
                      (重要扬升课程: 結語 )

             昴宿星双光子系列: 银河人类


             EPILOGUE We Will Remember

               FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2013


Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131011

中文翻译林琚月 20131013





We Will Remember我們會記得




From the dungeons of destruction comes the hope of new life,” Jason and I said as one being. We looked up to our three guides and said, “Yes, we will return and care for Gaia. We realize that She has been reborn just as we have. But how do we return?”

從毀滅的地牢裡, 新生活的希望降臨了,” Jason和我以同一個存有的狀態說. 我們抬頭看著我們的三個導師説, “是的, 我們會回去照顧蓋亞. 我們已經明白~~~她已經重生了 ~~就像我們也重生了一樣. 但是, 我們怎麼回去呢?”


Through the twelfth floor,” we all said in harmony.

從第十二樓,” 我們全部一起同時說.


Instantly, a bright light surrounded our joint form of Sandy and Jason. As we surrendered into the light we became aware that the dream we had tried so hard to remember was so vivid because it was NOT a dream. Instead, it was a future experience that we had partially remembered. However, as the light turned into a swirling vortex all thoughts of our past disappeared.

立即, 一道亮光包圍住了Sandy and Jason的聯合體. 當我們臣服入這光中, 我們立即覺悟~~以前我們如此努力試著去回想的夢 ~~現在卻如此活靈活現的在眼前 ~~因為那不是一個夢. 取而代之的, 那是一個未來的經驗’ --- 但我們只記得一部份. 但是, 隨著這道光轉成了一個漩渦, ---我們過去的所有想法都消失了.


As the vortex swirled around us, our ONE Divine Complement body slowly transmuted into two lightbodies. Again, we tightly held hands to feel our deep connection. However, now our hands were of light and the sensation was quite different. When we held hands before, we felt two separate hands inter-twined, but now the two hands of light merged into one hand that we shared.

隨著這漩渦繞著我們轉, 我們神聖另一半的合一體慢慢的轉變成兩個光體. 再一次, 我們緊握著手, 來感應到我們深度的連接. 但是, 現在我們的手都是光體, 所以這感覺也非常不同. 以前當我們牽手時, 我們感覺到分開的兩隻手的纏繞, 但現在, 這兩隻光體手是融合成我們共同分享的一隻手!


We both smiled at this sensation and were about to try merging into one being again when the vortex started taking us through the “consciousness shower.” The sensations of this shower seemed to clear away all emotions of doubt and fear. With this clearing we could commune as one being even though we still held two bodies.

我們兩個人對這新鮮感都笑了, 而且逐漸試著要再融合成一個存有 ~~當這漩渦開始帶我們穿越這覺知意識的洗禮. 這洗禮似乎在清除掉所有的懷疑與恐懼的情緒. 在這清洗之後, 我們又可以一個共同存有的方式溝通\存在, ---雖然我們仍然有兩個身體.


We were happy to share our experience, as the sensations of bliss and unconditional love were almost too much for one body to contain. With that thought, or the perhaps our clearing was completed, the vortex suddenly stopped spinning to reveal the “right elevator.” Two doors of light slowly parted to reveal a circular room filled with light beings from every area of our Galaxy and beyond.

我們在分享我們的經驗上非常的快樂 ~~因為備受祝福和無條件的愛的感覺几乎超越一個身體所能承受的程度.就在這樣想時, 又或許是我們的清理工作完成了 ---這漩渦突然停下旋轉, 來現出正確的那個電梯’. 兩扇光門慢慢地打開了, ~~出現了一個圓形的房間 ~~~裡面充滿了許多來自銀河各處的光之存有們, 以及來自更遠地方的.


It was a grand “Light Convention,” where higher inter-galactic beings could observe, monitor and assist Gaia with Her process of planetary ascension. As the doors fully opened, our two lightbodies floated into the limitless circular room. To our surprise, the many beings all turned to greet us, including Mytre, Mytria and the Arcturian with the infant Gaia held tightly in Its arms. Everyone gradually surrounded us and welcomed us to their meeting.

這真是一個宏大的 光之盛會’ ~~在這裡 ~~較高的銀河界間之存有們可以觀察, 監控, 並且協助地球蓋亞的行星揚升程序.當這門完全打開之後, 我們兩個光體飄浮進入了這個似乎沒有邊際的圓形房間. 在我們的驚訝之中 ~~許多許多的存有們都轉過來歡迎我們, 包括Mytre, Mytria和大角星人. 祂還緊抱著嬰兒蓋亞在手臂中. 每個人都逐漸的`圍了過來並且歡迎我們來參加祂們的會議.


We were not surprised to see other earthling lightbodies intermingled in the group. Almost with a sense of urgency, the group separated to leave us a pathway that led directly to the far side of the endless room. I say endless room, as this wall was more of a vortex than a wall. Instead of having a wall to separate, this room had a portal to connect.

我們並不驚訝去看到一些別的 地球人身的光體人們混在團體中. 而且几乎是一種迫切感, 人群分開成兩半而為我們空出了一條道路直接通到這沒有止境的房間深處. 我說沒有止境的房間’ --- 因為這牆壁比較像是一個漩渦, 而不是一個牆壁. 所以不是有一個分隔牆 --- 而是有一個連接的星門.


