
 (3-1)(非常重要)狮身人面: 大實話!


              而且不擔心 ‘光工們”???

great-sphinx-of-giza        AtlantisFound  

The Sphinx speaks why the dark cabal is still in control and not worried about lightworkers

管道: Petra Margolis 20130615

中文翻译: 林琚月 20130616



A subject many will have to think about as you have become the ones supposed to be creating the new world changes.

有一個主題是大家必須好好思考一下的題目 --- 隨著你們變成了這些應該要創造新世界變革一們的時候.

Why is the dark cabal still in control, or the ones you call the dark cabal.

為何黑暗份子們仍然掌權? ---或是這些你們稱為dark cabal???

Many of you have different beliefs, but none of the beliefs you have are in fact threatening to the dark cabal.

你們大部份人都有不同的信念, 但是你們有的信念沒有半個可以真實的威脅到黑暗份子們dark cabal.

If there is one group they are not worried about it is the lightworkers community.

如果有一個團體是他們不擔心的團體的話 ---- 那就是光工社群’.

Why, you should ask.

怎麼會呢? 你們會問.

Many of you have beliefs that go beyond this reality, yet many of those beliefs are about realities that are better than this one. The main belief is that it is going to be that way, this amazing reality is already here, it will just have to manifest.

你們許多人擁有的信念是超越這個現實的,而且許多那些信念是關於別的實相比現在這個實相更好的想法觀念. (RL: 二元對立) 你們的主流思想信念是 --- 這裡會變成那樣 ~~~ 這個驚人的現實已經在這裡了, 它只需要顯化出來就行了.

(RL: 所以偉大的光工的能耐就是等天上掉麵包削下來?!)

Others haven’t made up their mind and do not know who are the good or bad ones, they belief that the higher ups everywhere will be forced by the good ones to start doing the right thing.

其他人還沒決定好, 還沒想好, 而且不知道誰是好人或是壞人 ---- 他們的信念是 --- 高層那些人都將會被好人強迫去開始做正確的事.

Even though they have not seen any proof, except for a handful of people giving them messages about what is happening behind the scene, none of it provable, none of it has manifested, for years they have been waiting. Yes, waiting for years and each time they are told something is going to happen they perk up and wait, get their hopes up.

即使他們還沒有看到任何證據, 除了一小撮人在給出訊息 --- 告訴你們在幕後發生的事情之外, 沒有半件事是可以證明的, 而且沒有半件事情顯化出來,多少年了 --- 他們仍然在等待. 是的, 經年的等待, 而每次 ~~~ 他們被告知一些事要發生了 ~~~他們的情緒被激盪起來, 等著, 昇起希望的期待著.

Yet, each time they are disillusioned by nothing happening and a world that only seems to get worse.

可是, 每一次他們都幻滅了 --- 因為沒有事情發生 --- 而且這世界似乎越來越糟!

