(上) (重要揚升課程)
拜訪大角星人母艦的新客 --- 解開矩陣
‘戰爭的教導’ 與 ‘無條件的愛’
New Visitors to Mothership - Unlocking the Matrix
Channeller: Suzanne Lie\ 20130928
中文翻译: 林琚月2030929
New Visitors to the Mothership
Unlocking the Matrix
The look on Sandy and Jason’s faces reminded me of my first visit to the Mothership. I could see from Mytria’s expression that she felt the same way. We smiled warmly and said as one voice, “Please follow us. There is someone we wish you to meet.”
看到Sandy and Jason臉上的表情讓我想起我第一次到母艦的情形. 我也可以從Mytria的表情中看到她的感覺也是一樣. 我們熱情的對著他們微笑, 用同一個聲音說, “請跟我們來. 有個人我們要介紹給你.”
Even though Sandy and Jason were behind us we could feel their excitement of their first “conscious” visit to the Mothership. They had both been on the ship in their night bodies, but this time they were fully awake and in a higher state of consciousness. We had been overseeing their process of deciphering their dream of our experience, and they had done quite well.
雖然Sandy and Jason就走在我們身後, 但是我們可以感覺到他們對第一次 ‘清醒的’ 來拜訪母艦的興奮. 他們以前在他們夜身中都來過, 但這次他們是完全清醒的, 而且處在一個高覺知意識的狀態之下. 我們一直在觀望著他們解碼他們對於我們的經驗的夢, 而他們做得很好.
Hence, we decided to bring them to the Mothership so that we could give them some background information. Actually, it was the Arcturians idea to invite them to personally join the It’s the next transmission to Earth. As we came to the transmission area we told Jason and Sandy that the Arcturian had personally invited them to join this transmission.
因此, 我們決定要帶他們上母艦來, 這樣我們可以給他們一些背景資訊. 事實上, 是大角星人提了這個想法來邀請他們親自參與對地球的下一個 ‘訊息傳輸’ 工作. 當我們到達傳輸區域, 我們告訴Jason and Sandy~~~是大角星人邀請他們來參與此次‘訊息傳輸’ 工作的.
As we walked towards the door to the transmission room, it opened, seemingly, on its own. But, as the door fully opened we saw our dear Arcturian friend standing just beyond the threshold. Sandy and Jason were so surprised and honored that they could not say a word.
當我們走向傳輸室大門, 它自動打開了, 好像是自己自動打開的. 但是, 當門完全打開時我們看到了我們親愛的大角星人朋友就站在門崁後. Sandy and Jason是如此的驚訝, 而且備感榮耀到說不出一句話.
“Welcome,” said the Arcturian, actually using words.
“歡迎,” 大角星人說, 而且真的用語言說.
Sandy and Jason muttered some words of thanks, but their broad smiles said more than any words.
Sandy and Jason支支唔唔的的說了些感謝的話, 但他們笑開了的笑容說的比語言更多.
The Arcturian, who had donned a relatively human body in their honor actually smiled back. Of course the smile was more of a feeling than an actual facial expression.
大角星人, 祂也為這新客人們穿上了一件類人形體的東西, 也真實的回以笑容. 當然, 這笑容比較像是一種感覺而不是一個真實的臉部表情.
“I must begin my transmission now,“ said the Arcturian as It invited Sandy and Jason to sit. The Arcturian then glided toward the transmission screen and began the transmission.
“我必須開始我現在的傳輸了,” 大角星人說, 同時邀請Sandy and Jason坐下來. 大角星人然後滑向傳輸板, 開始傳輸訊息.
Our message today is about unlocking the third dimensional matrix. Just as a large key is necessary to unlock a large keyhole, a third dimensional key is necessary to unlock the third dimensional matrix. Your dark cabal knows this fact, and they have locked many truths away from you in the 3D Matrix. In this manner, only a third dimensional human can unlock the 3D Matrix to reveal the truth of their reality.
我們今天的訊息是關於解開第三維度矩陣.就像大鎖需要大鑰匙一樣, 要解開第三維度矩陣就需要一個三維鑰匙. 你們的黑暗份子們知道這件事, ---事實上他們對你們封鎖了許多訊息在三維矩陣裡. 以這方式, 只有一個三維人類可以打開這三維矩陣來讓三維實相的真相呈現出來.