Jason and I floated through the pathway established in our honor, but stopped just before the portal. We peered through the portal, which was formed by the walls of radiating light, to see the web of creation. This WEB vibrated and resonated to our every breath, thought and emotion. We could see the web with our Third Eye, hear it in our High Heart and feel it with our bodies of light.

Jason和我飄過了這為我們建立的榮耀走道, 然後停在星門之前. 我們窺視了一下這星門 --- 那是由散發出光的牆壁所形成的 --- 看到了 創造之網.創造之網振動著, 也共鳴著我們的每一個呼吸, 思想和情緒.我們可以用我們的第三隻眼去看到這網, 可以在我們高我之心中聽到它, 也可以在我們的光體中感覺到它.


Suddenly, the web was on us, next to us, under us, behind us and around us. We were elements of the web, living nodules of form fashioned by the web of creation. The light of the WEB connected all in deep unity. Consequently, we experienced everything that everyone in the room was thinking and feeling. We were all the WEB.

突然間, 創造之網就出現在我們之上, 在我們之下, 在我們之後, 而且包圍住了我們. 我們就是這創造之網的元素們,活著的形式關節 ~~由這創造之網所形塑出來的. 創造之網的光將所有東西在合一當中 ~~深度的聯結了起來. 因此, 我們經驗到了房間裡每一個人所想所感覺的每一件事. 我們全都在這創造之網!


The web of creation was similar to a body that had a heart, lungs, eyes, ears hands, etc. We were all one form, connected via the WEB, yet each of us had a slightly different function that was vital for WEBs continuation and expansion. We were all in constant contact with each other via the WEB when, suddenly, all focused on looking through the portal.

創造之網很像是一個有心臟, 肺臟, 眼睛, 耳朵, 等等的一個身體. 我們全都在一個形體中, 透過創造之網連接了彼此, 但是, 我們每一個人又有些稍微不同的功能 ~~~但是這對創造之網持續與擴張是非常重要的.我們全都在創造之網中持續不間斷的溝通著,, 突然, 所有的人都專注在注視著星門之內.


With the force of our join perception, as well as the unity of the unconditional love, we looked through the vortex to see an infant world. This world was the infant Gaia, the ray of hope for the beings who had used Earth as their “schoolroom for ascension.”

在我們聯合的感應理解力之能量之下, 以及聯合的無條件的愛 ~~我們看透過這星門去看到一個新生的世界. 這世界就是嬰兒蓋亞 ~~也是這道希望的光束 ~~~給予那些使用了地球來做為他們揚升的教室的存有們.


From our timeless state of consciousness we understood how this reality was beginning, ending, shifting and remaining still. All was ONE within the NOW expressing itself in myriad forms. Because of our unity with each other and the WEB, our multidimensional minds easily understood this format for reality and were eager to experience life within that operating system.

從我們大家 沒有時間感的覺知意識之中 ~~~我們理解到 ~~~這實相是如何的開始, 結束, 提升轉變, 以及維持原樣的. 萬有都在合一之中存在於當下 ~~~並以各自不同的形式在做自我表達’.由於我們與彼此以及與創造之網的聯合~~~我們的多維度心智很容易的理解這實相的形式, 而且迫不及待的想在這樣的操作系統中去體驗生活.


Abruptly, the Arcturian flashed before us and looked deep into our eyes. As we looked back into the light of the Arcturian’s mutable form we saw Mytre and Mytria as Divine Complements. This vision filled us with such joy of illumination that our perception expanded deeper into the vast domain of the Arcturian’s energy field. To our surprise we saw the image of ourselves joined into our Divine Complement within the Divine Complements of Mytre and Mytria.

突然, 大角星人閃出在我們面前, 深深的看入我們眼睛之中. 而當我們回視入大角星人不斷變化的形體的光中時 ~~~我們看到了Mytre and Mytria神聖的另一半而存在其中. 這影像給了我們如此快樂的了悟 ~~~我們的感應理解深度擴大入了大角星人巨大的能場之中. 在我們的驚訝之中, 我們看到我們自己的影像合成為一個神聖另一半的合體’ ~~存在於Mytre and Mytria合體之中.


But wait, Jason and I thought together, if we are versions of Mytre and Mytria, and Mytre and Mytria are a component of the Arcturian, them WE are an element of the Arcturian, as well.

可是, 等等! Jason和我同時想著 ~~假如我們是Mytre and Mytria的分身, Mytre and Mytria又是大角星人的一個部份,, 我們不就也是大角星人的一個元素?!!!


With that thought the vision ended, and the Arcturian floated so close to us that we could feel its heart within our own. It placed the infant Gaia in our arms and lovingly said,

這樣想著時, `影像結束了, 而大角星人飄浮到非常接近我們的位置, 我們可以感覺到祂的心臟在我們自己的之中. 祂把嬰兒蓋亞放在我們手臂中, 充滿愛的說:


As you go down there with Gaia, remember that you also remain here within us.”

當你們和蓋亞一起下去之時, 記得 ~~~你們也同時在這裡, 在我們裡面. “


As the vortex swept us into its spin, we clutched the infant Gaia against our heart and said in one voice,

當這漩渦把我們捲起來時, 我們把嬰兒蓋亞夾得緊緊的在我們心口, 然後以同一個聲音說,


We WILL remember!”


(Stay Tuned for Book IV)


Posted by Sue at 8:42 AM


RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

           修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!






    創作者 Rebecca Lin 的頭像
    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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