為中國人露個臉吐口氣, 趕快跑前面簽吧! 這事有耶穌撒南達, 獅子母, 聖哲曼大師以及所有十方諸佛菩薩護持, 而且是天庭作主決定的事! 地球上還有 Keshe基金會做銀河聯邦存在證據! --- 這寶一定押得准! 此事准成!大家別怕! 為自己積點功德早日上 ‘光之城市’ 接受治療吧! --- 我大約知道此事也是三年多前的事了! 大家沒注意到連Sheldan Niddle, Blossom Child, Mathew, 蒙陶克, 等等幾乎每個管道訊息都一片大轉變之聲嗎? 眾口鑠金啊! 現在中國人不出頭更待何時? 大家上飛船時你可別哭啊! 去簽吧!

更希望 ‘覺醒團隊’  ‘外星研究學會’ 能夠帶頭做 “請求歐美政府作‘外星大揭露’ 的地球公民連署簽名活動” --- 然後在 ‘外星公民聽證會’上提給大會聯合發表給全世界. --- 請大家研究一下如何做? 內地線民如此多, 隨便簽也上千萬上億人. 看在NESARA那一千萬美金份上, 閉著眼睛都該簽! 不是嗎?


We need 100,000 signatures. Can I count on you to spread the word in social media? There are millions of people all over the World who have been contactees and or abductees and they know for certain that extraterrestrials are real. Millions. Can we get 100,000 signatures? Please sign the Petition here http://Wh.Gov/Hqqe Until Earth Citizens acknowledge between themselves and their elected officials that there has been engagement between ET and their governments they will not decloak and land on Earth. Why would they?

我們需要十萬個簽字. 我能相信你們能散佈訊息到社交網站去嗎? 全球各地有數百萬被外星人接觸過的人, 或是被綁架過的人, --- 他們知道外星人是真的. 幾百萬人. 而我們只需要區區十萬個簽名? 請上這裏簽字 http://Wh.Gov/Hqqe

除非地球公民彼此承認以及我們的官員們承認 --- 我們的政府們與外星人接觸過, 飛船們就不會現身也不會降落. 他們何必這樣做? 是不

There are superficial issues which relate to NASA flights and deeper questions which deal with NSA flights which were occurring eight years before the first NASA Astronauts did arrive on the Moon. NSA craft & ET crafts were parked on the Moon when NASA arrived. So, there were both fake and real flights. Only the NSA flights, with the help of negative ETs, were allowed to continue. NASA was thrown off the moon by both negative ETs and NSA and told not to come back. That is why NASA never went back to the Moon.

事實上在NASA的第一名太空人登陸月球之前八年時間中, 有一些表面膚淺問題的, 關於NASA太空航行的討論, 以及一些比較深入的議題的討論. NSA的太空船與外星飛船當時都停在月球上 --- NASA太空船到達的時候. 所以事實上 --- 同時都有 ‘假登陸’  ‘真實登陸’ 的事同時發生. 只有NSA的太空船被允許繼續太空探索, NASA太空船則同時被 ‘負面外星人’與NSA禁足月球 --- 不准回去. 這就是為什麼NASA沒再回去過的原因.


The covert operations within the Moon Structures were not to benefit We The People but only a few haughty Souls who today do not mind watching you starve and lose your homes. The bankers and the mortgage underwriters. Enter NESARA Law. The Secret Space Program uses an academy across the highway, inside a mountain, from the Air ForceAcademy. The 'real, NSA astronauts' fly the ultra top secret TR3B, Aurora and other anti-gravity equipped craft--like the Shark helicopter designed by reverse engineers.

在月球上的秘密作業對我們人民沒有任何幫助, 而只是一些傲慢無理的靈魂 --- 他們不介意看著你們餓死, 被查封房子. 而銀行與貸款公司也一樣. 進入NESARA法案吧! 這秘密太空計畫使用一所高速公路對面的學院做掩護 ---總部在山裏面 --- 可以從他們的空軍學院進去.  ‘真正的NSA太空人’ 飛的是最高機密的 TR3B, Aurora和其他反重力飛機 ---  ‘鯊魚直升機’ --- 都是 ‘反向工程師’ 們設計的.

Today there is not one International Space Station (ISS) there are MANY. The Civilian Agency NASA uses two power units on the ISS. The typical rocket thrusters of the typical launch. Secretly they have another puzzle to display: Another booster, the second booster that cuts in far above prying eyes, their using a propulsion technology that effectively transforms a mega ton platform into one weighing only a few pounds and sends them onto many strange places--far from their supposed objectives. This is how they service many Secret Space platforms: we have MANY of these so called ISS platforms. They can launch one of these and get to where they can RDVU with their target days ahead of conventional craft and in silence. That's a pretty closely kept secret. How much longer are you going to allow money to be spent on something you know nothing about?

在今天, 並非只有一個 ‘國際太空站’ (ISS)存在 --- 數目多得很! 屬於民間的NASA就使用兩個了. 一般標準的火箭發射器. 秘密的, 他們還有另一個展示出來的拼圖 --- 另一個 ‘推進器’, 這第二個‘推進器’是在人們視力搜尋的範圍之上的, 從中切入, 他們所使用的 ‘推進科技’ 可以有效率的轉變一個超級巨大的平臺成為一個只有幾磅重的東西 --- 然後將之送入許多奇怪的地方 --- 遠超過原先該去的地方. 這就是他們如何運作維護這些秘密的太空平臺的方法: 我們有很多這種所謂的 ‘國際太空站’ (ISS). 他們可以發射這其中一個去任何他們能夠RDVU的地方--- 遠超過一般傳統太空船 --- 而且毫無聲響. 這是一個被封鎖的很緊的秘密. 你還要允許他們繼續灑錢灑多久在你完全不知道在搞什麼的事情上?

On the ISS Off-Planet Scientists and Astronauts work together with Earth Astronauts on joint Missions. A few of the 'other' major players have been involved from the beginning include the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Antares, Andromedans, Procyon, Lrya-Vega, Virgo, Orion Constellations with planets which reach across quite a polarity spectrum; Dracos, Ursa Major (Bear) Ursa Minor, Leo, Sag, Zeti, inner planets Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter; outer planets, Uranus, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune, Niburu and 100 million/billion galaxies and the Great Central Sun; this is a planetary Ascension that involves all these and many more for which we do not remember or know the names. Some of you have vague memories of coming from these places.

在‘國際太空站’ (ISS) --- 遠離地球工作的科學家與太空人們一起與停留在地球的太空人合作. 一些其他的 ‘主要角色’ --- 從一開始就參與的有 --- 昴宿星人, 大角星人, Antares, 仙女座, Procyon南河, Lrya維加-Vega, Virgo,處女, 獵戶座, 天王星,水星,冥王星,海王星,獵般胡Niburu及另外一億個\十億個銀河系,以及中央太陽. 這是一個所有銀河系行星的揚升 --- 不論你知道或不知道的全都在揚升中. 你們有些人有來自這些地方的模糊記憶.

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    Rebecca Lin

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