
(3-1) (你要的终极答案!你的扬升!你的地球大转变!)


         ~~~~ Elizabeth Trutwin传导, October 13, 2013

Leave Everything Behind a Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 13, 2013



中文翻译: 林琚月2030930


Greetings this is Lord Ashtar.

大家好! 这是阿斯塔王.

As you enter the powerful energies this week I invite you to leave everything behind. We are leaving the Hologram Earth and moving into the Real World. The past years have reminded us that changes need to happen, that this kind of life is no longer bearing fruit or peaceful. We will be reminded once again that we can no longer live lives where our own Collective Highest Good is ignored.

随着你们进入这个礼拜的强烈能量之中 ~~我邀请你们来放下一切.我们目前正在离开全息地球, 转移进入真实的世界’.过去的几年(所发生的事)已经告诉了我们 --- ‘改变必需发生. 这样的人生已经再也无法产生出任何()结果或是和平了.我们将再一次被提醒--- 就是我们再也无法过这种生活 --- 这种忽视我们集体最大利益的生活.


Consider contemplating this statement of Higher Truth. In the days to come, as you slide gently into Ascended Earth you will leave behind everything you know about your life now.

思考一下这个更高真理的宣言! ~~~在未来的日子里, 随着你们滑落入已扬升的地球之中 ---你们将会放下---所有你们过去所知道的, 关于你现在的人生的事!


Do you feel resistance to that statement? Are you feeling you may not be ready? Maybe that you will be losing something? By contemplating your feelings about this you may notice that all that is bothering you are just thoughts. Remember, nothing in this realm is real. What should you leave behind? The Illusion.

你对这句话有抗拒感吗? 你是否觉得还没准备好呢? 还是你觉得你会失去些什么? 透过思考你个人对这些事的感觉 ~~你可能会注意到 ~~所有困扰你的事都只是想法而已.请记得! 在这实相中并没有真实的东西存在.



There are many who consider themselves Lightworkers who still believe President Obama is a puppet and controlled by others. There are many who consider themselves Lightworkers who believe the dark are still in charge. Ego mind loves to take up positions. Ego mind validates its existence by doing this.

有许多人认为自己是光工’, 但仍然相信欧巴马总统是个傀儡, 是被别人所控制住的. 有许多人认为自己是光工’, 但仍然相信黑暗份子们仍然在掌权. 小我心智就是喜欢有看法’! 它喜欢透过这样做来证明自己的存在.


You are not your Ego. You are not your Body. You are Pure Love, Pure Consciousness. There is no dark force in charge of you or your world. Ego is incredibly stubborn and likes to be right. The negativity of these beliefs hold one in constant outrage, hurt, anger, pain, addiction and suffering. Gratitude shrinks ego. It is time to dissolve Ego Mind. Gratitude is focused on what is good. When you are grateful the Universe brings more to be Grateful For. Focus only on what is Light and the Universe brings more Light.

你不是你的小我心智’.你是纯粹的爱’, ‘纯粹的觉知意识’. 你的世界或是你~~~并没有黑暗份子在控制. 小我心智是非常顽固的, 而且很喜欢说\觉得自己是正确.这些想法的负面效应会把一个人监禁入暴怒, 受伤感, 气愤, 痛苦, 上瘾, 以及哀痛之中.感恩的心却可以缩减小我心智的膨胀.感恩的心是专注在光明面上的心态,



I invite you to stop scanning the news together in a ‘prove it to me’ attitude. As a Collective Consciousness this group has been getting gratification from looking at news articles together. That is understandable considering that 99% of what is posted is a complete manipulation for Ego Mind ‘to be right.’

我邀请你们来停止搜索新闻 --- 以这种证明给我看的心态.做为一个集体的觉知意识’ --- 你们这团体一直在集体阅览新闻当中来得到快感’. 这是可以理解的一件事, 特别当我们了解到 --- 99%被注销的新闻都是一种完全的新闻操控’ --- 就是要让小我心智觉得自己是对的’.


