你準備好了來接受一些 ‘月食魔法’ 了嗎?
‘月食’ 是遊戲的變局!
Are you ready for some eclipse magic? Eclipses are game-changers
Submitted by FatherMotherGod... on Tue, 10/15/2013 - 18:50
星盤分析師: Star Sister 星際姐妹, (aka Marcia)www.starsisterastrology.com
中文翻译: 林琚月20131016
Around us and within us, our Cosmos is alive with the fierce, insistent energies of big change and deep transformation. The Moon is waxing towards a potent Lunar Eclipse in Aries at 7:37 p.m. EDT Friday.
在我們週圍以及在我們之內, 我們的大宇宙目前是在一個活生生的, 劇烈的, 非常堅定的 ‘大改變以及深度的轉變’能量當中. 月亮目前正朝向著一個強力的白羊座月食在這個禮拜五的晚上7:37 p.m.發生(大約亞洲時間20131016早上7:37 a.m.)
Eclipses are game-changers. They’re the Universe’s most dramatic way of bringing change into our world and our lives. This one is aligning our right brains-- where 96% of all we know is stored, beneath the threshold of our conscious minds -- with all that's happened in the last two years. It's calling us to break new ground in our relationships with ourselves, each other -- and Life.
‘月食’ 是遊戲的變局!它們是宇宙最戲劇化的方式來帶來改變進入我們的世界與我們的人生. 這個月食是與我們的右腦對齊的 --- 我們知道的所有事情的96%都儲存在右腦 --- 就在我們的覺知意識心智的門崁下方 --- 隨同過去兩年所發生的所有事情. 它(這個月食)在呼喚著我們去進入新的領域 --- 不論是在我跟我們自己的關係上, 跟彼此的關係上, --- 還是跟人生的關係上.
A whole order of being will end with Friday night’s eclipse, and a new one will begin. Between now and November 10, reality is being reshaped at the energetic level -- within you and around you.
隨著星期五晚上的月食有一整個系統的 ‘存在’(方式\存有們) --- 會結束!!! ---而一個新的存在系統會開始.從現在到20131110日 --- “實相現實”正在從能量層次在被重塑當中~~從你之內到你的外在都在被重塑當中.
The energy field is already live. Around you and within you, the stage is being set:
這能量場已經是活的. 在你之內和外圍 --- 舞台已經在被建構當中:
* The Sun is getting closer and closer to the reversal of its magnetic poles. This reboot of our Star's energy happens every 11 years -- and like everything else in our Universe, this time will be super-charged by the scale and scope of simultaneous energetic changes taking place. While no on eknows exactly when the polarity reversal will happen, it's imminent. The Sun has sent forth two M-class solar flares in the last two days, with a third expected tomorrow -- each one upleveling our vibrational frequency.
*太陽已經越來越接近到 ‘反轉祂的磁極’ 的狀況.這樣的 “我們星 球能量的重新啟動~~~每11年發生一次 --- 而且就像我們宇宙中存在的每一樣東西一樣 --- 這一次將會是“超級充電”~~依照這時間內能量交換的度數與廣度而言.雖然沒有人確實知道何時 ‘磁極反轉’ 會發生, ---- 但時間是非常非常接近而立即的. 太陽在最近兩天已經送出了兩個M級的太陽耀斑, 而預計明天還會有第三個 --- 每一個都會提高我們的振動頻率.
* Mercury has come to the near-standstill known as the "retrograde storm" as he prepares for his final retrograde of 2013. Between now and November 10, we'll all be doing some deep re-thinking and re-assessing about power, desire, and our ability to change.
*水星已經在接近所謂 “逆行風暴”的几乎停止不動狀態中 --- 隨著它準備進入它最後的2013年的“逆行”.
* This morning, Mars, the Cosmic Warrior and the ruler of this eclipse. This morning, he entered Virgo, the ancient sign of the Goddess. The Warrior is moving towards the eclipse point in service to the Cosmic Feminine and her underlying energy of Love and connection. And remember -- he's not only outside you. Like everything else in the Universe, he's also within you.
*今天早上, 火星, 這大宇宙的戰士, 以及這個月食的掌舵者. 今天早上, 他進入了處女座,古代女神的標誌.這戰士正在移動入月食點 ~~~來服務大宇宙女士和她所代表的愛與連接的能量.而且記得 --- 他(火星, 這大宇宙的戰士)並不只是在你之外. 就像宇宙中的每一件事情一樣, 他也同樣在你的內在.
* Saturn, who the ancients knew at the Guardian at the gates of the Great Mystery, moved yesterday out of the territory of his 5-month vision quest earlier this year. We've finally integrated all we learned us between February and July. We’re now in new territory. We're tapping new energy as we create and re-create the structures of our lives.
*土星,在古代, 被認為是偉大的神秘之門的守衛,昨天他移動出了他今年早些時候5個月內的視覺範圍。我們終於整合了從二月份到七月份間我們所有觀察到的事情. 我們現在是在新的領域裡了. 我們正在接入新的能量之中~~~隨著我們創造著, 並且從新創造著我們生活的架構.