Many of us from the Galactic Federation have made the great sacrifice of taking a human incarnation so that we could assist other humans. However, the physical inhabitants of Earth must initiate and complete the ascension of Gaia into the next frequency or they will not be able to resonate to Gaia’s fifth dimensional expression.
我們許多來自銀河聯邦的人都做了很大的犧牲來輪迴到人類之中 ~~以協助其他人類.但是, 地球的物質居民們必須開啟並完成地球蓋亞的揚升 ~~進入下一個`頻率, 否則他們將不能共鳴入蓋亞第五維度的表達體中去.
Furthermore, the 3D Matrix of holographic Earth has been so infiltrated with the low frequency of fear that whenever a human attempts to unlock the matrix to find and share the truth, they are met with a huge dose of the essence of fear, which stops them in their tracks.
此外, 地球全息影像的三維矩陣是如此被滲透了低頻率的恐懼在裡面 --- 因此任何時候, 當一個人類嘗試著去解開這矩陣來發現並分`享真相時, 他們就會遭遇到大量含有恐懼本質的障礙, 然後就無法往前了.
Allow us to explain what we mean by the “essence of fear.” Although most humans are unaware, all emotions have an intense essence, which could best be explained as an odor or scent. This is why animals and plants can instantly determine if a human is safe or not. They can smell the odor of fear or of love. Yes, plants do smell, but in a different manner than animals. Plants “smell” in terms of chemical reactions of moving towards or moving away.
請允許我們解釋一下 ‘含有恐懼本質的障礙’的意思. 雖然大部份人類並不知道 ~~所有情緒都有一個強烈的本質 ~~最好的解釋方法就是 ‘味道’ 或是 ‘香氣’. 這是為何動物與植物都能立即知道一個人是安全的(好人)或不是之因. 它們可以聞到恐懼的氣味或是愛的味道. 是的, 植物也能’聞’味道, 但與動物的方法不同. 植物 ‘聞的’是化學反應, 然後會往前或是往後移動.
Your human earth vessel is, in fact, an animal. However, during the process of individuation humanity has lost touch with their innate, animal instincts. Furthermore, the cabal has worked quite successfully to keep most humans in a constant state of fear. And, the only way to confront the fear embedded in the 3D Matrix is to overcome the fear that is embedded in your physical earth vessel.
你們人類載具事實上是一個動物.但是, 在個人化過程中, 人類失去了他們內在的動物直覺. 此外, 光明會很成功的運作了 --- 把大部份人類控制在恐懼狀態之中.所以, 唯一能夠去面對藏在三維矩陣中的恐懼的方法 ---就是去克服藏在你人類身體的三維矩陣中的恐懼.
The scent of fear says “go away,” and the sent of love says, “come closer.” If you have not conquered your own inner fear, the unconscious message of “go away and find safety” will override your intention to find the truth locked in the 3D Matrix. The 3D matrix of your planet is intertwined with the web of creation. Hence, whenever you resonate to fear the web of creation sends more fearful sensations your way.
恐懼的味道說 “走開,” 但是愛的味道說, “靠近些.”如果你還沒征服你自己內在的恐懼, 那麼這來自潛意識中的訊息說著 “走開去找安全”的訊息會超越你想要尋找藏在三維矩陣中的真相這件事. 你們地球的三維矩陣與 ‘創造之網’ 是交錯的.因此, 任何時候你若共鳴到恐懼去, 這‘創造之網’就會派送更多恐懼的感覺過來.
Please remember that there are two classification of emotion, which are love-based emotions and fear-based emotions. Therefore, sorrow, anger, guilt, revenge, doubt are all fear-based and remind the web of creation to send more fear. It is for this reason that becoming a master of your emotions is so vital to your process of ascension.
請記得情緒有兩個分類 ---看是以愛為基礎的情緒或是以恐懼為基礎的情緒. 憂傷, 氣憤, 罪惡感, 報仇, 懷疑全都是以恐懼為基礎的情緒.因此, 憂傷, 氣憤, 罪惡感, 報仇, 懷疑這些以恐懼為基礎的情緒會提醒‘創造之網’ 去送更多恐懼過來.就是基於這個理由 ~~~成為你情緒的 ‘掌控者’ 是如此重要 ~~在你揚升的程序上.
Ascension is a process of taking on so much light into your being that your frequency expands beyond that of the third dimension. This higher frequency of light first attunes your perceptions to include perceptions of the higher dimensions. However, it also allows you to see beyond all illusion. This ability is a challenge, as you will begin to understand how much you have been duped by the lies of the cabal.
