
昴宿星\大角星人聯盟:地球降落部隊PARTY 3:




Thursday, March 28, 2013

Channel: Suzanne Lie 20130328

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130329



The Landing Party ~ Part 3



Besides our preparations for landing, the Mothership and the smaller Ships closer to Earth are preparing for more visitors. Many of you will be among these visitors either in your night-body, your human form or as your true galactic self.  Some of you will join us in your Higher Expressions of SELF, and your physical expression may not remember these meetings.



On the other hand, those of you who have created a deep connection between your earth vessel and your fifth or higher multidimensional expressions will likely have some recollection of our meeting. Even if that meeting comes into your memory as you awaken, you will likely experience a brief picture or a few sentences.



If you can write down what you have remembered and then go into a deep meditation, you are likely to remember more of your experience. Your greatest challenge will be for you to allow yourself to believe that this “dream” was real. Do not worry about whether or not you just imagined your visit. Instead, just relax into the dream and allow yourself to get all the details. It is helpful if you actually go through your entire experience again.



We, your Galactic Family, know how difficult it has been for you during your years of isolation on third dimensional Earth. Sharing your process of awakening, and for some of you the years of living in a world that you always knew was not actually your Home, will assist you to remember your visits with us in the higher dimensions.

我們,你們銀河家族,明白你在第三維度地球的孤獨的這些歲月---對你們曾是多麼的辛苦!我們分享你們覺醒的經驗, ---而對你們某些人而言,你們一直都知道這些年你們住的地方並不是你們真正的家的人, ---請記得---我們會協助你們去記得你們曾來過的更高維度的世界來拜訪過我們!


Furthermore, we realize that many doubts about your inner experiences have built up over the long years that you have awaited this moment. Hence, one of our family members who is currently wearing an earth vessel will share a personal experience of the process of remembering SELF.

此外,我們明白在你這麼長期的等待著這個時刻的過程中,你心中也累積了許多對自己‘內在經驗’的懷疑. 因此,我們家族成員中,現在有一位穿著地球載具的成員要與大家分享一下他個人‘回憶起自己’的過程.



I am one of those who has always known that I was not like "them," meaning everyone else in my life. It was very clear that I could not speak to any of my family members, or even my friends, about the strange things that occurred in my mind and in my dreams. For one thing, I knew about many versions of myself from many different timelines of planet Earth.

我就是其中一位一直都知道--- “自己與他們不一樣”的人---而且我指的是我人生中的每一個人. 我一直很清楚---我無法跟我的家人們或是朋友們說我的這些事情,或是談到發生在我心中以及夢中的奇怪事情.舉例而言,我知道我在地球的許多不同時間的不同轉世.


In fact, I thought of this place as "planet Earth," not Home. I did not know where my Home was, but clearly it was not Earth. Earth always felt like a place that I was visiting.  My dreams told me that there was another place that was Home and that this place, Earth, was just a place I was visiting. However, I was not enjoying the visit.



Furthermore, I could remember life, after life, after life, when I had visited this planet, and there were not many, if any, of them in which I was happy. Maybe if I could remember where my Home was, my home planet, I could find a way to visit that place. Maybe if I could go there in my dreams then I would find a place to be happy.

此外,我能記得無數次輪回在這個星球的‘拜訪’,而幾乎沒有幾次---如果有的話---我是快樂的轉世在這裏的. ---幾乎沒有.或許,如果我能記得我家在那裏的話,我來自的星球,我就可以找到一個方法回去拜訪.或許,如果我能在夢中回去的話,也許我就能找到一個可以讓我快樂的地方了.


However, there was a very dark place that I had to go through if I tried to go Home in my dreams and it took decades to learn how to get through this dark place. This place was not around me; it was within me, just like my Home was within me.

無論如何,如果我想從我的夢中回家的話---我必須經過一個很黑的地方,而想通過這黑暗的地方就需要花費數十年時間來學習如何穿越.這地方並不在我外面.它就在我裏面, ---就好像我的家也在我內裏一樣.


Of course, I knew better than to tell anyone that I believed that I had a Home inside of me, so I wisely kept that information to myself. In fact, the things that were inside me were clearly not from the world I saw around me. Fortunately, there was this massive Being of White Light that hung out with me most of the time giving me unconditional love and answers to my questions. I knew to keep this information to myself, as well.

當然,我有聰明到不會去告訴別人---就是我相信我有一個家在我自己裏面這件事,所以我很‘明哲保身’的保持住這個秘密.事實上,我內裏所擁有的東西很顯然不是來自我眼前的這個塵世的.幸運的是---有一道巨大的白光存有---祂總是與我同在,給我‘無條件的愛’以及我問題的答案. ---這件事---當然也是我保護得很好的個人秘密.


Therefore, I lived my real life inside myself and pretended to be present in my outside life. However, my outside life was not MY life; it was the life I was visiting. I so wished I could go Home, but I had no idea where Home was, except that it was inside of me. Therefore, I pretended that the world outside of me was real, while I desperately missed my Home inside.

