非常重要: (3-1)連接 ‘多維度的本我’
地球\昴宿星扬升 --- 拜訪星船
Pleaidian/Earth Ascension -- Visiting Starships
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ June 14, 2013
中文翻译: 林琚月2030611
Visiting Starships
Since Sandy and Jason had the discussion about their dreams, they have become much more aware of my presence. In fact, they have been meditating together and asking me for guidance. My primary guidance has been in ways to better remember their times on the Ship. Many of our Inter-planetary Ships have been in the higher fourth dimension of Earth since before 9-11-2001.
自從Sandy 和 Jason討論過了他們的夢之後, 他們現在對我的存在的警覺性變高了, 事實上他們會一起冥想, 一起請求我的指導. 而我對他們的主要指導都在協助他們回憶起他們在飛船上的時間.我們許多星際飛船都存在於地球的第四維度中 ~~ 自從20010911日以來.
The Galactic Federation was very aware that a world war could have easily arisen from that incident. It was not within the Divine Plan to stop the incident, but the Galactics were able to work with the consciousness of the masses of awakened ones to avoid a world war. Fortunately, there were enough Lightworkers on Earth at that time to whom we could send our light to override the vast wave of darkness.
銀河聯邦非常清楚 ~~ 一個世界戰爭隨時可能從這(911)事件裡發生. 但是 ‘神聖計劃’ 不會去阻止這個事件, 可是銀河聯邦卻可以從覺醒的群眾的覺知意識中去運作來避免掉這樣的一個世界大戰. 幸運的是 --- 在地球上, 在那時已有足夠的光工可以吸收我們送過去的光能量來超越黑暗的廣大波頻率.
Therefore the possible reality of WWIII split off into a parallel reality. Because the awakened ones of your timeline were willing to expand their consciousness enough to commune with their higher expressions, they were able to move through that dark period without the major cataclysm of the parallel reality. However, there were many hardships and constant threats between 9-11-2001 and 12-21-12 that dampened many of the Lightworker’s auras.
因此, 第三次世界大戰的可能現實就分開了出去而進入了一個 ‘平行實相’中.~~~只因為你們這條 ‘時間線’ 的 ‘覺醒者們’ 願意 ‘擴大’ 他們的 ‘覺知意識’ 來與他們的高我們溝通. 所以他們能夠穿越這個黑暗的時期而沒有產生在另一個‘平行實相’中會有的大災難. 但在20010911到20121221日之間曾有很多艱難時期, 以及持續的威脅 --- 這些事消沉暗淡了許多光工的外光體auras.
Fortunately, the higher light is now flowing into Gaia and all Her inhabitants. This multidimensional light is slowly and surely healing the residue of fear with the power of its unconditional love. In fact, many of the earth vessels that our galactic members are wearing are deep into the process of transmuting into Lightbody.
幸運的是, 更高的光能量現在正流溢入蓋亞, 以及她全部的居民. 這個多維度光能正用 ‘無條件的愛’ 的力量在緩慢但是十分確實的在療癒著恐懼的遺毒. 事實上, 我們許多銀河成員們所穿的地球載具正在很深入的蛻變的程序當中 ~~~ 在轉變成 ‘光體’.
Since Sandy and Jason have made so many changes in their lives, diets and primary states of consciousness, they are beginning to consciously feel symptoms of their earth vessel’s transmutations. I have been encouraging them to remember their visits to the Ship so that they can gain a sense of community with others who are having similar sensations. Actually, they have just slipped off into sleep.
由於Sandy 和 Jason已經在他們生活, 飲食以及‘覺知意識’上做了許多的改變,他們已經可以開始清醒的感覺到自己地球載具蛻變的程序徵兆.我一直鼓勵他們去記憶起拜訪飛船的經歷~~~來給他們與其他人有相同感受的人 ~~~ 產生一種’社團’ 的體己感. 事實上, 他們才剛剛睡著.
