

   昴宿星双光子系列: 银河人类

拜访大角星人母舰的新客Part 3 ---



New Visitors -- Part 3 Another Surprise Visit



Channeller: Suzanne Lie\   20131001

中文翻译: 林琚月2031002



New Visitors to the Mothership Part 3




Another Surprise Visit




When Jason said that we needed to let go of the third dimension, we looked at each other knowing he had spoken the truth. However, how can we let go of an entire dimension? We decided that this issue was far too difficult to ponder on an empty stomach.

Jason我們需要釋放第三維度’ --- 我們看了看彼此知道他說的是事實\真理’ ~~但是我們如何能釋放掉一整個維度? 我們決定這問題在餓肚子時太難思考了.


Therefore, I fixed dinner while Jason straightened up the house. We had a wonderful meal and a bit too much wine. Therefore, by the time we had done the dishes all we could do was relax in bed. Jason watched a ball game and I read my current take-away book. However, after I had only read a few pages and the game had only been on for a short while, we were both asleep.

因此, 我開始做晚餐, Jason 則趁機整理了一下房間. 我們享用了個美好的晚餐, 而且喝了點太多的酒. 因此洗完碗之後, 我們唯一能做的事就是躺在床上休息. Jason看了個球賽, 而我讀我最新的口袋書. 但是在我讀了幾頁之後, 而球賽也開始一會兒了, 我們卻雙雙睡著了.


However, we knew we were asleep because we could see our bodies in the bed as we drifted into an increasingly bright light. Before we knew it, the light flashed us back to the Mothership and into the transmission room. Mytria and Mytre embraced us each warmly and showed us our chairs, as the Arcturian was just beginning It’s transmission.

無論如何, 我們知道我們是睡著的, 因為我們可以看到我們的身體在床上 --- 當我們漂浮入一團越來越強烈的亮光中時. 在我們有意識之前, 這光已經把我們閃入大角星人母艦的傳輸室裡了. Mytria and Mytre再次熱情的擁抱了我們, 指示我們去坐在我們的椅子上, ~~那時大角星人已經開始祂的訊息傳輸了.



In order to return to the higher frequencies of reality you will need to disassociate from your animal characteristics. YOU are not an animal. However, YOU are wearing an animal body. This body, this earth vessel, is not YOU. It is merely the form that you must wear in order to engage in third dimensional life.

為了能夠回到更高頻率的實相 ~~你將會需要把自己與你的動物特徵分開. 你再也不是動物了. 但是, ‘目前正穿著一個動物身體. 這身體, 這個地球載具, 並不是你. 那只是你必須穿的一個形式來參與三維的人生而已.


You do not wear this form when you sleep and enter the fourth dimensional astral plane. You do not wear this body when you meditate and experience higher frequencies of reality. Of course, you do have to protect this body so that you can return to the third dimensional experience.

當你晚上睡著而進入第四維度星光層時,你並沒有穿著這形式. 而當你在冥想中經到更高頻率實相時, 你也沒穿著這身體. 當然, 你是必須要保護好這個身體, 才能回入第三維度經驗之中.

Therefore, you would not sleep in the middle of the street or meditate while driving your car. Your life involves both the physical and the meta-physical realities. Your lightbody remains nestled within your High Heart and the force of kundalini while you are engaged in the physical.

因此, 你不去睡在馬路中央, 或是在開車時做冥想. 你的人生包含了物質與非物質實相. 你的光體維持居住在你高心以及你昆塔尼尼能量之中---當你參與物質世界時.


Even while hidden to third dimensional perceptions, your lightbody radiates out far beyond and above your earth vessel, as well as deep into the planetary core. It is this body of light that allows you to attach your higher consciousness to the meta-physical world even while you are involved in the physical world.

即使當你躲在三維感應理解力之中時, 你的光體幅射出去遠超過你的地球載具很遠的地方 ~~來讓你可以銜接上你更高的覺知意識到非物質世界中 ---即使當你參與在物質世界中時.


In order to live eternally within your true form of light, you will need to unconditionally love, unconditionally forgive and unconditionally accept your earth vessel so that you can transmute it into light. Some Ascended Masters maintain an earth vessel so that they can return to Gaia and assist Her in Her ascension. Many of you will do the same.