Ego Mind clings to who is doing what and clues which appear significant. Let it go! It is an Illusion, a Hologram. I invite you to leave behind scanning the news. Those who know what is going on cannot speak about it. You will not hear from anyone BEFORE Announcements what you WANT TO HEAR. There are other things for you to tackle now. Accept that THIS IS DONE. Instead have Faith to Trust that which you cannot see yet. Set your Intention to be Faith Filled. By focusing on the news it keeps you woefully unaware of what is Real.

小我心智紧紧的抓住谁正在做什么, 以及看起来很明显的线索.释放这些心态与习惯吧!~~~这是一个幻觉! --- 一个全息影像. 我邀请你们来停止搜索新闻 --- 因为那些真正知道发生什么事情的人 --- 他们不能说.你们将无法在大宣布之前从任何人那里听到你们想听的话.

你们现在有别的事情要解决. ---



让你们自己的企图充满信心! ---

但是如果你们把注意力放在新闻之上的话 ---





Earth now is in the midst of a violent storm. It is manifesting itself in the physical with Typhoons, Tornados, Cyclones and Earthquakes. The winds of change are blowing through. Mother Earth made a clarion call in 1987 which lead to Harmonic Convergence and the reversal of her destruction.

地球现在正在一个狂暴的暴风雨之中. 目前在物质界已经显化出了许多台风, 飓风, 龙卷风, 以及地震. 改变之风正在横扫而过.

地球母亲在1987年做了一个极力的呼唤 ~~

造成了和谐汇聚的冥想静坐活动, 以及她的毁灭的逆转.


Now we see the economic structure which is built on destroying Earth must dissolve. It is not supported by Earth Ascension. The Galactic Federation as well as the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds have their Crews at Earth coordinating their assistance on every level to return Earth to Balance.

现在我们看到的这经济架构 ---

是建立在毁灭地球之上的 --- 所以必需消除! ---


银河联邦’, 以及星际世界联盟都有人员在地球上



October 13 marks the end of Nine Nights where millions of Hindus have been fasting and staying up all night in song and dance celebrating Divine Mother. President Obama is not unaware that this week could bring Global Economic Collapse as a result of Celebrating Divine Mother.

十月13日是九个夜晚祭典的结束日! ~~在这天数以百万计的印度人已经禁食而且彻夜唱歌跳舞的为神圣母亲做庆祝. 欧巴马总统也不知道 ---

这个礼拜 --- 可能会带来全球经济的崩溃--- 做为一个为神圣母亲所做的庆祝活动.


We Celebrate Gaia, Mother Earth as we graduate out of the economic basis which was designed to destroy Her Rivers. Mountains, Oceans, Seas, Seed, Soil, Grasses, Trees and the Creatures who live there. This Global Economic Collapse is sandwiched between Navratri and a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on October 18.

我们庆祝盖亚, 地球母亲~~~

随着我们从这样的经济架构基础中毕业出来 ---

这是设计来毁掉她的河流, 山川, 海洋, 海沟, 种籽, 土地, , 树木, 以及所有生长在地球上的生物的.





True Love is expressed through this Blood Moon as it is called as we leave everything behind because it needs to be set free. We allow anything working against Earth to slide over to a new Realm where it may flourish. Let it go. Let the Illusion go.



当我们抛下一切事情之后 ---



去滑落入一个新的实相区 ---


让一切都走吧! 让所有幻觉走吧!


This Aries Eclipse brings the Fire Energy to baptize the Healings needed. Intend that as we enter this Eclipse All Things, within and without are healed. If you require a Healing today, Intend it Be Done. All imbalances on Earth are Healed this Libra Full Moon. The Fire of Aries makes this a most potent Energy capable of Balancing and Healing All.



所有东西在内的和在外的 ~~都可以被治疗好! ~~


假如你今天需要一个疗愈的话 ~~就设想~~这件事被完成了!

所有在地球上的不平衡都被治疗好了! ~~~





One of the very hard concepts to accept in this change is that many will be leaving the Planet permanently. It may be as many as 2 Billion people. As you hear this news, allow it to bypass Ego and bypass any fear you may have and take it into the Heart.

在这地球大转变 ---

一个非常困难接受的概念’ ---就是 ---



当你听到这消息时, 请让它绕过你的小我心智’, 并让它绕过所有你可能有的恐惧 --- 而只把这件事放在心上.