The perfect group for the dark cabal, the ones that belief and wait.


~~~ 他們就抱著一些信念, 等著!

We have some other groups amongst lightworkers, the ones that are the love and light filled ones, they seem to flock to the messages about love and light.

光工團體中還有一些其他團體 --- 就是又是又是的這些一們, 他們似乎衝向所有愛與光的訊息.

As a light worker the common knowledge is that you are love and light, yet, it seems you need a reminder of this each day, great if it is several times a day. A message from someone out there, telling you how much great work you have done, how much more love you have become, how much more light you have become, and yes, you are changing your reality.

做為一個光工的基本知識是 --- 你就是愛與光. 但是, 你怎麼似乎每天都需要人家提醒你這件事呢??? --- 而且最好一天無數次?! 某人發出了某個訊息 ~~~~ 告訴你們~~~ 你們做了多麼偉大的工作, 你們已經成為了多大的愛??? 多大的光??? 而且是的, 你們正在改變你們的現實!!!

(RL: 我翻得超棒! 沒翻錯! 不懂英文的人請閉嘴!!! 因果我自負! 你擔心你的命就行! )


Many of these group are not even aware of the reality outside of them, they like to focus on their own light worker community/group, or just their own inner reality.

許多這些團體連查覺都沒查覺到他們身邊的現實, 他們喜歡專注在他們自己的光工社區\團體’, 或只是他們自己內在的現實.


They love the reminders they get everyday, about how to be love, how to express love and light, and just remember themselves they are love and light and all will be well in the world.

他們喜歡他們每天得到的提醒 ~~~ 關於: 如何去愛? 如何去表達愛與光? 而只是記得他們自己就是愛與光這回事 ~~~ 以及全世界都沒事這回事!?

This group is mostly unaware of much of the world around them as many say they cannot watch TV, see the news, as it interferes with their energy, their state of mind.

這團體大部份人對於他們身旁的世界都所知不多 --- 因為許多人跟他們說他們不可能看電視, 看新聞, 因為那會干擾了他們的能量, 他們的心理狀態!

Yet another group the cabal doesn’t need to worry about, as this group is so usurped with their own love and light, they are no threat to anyone.

又是一個黑暗份子們不需要擔心的團體 --- 因為他們被他們自己的愛與光所篡奪! --- 他們不會是任何人的威脅!!!

The next group is the one that is convinced that the galactics are going to save them, they are flocking to the messages about how the galactics are coming and save them, all will be well, once it is announced there are aliens out there, beings that can help.

另一個團體是完全相信 --- 銀河人會來救他們的一群人--- 他們圍繞著關於銀河人會如何來拯救他們的訊息, 認為所有人都會沒事 --- 只要一但宣佈了有外星人存在’ ‘有外星人為我們帶來協助之後--- 就萬事okay!!!

This group knows there are aliens upon earth, working with them to make this happen.

這些人知道地球上有外星人, 跟他們工作在一起 --- 來讓事情發生!

This group is also a bit more outward towards non-believers and they try to convince, or at least explain to many non-believers that there is hope, somewhere out there though, the hope has not arrived on earth yet. But they are coming, you should believe them.

這群人稍微比較開放一些 ~~~ 在對待不相信的人 ~~ 而且他們試著去說服, 至少試著去解釋給許多非信者的人 --- 希望是存在的, 但存在外頭某個地方, 可是希望還沒到達地球. 可是他們會來 ~~~你們應該相信祂們.

Yet, another group the dark cabal doesn’t worry about as this group is waiting for some galactics/aliens to show up and save them. Another groups that beliefs and waits.

又是另一個黑暗份子不擔心的團體 --- 因為這團體一樣在等待著某些銀河\外星人來出現, 拯救他們.又是一個抱著信念等著的團體!!!

Then we have the groups walking the earth, providing clearings, going to special sites, clearing special sites from all the dark energies, interference energies, activating these sites again. Year after year they have done this, the sites become more active, yes they do. But what do we see in the world around them, is there really something happening in the world that can be assigned to these sites becoming more active?

然後, 我們有一些群體們, 他們行走在地球上, 提供一些清理工作’, 他們去到特別的地點 --- 清除掉該地點的黑暗能量, 干擾能量, 並且重新啟動這些地點. 年復一年他們做著這些事, 地點是變成更有活力了, 是的, 這些地點確實有.可是這些地點身旁的世界呢??? 請問世界上有沒任何真正的改變發生是與這些地點的能量變得比較活躍有關的???