因此,我其實是活在我內心的世界之中,但是假裝‘出席’在外面的生活中.但是,我外面的人生並非‘我的人生’! ---那只是我來拜訪的人生.我是如此期望回家,但我完全不知道家在那裏,除了“它在我裏面”這件事之外.因此,我假裝這外面的世界是真的,而實際上---我瘋狂又絕望的想念著我內在的家.


I did set down some rules with whoever it was that put me on this foreign planet. For one thing I said that I would not be in a war. I told them, whoever they were; that I refused to be in any war, so just take me out of here if that is going to happen. I also learned at a very young age that if I said, "NO, this is NOT a part of my reality!" that the occurrence would not happen.

我有跟那個應該要為我跑到這奇怪的星球來而負責任的人約法三章.頭件事---我告訴祂---我不參加戰爭.我告訴祂們---不管祂們是誰,我就是拒絕參加任何戰爭---所以如果非參加不可的話---就請祂們直接把我帶走好了. ---而且我在很小的時候就發現---假如我對一件事說‘不’的話---那件事就不會發生了---那就不會化現在我現實當中了.


Of course, there were other things that took me by surprise that did happen, but they were all survived and now forgotten (or pushed into my unconscious mind). In fact, much of my time on this planet has been forgotten and replaced by memories of my Home. Eventually, when I learned how to better manage daily life on this planet, I finally began to manage to integrate myself into this reality.



However, I was well into my adulthood before the deep loneliness for my Home planet began to subside and I began to learn how to be happy on this planet. Actually, the planet, that is nature, was always my friend. I could see the many faeries and other elementals as they joined me in my childhood play.

但是,當我完全長大之後,我對我家鄉星球的深刻的孤獨的思鄉之情逐漸消退,我也開始學會了快樂的活在這星球的方法.事實上,這星球(地球) ---一直都是我的朋友.事實上我可以看到許多仙境與其他元靈’ ---當他們在我孩提的時代來和我一起玩.


I wondered, if I have to live on this planet, can't I at least live someplace where we can talk about the faeries and their wonderful friends. "Go inside your imagination." is the only answer I got. Therefore, I went inside my imagination and was quite happy there.

我一直都在想---如果我必須住在這星球的話,難道不能讓我住在一個可以講述這些仙境與裏面美妙的精靈的地方嗎? “去啦!去幻想吧!” ---這是我一直得到的答案.因此,我確實只好老是躲在我的‘幻想’---而且很快樂.


However, the outside world needed me to do things, most of which I did not enjoy doing. Nevertheless, I knew I had to do these things in order to stay alive on this planet. However, many times I didn't care if I stayed alive here because I really wanted to go Home. That was when the Being of Light would talk to me and tell me things that I knew I could not share with any one. They would think I was crazy, and maybe I was.

但是,外面的世界需要我去做一些事情, ---而這些事大部份都讓我不快樂.可是無論如何,我知道我必須做,才能存活在這星球上.但是,許多次我都不介意我是活的還是死的---因為我真的想回家去.這時,我身旁那白光就會跟我說話,告訴我一些事情---我知道是我不可以告訴任何人的.他們會認為我瘋了,也許---我真的瘋了!


Then, the Being of Light told me to take notes on the things that were happening inside, which made them more real. However, I had nothing to do with this information, so I just kept it to myself for many years. That is until the Being of Light told me to share my information with the world through the Internet. Well, I thought, as long as no one knows that I am the crazy one who writes this information, I guess I could do that.

然後,那光的存有會告訴我去做些筆記---這些事都發生在我裏面---所以它們其實更顯真實.但是,這些訊息與我個人無關,所以我只好自己保留起來許多年. ---直到那光的存有告訴我要與全世界在網路上分享這些訊息為止. Well,我一直以為只要沒有人知道我就是寫這些瘋狂訊息的人就沒關係---所以我跟自己說---可以做,沒關係!


Once I started to share what I had learned from inside, my outside world actually started being happier. However, I did not put that fact together for many years. Now that I can share my inner life, I am asked to actually communicate with people from my Home who are visiting this planet in order to help us. I can close my eyes and see a person, as this inner friend does not look like a shinning light.

一旦我開始分享我從自己內心學到的訊息,我外面的世界也變得快樂一些.但是,我直到很多年之後才把這些訊息說清楚.現在我能夠與別人分享我內心的人生了,我被要求‘確實的’與人們從我的家與他溝通---這些來到地球來協助我們的人員.我可以閉上眼睛然後看到一個人, ---是與我內心的朋友不像的一道閃亮的光之存有.


This person looks much like a human, in fact a man. He is dressed in a uniform, much like a military uniform from this planet, but I know he is NOT from this planet. He is very tall and has blond hair and blue eyes. His eyes are very comforting, but he is also concerned about something. He wants to tell me something, but I have a feeling I may not like what that is.  Fortunately, I have to go, so I can put this communication off for now. 



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