Earth’s Citizens have allowed themselves to ignore the Souls which they were powerless to help. Out of over 190 Countries on Earth there are wars being waged today in 60 Countries. Every year one and a half million people die from hunger. Around one hundred million people worldwide are homeless. Almost one million people are trafficked across borders everyday, always for forced labor of different kinds, half are children.

地球公民们曾经(无奈\被迫)允许他们自己去忽视他们没有能力去帮助到的灵魂们. 在地球190个国家之中, 60个国家有战争. 每一年, 150万人死于饥饿. 全球大约有一亿人无家可归. 而且每一天, 大约有一百万人被从边境偷渡送走, 而且总是去做各种苦劳役, 而其中有一半人是儿童.


There is a potential for 2 Billion Souls to move away from their lives on Earth and onto other Realms in our Multidimensional World which will better serve their Soul Growth at this time.

在地球上大约有二十亿灵魂会被从他们现在的生活中移走, 进入在我们多维度世界中的其他实相 --- 那些更适合他们此时的灵魂成长的地方.


In the Indian Vedic Text called the Mahabharata these Ones were called the walking dead. They lived their lives to underscore suffering on Earth. By doing so they helped every Soul mobilize for Ascension. They have cleared their karma by taking on this role of great suffering. They agreed before they incarnated that they would have a new assignment in a new place when Earth Ascends.

印度的吠陀文本, 称呼这些Mahabharata摩诃婆罗多”行尸走肉’. 他们过着一种受苦的生活来批注地球的苦难. 这样做的结果~~~他们协助了每一个灵魂移入扬升之中.



当地球扬升之后, 他们会在一个新的地方出新的任务.


In the very next moment as Earth Citizens end all wars, destroy all nukes and welcome the Galactics back to Earth then Divine Government with a new Economic System slide right into place for all on Earth. What can we expect then?

在这下一个非常时刻 ~~~


毁掉所有核子武器, 并且欢迎银河人回到地球时 ~~然后一个神圣的政府和一个新的经济系统就会顺利就位 ~~~提供给地球上所有的人!


(3-2) (你要的终极答案!你的扬升!你的地球大转变!)


         ~~~~ Elizabeth Trutwin传导, October 13, 2013


Free Energy, Replicators and Healing Machines. These will be top priority. Homes for the Homeless, Clean Water and Communication Technologies. Shuttle Craft to fly to the Light Cities. There will be little boxes, the size of a shoe box which will be able to power your entire house for free. These are manufactured and available and will be given out free to everyone. Taking Free Energy will not be mandatory. All of the old appliances and different forms of energy will be supported. Whatever appliances you have today will work with the little boxes. Immediately you will have free heat, electricity, hot water, phones, television broadcasting and internet. Free for All.

免费自由能源, 食物复制机Replicators,

以及疗愈机器. ~~

这些将是最主要的优先级工作(提供给大家). 并会提供房舍给无家可归的人,

清洁用水, 以及沟通科技.

以及飞往光之城市的飞船. 还会有小盒子们 ----大约一只鞋盒那么大 --- 就可以提供你整个家庭的电力所需. 这些都已经生产好了, 而且将会免费提供给每一个人. 是否使用免费自由能源将不是强迫性的. 所有旧的设备以及其他种类的能源仍然会被提供出来. 你今天所使用的任何家用电器将都可以使用小盒子中的自由能源. 立即 ~~你会有免费的暖气, 电力, 热水, 电话, 电视播放和自由网给全部的人!!!


Replicators will be given out free. These will be able to replicate healthy food. Free Food. Immediately. You may replicate any food or dish you desire. Our technologies will be able to clear all the pollution in every Body of Water on Earth. Water supplies will be made ready where there is none.


这些机器将能够复制任何健康的食物. 免费的食物.

立即 ~~~你将可以复制任何你想要的食物\餐点.




We have the power, Ships, supplies and people already in place to carry out these missions immediately. A network of communication is already in place and will be activated immediately. Everyone on Earth, no matter where they are or their mode of communication will receive all updates equally around the world.

我们有能力, 船只, 供应, 以及人员, 已经准备好了来立刻执行这些任务.一个沟通网络也已经设立好了, 可以立即启用.每一个地球上的人, 不论他们人在那里, 或是他们目前的沟通工具是什么, ~~~他们全都会收到最先进的沟通方式 ~~在全球各地都一样.


