耶稣撒南达對 ‘大揭露’ 的指示:
~~~透过 Elizabeth Trutwin传导20130930
You Can Change Your Destiny on Earth a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 30, 2013
Posted by beth on September 30, 2013 at 8:57amView Blog
中文翻译: 林琚月2030930
You Can Change Your Destiny on Earth a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 30, 2013
Greetings, this is Lord Sananda.
大家好, 這是耶稣撒南达王.
You can change your destiny on Earth. Transform yourself. Transform your World. Let go of those programs still holding you back. Ego. Selfishness. Doubt. Fear. Leave these things behind and Join with Your Highest Self. Surrender these old patterns and you become the new you. Freedom to move on past one level of consciousness and move out of stuckness.
你可以改變你在地球上的命運. 改變你自己吧! 改變你的世界! 把仍然綁住你的老舊程式設計拋棄吧! 小我自尊心, 自私自利, 多疑心, 恐懼, --- 把這些東西都拋到腦後去吧, 加入你最高的高我吧! 把這些 ‘舊模式’交出去, 然後你就變成這個新的你了! 你就可以自由的超越一崁的覺知意識, 並從 ‘困局’ 中走出去.
After change over you will be asked to use your economic power, social power, talent, time and resources to help Co-Create New Earth. What are you doing with these things now? Are you wasting your time and talent? Have you thought about what you will want to do? Visualize yourself absolutely loving your work. Serve the needie in your life. There are so many ways to Serve: your children, your parents, your animal companions, the hungry in your community, the environment, your government, your country. Serve where you are called to and do not limit your Service. Be Guided by your Heart.
在 ‘地球大改變’ 之後~~~你將會被要求來使用你 ‘經濟的力量’, ‘社會的力量’, ‘才華’, ‘時間’ 和 ‘資源’ 來協助共同創造 ‘新地球’. 那, 你現在都正在把這些東西用在那裡呢? 你是否正在浪費你的時間和才華呢? 你有沒想過自己會想做些什麼呢? --- 視覺化一下一個絕對熱愛自己工作的自己! 為你人生中遇到的窮人\需要服務的人 ~~服務. 有許多你可以服務的方式: 你的孩子, 你的父母, 陪伴你的寵物, 你社區中的窮人, 環境照顧, 你的政府, 你的國家. 在你被召喚去服務的地方服務, 不要限制自己的服務. 讓你的心引導你!
The most recent Full Moon on September 19, 2013 marked the beginning of a Vedic tradition called Shradh in English. This is a ceremony which lasts from the Full Moon until the New Moon this time each year and it is a very sacred time which honors our ancestors. Śrāddha or Shradh is a practice which is required by the Holy before their SatGuru will initiate them into the highest teachings. Many of the self-proclaimed Svami’s today, many known for their millions and scandals never practiced this Holy Rite. This is such a pivotal practice I would like to lead you in a new understanding today.
最近的滿月~~~20130919 ~~標誌了著稱為Shradh英語的吠陀傳統。這是每年一次的慶典 ~~年年此時從滿月直到新月~~~這是一個紀念我們祖先的非常神聖的時間. Śrāddha,或Shradh是一種法門 ~~被聖靈們所要求完成的法門 ~~~在SatGuru能夠啟發他們進入最高的教義之前的修法。有許多自稱是Svami大師的人 --- 他們的財富與醜聞都很顯著的 ‘大師們’ ---卻從來沒有修過這個神聖的儀式. (註: 所以他們身上不可能有 ‘最高教義’ 之知識在.) ---這儀式是一個如此關鍵的修法 ~~~所以我今天想要帶領你們進入這新的理解之中.
As we move through the Equinox Energies following the Full Moon I would like you to consider that you are genetically and karmically connected to every person who ever came before you. As you acknowledge all of your ancestors for the last seven generations you assist them from this realm. Some of them may still be stuck between the dimensions and as we recognize them together, it helps them move on.
隨著我們穿越秋分的滿月能量, 我要你們思考一下這件事~~~就是你(事實上)是與每一個來過地球的人 ~~在基因上, 以及業障上 ~~~都相連的一個個人. 當你承認你所有上七代的祖先時 ~~你就可以從目前的實相中來協助他們.他們有些人可能還卡在維度之間, 而當我們一起承認他們時~~~這可以協助他們解脫出去.
