昴宿星双光子系列: 银河人类
拜访大角星人母舰的新客 Part 2---
New Visitors On The Mothership - Part 2 Letting Go
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20130930
中文翻译: 林琚月2031002
New Visitors On The Mothership – Part 2
Letting Go釋放舊程式
I am really concerned about Jason. We have been back from our experience on the Mothership for three days now, and Jason is either depressed or obsessed or both. He has not worked or meditated or even mentioned the twelfth floor. I think he blames himself for the Arcturian sending us back. I have told him many times that the Arcturian had begun his transmission saying that only humans could unlock the 3D Matrix, but Jason will not listen to me.
我真的很擔心Jason. 我們已經從大角星人母艦那經驗中回來三天了, 而Jason似乎在憂鬱或是迷惑或是兩者當中出不來. 他一直沒工作或作冥想, 甚至沒提到那12樓. 我覺得他似乎怪他自己關於大角星人把我們送回來這件事. 我已經告訴他許多次了 ~~關於大角星人在傳輸訊息給地球的一開始時就說明了 --- 只有人類自己能夠解開這三維矩陣, 可是Jason 一直沒把我話聽進去.
All he does is mutter, “What are we supposed to let go of?”
他一直嘴巴唸唸有詞的說著, “我們到底應該要釋放掉什麼?”
I would like to tell him that he can begin by letting go of his bad mood, but I don’t think that information would go over well. What I did say was, “Why don’t you go over your notes again. Maybe you can find something there. You can give me another presentation,” I tried to say with a smile. All he did was grumble, but he did go back to his notes.
我很想跟他說 --- 他應該首先 ‘釋放掉’ 他的壞心情, 但是我不認為這樣說他會接受. 所以我跟他說, “你何不去重新檢查一下你的筆記呢! 或許你會找到什麼跡象. 你可以給我做另一個說明,” 我試著笑著說. 但他只是含糊的說了些什麼, 但他有回去檢查他的筆記.
I could not take it anymore, so I left the house to do some errands for work. I needed a break from Jason’s bad mood so I also went to lunch and a movie with a girlfriend. It was a good distraction and served to help me find my center again. It is wonderful to be so very close with someone. However, if that someone is in a bad mood, you feel that mood as if it were your own.
我無法再忍受下去了, 所以我離開家裡去處理些工作上的事. 我需要離開一下Jason 的壞心情, 所以我跟一個女朋友出去吃飯. 這轉移了一下我的心情, 同時協助我重新找到自己的重心. 雖然與一個人如此親密是很美妙的事, 但是假如這人在壞情緒當中, 你也會感受到這情緒 --- 就像是你自己的情緒一樣.
Being out of Jason’s space for a day greatly assisted me to get back to my self, and I guess it was good for him too. With no one to complain to he finally went back to his notes to see if he had missed anything. His mood was far too bad to meditate, but the intellectual endeavor served to focus his mind. Hence, when I walked in the door, he was in a much better mood.
離開Jason 的身旁一天, 大大的協助我恢復回復我自己, 而我猜這對他應該也是好事. 而當沒有人在身旁讓他抱怨時, 他終於回到了他的筆記上去找找他有沒錯過了任何的東西. 他的情緒糟到無法冥想, 但是這 ‘智力活動’協助他專注自己的心智. 因此, 當我走入家門時, 他的心情已經好多了!
“Hi Hon,” he said with a smile. I think he had actually taken a shower and eat a bit of food. “Are you ready for my presentation?”
“嗨, 親愛的,”他帶著微笑說. 我想他真的洗了個澡, 而且吃了些食物了. “你準備好聽我的報告了嗎?”
With a great sense of relief, I happily set down before him at our small kitchen table. “I am ready for your presentation,” I said with a smile.
感覺心頭的重擔放了下來, 我快樂的坐在他面前, 在我們廚房的小桌子前. “我準備好聽你說了,” 我帶著微笑說.
“First,” Jason began, “I want to apologize for my behavior over the last few days. As you know, I thought it was my words that made the Arcturian send us back. Finally, I realized that a being of such a high resonance as the Arcturian would not be reactive in that manner. Then, I had to look at my self. Why was I taking our return as some sort of punishment, which made me take a long, uncomfortable look at my childhood?
“首先,”Jason開始說, “我要為我這最近幾天的行為道歉. 你知道的, 我認為是我說的話讓大角星人送我們回來的. 後來, 我終於想通 ~~~一個像大角星人的頻率如此高的存有是不會這樣反應事情的. 然後, 我認真檢視了一下自己. 為何我會認為我們被送回來是一種處罰呢? --- 這讓我好好的認真的, 非常不舒服的研究了一下我的童年.
“I was very sensitive as a child and when I got my feelings hurt, which was often, I shut everyone out. Since I shut everyone out when I was a child, I shut you as an adult. This realization brought me to my first answer to the question that has obsessed me of what do we need to let go of? When you walked out the door and left me alone with my own misery, I went into deep sorrow.