揚升是一個要把許多光放入你的存在體的程序~~所以你的頻率會擴張超越第三維度.這更高頻率的光首先會調整你的理解力來包含更高維度的理解力.但是, 它同時也讓你看~~超越所有幻象.這能力是一大挑戰 ~~因為你會開始了解你被光明會騙了耍了多少事情.
It is natural to respond to this information with anger. However, anger is a fear-based emotion, which instantly tells the web of creation to send you more fear. Hence, your greatest test in your process of ascension is to gain mastery over ALL fear-based reactions, as they lower your frequency as well as beckon more fear into your reality.
對這訊息產生氣憤的反應是正常的. 但是, 氣憤是一個以恐懼為基礎的情緒 --- 也會立即告訴‘創造之網’來寄更多恐懼給你.因此, 你 ‘揚升程序’ 最大的考題就是要~~~全面的\完全的, 獲得對以恐懼為基礎的反應的 ‘控制力’!!!---因為它們會降低你的頻率, 而且會招來更多恐懼入你的實相中.
Once you have gained mastery over your fear-based emotions and remember to choose love-based reactions to all stimuli, the web of creation will send more and more love into your life. Therefore, whenever you are confronted with any stimulus that evokes a fear-based reaction, you must train your instincts to instantly transmute that fear into love. It is in this manner that you are able to unlock the truth from the 3D Matrix.
一但你獲得了對以恐懼為基礎的情緒的 ‘控制力’,而且記得去選擇以愛為基礎的反應來面對所有的 ‘刺激’, --- ‘創造之網’也會寄更多更多的愛進入你的人生裡.因此, 任何時候, 只要你遇到了 ‘刺激你的事情’ --- 來讓你產生以恐懼為基礎的反應, 你必須訓練你的直覺來立即把恐懼轉為愛.以這方式, 你就能夠從這三維矩陣中把真相解開釋放出來.
Let us tell you first who the cabal is, and then we will tell you how they discovered how to hide the truth in the 3D Matrix. The members of the cabal are actually implants into earthly incarnation of the power-over members of your Galaxy. Long before your known history begins, different members of your Galaxy visited your planet.
首先讓我們告訴你們 ‘光明會cabal’是誰? --- 然後我們再告訴你們他們是如何發現 --- 如何把真相藏在三維矩陣之中的!‘光明會cabal’成員們其實是來自銀河被龕入你們地球上喜歡 ‘以權勢力量控制別人’ 的地球轉世人員身體中的存有.
遠在你們地球已知歷史開始之前, 就有許多不同的銀河人拜訪過地球.
At that time, the Galactic Wars were raging and the members of the power-over worlds battled the members of the power-within worlds. For generations and generations the power-over forces were winning the war and taking over planet after planet. The power-over species were of reptilian heritage that evolved from the evolutionary base of “survival of the fittest.” Therefore, the only rule was “kill or be killed.” As you can imagine, this format for evolution created very powerful and vicious warriors.
在那時, 銀河戰爭正在打, 而許多好戰好征服別人的世界成員們攻擊許多和平的世界. 在許多世代裡, 這些好戰好征服別人的世界力量一直贏得所有戰爭, 而且拿下了一個又一個的星球. 這些好戰好征服別人的世界種族是 ‘蜥蝪龍’種族傳統 ---它們的發展原則就是 ‘適者生存’. 因此, 它們唯一的原則就是 ‘殺人或者被殺’. 所以你可以想像, 這種發展型式創造出了非常有力量而且殘暴的戰士.
Therefore, dear earthlings, do not demean yourself for not being able to control your fear, as this type of enemy took us many generations to defeat. We learned that you could not combat that type of enemy with anger or fear, as it merely fed them and made them stronger. Yes, a component of the evolution of this species was that they could actually feed on the energy field of fear.
因此, 親愛的地球人, 不要責怪自己因為你無法控制你的恐懼 --- 因為這種種類的敵人也花了我們許多世代來打敗他們. 我們學會了 --- 不能用憤怒或是恐懼來打擊這種敵人 --- 因為這只會讓他們更強大.是的, 這種族的發展的一部份方式就是 --- 他們真的可以吸收恐懼的能量來壯大自己.