I will take this opportunity to share how we bring our Lightworkers aboard our Ships during their sleep. Since Gaia is a free-will planet, we can only give this assistance to those who ask to visit the Ship in some level of their Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we begin our relationship with the frequency of SELF that asked for our assistance. Then, once an earth human begins to communicate with his/her higher expressions the desire to return to the Ship arises in their consciousness. We call these awakened ones the “volunteers.”
我會利用這機會來談一下我們是怎麼在他們的睡眠中 ~~~帶我們的光工們上飛船的.由於蓋亞是一個擁有自由意志的行星, 所以我們只能把這個協助給予那些透過他們多維度的本我的某個層級來請求要拜訪星船的人.因此, 我們會先與要求協助的本我頻率先開始一定的關係, 然後, 一但一個地球人開始與他的高我溝通, 他們想要回到星船上的欲望就會昇起在他們的‘覺知意識’之中. 我們稱呼這些 ‘覺醒者’~~~ ‘志願者’.
However, since the desire to visit our Ship is often within the volunteer’s unconscious or superconscious mind, they do not usually carry the memory of their visit into their daily life. However, the unconscious mind is the source of most third dimensional behavior. Hence, each volunteer begins to feel an inner urging to make changes in their life.
但是, 由於想要拜訪我們星船的欲望通常存在於這個 ‘志願者’ 的下意識或是超級意識之中, 所以他們通常不會把他們的拜訪記憶帶到他們的日常生活之中. 但是, ‘下意識’ 是大部份第三維度行為的起因來源, 因此, 每個‘志願者’會開始感覺到一種蠢蠢欲動的衝動想要去改變他們的人生.
Likewise, many volunteers begin to receive inner messages from their higher expressions who are often on the very Ship they are visiting. Once, they begin to listen to their own inner voice, the process of ascension is initiated. This process begins with a curiosity within the conscious mind about the source of their inner messages. This curiosity creates a connection between the conscious and unconscious mind. Also, as each volunteer begins to align their daily life with their inner messages, they develop a connection between their conscious and their superconscious mind.
相同的, 許多‘志願者’會開始收到自己高我送來的 ‘內在訊息’ --- 而這些高我通常就存在於他們所拜訪的星船之上. 一但, 他們開始聽自己內心的聲音, ‘揚升的程序’ 就開始了!!!這程序開始於清醒的 ‘覺知意識’中的好奇心~~~對於他們內在聲音的來源的好奇開始. 這個好奇心創造了一道連接清醒的 ‘覺知意識’與下意識的路徑.同時, 隨著每個‘志願者’開始將他們的日常生活與他們內在的訊息對齊, 他們就發展出了一條連接清醒的 ‘覺知意識’與下意識的路徑.
This interconnection and unity of different states of consciousness initiates the volunteer’s action of making changes in their lives. These life changes signal that that they are ready to begin visitations on the Ship. When the volunteers come onboard a Ship, it is usually the one on which their higher expression is serving. However, each volunteer must come to this realization when they are ready.
這個內部連接與聯合不同的‘覺知意識’狀態的動作會開啟‘志願者’的行動去做出 ‘人生的改變’. 這些‘人生的改變’ 兆示著他們已經準備好來拜訪飛船了. 而當‘志願者’們上一條飛船時通常就是他們高我們所服務的飛船. 但是, 每個‘志願者’都必須要了悟這件事~~~ 在他們準備好了的時候.
Since life on the third dimension is so challenging, many do not make that connection because they are concerned that they would withdraw from their Mission on 3D Earth. Most of the volunteers that are remembering, desiring to remember, or even wishing they could visit a Ship are members of the Galactic Federation. They are having these thoughts and feelings because they are beginning to remember that they are Galactic Beings who were born into, or walked-into, earth vessels.
由於在三維度的生活挑戰如此之大, 所以許多人沒有把事情聯想在一起, 因為他們擔心他們會從他們的三維地球使命中抽走. 大部份的‘志願者’都在記憶起, 渴望去記得, 或甚至希望他們可以拜訪一艘屬於銀河聯邦的會員的飛船.他們會有這些感想與感覺是因為他們已經開始記得他們就是銀河存有們 --- 只是出生入或者是替身入一個地球載具之中而已.