Remember we are all Pure Consciousness. It also helps you clear your energy on a deeper level. It prepares you for New Earth. Their consciousness exists still, maybe within another body, maybe in another dimension, they all continue to exist somewhere. In addition to recognizing the past seven generations we will also look ahead to the next seven generations. Acknowledging these Souls helps us anchor in the changes we incarnated to bring in. Remember the WingMakers came back to Earth from 175 million years in the future to help exact change because Earth did not survive as it should have. We came back in time to heal the Timelines.
請記得~~~我們只是純粹的覺知意識而已. ~~~而這件事也同時可以幫助你自己從深處來清理你自己的能量. ~~~這可以幫助你為 ‘新地球’ 準備好自己! ---他們(你上七代的祖先)的覺知意識仍然存在著, 或許在另一個身體裡, 或許在另一個維度, 但他們都仍然持續的存在於某處.除了承認過去七代的祖先之外, 我們也要往前看看下七代的人. 承認這些靈魂們都協助了我們錨定在我們這次轉世來帶出來的 ‘地球大轉變’. 記得 ‘WingMakers風的製造者們’ ~~他們來自一億七千五百萬年前的未來 ~~~來協助讓‘地球大轉變’ 得以精確的發生 --- 因為在過去地球並沒有如同祂應該的那麼活過(上次的劫難).我們(只好)即時的回來~~來治療這些時間線!!!
Go back to the 1500’s when St. Germain was living as Sir Frances Bacon. It was at that time he gave the riches from Atlantis to the Rothchild’s and put them in charge of the World’s wealth. Consider the karmic connections we all have back to that moment. This is HUGE. As we acknowledge all of our ancestors which we are either genetically or karmically related to then we can see how this effects every Soul ever incarnate on Earth going back 450 billion years.
讓我們回到1500年 --- 那時的聖哲曼大師轉世為英國公爵Sir Frances Bacon. 在那時, 他把來自亞特蘭提斯的財富交給了英國Rothchild羅瑟柴爾德家族---讓他們掌管世界的財富. 思考一下我們從現在回到那時刻的業障關係. --- 這是關係巨大的一件事. 所以當我們回頭看四千五百億年前的地球時 --- 當我們承認我們所有的祖先們 --- 不論是基因相連或是業障相連的祖先 --- 我們就可以明白 --- 這些關係是如何的影響著地球上每一個轉世的靈魂.
Understand, this Master Plan of dissolving duality Consciousness and restoring Unity Consciousness on Earth was considered and put into place the very first morning duality began. This was the great experiment and it is ending now. In order to give homage to all of our past we stop for a moment of silence and contemplate every Soul to ever breathe air on Earth and the role they played.
請理解 ---消融地球上的 ‘二元性覺知意識’ 並且 ‘恢復單聯合的合一的覺知意識’ 的這個大計劃 ~~~是打從 ‘二元性’ 被放置入地球的第一個早晨就被考量並決定安置的事!! ~~這是一個偉大的計劃 ~~而如今它已經在結束當中. 為了對我們全部的過去表示尊敬 ~~~讓我們靜默一下下並思考一下 ~~在地球上呼吸的每個靈魂, 以及他們所扮演的角色.
Now consider the new children, the crystals, the indigos, the golden and rainbow children, just to name a few. Continue to consider every Soul you will be connected to either genetically or karmically for the next seven generations on Earth. Bless them All.
現在, 思考一下這些新生代的兒童, 水晶兒童, 綻藍兒童, 黃金與彩虹兒童, 而這只是其中的一部份而已. 繼續去思考一下你與之有基因或是業障關係的每一個靈魂 ~~~在過去在地球上的七世. 祝福他們所有人吧!
Consider also all of those who have passed who played a seemingly negative role on Earth in recent history. Take them into your heart and remember their original innocence and Bless Them. Honor Them. Realize the role you came to play and acknowledging all of these Souls as a vital part of the Master Plan.
同時也思考一下全部那些在地球近代歷史中好像是扮演負面角色的所有已經去世的人. 把他們帶入你的內心, 回想一下他們原始的無辜(的靈魂), 並且祝福他們. 給予他們尊榮. 要明白 ~~你來扮演的這個角色, 並且承認所有這些靈魂都是這 ‘神聖大計劃’ 中重要的部份.
What will Earth look like after Disclosure?
“大揭露” 之後的地球看起來會是什麼樣子呢?