(下) (重要揚升課程)
拜訪大角星人母艦的新客 --- 解開矩陣
‘戰爭的教導’ 與 ‘無條件的愛’
As we have said, all emotion emits an invisible essence, which has a strong odor to animals. What humans forgot was that they are wearing the vessel of animal. In their arrogance of becoming human, they pushed aside the survival tactics that all animals have, which is the ability to smell emotion.
就像我們之前所說的, 所有情緒會發射一種看不見的本質出去 --- 而這對動物是有強烈氣味的. 人類忘記的是 --- 他們正穿著動物載具. 在他們 ‘萬物之靈人類’ 的傲慢之中 --- 他們拋棄了所有動物都有的生存技能 --- 也就是 ‘聞情緒’ 的能力.
You are gaining that ability back through your clairsentience. In fact, it was through the perfecting of the higher sense of clairsentience that the power-within forces finally conquered the ranks of the power-over forces. Once we could smell fear in another being, we could smell fear in our self.
你目前正在重新獲得這能力 ~~透過你的超覺能力的恢復. 事實上, 是透過完美化更高感官能力的超覺能力--- 這些不好戰不好征服別人的世界的軍隊終於征服了這些好戰好征服別人的世界的軍隊. 一但我們能夠聞到別人的恐懼, 我們也可以聞到自己的恐懼!
We had always wondered how the power-over enemy could find us, no matter where we hid. However, some reptilians actually joined our forces because the long interaction with the love-based enemy infiltrated their being, just as their their fear-based essence infiltrated many of our ranks.
以前我們一直都懷疑這些喜歡以權勢力量控制別人的敵人是怎麼找到我們的 --- 不論我們藏在那裡. 但是有些 ‘蜥蝪龍’ 確實加入了我們的力量 --- 因為他們與 ‘以愛為主’ 的敵人在一起久了, 他們的存在體被同化了, --- 就像他們 ‘以恐懼為主’ 的本質也滲透入了我們一些人的存在體之中一樣.
Once these reptilians informed us that they could smell the scent of fear, we learned that the only way we could win the long Galactic War was to become the master over ALL fear-based emotions. We were quite surprised and pleased to find that mastery over all fear expanded our consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond.
一但這些‘蜥蝪龍’告訴我們 --- 它們可以聞到恐懼的氣味, 我們就知道 ~~我們要贏得這冗長的銀河戰爭的唯一方法就是去 ‘掌控’ 好自己全部的以恐懼為基礎的情緒.我們非常驚訝而且高興看到 ---‘掌控好自己全部的以恐懼為基礎的情緒’這事也擴張了我們的覺知意識進入第五維度甚至超過的地方.
Once we resonated to a higher frequency of reality the power-over forces, which were still based on fear, could no longer find us. It was then that the long war began to turn to our side. However, learning to resonate to love was one thing, but learning to resonate ONLY to love, even in the face of death, was a much more difficult task.
一但我們共鳴入一個更高頻率的實相,這些喜歡以權勢力量控制別人的敵人, 就找不到我們了 --- 因為它們仍是以恐懼為基礎的. 自那時起, 這冗長的銀河戰爭開始贏在我們這邊. 但是,學會去共鳴入愛是一件事, 但是
去學習~~~ ‘只與愛共鳴’, 即使在面對死亡時, ~~
However, once we learned that our consciousness, our SELF, had expanded into the fifth dimension and we were only wearing a 3D shell, the death of that vessel was not a problem. If our clay shell was destroyed, we merely created a fifth dimensional shell. Some of us learned that we could use our fifth dimensional consciousness to create a third dimensional shell. Thus much as one would ruin their car, but get another one, we could lose our earth vessel but make another one.
但是, 一但我們搞清楚 – 我們的覺知意識, 我們的本我, 已經擴張入第五維度了, 而我們只是穿著一個三維的殼, ---這載具的死亡就不是一個問題了.如果我們這粘土殼毀了, 我們就再創造一個五維殼. 我們有些人已經學會了去使用我們五維的覺知意識去創造一個三維殼. 所以有點像某人會毀了他們的車子然後再買一台新的.
When our dead companion returned to us in a perfectly healthy clay shell, we discovered that we did not need to have any fear, for if we died, we could merely create a new shell. We then became fearless warriors who were guided by our connection from the fifth dimensional perspective of those who had “died.” This guidance was possible because once we were free of fear of death, we could expand our consciousness, and hence our perceptions to include the fifth dimension.