I have regressed from my description of how the volunteers come aboard our Ship, but it was necessary to give the appropriate background. Remember that we would never take anyone who has not asked to visit us. There were many who were taken by the Zetas between the close of WWII and the mid-1990s, who suffered great trauma from that experience.
我現在從 ‘志願者’們是如何上飛船的描述中退出, 但是這個恰當的背景資料的給予是必要的. 請記得我們決不會帶任何沒有要求要拜訪我們的人上船. 在第二次世界大戰末期以及1990年間有許多被Zetas齊塔人帶上飛船的人都受到了嚴重的心理創傷 --- 從這些經驗裡.
In fact, these people were often Galactics in human disguise that volunteered on a higher level of consciousness to assist the Zetas. Unfortunately, the human military became involved, which genertated a great deal of experimentation and fear. I say this now to remind you that your visits to our Ships are voluntary and filled only with multidimensional information and unconditional love. All the volunteers are aware of this fact in their higher consciousness. In fact, some of them were taken by the Zetas and are coming to our Ships to heal that experience.
事實上, 這些人通常是穿著人身的銀河人 --- 他們的高層次覺知志願來協助Zetas齊塔人. 不幸的是, 人類軍隊參與了, 因而創造了許多的實驗與恐懼. 我現在說這個 --- 只是去提醒你你在我們星船的拜訪是志願的, 而且只會整個拜訪過程只會被無條件的愛與多維度訊息所充滿. 所有‘志願者’的高層的 ‘覺知意識’都明白這個事實.事實上, 一些被Zetas齊塔人所帶走的人也到我們星船上來接受療癒治療.
The volunteer’s visits to our Ships begin while they are asleep. The deeper the level of their sleep, the less possibility there is that they will remember their experience. Therefore, they usually begin their visitations while they are in delta wave dreamless sleep so that their experiences will not interfere too much with their daily life.
許多‘志願者’對我們飛船的拜訪開始於睡眠之中. 他們睡得越深沉, 就越不可能會記得他們的經驗.因此, 他們通常在delta波的無夢狀態下來開始他們的拜訪 ~~ 這樣他們的經驗就比較不會影響他們的日常生活.
非常重要: (3-2)連接 ‘多維度的本我’
地球\昴宿星扬升 --- 拜訪星船
Remember that all of you who are visiting us have volunteered to assist Gaia during Her ascension. You are not voluntarily surrendering your earth vessel until you have completed your Mission. Therefore, the visitation to our Ship is a process for you to stretch your primary consciousness deeper and deeper into your unconscious and subconscious as you simultaneously expand your consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional locations of our Ships.
因此, ‘到我們飛船上的拜訪’ ~~~ 是一個 ‘程序’ ~~~ 讓你可以延伸你主要的‘覺知意識’去更深入更深入你的下意識與潛意識~~~ 隨著你同時擴展你的 ‘覺知意識’進入在我們飛船上的更高的第四和第五維度區域.
In this manner, your physical body remains safe in your bed while you raise your consciousness into the mid-fourth dimension. Usually, your higher expression lowers his/her consciousness into the mid-fourth dimension to assist the consciousness of your dream body to merge with the consciousness of your higher expression on the Ship.
用這種方式, 你的物質身體就維持在安全的床上~~~ 在你提高你的 ‘覺知意識’進入第四維度的中間頻率時.通常, 是你更高的高我表達降低祂的 ‘覺知意識’進入第四維度的中間頻率來協助你 ‘夢身’ 的‘覺知意識’來與你飛船上的更高的高我表達做融合.
Once you have merged your consciousness with the component of your Multidimensional SELF who is fully aware of your innate multidimensional abilities, your united expression can instantly transport into our higher fourth dimensional Ship. We remind you that all of this occurs within your consciousness. Your physical form is still in your bed, and your higher expression of SELF is still on the Ship.