What history should tell you is that sacred places can be used for good or bad, opening up sacred places doesn’t mean they can only be used by the so called good people, the so called bad people can use these energies as well.

歷史會告訴你們 --- 神聖的地點 ~~~ 可以被使用在好事或是壞事上, 打開這些神聖的地點不代表他們只能被所謂的好人所使用, 所謂的壞人一樣可以使用這些能量.

This has been one of the many reasons these sacred places have become inactive.

事實上這也是許多理由之一 --- 為何這些神聖的地點又被啟動了!

(RL: 所以有些神聖的地點確實是為了壞人的目的而被壞人所啟動的 --- 而且他們假裝是好人裝得很像. 原來如此!)

The other thing you have to ask yourself is, has it changed anything upon earth.

(3-2)(非常重要)狮身人面: 大實話!


         而且不擔心 ‘光工們”???


另外一件你必須問你自己的事是 --- 地球上有任何事改變了嗎? !

What do you see happening all around you?


New groups are starting up everyday, groups that fight against certain governments, control governments, yet once the new government gets into place all they have achieved is more control in many ways.

每天都有新團體興起, 他們與某些政府部門奮戰, --- 那些控制人們的政府 --- 可是一但新政府就位, 他們所做的事就是做出更多控制人民的事.

Each day more freedom is lost in almost every country, each day more people are getting upset, yet the control system is setup in a way that being upset makes them choose in such a way that they think more freedom will come, yet more freedom will be taken away.

每天都有更多自由失去 --- 在几乎每個國家 --- 每天都有更多沮喪的人出現, 可是現存的控制系統是設計來讓人群沮喪 --- 然後他們以為更多自由會來??? --- 可是卻來了更多的不自由’!!! (更多自由被拿走了!)


(RL : 黑暗份子的控制系統設計是很精妙的 --- 讓不用腦筋的人左轉右轉都上當 --- 比方, 政府為了實施戒嚴令當然得故意惹一些事, 否則人民不會同意, 然後就上了更大的當,)


What to do as lightworkers but to shut your eyes most times, or belief in a divine creator, a divine being that is in charge, or belief that you are the creator. Dabbling around in realities not manifested upon earth, places where you can feel you are the creator, you are divine, you are pure love, you are all one etc..

做為一個光工’ --- 怎麼能在大部份的時候閉上自己眼睛, 或只是擁抱著相信有個神聖造物主的信念, 相信一個神聖存有在掌控一切’, 或只是擁抱自己是造物主的信念?!在幾個還沒顯化在地球上的實相中晃來晃去 --- 在某些地方晃來晃去的感覺 ~~~ 你是造物主 ~~~ 你是神聖的~~~ 你就是純粹的愛 ~~~ 你們就是合一’…等等等!?


You see the control system has been setup in a way that control is all around you in ways you cannot imagine.

你們看到了嗎? ‘控制系統是被如設計來控制住全部的你 --- 以一種你難以想像的方式!!!

You are being controlled from the bottom up and the top down.

你們完全被控制住了!!! 從頭到腳, 而且從腳到頭!!!

The one most powerful group that could actually be of danger to the dark cabal is too busy with either their own illusionary reality, or they are waiting for the good aliens/galactics, or they are dabbling in realities that are in no way applying to what is happening on earth, or just too much in love with themselves that they cannot see truth for fiction anyway.

所以,這世上最有能耐的一個團體(: 光工們) --- 一個真正能夠對黑暗份子產生威脅置他們入險境的團體

---- 竟然忙碌於他們自己的幻想世界???

---- 要不就等著好外星人\銀河人到達??? --- 或是在其他實相中晃來晃去

--- 而無法把能力放在目前地球上所發生的事情之上

--- 或是自戀太深而分不清楚真相與虛假???


Yes, we might have missed some groups that fall in between the ones we have mentioned.

是的, 我們可能漏講了一些在這幾個種類之中的其他團體.

But think of this, you are a light worker, you are all convinced that you are love, divine, all one.

但是, 想一下這個 --- 你是一個光工’ ~~~ 你們全都相信自己是愛, 是神聖的, 合一中的!

Yet, each day you want to see a reminder of this, that one message that tells you, be the love now, you are so much love, you are deeply loved, you are divine.

那你們每天還需要讀一篇提醒文??? --- 那篇告訴你 --- 現在就去成為愛, 你是如此多的愛, 你是被深深的愛著的??? 你是神聖的???


(RL: 每天讀這種訊息 --- 會不會太沒自信了???


What is it in you that needs this confirmation each day, what is it in you that feels it needs this confirmation each day.

你內在有什麼東西需要這日復一日的確定??? 你內在是有什麼東西覺得它需要這樣日復一日的確定呢???


Then the ones waiting each day for a message from the galactics on how they are progressing on convincing the governments to give up control. They are getting closer each day, they have been getting closer each day for some years now. Each time they give you something to hope for, something to hold on to.