當我們死掉的伙伴, 帶著一個完美的粘土殼, 回到我們這裡團聚時, 我們發現我們不需要有任何恐懼, 因為假如我們死了, 我們就只是再做一個新殼.我們然後因此變成了無所恐懼的戰士 --- 他們被來自第五維度的觀點的 ‘過往人’ 所引導著.這樣的引導是可能的, 因為一但我們沒有了死亡的害怕, 我們可以擴張我們的覺知意識, 因此我們的感應理解力就會包括了第五維度的感應理解力.
From this higher dimensional perspective we were free of time and space. Hence, we always knew everything our enemies planned. However, we also learned that once we engaged in battle with the intention to kill another, our consciousness sank back into the third dimension and we lost our edge. It was then that we were faced with the great challenge of how could we win a war without harming our enemy?
從這更高的維度的感應理解力, 我們就沒有了時間與空間限制. 因此我們總是知道每件我們敵人計劃的事.但是, 我們同時也知道一但我們加入戰鬥中 --- 帶著殺人的企圖心, 我們的覺知意識會沉落回第三維度, 然後我們就失去優勢了. 就在此時, 我們就會面對最大的挑戰 ---
We discovered we needed to not harm our enemy as our fifth dimensional form resonated to all fifth dimensional forms. Even though our enemy did not know they had a fifth dimensional essence, we discovered that ALL life has a fifth dimensional form. If we continued to kill third dimensional beings, our consciousness sank back to the third dimension. Then we could only perceive the third dimensional world.
我們發現我們需要 --- 不傷害我們的敵人 --- 因為我們第五維度形式共鳴著所有第五維度的形式.即使我們的敵人不知道他們有一個第五維度的本質, 我們發現 ~~所有生命都有一個第五維度形式. 假如我們繼續殺害第三維度存有們, 我們的覺知意識會沉落回第三維度, 然後我們就只能感應到第三維度世界了.
Fortunately, some of our enemies also found their fifth dimensional expression. The Draconians are extremely intelligent and have strategies for battle beyond that of any species. Because of this innate ability, some of the leaders of the Draconians determined that they needed to vastly change their tactics.
幸運的是, 我們的一些敵人也發現他們第五維度的表達體. ‘蜥蝪龍’ 其實非常聰明, 而且有一些戰爭策略是超越其他種族的. 正由於這內在能力, 有些‘蜥蝪龍’領導者們決定他們必須大大的改變他們的策略.
Once the Draconians who had ascended within the dome around the original Pleiadian colony had become fifth dimensional, they realized that some Dracs were ready to ascend as well. These ascended Dracs used their fifth dimensional forms to join with the few Dracs who learned through us to expand their consciousness into the fifth dimension.
一但已揚升的‘蜥蝪龍’從原來的昴宿星殖民地的保護罩附近變成第五維度之後, 他們了解到一些‘蜥蝪龍’也準備要揚升了.這些已揚升的‘蜥蝪龍’使用他們五維的形式來參加了一些少數的‘蜥蝪龍’ --- 他們也透過我們學會了擴張他們的覺知意識入第五維度.
This group of ascended Draconians welcomed any Draconian warrior who moved into the higher fourth dimension either through death or expansion of consciousness. There is a path of ascension based on intellectual knowledge, but it has a rather low ceiling, as those beings have not yet remembered how to accept unconditional love.
這群已揚升的‘蜥蝪龍’歡迎任何已揚升的‘蜥蝪龍’戰士 – 不論是透過死亡或是擴張覺知意識. 還有一條揚升之路是基於 ‘智慧知識’的, 但這路的頂端標準不高, 因為這些存有還沒有記得如何去接受 ‘無條件的愛’.
However, the intellectual path did expand their consciousness into the higher fourth dimension where the growing ascended ranks of Dracs awaited them. Meanwhile, the ascended Pleiadians, along with the connections they had made with the Arcturians, joined the Draconian to assist the ascension process of the warriors one’s either side that had raised their consciousness enough through intellectual endeavor or death of their clay vessel.
但是, 這 ‘智慧之路’ 的人確實有擴張他們的覺知意識進入更高的第四維度 --- 在那裡成長中的揚升‘蜥蝪龍’族群等待著他們. 同時間, 已揚升的昴宿星人, 連同他們與大角星人所建立的連通管道 ~~~也加入了已揚升的‘蜥蝪龍’來協助這些戰士們的揚升程序 --- 不論來自那一方 ~~~只要他們透過 ‘智慧之路’來提高他們的覺知意識或是透過粘土殼的死亡 ---來揚升.