“我童年時是個很敏感的孩子, 當我的情緒受傷時, 而且這種事常常發生, 我就會把自己關起來. 由於我不理任何人, 當我是孩子的時候, 所以作為一個大人, 我也把你關出去. 這領悟~~讓我理解了我第一個問題的答案 --- 關於我迫切想要知道的 “到底該釋放什麼?” 而當你走出大門把我留在孤獨中與我自己的痛苦在一起, 我真的跌入很深的憂傷當中.
“I could not understand why until I realized that I had totally closed you, my beloved and very best friend, out just as I had shut everyone out when I was a child. Well, that was my first answer to my question about what to let go of. I don’t know about others, but I need tolet go of isolating myself when I become upset.”
我無法明白為什麼直到我發現自己完全把你關在外面, 我的至愛, 和我最好的朋友時, ~~我才發現我就像小時候一樣把所有人都趕出去了. 所以這是我第一個對這問題的答案 ~~關於要 ‘釋放些什麼’這件事. 我不知道別人如何, 但我知道我必須要釋放 ‘把自己孤立起來’ 這回事 ~~在每次我沮喪的時候.”
At this point Jason stood up, walked around the table, pulled me to a standing position and gave me the longest, deepest hug I had ever received. I could feel that he was trying to suppress crying, which made me cry instead. Jason held me even closer, which I did not think was possible, and said, “I have been realizing that there are many things I need to let go of, but I will NEVER let go of you.”
此時, Jason站了起來, 走過來我這邊, 把我拉站起來, 並給了我生平最長的最深刻的擁抱, 我可以感覺到他試著不哭, 但這卻讓我哭了出來. Jason把我擁得更緊, 以一種不可思議的方式, 然後說,”我已經明白了許多 ‘我需要釋放的事情, 但是我永遠不會放走你.”
We stood in the kitchen, with our messy house around us and Jason’s papers spread across the kitchen table and hugged for so long I thought we had become one person.
我們站在廚房, 面對著我們亂七八糟的房子, Jason的紙散落在廚房桌子上, 我們擁抱了如此久, 我覺得我們都變成一個人了.
“We are one person in two bodies,” Jason said in response to my thoughts.
“我們是在兩個身體裡的同一個人,” Jason回應著我腦中的思緒.
“I know,” I said. “That is why I had to get some space from you so that I could get back to my center enough to help you. I am sorry I abandoned you when you felt so awful.”
“我知道” 我說. “這是為什麼我必須與你分開一點空間, 我才能重新把自己的中心點穩定下來才能來幫助你. 我很抱歉在你心情如此糟的時候離開了你.”
“You do not need to apologize,” said Jason. “There are still some things we have to do on our own. One of these things was my need to let go of the illusion of separation.”
“你不需要抱歉,” Jason說. “仍然有一些事是我們必須自己去做的. 其中一項就是需要去釋放這 ‘分離的幻象’.
I pushed back, gave him a long kiss and said, “I sounds like your presentation is ready. I am all ears.” I sat down and motioned for him to do the same. With the first smile I had seen in three days, Jason sat down in front of me and began his presentation.
我把他推開, 給了他一個長長的吻, 然後說, “看來你的報告已經準備好了. 我也準備好了來聽喔.” 我坐下來, 示意他也坐下. 帶著三天來我第一次看到的笑容, Jason開始做報告.
“Oh, do you want some coffee?” Jason said with a smile as he pointed towards the coffee pot he had been living off of for three days.
“喔, 你要喝咖啡嗎?” Jason 帶著微笑問, 並指向那個仰賴之活了三天的咖啡壺.
“No Sweetie,” I said. “But I will fix you some dinner after your presentation.”
“不, 甜心,” 我說. “但我在你報告之後會幫你做個晚餐.”
“Good, I need that.” He smiled and began his presentation, which was much different from his first one.
“好, 我需要那個.” 他笑了, 開始做報告, 這時的音調與一開始時的音調已經完全不同了.
“Once I had my realization about my old habit of isolation, which is the first of many behaviors and old coping mechanism that I will let go, I remembered how my research had said that separation was an illusion of the third dimension. We believe there is separation because we can only see the dense energy of physical matter and not the higher frequency energy that connects everything physical.
“一但我領悟了關於我孤立自己的老習慣之後 ~~這是我許多行為以及老的, 處理事情的機制 ~~是我必須釋放的其中之一~~~我就記起了~~~在我的調研中有說到 ‘分離感’ 是一種三維度的幻象.我們相信有 ‘分離’ 這件事存在~~~因為我們只能看到物質物理稠密的能量, 而看不見這連串著所有人的更高頻率能量.
“I then had an image/memory of our brief walk through the Mothership and the meeting room for the Arcturian’s transmission. I was so in awe of that experience that many details went straight to my unconscious. However, when I let go of my self-pity, the illusion of separation from my higher SELF disappeared. I instantly went into a deep trance and remember, re-experienced, every moment on the Ship.