Some Countries have never had internet until very recently and this was brought in on purpose to be ready for changeover. Shuttle Craft are available for distribution immediately. These will be used to attend gatherings in the Light Cities. Also they will be used to leave Earth and visit various places. More information to follow. As these minor details are worked out we are able to move on to the Real World.

有一些以前没有, 最近才有网络的国家 ---




还有, 他们将可以被使用来离开地球去拜访许多地方.

更多讯息会再给你们. 随着这些小细节被完成,



Love and Truth aligned Consciousness will permeate every cell on Earth. Grace is revealed. Having surrendered everything you knew before, I present to you the Real World. I invite you to Celebrate every moment of your life with childlike wonder.








Enter your Shuttle Craft. Input into the GPS onboard your destination. I invite you to visit us at our Space Stations which float within Earth’s atmosphere. These Space Stations have been here all along. In this present era they were not revealed to you.

进入你的交通飞船”. 输入你的导航指示.




只是在目前的时间里, 它们不让你们看见.



Galactic Crew move through these Stations like a train station. Crew come into the Stations to make connections with other Crews. Lodging, Meeting Places, Holiday Accommodations and Administration for the Galactic Federation are found here. You are a part of the Crew. You are welcome anytime.

银邦成员们进出这些太空中心就像个火车站一样. 成员们到这些太空中心来来与其他人员沟通\连接. 所以在此你们可以看到房舍, 会议室, 假期旅舍, 以及银河联邦的行政办公室. 你们也是我们队员的成员. 任何时候都欢迎你们来.


I invite you to visit us in the Light Cities which will be hovering just above Earth. Here you will find your mentors, heal psychological and health issues. You will have training for the new technology. You will have connections with like minded people all over the world. You will have access to rest and relaxation on levels you cannot now comprehend.

我邀请你们来拜访我们的光之城市们 ~~


在那里你会找到你的心灵导师们, ~~~







You will reconnect with light and sound frequencies through many different medium. Earth Citizens will begin to contemplate their Next Mission. Until the healings are completed the Missions cannot be comprehended.

透过许多不同媒介, 你将会重新与光和音的频率去连接.

twin flames 3  地球公民将会开始思考他们的下一个任务.

但是在疗愈完成之前, 你们将无法理解这些任务.




Reunions. Every person on Earth will receive two or three mentors to help make sense of the changes. Each person’s mentors will be someone they have known before. Some have prepared to be reunited with their Twin Flames immediately. Others will be met with family members or friends who had passed on and have rehabilitated, ascended and returned for reunions to act as mentors.