To every one’s surprise, the ascended power-over Dracs, also assisted the members of the power-within legions. Also, those who could forgive their enemy instantly experienced a leap of consciousness into the fourth dimension. If these enlightened ones could also send unconditional love to their “enemy,” they could unlock the 3D Matrix of their world to experience the fifth dimensional expression of their home world.
在每個人的驚訝當中, 已揚升的好戰派的‘蜥蝪龍’ ~~也協助和平區域成員的揚升. 同時, 那些能夠原諒他們的敵人的人立刻經驗到了自己覺知意識的躍進入第四維度. 假如這些開悟的存有能夠寄送 ‘無條件的愛’給他們的 ‘敵人’的話 ~~~他們也能解開他們世界的三維矩陣~~~來經驗他們家世界的第五維度的表達體.
Bit-by-bit, both sides of the Galactic War began to experience the highest fourth dimension and/or the threshold fifth dimensional expression of their own reality. With this discovery they discovered that love, peace and joy was far superior to power-over others or the “honor of being a brave warrior.”
一點一點的, 銀河戰爭的兩方開始經驗到最高的第四維度, 以及\或者是他們自己實相的第五維度的門崁的表達體. 透過這發現他們發現愛, 和平與歡樂都比 ‘用權勢力量去控制別人’或是 ‘當個光榮的戰士’ 這些事 ~~好多了!
You see, just as the power-over troops were finding their power-within to expand their consciousness into the perception of a new world, the power-within troops were discovering the act of battle and killing was turning them into that which they had hated about their enemy, the constant need for power over. In this manner, the passion and glory of war was slowly replaced with disillusionment that “what you fight you become.”
所以你們看 --- 就像‘用權勢力量去控制別人’的部隊發現他們內在的和平力量來擴張覺知意識進入一個新世界的感應理解力, 而和平力量部隊也發現戰爭行為和殺戮會把他們變成他們所討厭的的敵人 --- 那樣的永遠饑渴‘用權勢力量去控制別人’這件事.以這方式, 對戰爭的熱情與光榮慢慢的被幻想破滅所取代 --- “你抗拒什麼你就變成什麼.”
Once a warrior fell into what they thought was depression, those of the higher frequencies could see that that warrior was actually responding to a growing light and even love within them. At this point they joined forces of the power-over and power-within troop gathered into ONE group of ascending and ascended beings.
一但一個戰士掉入他們以為是憂鬱的狀態 – 可是在更高頻率的人可以看到 --- 這戰士其實正在對一個成長中的光能在做出反應, 甚至發自內心的愛上這感覺. 在此時, 他們所參加的這‘用權勢力量去控制別人’的部隊以及 ‘喜歡內在和平力量’ 的部隊就會集結成一群揚升中的以及已經揚升的存有們.
As ONE group, they connected with the open hearted warriors to assist their transition into the highest frequency of reality that they could accept. It was in this manner that those trapped in the 3D Matrix found the way to un-lock the matrix with the power of their unconditional love. You see, only unconditional love, that is love free of all judgment, can unlock the prison of a fear-based reality.
做為一個群體 ~~他們會與心靈已經開放的戰士們去連接, 來協助他們轉變入他們所能接受的最高頻率的實相. 就在這種方式之下 ~~~那些困在三維矩陣中的人找到解開這矩陣的方法~~使用他們自己的 ‘無條件的愛’ 的力量.你們看到沒~~只有‘無條件的愛’~~那是沒有評價的愛, 才能解開一個 ‘以恐懼為基礎’ 的實相監獄.
“So, if we live in love, we unlock the 3D Matrix,” whispered Sandy.
“所以, 假如我們生活在愛中, 我們就解開了三維矩陣,” Sandy小聲說.
“Yes, and then we can come here all the time,” smiled Jason.
“是的, 然後我們就可以常常來這裡了,” Jason笑著說.
The Arcturian turned and looked into their eyes and said, “Go back down there and let go!”
大角星人轉過身來看入他們的眼睛說: “下去吧! 並且把一切都放下!”
Sandy and Jason were so surprised that they blinked. When they opened their eyes, they were sitting in their living room.
Sandy and Jason很驚訝到眨了一下眼睛. 當他們再打開眼睛, 他們已經坐在他們客廳裡了.
Posted by Sue at 11:05 PM No comments:
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