One of the first things which will happen after Disclosure will be mass landings which will happen at Sacred Sites to restore their original function as part of the system which holds the Energy for Zero Point. The Golden Temple, The Temple of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza, Yucatán, Preah Khan Temple at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, The Taktsang Palphug monastery, Bhutan, Greek Doric Temple at Segesta, Sicily, Wat Rong Khun in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand, The Parthenon Temple at the Acropolis in Athens, Kapaleeshwar, a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva in India, The Temple of Borobudur, Indonesia and The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut on the west bank of the Nile, Egypt, are just some of the sacred places which will line up with the portals, StarGates, obelisks and zero point modules linking with the Earth Grid.
在 “大揭露”之後第一件會發生的事就是
來恢復它們原來的 ‘功能’ ~~
就是作為零點能量場的儲存系統之一部份!!!這些聖地包括了 --- 金廟,寺庫庫坎,奇琴伊察,尤卡坦,的Taktsang的Palphug修道院,不丹,希臘多立克式神廟在塞傑斯塔,西西里島,清萊的靈光寺,泰國北部的帕台農神廟,柬埔寨吳哥窟,柏威夏汗廟在雅典衛城,一個印度教寺廟,Kapaleeshwar寺獻給濕婆神在印度,印度尼西亞婆羅浮屠寺和太平間女王哈特謝普蘇特神廟,埃及的尼羅河西岸,等, 這些只是一些代表性聖地,
它們是會與星門, 方尖碑和零點連接模塊以及地球電網都聯線對齊的聖地。
Immediately landings at these sacred sites will be witnessed all over the World. These sites will be restored to their perfection right before our eyes.
而且這些聖地都會立刻被恢復到它們原來的完美狀態 ~~
Another aspect of Disclosure we have spoken about a long time is that each person will receive their own Mentors to help them through the changes on Earth. What has not been revealed before is that anyone who passed on after September 11, 2001 has been given the option to return to Earth in a body as they were before. Not everyone chose this option. When those who chose to return join with their family members shortly after landings they will be fully restored Enlightened Ascended Masters trained to Mentor their own families on Earth. This will add so much joy and so much acceptance to the changes.
“大揭露” 的另一個層面的事情~~~也是我們談論很久的事 ~~就是~~~每個人都會得到他們個人的 ‘導師\輔導員’ ~~來協助他們渡過這地球大轉變時期. --- 而以前沒有談到的一件事是 ---任何在2001年0911之後過世之人都被給予了一個擁有身體回到地球來的選擇.不是每個人都會選擇這個選項. 當那些選擇回來的人加入了他們的家庭成員之後 ~~~在大降落之後 ~~他們都會完全恢復為開悟的已揚升大師們 ~~~並且已經被訓練好了來輔導他們自己的地球家人.--- 這將或為這個 “地球大轉變”帶來如此更多的歡樂與接受度.
All will be healed. This is as it should be. We have already restored the Timelines. This has always been a part of the Plan. Connecting to this Truth draws the moment of Reunions closer. This period of Shradh fromSeptember 19 - October 4, 2013 has never been more important. Focus your offerings, from an innocent heart to all of your relations for the last seven generations and into the next seven generations.
全部的人都會被治療好!!就如同本來應該的一樣. 我們已經修復好時間線了!
~~這一直都是 ‘神聖大計劃’ 的一部份.
(讓你自己)連接\接受這個 ‘真相’ ~~~
可以讓 ‘團圓的時刻’ 更快到來!
要專注在你的奉獻上面 ~~從你無辜的心靈
(RL註:佛教的回向法 :我回向我所有修行功德給我累世累劫以來的父母師長親友冤親債主們, 以及地球所有同胞們. (特別是我上下七代的關係們). )
As we move on into Ascension with activated DNA new considerations become important. There are 14 memory banks called chromosomes which hold the Divine Blue Print and on both ends of each are telomeres. As cells continue to divide in a body filled with stress, living on a bad diet, not exercising, not meditating then the telomeres become shortened and disease ensues.
隨著我們跟隨我們已經啟動的DNA移入揚升之中~~~有一些新的考量是非常重要的! 有14個 ‘記憶庫’叫做 ‘染色體’ 的 ~~它們持有 ‘神聖藍圖’, ~~在兩邊的端粒上. 而隨著細胞們持續的在一個充滿壓力的身體中分裂, 倚靠著惡劣的飲食而活, 沒有運動, 沒有冥想, 然後這些端粒就會變短, 而疾病就會發生.