一但你融合了你的‘覺知意識’與你多維度本我的部份時~~~ 由於你 ‘多維度本我’是完全了解你天生的 ‘多維度能力’ 的, ~~~ 所以, 這個 ‘覺知意識’的融合的表達可以 ‘立即’ 將你傳送到我們在更高端的第四維度的飛船之上. 我們必須提醒你這些事都發生在你的 ‘覺知意識’之中.你的物質身體仍然在你的床上, 而你更高表達的 ‘高我’ ~~~ 仍然在飛船上.
In fact, the you that is merged with your higher expression is holding an astral body, whereas the you that is on the Ship is holding either a physical body or a light body. Actually, once you remember how to morph into your light body, your consciousness can inter-dimensionally travel to any reality of your choice, while you still maintain your "Source-SELF."
被與你的更高的表達融合的那個 ‘你’ 是一個 ‘星光體’,
而在飛船上的 ‘你’ 則可能穿著 ‘物質體’ 或是 ‘光體’.
事實上, 一但你記得如何變形到你的光體中去時, 你的‘覺知意識’就可以做‘穿越維度旅行’ 到任何你選擇的實相之中, ~~~ 當你仍然維持著你的 ‘源頭本我’ 的時候.
Your Source-SELF is the component of your Multidimensional SELF who initiated your inter-dimensional journey. Thus, the expression of your SELF who initiated each journey also serves as the grounding force for the location from which you began your journey. When Mytria became apparently lost in transition from one reality to the next it was because her Source-SELF became confused by too much third dimensional thinking. However, her true problem was only that she had doubt, since she did end up in the exact timeline and reality that her higher expression had chosen.
你的 ‘源頭本我’是你的 ‘多維度本我’ ~~~ 祂開啟了你的 ‘穿越維度旅行’.因此, 你每個旅程開始的 ‘起始分身’就成為了那個地點的基地力量 ~~~ 你從那裡開始你的旅程.
當Mytria 顯然迷失在實相的轉換之中時--- 那是因為她的 ‘源頭本我’ 在三維思考中被搞得混亂了.但是她真正的問題只是 --- ‘她的懷疑’ 而已 --- 所以她還是到達了她比較高的表達所選擇的實相中去.
It is important to note that creation is infinite. Thus, no matter how evolved a being may appear, there is always a higher expression of that SELF. Therefore, you will not run out of expressions of your Multidimensional SELF nor different realities to visit and/or create. Because you have grown accustomed to wearing a physical form, when you first become aware that your astral body is on the Ship, you may choose to perceive it as physical.
很重要的一件事是要知道~~~ “創造是無限的.”因此, 不管一個存有看起來多麼的進化, 祂還是有一個更高的高我表達.因此, 你是不會在你 ‘多維度本我’中找不到下一個高我的, 或是找不到一個不同的實相可以去拜訪或創造.由於你太習慣於物質身體了, 所以當你第一次了解到你有個 ‘星光體’ 在飛船上時, 你可能會選擇去認為那是一個物質體.
In reality, that form is not physical. Your form is an encasement for your Essence, Spirit and/or Light that travels inter-dimensionally. Therefore, your “form” is actually your consciousness. Essence, Spirit, Light and Consciousness are all terms that actually mean Creation. You are a force of creation. The remembrance of this fact is pivotal for your inter-dimensional journeys, as well as for your ascension.
真實情況是 --- 那‘星光體’形式不是物質的. 你的形式只是承載你的 ‘本質’ 的 ‘器皿.~~~ 不管你稱之為‘本質’或是 ‘靈體’ 或是 ‘光體’ ~~~都是你用來‘穿越維度旅行’的東西.因此你的 ‘形式’~~~ 事實上就是你的 ‘覺知意識’ ‘本質’或是 ‘靈體’ 或是 ‘光體’ 或是‘覺知意識’都是 ‘名詞’ ~~~ 都只代表了 ‘創造’!~~~ 你就是一個 ‘創造的力量’! ~~~ 若能記得這件事對於你的‘穿越維度旅行’以及 ‘揚升’是至關重要的一件事.