再聚首! --- 每个地球上的人都会有23个心灵导师



有些人已经准备好了要立即与他们的双生光灵魂见面. 其他人则会见到以前过世的家人或是朋友,

这些亲友都已经重新恢复了, 已经扬升了,



There is no need to have anxiety about meeting with your Twin Flame or other Mentors. Everything is designed to be comfortable for you on every level. You will understand as it unfolds. There will be two or three mentors for every person on Earth. There are billions of Galactics standing by from the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds who have been preparing for this moment for a very long time. All of the support which will be needed to slide into change will be here living on Earth.




~~~在每个层面.当事情开始时, 你就能理解.


来自星际银河联盟世界的数十亿银河人正等着你们 ---





Some Earth Citizens will feel the best way to heal is a visit to their Home. These Holidays off Earth will be granted. You will be welcomed to Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Ceres, Vesta, Mars, Moon, Alpha Centari, Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and so many other places. Each of these places is very different and known for their specialty. There are as many reasons to visit as people wanting to go.




这些每一个地方都很不同, 而且各有特色.



After a short visit you will return to your duties on Earth involving establishing Divine Government and beginning New Earth. Holodecks will be available in the Light Cities. The Holodecks are a space a person enters which is programmed by a computer to virtually become anything. You may visit the beach, the mountains, an iceberg, a desert. Holograms may be programmed with any virtual experience where One may visit Home for a few hours without traveling there.

在短暂的拜访之后, 你们会回到你们在地球上的任务上 ---这包括了神圣政府的建立以及新地球的开始.


这全息投影室是一个经过计算机程序设计好的空间 ---


你可以拜访海滩, 山上, 一座冰山, 一处沙漠.

全息影像也可依照任何虚拟经验来设计成 ~~



There will be plenty of time made for rest and relaxation. This will be made available to anyone requesting it. Along with these healings and mentoring activities will be planning meetings for your New Mission. You will be Called to Duty to share your gifts and talents in building New Earth. It is about to become more fun.



同时这些疗愈与辅导活动也会安排一些计划讨论会 ---






(3-3) (你要的终极答案!你的扬升!你的地球大转变!)


         ~~~~ Elizabeth Trutwin传导, October 13, 2013


Some other activities we will all enjoy together will be cultural exchanges on Earth and off Planet. Also we will be welcoming many new species to Earth, both humanoid and those of the magical kind. Animals which have been extinct thousands of years will be reintroduced to Earth in the right conditions.



同时我们也会欢迎许多新的物种入地球 ~~

类人类的, 以及其他很神奇的种族.



The Great Teachers of Earth will be returning to help with this Earth Ascension Mission. Some who left Earth eons ago have been invited back to Guide and Serve. When they show up they will be wearing the garb of their culture and time on Earth. They will look like they did then.

地球上伟大的导师们, 也将会回来协助地球的扬升使命.







These are the Avatara forms of Great Teachers and they will be together at the same time living on Earth. It will take all these Great Beings to accomplish all the changes to Earth. They are excited to return and do their Service on Earth. You will be seeing the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Far Asian, Hyperborean, Pangean, Celtic, Near Asian ancient Gods represented. All will be Ascended Masters here to integrate the Highest Teachings into the new economic system and Divine Government. There will be much to learn. It is a great honor to work with these Beings.

这些都是伟大导师们的圣者身, ~~~



你们将会看到罗马人, 希腊, 埃及,印度,远东亚洲,Hyperborean净土,PangeanCeltic凯尔特人,近代亚洲古老的神祈的出现。祂们全都是已扬升大师们 ~~~




Inner Earth dwellers will join surface Earth Citizens and invite them to their Cities at Inner Earth. There are Paths leading home to Inner Earth. Guides will take you into their cities there and host you for cultural exchanges. Inner and Outer Earth will become One in their Mission and all will be free travel between the two as has always been meant to be.



有道路连接到地心世界. 引导们会带你们去他们的城市







This was a very important aspect of healing Atlantis. Inner Earth dwellers are overjoyed at the prospect of being welcome on the surface once more. They could not travel to the surface as long as there was war. A few have but they do not stay, they always return inside and have patiently waited for this reunion with their Earth counterparts.





有一少数人来了, 但是不敢停留, 他们总是回去地心,



Many are wondering how their individual Ascension will play out. This is an exquisitely individual answer for each. Living on Earth now are some who are now in their only Earth life. Others have 3 - 5 lifetimes on Earth. Others have incarnated on Earth thousands and thousands of times. Similarly, there are a multitude of levels of understanding.

许多人好奇他们个人的扬升将会如何演变? ~~


活在地球上的人, 有些现在是在他们的第一世.


而其他人可能已经转世在地球上几千次了. ---

同理可证 ~~~有许多不同的理解力层次存在.