為了能夠永遠住在你真實的光的形式之中, 你將需要去無條件的, 無條件的原諒, 無條件的接受你的地球載具 ~~~這樣你才能突變\轉變回光中.有些已揚升大師們維持了一個地球載具所以他們可以回轉入蓋亞並協助她在她揚升的路途中. 你們許多人也會這樣做.


Since your lightbody resonates beyond the limitations of 3D time and space, you can connect with your myriad expressions of lightbody in the higher dimensions and return to your physical form a second before you left it.

由於你的光體共鳴超越三維時空的限制, 你能夠與你許多的在更高維度的光體們去連接, 同時回轉入你的物質形式中 ~~在你離開之前的一秒中時間中.


In fact, many of you are doing just that, which is why you often have a lapse in your short-term memory, experience dizziness or the sensation of disorientation. You are also likely having glimpses from the corner of your eye of something or someone that quickly moved past you, but when you look, no one is there.

事實上你們許多人都正在這樣做 ~~這是為什麼你們常有短暫的腦中空白現象, 感覺有點暈, 或是有點精神混亂的感覺. 你也可能會在眼角看到一閃而過的某人某物, 可是當你定睛看時, 卻什麼也沒有.


These experiences are because the veil between the physical illusion and the higher worlds is thinning. The holographic reality is beginning to blink out for just a millisecond. Therefore, you "think" you see it, but there is no physical proof of that perception.

這現象的發生是因為物質世界與更高世界之間的布幕已經變薄了. 這全息實相已經開始一百萬分之一秒的閃出. 因此, 你認為你看到它, 可是卻沒有實質的證據證明你的感覺.



Calming music can greatly assist you, just as it assists plants to grow and to heal. Calming music ignites your imagination, which is your fifth dimensional thinking and your higher creative force. As you let go of your attachment to the illusions of your 3D world and place your attention on the higher frequencies of reality, you re-route your perceptions out of your physical brain and into your multidimensional mind.

冷靜的音樂也能大大的協助你 ~~~就像它協助植物生長療癒一樣. 冷靜的音樂會點燃你的想像力 ~~~這是你五維的思考以及你更高維度的創造力.隨著你釋放掉你對你三維世界幻象的執著,而把你的注意力放在更高維度的實相中, 你就重新修改你的感應理解路線離開你物質腦



It is through this re-routing of perceptions that you will regain your innate "mind-over-matter." Your mind resonates to a much higher frequency than matter. Therefore, once you place your consciousness in your multidimensional mind, you can create, control and change matter.

就是透過這個感應理解路線修改 --- 你將重新獲得你內在原始的超越物質的能力’. 你的心智共鳴在一個超越物質非常高的頻率之中, 因此一但你把你的覺知意識放在你多維心智之中, 你就能創造, 控制並且改變物質.


However, mind over matter is only useful if you have conscious control of your thoughts and feelings—your personal energy field. Now that your higher perceptions are online you are very aware of the energy field of persons, animals and even things. However, you can only be fully aware other energy fields when you are first aware of your own.

但是,超越物質的能力只能產生功用 ~~如果你能有清醒意識的來控制你的思想和感覺的話~~亦即 ~~你個人的能場. 現在你更高的感應理解力已經連上線, 而且你對於人的, 動物的, 甚至東西的能量場已經有警覺了, 但是你只能完全的覺知到其他能量場的存在 ~~如果你能’ ‘覺知到你自己的能量場的存在的話.


When you are aware of your own energy field, you have constant feedback regarding your mental and emotional state of being. At first you may feel like you are always depressed or anxious. But, what is really occurring is that you are now comparing yourself NOT to your animal vessel, but to your true Light vessel.

當你能覺知到你自己的能量場的話, 你會有持續的關於你的心智以及情緒存在狀況的回饋報告, 首先你可能覺得你總是壓抑的或是焦慮的, 但是, 事實上真正在發生的事 ~~~~~你現在不會把你自己拿去與你的動物載具做比較, 而是跟你的光載具在做比較.


In other words, the bar is rising, as you move into the "new normal." This new normal feels much like how you felt wearing those new pants you bought because you noticed you lost weight, but you did not lose as much weight as you thought - yet. However, you WILL lose that "weight/mass" because you are slowly transmuting into your body of light.