In fact, multidimensional journeys and ascension are the same experience, but experienced differently. When your source-SELF is third dimensional it is difficult for you to fully embrace that you are a “force of creation.” Therefore, you will label your experience as expanding your consciousness into a higher frequency of reality. On the other hand, once you have remembered that you are an experienced inter-dimensional traveler you will use the term “traveling” as opposed to the term “ascending.”
事實上, ‘多維度旅行’和‘揚升’是同一種經驗, 可是體驗不同. 當你的 ‘源頭本我’是在三維度時, 你很難接受你是一個 ‘創造的力量’這件事! 所以你會給你的經驗貼上標籤如 “擴大你的 ‘覺知意識’進入一個更高頻率的實相當中.從另一個角度而言, 你又記得你是一個經驗老到的‘穿越維度旅行者’ ~~~ 那時你會使用‘旅行’ 這字眼而不是‘揚升’.
It appears that I have strayed away from the topic of visiting our Ships, but I must continually explain terms and concepts so you may begin to deeply understand how you have been chosen. Yes, rather than THEM choosing you, YOU have chosen for yourself. It is important to remember that YOU are a force of creation. You are creating your journey to the Ship, just as you are creating your inter-dimensional travel, and you are creating your ascension.
看起來好像我偏離了討論 ‘拜訪星船’ 的主題, 但我必須繼續解釋名詞與概念, 這樣你才能開始深入了解你是怎麼被選中的. 是的, 不是 ‘祂們’選擇你, ‘你’ 選擇了你自己!
~~~你是一個 ‘創造的力量’!
是你在創造你的旅程到飛船上來, 就像你是創造了你 ‘穿越維度的旅行’, 所以你也正在創造你的‘揚升’!!!
The problem is your third dimensional thinking. Your 3D thinking tells you that you can only experience one reality at a time. Therefore, you can have the reality of visiting the Ship OR the reality of sleeping in your bed. The Cosmic Truth is that you are doingboth. You are sleep and you are visiting the Ship.
問題就是你三維度的思考.你三維度的思考告訴你~~~ 你一次只能經驗一種實相, 因此, 你可以擁有 ‘拜訪星船’ 的實相, 你也可以擁有 ‘睡在你床上’ 的實相. 而’宇宙真相’ 是 ~~~ 你兩件事都做了! 你在睡覺, 而且你也正拜訪著飛船.
Just to confuse your third dimensional thinking even further, you are in your bed, traveling in your astral body, visiting the Ship and being a crewmember all within the fifth dimensional NOW. Unfortunately, your 3D thinking still believes that it must choose just one reality, or at least make one reality more important than the others. The choosing and the rating of importance is third dimensional thinking.
再讓你的三維度的思考更混亂一些~~~ 你躺在你床上, 用你的‘星光體’旅行, 拜訪著飛船, 而且同時飛船上的船員~~~ 一切事都發生在五維的 ‘當下’ 之中.不幸的是 ~~~ 你的三維度的思考仍然覺得它必須只選擇一種實相, 或是至少讓一種實相比另一個更重要一些. 這些 ‘選擇’ 以及 ‘分級’ 概念都是三維度的.
When you are thinking multidimensionally, you know that all of your realities are of equal importance. No one reality is more important or rules over the other realities as all your expressions are connected. Are your feet more important than your hands, or your stomach more important than your lungs? No, all of these components of your SELF live in unity consciousness with your physical body.
當你做 ‘多維度的思考’ 時, 你明白你全部的實相都同等重要. 沒有一個實相在另一個實相之上, 因為你全部的實相都是互相關連的.
你的腳會比你的手更重要, 或是胃比肺重要嗎? 不, 你 ‘本我’ 的所有部份生活在 ‘合一覺知意識’之中, 也與你的物質身體在一起.
What your third dimensional thinking does not realize is that your physical body lives in unity with your aura and your astral body and your mental body, your spiritual body and your light body. In fact, even if you are not aware of it, your physical body exists in total unity with your entire Multidimensional SELF.