There are 14 chromosomes and these hold all the memories through the maternal blood line of the seven generations which came before and the seven generations which will follow. Only by choosing to integrate healthy choices and a healthy lifestyle will healing be possible. Choosing a plant based diet now has never been more important. I invite you today to join with all those who have ever been in your DNA mitochondrial line, through all times, through all dimensions and CELEBRATE YOUR ONENESS.
這14個染色體透過母性的血親線持有上下七代的記憶.只有透過整合健康的選擇, 以及一個健康的生活方式 ~~療癒才有可能. ~~~要選擇一個以植物為主的飲食習慣~~在現在比在任何其他時候都更重要!!! 我今天就邀請你來參加所有曾經出現過在你的DNA線粒體線, 在所有時代裡, 透過所有維度的那些人. ~~~慶祝你自己的 ‘合一’ 吧!!!
The day after Shradh ends begins the Vedic Celebration called Navratri. This literally translates as Nine Nights. This is the Celebration of Divine Mother Durga. She is also known as Kali and also Mother Sekhmet, Mother Zudiakus. We have known that Disclosure begins with Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet greeting us from Niburu and then on stage with the other nineteen who will be there for Announcements: Lady Master Nada, Lord Sananda, Lady Master Athena, Lord Ashtar, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet, Lord Alcyone, St. Germain, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, President Clinton, Stephen Bassett, Lord Haaton, Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka and Lord Rama Arjuna.
在Shradh結束後的第二天,開始的吠陀慶典叫做Navratri。(RL註: 是20131005?)
這直接的翻譯就是“九個夜晚”. 這是神聖母親Mother Durga的慶典. 她又被稱Kali 以及獅子母 Mother Sekhmet和Mother Zudiakus.
我們已經知道“大揭露”會開始於 “大銀河中央太陽神Father Alcyon以及Mother Sekhmet會從Niburu飛船上向大家問好,
接著舞台上 ~~~
其他19位成員會在舞台上做 “大宣佈”,他們是: 娜達夫人, 耶穌撒南達, 雅典娜女神, 阿斯塔司令, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, 獅子母Mother Sekhmet, 大銀河中央太陽神Lord Alcyone, 聖哲曼大師, 歐巴馬總統, 密雪兒歐巴馬總統夫人, 大天使麥克, 大天使塔特隆Lord Metatron, 克林頓總統, 斯蒂芬·巴塞特(外星公聽會主辦人),大天使Haaton,Lord Korton,天井王,Lord Mon Ka週一嘉王和羅摩阿朱王Lord Rama Arjuna.
Remember Alcyone is also known as Vishnu who had 24 Earth Incarnations including Sanat Kumara. His consort is Lady Master Venus. He is the same as Alcyone and she is Mother Sekhmet.
請記得 ~~大銀河中央太陽神Lord Alcyone 又被稱為毗濕奴Vishnu~~~祂在地球上轉世24次, 其中包括Sanat Kumara那一世. 祂的雙生光靈魂伴侶是金星女神. 他就是大銀河中央太陽神Lord Alcyone, 而她是獅子母Mother Sekhmet.
These ceremonial Celebrations of first our Ancestors and next Our Mother, through which all things were born all take place now. Simultaneously we are quite literally watching the fall of major governments and the largest banks. This is in play and cannot be reversed. The Stage has been set for NESARA Law.
這些儀式慶典首先向我們的祖先們致敬, 其次我們的母親, 透過這些慶典, 所有生發過的事情現在都發生了. --- 而同時間 --- 我們直接就是觀看著主要政府們以及最大的銀行們的隕歿. --- 這些事已經在進行中, 而且無法被逆轉!
Continue to hold thoughts of The Greatest Good for All. Acknowledge the role you have played in Duality. Greet The New with Joy and Bliss. What matters now is you open your heart and your mind to bring more love to each other. Make your mind more generous more kind and more giving to All. Let us enter these changes in Unity Consciousness. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 30, 2013 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
請保持你的思想在 ~~~為所有人最大的利益之上!
承認你在 ‘二元世界’ 中所扮演的角色.
同時用歡樂與祝福來迎接 ‘新世界’ 的到來!
現在重要的事 ~~~
讓你的心更慷慨一些! 更願意為所有的人付出!
讓我們一起在 ‘合一的覺知意識’ 之中進入
這些 “地球大轉變”之中!
Namaste! 這是耶穌撒南達透過Elizabeth Trutwin傳導, 20130930.
RL注: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!
修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!