“我然後看到我們走過母艦的影像\記憶, 以及在會面室中, 大角星人的訊息傳輸.我有點嚇到有如此多細節是直接進入我的潛意識的. 但是, 當我放走了我的自艾自憐之後, 我連接到我的高我的分離幻覺就消失了.我立即進入一種深刻恍惚狀態, 然後記得, 並且重新經歷了在母艦上的點點滴滴.
“I remembered how Mytria and Mytre were wearing separate humanoid forms, but they were not separate because I could see the energy field connecting them. In fact, I finally remembered what my physical brain had forgotten. I remembered that while we were there, I had full access to my fifth dimensional consciousness and perceptions.
“我記得了Mytria and Mytre是如何各自穿著一件 ‘類人形式’, 但是他們並沒有分開, 因為我可以看到連接他們的能場. 事實上, 我終於記得 ~~我物質腦袋忘掉的事了. 我記得了當我們在那裡時, 我完全可以進入我第五維度的覺知意識和感應理解力.
“In fact,” my love Jason said as he looked at me, “I can see that you are remembering that now too.”
“事實上,” 我的愛, Jason, 他看著我說, “我現在能夠看到你也正回憶起了這些是嗎?!”
I smiled with excitement in my face, but said nothing, as I did not want to interrupt him. Jason read my mind, again, and continued.
我微笑著, 臉上的表情裡充滿了興奮, 但是什麼也沒說, 因為我不想要打斷他. Jason再次讀懂了我的心意, 然後又繼續報告.
“While in my higher consciousness, all my perceptions were different, expanded. No one and nothing was separate because I could see all the connecting energy fields. I think I forgot that experience because my 3D brain could not compute such a unique experience. However, once I had released my childhood coping mechanism and realized that I had used it to separate from you I had a burst of immense sorrow.”
“當我在我更高的覺知意裡, 我所有的感應理解力都不同, 都擴張了. 沒有任何人, 也沒有任何東西是分開的, 因為我可以看到所有相連通的能量場. 我想我忘了那件事 --- 因為我三維大腦無法計算這樣一個獨特的經驗. 但是, 一但我放下了我兒時的防衛機制, 而且明白自己也把這機制放在你身上把你隔離時, 我有個強烈的憂愁衝破了我.”
“It was wise of you to leave, as I went into deep sobbing that my male ego would not have allowed in the presence of another. I guess I need to let go of that male ego, as well.” He said with a laugh.
“你離開是對的, 因為我男人的小我自尊心不允許我在別人面前哭泣, 可是我痛哭了一番. 我猜我也需要放下這男人的小我自尊心.” 他笑著說.
“Don’t release it all,” I replied. “It is sexy when used for certain purposes.”
“可別全放了,” 我回答說. “當使用在某些方面是很性感的.”
We both laughed, then Jason returned to his presentation, knowing that it would be interrupted if we didn’t change the subject.
我們都笑了, 然後Jason回到他的報告上, 知道假如不換話題的話, 又會中斷了.
“Go on,” I said. “This is making so much sense to me. Your memory is igniting mine. I have been so concerned about you that my 3D brain forgot those details too.
“繼續,” 我說 “這對我而言開始具有意義了(具像了). 你的記憶力正點燃了我的. 我一直很擔心你 ---所以我三維物質腦袋也忘掉這些細節了.
“Yes,” Jason continued. “In order to remember these higher dimensional perceptions we need to be in a higher state of consciousness than our physical brain can compute. In other words, we need to let go of the limitations and illusions of our third dimensional thinking so that we can connect with our multidimensional thinking. After my last three days of being totally lost in the physical, I realize just how difficult that letting go can be.
“是的,”Jason 繼續. “想要記得這些更高維度的感應理解力~~~我們就必須在一種更高的覺知意識之中 ~~超越我們的物質腦所能計算的. 換言之,我們必須 ‘放下三維思考的限制與幻覺’ ~~~我們才能與我們 ‘多維思考能力’ 連接.在我這三天的完全迷失當中, 我理解到 ---要放下有多難.
“Therefore, we need to let go of anything that interferes with our ongoing process of expanding and maintaining a higher state of consciousness. At first I could not think of anything that I needed to let go of, and now I understand that we need to let go of an entire way of life.
“因此, 我們必須放下 ‘所有任何干擾到我們擴張和維持一個更高覺知意識的持續程序’ 的任何東西.在剛開始時, 我想不起任何我需要釋放的東西, 而現在我明白 ~~~我們必需要放下 ‘我們整個的(舊)生活方式.
“In fact, we need to let go of the third dimension!”
“事實上, 我們必需去釋放這第三維度!”
“How do we do that?” I asked.
“這要怎麼做呀?” 我問.
“I don’t know,” he said. “But if we want to ascend, we need to find out.”
“我不知道,” 他說. “但是如果我們想要揚升的話, 我們需要找出這答案.”
Posted by Sue at 8:51 AM No comments:
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