然後那些每天等待著來自銀河人的訊息的人 ---- 關於他們的進度? ~~~在說服政府們放棄控制這件事上??? ---- 他們(當然)每天都與成功接近一些, 而到目前為止他們已經逐漸接近成功幾年了!!! --- 每次他們給你們一些希望去等待, 一些你們能抓住的期望!!!?


(RL: Sphinx的意思不是說這些訊息一定是真或假 --- 祂的意思是 ~~~ “我們自己的努力在那裡?” “我們等待消息的態度與方法與心態正確嗎???)


Nothing has really happened, but you still hope.

沒有任何事真正的發生了, 可是你仍然希望著.

(RL: 巴夏說: “放棄所有期望, 活在當下!”但這當下是去從事你最熱情的事物的生活方式!)

Like the ones saying, I don’t know if it is true, but I hope it is.

就像大家都說的 --- “我不知道是真是假, 但我希望是真的.”

Waiting each day for that little bit of either confirmation that you are this divine, loving creator being, or waiting each day for the hope that they give you to keep on going.

每天 --- 等待著那一點點的確認 --- ‘你是神聖的!’ ‘你是充滿愛的造物存有’, ---- 或是每天等待著 --- “他們給你們一些希望讓你能持續走下去.”


(RL: 請注意以上兩種都是被動人生不是積極人生! 一個造物存有的生活方式不可能是王寶釧”!)

Now we would like to mention that there is nothing wrong with exploring different realities, but the exploration is and has to be about finding more truth, not about finding you more in love with yourself and these realities. It is about applying what you find within those realities to what is happening on and within the earth reality right now. 

在這裡我們想說明 --- 探索不同實相’~~沒有什麼不對! 但這‘探索’ 的目的必須是為了 ‘尋找真相’--- 而不是為了 ‘你越來越迷戀自己或是其他實相’! --- 必須是為了從別的實相學習到可以使用在這個地球實相中正在發生的事務的東西.

Finding what can really change this reality, and yet not many have found ways to do this, but they have found small ways to apply this to their own reality. Resulting mostly in shutting their eyes from the real outside world and focusing on their own view of what they would like to see as their perfect reality for them.

應該要尋找可以改變這個實相的方法, ---- 可惜沒有太多人有找到什麼, --- 但他們有找到一些小方法來使用在他們自己的現實當中. ---- 其結果就是大部份人關上了自己的眼睛不看真實的外在世界, 轉而專注在他們自己的觀想‘ ─── 關於他們想要看到的完美實相’! 


(RL註: 密與禪宗的打坐冥想修行當中 ~~~ 都強調不可執著‘觀想境界’ 否則上不去, 無法產生真正的 


It seems many of you are waiting for a step by step process that you can follow to change the earth reality.Do you not realize that we are here to only assist you in finding that step by step process?

看起來好像你們許多人都在等待一個‘一步步詳細解說的程序’--- 讓你們來跟隨, 來改變這個地球實相. --- 你們還不了解嗎? ~~~我們 只是來這裡協助你們尋找那個

一步步的步驟程序 的?


(3-3)(非常重要)狮身人面: 大實話!


         而且不擔心 ‘光工們”???


How can you be a creator if you are told what and how to create?

你要怎麼做一個創造者’? 如果都是別人在告訴你去創造什麼? 如何去創造?

How can you express yourself, your real self, if we tell you how to and what you should express?

你能如何表現你自己? 你真實的自己? --- 假如我們告訴你如何去表現? 或是你該表現什麼的話?


(RL註: 讀書對人成長的幫助非常有限, 但是透過 ‘實做’ 才是一個人成長的真正契機!)

You have to come to a realization that what you have been doing so far is not working, it might be working for your own inner reality, but there is no real change in the outer reality.

你們應該要覺悟到 ~~~你們到目前所做的一切 ‘不管用’\無效!  --- 或許對你自己內在的現實有點用處, 但是在外在現實中並沒有真正的改變發生.

But you keep on waiting for assistance, help, no matter if you belief the galactic are coming to save you or that some other beings are going to tell you what to do now. And of course the group that sees it all manifested already, they are waiting for that reality to manifest.

可是你們還是持續的等待著 協助" ‘幫助’ ─── 不論你的信念是銀河人要來救你了 或是其他存有要來告訴你 --- ‘你現在該做些什麼?’ --- 而且當然那批已經觀到新實相’的人 --- 正坐著等那新實相顯化出來!?


You are all waiting. No matter which group you fall in.

你們全都在等. 不論你屬於那一組人.

In the meantime, you do some work on yourself, some inner work, but in fact you are waiting.

而在這時期中, 你們在自己身上做一些工作 --- 一些內心的工作, --- 而實際上你就是在等待!!! 

You explore, yet the exploration is slow, sometimes you have a break through, but what does it all mean, how can you apply it to being a creator on earth.