換言之, 標準線在提高當中, 隨著你移入這新正常標準之中. 新正常標準感覺起來很像當你穿那些新的褲子時, 你注意到你瘦了, 但你還其實沒瘦到像你想的那麼多. --- 瘦掉那些體重 --- 因為你正在慢慢的轉變入光體之中.


The timeline to which we are presently speaking has chosen to have a gentle and gradual ascension. This version of ascension requires great patience, but there is minimal destruction. Of course, the forces of darkness are still trying to distill fear into the masses, but since they can no longer start wars, they are restricted to finding good "Manchurian Candidates" to program to go on a "shooting spree."

我們現在正在談的這條時間線 ---祂選擇了一個溫和漸進式的揚升. 這樣的揚升版本需要很大的耐性, 但是問題是最少的. 當然, 黑暗勢力仍舊在試著灌注恐懼入大眾之間, 但是由於他們再也沒能力展開戰爭了, 他們被困在尋找“滿洲候選人(傀儡王)”來洗腦\腦控此人去做瘋狂射殺(僅有)手段之中.


These acts of random violence are the expression of the remaining need for violence by those that are so dead inside that they must experience and create fear to feel alive. These people are easily brainwashed to perform violent acts by the remaining forces of darkness. Fortunately, as your civilization continues to ascend these greatly wounded humans will be identified and healed before they act upon their own inner anguish.

這些隨機暴力行為代表了剩餘的需要暴力的份子們 --- 他們內心已經死亡了 --- 所以他們必須體驗和創造恐懼,來感覺到自己是活著的. 這些人很容易被洗腦來做出暴力行為透過黑暗剩餘力量的觸動. 幸運的是 ~~~隨著你們文明持續的揚升 --- 這些受傷的人類會被舉發出來, 並且被治療~~在他們依照自己內心的焦躁去做出更多事之前.


On a much lighter side of affairs, more and more people are getting off the fence and choosing to take the risk to believe in a brighter future rather than remaining lost in fearful indoctrination. Furthermore, as more people move into higher frequencies, the fearful indoctrination, horror shows, and violent entertainment will lose its appeal. Only those who have not tasted the glory of the higher light enjoy this violent input.

而從更光明的一面來講 ~~有越來越多人不再做騎牆派 --- 他們選擇冒險來相信一個更光明的未來, 而不持續迷失在恐懼的灌輸當中. 此外, 隨著更多人移入更高頻率, 這恐懼的灌輸, 恐怖的戲碼, 以及暴力娛樂將會失去魅力. 只有那些沒有嚐過更高的光的人會享受這種暴力的內容.


Once these unfortunate ones have their first exposure to higher frequency energies in their body, they will quickly lose interest in the short-term rush of fearful adrenaline. Adrenaline is meant to give a "move away from" or "prepare for battle" message. But without any experience of the "move into" and "prepare for bliss" of the endorphins and other psychotropic chemicals in your system, adrenaline at least makes them feel alive.

一但這些不幸的人們第一次嚐到了他們身體裡更高頻率的能量之後, 他們很快就會失去對那短暫的, 衝上來的, 恐懼的腎上腺素的快感的興趣了.腎上腺素是用來讓人離開危險, 以及為戰鬥做準備的訊息,但是, 如果身體中沒有經驗過 請往內移入以及準備接受祝福內啡肽安多芬,以及其他的你身體中的精神性化學物質反應訊息經驗的人 --- 腎上腺素是至少會讓他們覺得還活著的經驗.


It is a sorry state that a reality has fallen into when fear is the only proof of existence. However, the gifts of higher light, as well as the Galactic and Celestial forces over-lighting your world are slowing entering the consciousness of even those who are not yet aware of this great awakening. We are aware that many of our ascending ones have been experiencing the release of fearful sensations.

這是一種悲哀的狀態 --- 當一個實相已經跌落到--- 唯一存在的證據竟然是恐懼之時. 但是無論如何, 來自更高的光能的禮物, 以及銀河和天堂光亮的照射入你們的世界已經在緩慢的進入所有覺知意識之中, 甚至包括了那些完全還不曉得這個偉大覺醒的人的覺知意識之中.我們很清楚許多這些揚升中的一們都經驗到了恐懼感覺的釋放.