你的三維度的思考所不了解的是 ---你的物質身體是在 ‘合一’ 之中與 ‘你的外光體aura’, 你的‘星光體’, 你的 ‘心智體’ , 你的‘靈性體’ 以及你的‘光體’在一起的.事實上, 即使你沒有察覺到這事實, 你的物質身體仍然存在在與你整體的 ‘多維度本我’的 ‘合一’之中.
非常重要: (3-3)連接 ‘多維度的本我’
地球\昴宿星扬升 --- 拜訪星船
Your Multidimensional SELF is infinitely and continually having myriad experiences of countless realities. However, since you are wearing an old fashioned physical vessel you cannot read that data. Just as an old fashioned car could not read all the data that the modern computerized automobiles can, your physical body is not calibrated to read information in your higher dimensional bodies.
你整體的 ‘多維度本我’是持續的, 無限的, 在經驗著無數的實相. 但是, 由於你正穿著一件老套的物質載具, 你無法閱讀那資料. 就像一台老爺車無法閱讀現代化的電腦化的汽車之資料一樣,你的物質身體是無法對齊調整來閱讀你更高維度的身體的訊息的.
Fortunately, your higher frequencies of SELF can read multidimensionally. Therefore, if you have a question you can ask your unconscious instincts, as well as your astral body’s psychic nature, your mental body’s all knowing, your spiritual body’s spiritual memory, your fifth dimensional Lightbody and on and on. There is NO limit to you. The only limitations are your third dimensional thinking.
幸運的是, 你更高頻率的高我可以閱讀多維度訊息, 因此, 如果你有一個問題, 你可以問你無意識的直覺 --- 就像你的‘星光體’的心理本質, 你的 ‘心智體’的全知能力 , 你的‘靈性體’的靈性記憶, 以及你的‘第五維度光體’的… 等等以此類推. 只有沒完沒了的 ‘你’. 沒有界線的 ‘你’.唯一限制存在於你的三維度的思考之中.
When you visit our Ships you have a body that is so completely calibrated to the Ship that it appears to be physical. For the same reason, the Ship appears to be physical. When you merge with your Lightbody on the Ship you will have access to your higher expressions of self, as well as access to the area of your brain in which you have stored the advanced galactic concepts.
當你拜訪我們的船時, 你有一個形體與船完全協調對齊所以看起來像個物質體. 基於同樣理由, 你覺得飛船也是個物質體. 而當你在飛船上與你的 ‘光體’融合時, 你就可以進入你更高的高我表達之中, 以及能進入你大腦的這個持有進步的銀河概念的腦區塊.
Since you are the force of creation, you can look into your heart/mind to commune with your multidimensional expressions of SELF and you can project that image outwards so that it appears that you have another separate body. However, none of your bodies are separate from each other or from whatever realities they are experiencing.
由於你是‘創造的力量’!~~~ 你就能夠看入你的 ‘心\心智’ 體, 來與你的 ‘多維度本我’的表達溝通 ~~ 你可以投射影像出去~~~ 就像你擁有另一個身體似的. 但是, 你所有的身體都並沒有從彼此分開, 也沒有與他們正在經驗的實相分開.
Just as a holographic projector can project an image of a “separate” person, you can project holographic images of all your expressions of SELF. All of these holographic images are totally real, as all of them are expressions of your SELF. “But,” you may ask. “How can I forget some of my holographic projections and remember others?”
就像一台全息影像機器可以投射一個個體的影像出去, 你可以投射你全部的自我表達的全息影像出去. 這些全部的全息影像全部都真實, 因為他們全部都是你的自我表達. “但是,” 你會問”我怎麼會忘了一些我的全息影像投射而只記得其他的呢?”
The answer to that question is that you can only perceive the realities and holographic projections that resonate to your current state of consciousness. In other words, you cannot perceive realities that resonate to a state of consciousness to which you are NOT calibrated. Hence, many of your childhood memories are not perceivable because your consciousness is not calibrated to your unconscious and subconscious mind.
這問題的答案是~~~ 你只能感應到與你目前的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態共鳴的全息影像與實相.換言之, 你無法感應到一個實相~~~那是與一種你目前尚未協調對齊的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態共鳴的. 因此, 你們許多童年記憶都無法感應到, 因為你目前的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態並沒有與你的下意識\潛意識心智有協調對齊.