你有在探索, 但這探索速度很慢, 有時你有些突破, 但這又代表什麼意思呢? 你如何將它應用到地球上來而成為一個地球創造者?

Many will answer that you do this by expressing what you are already in spirit, yet is that creation, or just self-expression and is it making a real change?

許多人會回答你說 --- 你表達你在靈性上的成就就是一個創造者 --- 但是這是創造嗎? 還是只是自我表達‘? --- 這樣做有讓這個世界有任何不同嗎?


We have said so much in all our previous messages, the guidance on how to make real change happen, how to become the change, how to become the creators.

在以前的訊息中我們說了許多話, 給了許多指導 ~~~ 關於如何去讓改變真實的發生? 如何去成為 ‘改變本身’? 如何去成為創造者’?

In a way, we have been doing this through all our messages, we can only guide as where to find your answers. What would an answer be if it would not come from within you?

就某種方式而言, 我們在我們所有訊息中都在談論這件事---(如何去讓改變真實的發生? 如何去成為 ‘改變本身’? 如何去成為創造者’?) --- 我們只能引導你如何去找到你的答案. 以及, 如果一個答案不是出自你的本心的話 ---- 那會是個什麼樣的答案?

It would be just another control system if we would tell you how to act, what to do.

那就只會是另一個控制系統! --- 假如一律是我們來告訴你如何去做什麼? 要幹什麼?



(RL註: 喜歡背‘知識’ 與‘標準答案’ 的也請小心! 通常那就是不讓你往內心去尋求答案的迂迴控制策略!有好多人找我去翻這種東西好讓我 - 變傻!) 

You have to find your own way of creating, but you also have to see where you are not creating anything but a facsimile of what can be done.

你必須去尋找到你自己創造的方法,--- 但是, 你同時也必須去了解 --- 在你沒有在做創造的地方 ─── 那只是一個‘可能存在的狀態’ 的 ‘複印本’! 


(RL註: 換言之, ‘創造’ 是你的本質,你接觸的任何事, 甚至掃地\洗碗, 你生存的空間, 無時無刻你都應該在創造模式 之中, 而不是在 ‘拷貝模式’ 之中. 用英文說: Be an original thinker! Think and create from your heart all the time! 要隨時做一個原創者! 永遠從內心思考並創造!)

The truth has always been hidden within you, but if you let yourself be distracted by all that we have talked about in this message, the answers will never be found.


但是如果你讓你自己被我們剛才所談到的所有事情所分心的話 --- 你就永遠找不到這些答案! 

Think of it this way, if you were your full source being expressing through the human, would you be walking around saying “ I am divine, I am love, I am oneness”.

這樣思考一下吧! ---- 如果你是你來自源頭的全部的你而目前正穿著人類載具的話 --- 你會沒事走來走去說我是神聖的!我是愛!我是合一"嗎???  

No, you would not express this in anyway, you would be walking around doing what needs to be done as a creator being, not interfered by what is love, what is divine, what is oneness.

, 無論如何, 你不會做這樣的表達, 你只會像個創造存有‘ 一樣的走來走去做所有該做的事而已, ---- 而不會被什麼是愛?’ ‘什麼是神聖?’ ‘什麼是合一?’這種事所干擾.

Many would not even know you are expressing your source being, or know you are a source being, as this is not the nature of your source being.

許多人根本不會知道 ~~~ 你正在 ‘表達’ 一個源頭存有 這回事, 或是知道 你是一個源頭存有 這回事 ----- 因為這不是你們 源頭存有 的本性‘! 

It is not here to tell everyone how divine and loving it is.


It is here to make changes, not to be on the forefront, but to stay hidden in the back and do what is needed.

祂是來這裡創造改變 的!!! ~~~但不是在第一線, 而是在大後方


Your source being is not looking for confirmation of how loving and divine it is, it already knows it is everything and doesn’t divide itself in how much love, how much divine it is.

你內在的‘源頭存有’ 沒在尋找別人的確認--- 關於祂是多麼的有愛又神聖,

祂知道祂是所有這些東西, 而且不會切割祂自己進入評價與議論分別在祂有多少愛‘ 祂有多神聖?這些分別心中!


From one source to another从一个源头到另一个源头

June 15, 2013

Petra Margolis

RL註: 雖然我對Elizabeth Truwin管道所通靈出來的銀河聯邦‘ 以  

    及天庭在’大逮捕‘以及大揭露事情的進展深信不疑, 同時我也 

     看懂了我神尊透過Suzanne Lie所傳導的大角星\昴宿星 

     人’ 訊息, 以及 ‘獅身人面’ 這兩邊的重量級教學’ ---    

     我前一段時間確實一直覺得光工界‘ 問題很多, 很大, 而且

     大家, 包括我自己在內, 被動消極的等待態度不對. --- 而今天就 

     看到Sphinx此文真是提聾醒瞽! 也希望大家真正活出個

     工’ 的樣子, 協助 ‘地球大轉變早日發生! 大家加油! 

  RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 

         并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净! 

         修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!






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