Therefore, we recommend that you expedite this process by filling your form with unconditional love. Words and intentions have great power, so all you need do is calmingly say, "I love myself unconditionally." It is that simple. Try to remember to make this statement frequently.

因此, 我們建議你們加快這程序 ~~透過使用無條件的愛來充滿你的形式.語言和企圖心有很強的力量, 所以你全部需要做的就是 ~~~ 冷靜的說, 我無條件的愛我自己.’ ~~~就這麼簡單. 試著去記得時常對自己說這句話.


In fact, put aside a day and decide that while you are awake you will remember to say "I love myself unconditionally!" once every hour. We know that sounds like a lot, but think about how many times a day you chastise yourself. Would you say that this occurs at least once an hour?

事實上, 給自己一天時間 ~~下決定 ~~當你睡醒時你會記得告訴自己我無條件的愛我自己” ~~~然後每個小時都對自己說一遍.

我知道這聽起來好像很多, 但想想看你一天責怪自己多少次呢?! ---你說是不是大約每小時至少一次呢?


If you can catch your self EVERY time you say something negative to or about your self and replace that thought with, "I love myself unconditionally" it would greatly expedite your return to SELF.

如果你能抓到你自己每一次’ --- 你對自己說或是說關於你自己的負面的話, 並且用別的思想取代它 ---

如“我無條件的愛我自己” ~~這就可以大大的加速你



You have ascended. The fifth dimension resonates all around you, but your perceptions are still calibrated to the third dimension. Hence, you travel in darkness when it is actually high noon. Your main enemy now is NOT the forces of darkness, but your addiction to the habit of being third dimensional.

你已經揚升了.第五維度就共鳴在你四周,但你的感應理解力仍然協調對齊在三維度.因此, 你在黑暗中旅行 --- 可是時辰卻是日正當中的時候. 目前最大的敵人不是黑暗份子 --- 而是你對做為三維存有的習慣沉溺’.


Once you are feeling free of your third dimensional habits, thoughts and emotions, you will easily "find the time" to connect and remain connected to finer and lighter realms of the higher dimensions. You will no longer need to "escape" there, as you will remember and consciously experience that you are ALWAYS there because you are no longer limited to one reality.

一但你從三維習慣\思想\情緒中解放出來, 你將很容易找到時間來與更高維度的更細緻的, 更輕的實相做連接並且保持連繫.你將不會再需要去逃走一下 ---

因為你會記得而且清醒的經驗你永遠都在那裡 ~~因為你再也不會被一個實相所限制住了.


You will expedite your living multidimensionally by reminding yourself that the "higher being" that guides and protects you is YOU! YOU are not the clay vessel you are wearing. YOU are the silent inner call and soft comfort that emanates from within and above.

你將會加速你的多維度生活~~透過提醒你自己 ~~ 更高的存有們’ ~~那些引導著你, 保護著你的 ~~就是你自己’!!!


你自己是這安靜的內在的呼喚, 以及柔軟的舒適感 ~~那個從你內在之中, 以及你身體上方發射下來的東西.


YOU are the light you seek and the peace you long for. YOU are the puppeteer that controls your earth vessel. Feel these strings of light and surrender into their assistance. Release the ego's need to control and embrace the FLOW of your SELF.

你就是你尋找的’, 以及你渴望的和平. ‘你自己就是傀儡的主人 --- 控制你地球載具的人.感覺這些光能射線吧! 臣服入它們的協助之中!解放掉小我自尊心想要控制的需要,




At the close of the transmission Mytre and Mytria told us that the Arcturian had a treat for us and beamed us directly to a room called The Restoration Chamber. We had never been beamed anywhere before, but that experience was mild compared to what occurred in that room. 

在傳輸結束之時, Mytre and Mytria告訴我們 ~~大角星人準備了一個大請客給我們 ~~而且直接將我們用光能射入一間叫做 恢復室的房間.我們以前從沒被用光能射入任何地方, 可是這經驗算是溫和的 --- 如果與我們後來在恢復室中所發生的事情來比較的話….


Posted by Sue at 12:26 PM No comments: 

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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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