Furthermore, many of your past/parallel/alternate lives are not known to your 3D thinking because it is time bound and/or because your third dimensional thinking believes that you can only experience one reality at a time. Therefore, you forget your past and future selves so that you can focus on your present self. Conversely, your multidimensional thinking is not ruled by time, or state of consciousness.
此外, 你們許多人的過去世\平行時空實相\選擇性實相人生對你們的三維度的思考也是不存在的--- 因為有 ‘時間’ 限制,也可能也是或不是 --- 因為你的三維度的思考相信 --- 你一次只能經驗一個實相, 所以你忘了自己的過去自我與未來自我 --- 所以你可以專注在現在的自我身上.可是相反的, 你 ‘多維度本我思考’就不受時間,以及你的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態所限制.
When you think in a multidimensional manner, you are free of time and can experience infinite realities within the NOW of the ONE. As your 97% DNA continues to switch on, and as your consciousness expands into more and more dimensions, you will know that there is not “either/or” in the higher dimensional realities. Instead, there is “everything/always.”
當你用‘多維度本我思考’方式思考 ~~~ 你就不受時間限制而可以經驗無限的實相~~~ 在當下的合一之內.隨著你97% DNA持續被打開, 而你的 ‘覺知意識’ 狀態擴入更多更多的維度中, 你會知道根本就沒有 “兩者擇一”的問題存在~~~在高維度實相中, 取而代之的是
~~~ “每一件事\永遠”.
One of the best ways to “remember” your visits to the Ship, as well as any other higher dimensions adventure is to convince your mind that you can have many experiences—always. One of the tools I gave to Sandy and Jason is to stop for a moment of your time and ponder what is occurring in your other realities. For example, pause to check out what you are doing on the Ship by projecting that holographic image into your aura.
要 ‘記得’你在星船上的拜訪的最好方法 ~~~ 以及許多其他 ‘高維度探究’的最好方法 ~~~就是去說服你的心智 ~~~ 你可以有許多經驗 --- 永遠如此.
我給Sandy and Jason的一個工具 ~~~ 就是去暫停一下自己的時間 ~~~ 然後思考 ~~~你在別的實相中現在正在發生什麼事呢! 舉例而言, 暫停一下來查看一下飛船上的你正在幹嘛 --- 透過將全息影像投射到你的外光體中去.
In this manner you can view other realities much as you might watch yourself on television. Your aura is similar to a huge movie screen on which holographic light matrixes—thought forms—can be projected. In this way, you can keep track of some of the other adventures you are having. We say “some of the others,” as you will need to slowly wean yourself off of third dimensional thinking and surrender to the vastly superior multidimensional thinking.
用這方法, 你可以觀看其他實相就像你看到自己在電視上一樣. 你的外光體就宛如一張巨大的電影銀幕 ~~~ 全息光矩陣存在那裡~~~~ 思想形式 ~~~ 可以被投射進去. 以這種方式, 你可以跟蹤你正在經驗的一些其他探索. 我們說 “一些其他” --- 因為你會需要慢慢的退出你的三維度的思考習慣,而臣服到這巨大的更高超的 ‘多維度本我思考’之中.
Your brain is a biological computer. As with every computer, you can download new files, update new information, delete unwanted data, pull up information form archived files, continually expand your memory and continually download faster and faster operating systems. Since you are the force of creation, the first thing that you should create is a link to your Multidimensional SELF. Then, be sure to save it to your desktop!
你的大腦是一個生物電腦. 就像每台電腦一樣, 你可以下載新檔案, 升級新資訊, 刪除不要的資訊, 可以搜尋檔案夾, 持續擴充你的記憶體, 持續下載越來越快的操作系統. 由於你是 ‘創造的能量’ ~~~ 所以你首先該創造的就是一個連接你 ‘多維度本我’的連接~~~而且要記得儲存到你的銀幕上!
Posted by Sue at 2:33 PM No comments:
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