Each person can expect to have two or three mentors. Each mentor will have their own expertise to share. These mentors will be in charge of arranging off Planet travel, holodeck training sessions, rest and relaxation, visits to the Cities of Light and Healings as is needed. No one will be making these appointments on their own. These mentors know you and you know them. Your Ascension Path has been mapped out for you.



这些心灵导师将会负责离开地球的旅行’, ‘全息室训练课程’, 休息与放松, 光之城市的拜访与治疗, ~~~视需要而定.


这些心灵导师认识你, 而你也知道祂们.



One of the first things you will experience is a full Soul review. From there your necessary trainings will be scheduled such as how to use a Replicator or how to fly your Shuttle Craft. As for your Mission you will have some suggestions based on your desires presented to you and you will be shown the training that would be necessary to move into the next work.


从那里你必需的训练将会订出行程 ~~

比方, 如何去使用一个食物复制机’,


至于你的任务 ~~你会有一些建议 ~~~基于你的意愿,



This period will be similar to when children choose an Apprenticeship or University work. Some will know immediately what they want and will want nothing else. Others will need Soul searching to figure it out. As this process is experienced with the mentors then the Ascension Path will be worked on.







Each person will be required to do all the necessary Inner Work for their own personal Ascension. There are no short cuts and nothing is a guarantee. Each One will be freely given all the help necessary and as long as they are doing their duty and working at no longer reacting, working on dissolving ego, then their Path will be smooth and straight.

每个人将会被要求做所有必需的内在工作 ~~~


并没有快捷方式可走, 而且没有任何保证.







Your mentors are also assigned with the task of bringing in your gifts, such as levitation, teleportation, bending time, manifesting instantly to name just a few. Each new gift will be taught as the previous one is mastered. It is like learning to ride a bike, then drive a car, then fly a plane. You can learn them all and you will not learn them all at once.

你的心灵导师们还有一项任务是带出你的天赋才华, 比方: 腾空悬浮,瞬间隐形传态,弯曲时间,瞬间化现物质,,


就像先学会骑脚踏车一样, 然后再学开车, 然后再飞飞机.

你可以学会全部, 但不是在同一个时间之内.


Earth’s Ascension will slide into place.There will not be upheavals of any kind. This is designed so not one Soul experiences fear. Now as we prepare to enter this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energy you are bound to see massive change. Up until the final moment there will be Ones playing with these energies and attempting interpreting them for you. Ignore these Spin Doctors as they are called. You can feel the Truth inside. Do not be held sway to those wanting to deceive you. Take care of your body and your energy. Be assured you  are being given everything you can carry.



现在, 随着我们准备进入这满月的月食能量 ~~


直到现在~~这最后时刻--- 仍然有一些人在玩弄这些能量, 而且试图为你们解释这些能量. ---

忽视这些被称为自旋医生Spin Doctor’的人.



照顾自己的身体和能量! ---

同时确信 ~~你是被给予了所有你提得起的东西.


Understand that with Global Economic Collapse there will be some uncomfortable things. Remember this realm of Manifestation is in constant flux. Change is all you can count on. Hold the Light. You are a Great Vessel of Light. You are returning to Unity Consciousness. Set your Intension there.

要理解--- 全球经济崩溃会有一些不舒服感.

记住! 这实相是在持续的大量显化当中!

改变的发生 ---是你唯一确知的事情!

请拿起你的光. 你是一艘伟大的光之载具.




The undeniable, undying Truth remains as it always is in the Real World. Your transition there will be as seamless as stepping off the Illusion at dock and stepping onto the Ship waiting to take you across the Sea to Complete Freedom. Gratitude is four fifths of love. Remain in Gratitude and Love as we move deftly through the changes the week ahead will bring. When it is the right timing, the command will come from Admiral Sananda and he will be met on stage for Announcements of Galactic Full Disclosure and the Enactment of NESARA Law.

这个无法否认的, 不会死亡的真相是 ~~~


你们在那里的转变 ~~~


然后跨到等待着你的船只上去, 跨越海洋, 走入完全的自由! 感恩的心是爱的4\5.请停留在感恩与爱之中 ~~~


当时机正确时, 耶稣撒南达上将会下达命令 --- 而他将会在台上做银河大揭露的宣布, 以及NESARA的大宣布.


Continue to look inside and ungrip from any emotions, reactions or thoughts which continue to hold you apart from FREEDOM. Call on Me for Guidance, you are never alone! Salut! This is Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, October 13, 2013 © All Rights Reserved.

请继续往内探索! 同时拔掉所有情绪, 对外的反应, 或是思绪 ---这些把你与自由分开的事! 请呼唤我的引导! 你从来不曾孤单! 向你们致敬! 这是阿斯塔王透过Elizabeth Trutwin传导, October 13, 2013.



An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit  Please consider a donation today. My only income is the readings and the books are few and a small royalty. I have costs for hosting the website and also wifi, electric and all the things that make it possible for me to volunteer my world service full time seven days a week. Any contribution is greatly appreciated now. I think about you every single day and beam love. You may donate to me through paypal. My paypal ID is Thank you for this.

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