Eclipse Power: Freeing the Shadow & Unleashing the Future
月食能量: 解除陰影 & 釋放未來
Friday's eclipse isn't like most, which belong to series that unfold over many centuries. One of only four eclipses in a very short-lived series, this Aries Lunar Eclipse of 2013 seems to belong to a select group with a specialized and precise mission.
這星期五的月食跟大部份的月食不同 ---那些是屬於一種系列的月食 --- 反覆在許多世紀裡的. 而在一個只有四個月食的系列裡, 在一個非常短的時間帶裡, 這個2013年白羊座月食好像是屬於一個特別的團體系列的 ~~而且帶有一個特別與精確的使命的.
As a penumbral eclipse, this one occurs when the Moon dips into the Earth’s shadow, activating energy there that we can't see and so aren't aware of. Some of what is in the shadow is negative energy that needs to be released. Most of it , though, is pure treasure, what Carl Jung called "the positive shadow."
身為一個半影月食~~這個月食的發生是由於月亮沾入了地球的陰影之中,啟動了在那裡的一些能量 ---是我們看不到也因此察覺不到的.而在陰影中的有些能量是 ‘負面能量’ ~~是需要被釋放掉的能量.而其他大部份在陰影中的能量則是純粹的 ‘寶藏’, 是Carl Jung稱為 “正面陰影”的部份.
The shadow magic of this eclipse goes even deeper than the Earth's penumbra, triggering two profoundly mysterious shadow points that the ancients called the "antiscia." Planets that lie on antiscia act as hidden allies, operating on an level that cannot be detected. At this eclipse, Mars – who’s the ruling energy of the eclipse – is at the Moon’s antiscia point. And Mars is exactly across the sky from Neptune – who’s at the Sun’s antiscia point.
比這“半影月食”的‘陰影魔法’更深刻的事情是 ~~ 這月食會啟動兩個對立的非常深刻而神秘的 ‘陰影點’ ---這是古代人稱呼為"antiscia"(鏡面對宮位)的兩個點. 處在"antiscia"(鏡面對宮位)的兩個行星是彼此的 ‘隱密盟友’ ~~~他們的活動方式層次是無法被察覺到的.而在這個月食之中 ---火星 --- 是這月食的掌舵者, --- 也正是月亮的"antiscia"(鏡面對宮位). 而火星又位在海王星的對面天空裡 --- 而海王星又處在太陽的"antiscia"(鏡面對宮位)的位置.
Mars and Neptune are our secret energetic keys to this lunation. Their combined energies of ground-breaking courage and inspired compassion can dissolve the barriers to the creative breakthroughs that are pushing so insistently from deep within, makign their way to the surface.
火星與海王星是我們秘密的能量關鍵在這次的月食之上. 他們聯合的能量 --- 具有震天撼地的勇氣, 以及激發\啟發的慈悲心 ~~可以消除任何 “創造的突破”中所遇到的阻礙 ---那是從內在深處非常頑強的在抗拒著的障礙 --- 這些障礙現在都浮出到表面上來了.
For the closer we come to the eclipse field, the deeper the healing energy makes itself available to us. Everywhere, we seem to be getting to the core issues we face in our lives. Everywhere, the roots of our fear, our heartache are revealing themselves to us. Here's what's most important to remember:
我們越是接近這月食場, 這療癒的能量就越是深刻的讓我們接觸得到.我們到處似乎都遇到我們人生中必須面對的主要議題. 我們在每個地方都看到我們恐懼的根源, 我們心痛的根源 ~~~都顯露在我們面前. 以下是最重要要記得的事:
* Don't be dismayed if the powerful energies of change bring what seem to be "negative" developments. The entire solar system is in a state of big shift! Some things are falling apart so that others can come together ina new way. It's all temporary! Think ofthe next three weeks as a cosmic reconstruction zone.
*不要擔憂! ~~~假如這強力的 ‘改變能量’ 似乎帶出了 ‘看似負面’ 的事情進展.這整個太陽系都在一種大力的提升當中! 有些事情正在分解當中,所以其他的事可以重組成一種新的方式. 這些都是暫時的!
把未來三個禮拜當成是一個 “宇宙重造時段區”吧!!!
* On Wednesday, Jupiter, the Cosmic Blessing Giver, will conjunct the most karmic point in the sky -- the Moon's South Node. This is a rare and powerful opportunity to release old patterns that are keeping us in bondage. We don't have to know how. We only have to be willing to gratefully receive the grace.
*在星期三, 木星,大宇宙的祝福賜予者,將相合入天空中最大的 ‘業力點’- 也就是 ‘月亮的南交點’。 --- 這是一個稀有難得的有力機會去釋放舊的(社會)模式--- 那個把我們綁在腳鐐手銬中的制度.我們不需要去知道如何能辦到. 我們只需要很情願的, 很感恩的去接受這個天賜恩惠就行了.
* As we move into the eclipse, stay in your heart and trust what it tells you.
*隨著我們移入這月食中, 請停留在你的心中,
* Find what inspires you, what keeps your heart open, and act on that! Let your heart lead the way into the future!
*去尋找能激發你的事情, 能夠打開你的心的事情, 然後採取行動! 讓你的心帶領你走入未來!
May the days ahead be rich with blessings and breakthroughs for you!
Love and blessings,
Star Sister 星際姐妹,
(aka Marcia)
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修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!