亞瑟 * 叔本華:
最後, 它們會被接受為
‘這是明顯的事實. 事情本來就如此.”
All truth passes through 3 stages:
“First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." ~~~Arthur Schopenhauer
“血月亮” 與“地球大轉變” 訊息匯整I:
與蓋亞一起深入夢中 …
~~~透過Celia Fenn傳導20131021.
Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light
Posted by Janice Collins on October 21, 2013 /
imageArchangel Michael: The Inevitability of Change and Deep Dreaming with Gaia……A New Communion of Light, as channeled by Celia Fenn, October, 2013 at: http://www.starchildglobal.com
Beloved Family of Light, it has been an intense and tumultuous few months since the Planetary New Year in July and the influx of New Light through the Stargates in July and August. These Energy Shifts have brought Change at a very Deep Level.
This Change is inevitable, for it is part of the processes of Life and Evolution. When the Earth shifted into the Fifth Dimension in December 2011, she shook off her rigid limitations of the old Third Dimensional Grids and allowed herself to re-connect with the Graceful Flow of Divine Light from the Heart of the Cosmos. This meant that every Living Being on Planet Earth was also recalibrated to this New Frequency of Accelerated Change.
Change is inevitable. It is part of the process of Life and Growth. It is the opening of a bud in Spring and the falling of the leaves in Autumn. It is the first green shoots in the snow and the richness of the summer harvest. All have their moment in Time, in the Richness and Flowering of Physical Life.
But, even beyond the natural laws of Growth and Change on Earth, there are also Changes taking places at a very deep level of Consciousness and of Creation. The New Light Codes that enter through the Stargate portals accelerate and activate energies at the atomic and subatomic levels, that we would call the “God Particles”. These nano particles are the Divine Cosmic Intelligence as it manifests into Physical Reality. As these particles evolve and change, so they initiate Change at all levels of Creation.
但是, 即使在地球正常的成長與改變法則之外, 還同時有‘改變’ 發生在非常深度的 “創造之覺知意識”之中.穿過星門而來的新的光能密碼加速了, 而且啟動了在細胞原子層與次原子層的能量 ~~這是我們稱之為 “上帝分子”的能量.這些納米分子就是“神聖大宇宙智能”
所以它們開啟了所有 ‘創造層面’ 上的改變.
So, Beloved Ones, we would say that Change is occuring first at a very deep level in the Fabric of Creation and in the Collective Consciousness of the Earth. But, you will also feel this Change in your Physical Bodies and in your Collective Experience as Communities.
所以, 親愛的一們, 我們會說 --- ‘改變’ 首先是發生在一個非常深的層次 ~~在‘創造的編織錦緞’之中, 也在地球的‘集體覺知意識’之中. 但是, 你也同時會感覺到這個改變在你的物質身體以及在你們作為社區團體們的集體經驗之中.
The Physical Body and the New Reality
As the deep shifts occur, your Physical Body will begin the process of adapting to the New Reality and the Higher Consciousness Grids. There are two processes involved here. The first is a very deep cleansing and throwing off of anything that is heavy, low frequency, toxic and limiting to you and others. You may notice your body seeking changes, in diet, exercise, sleep patterns and ways of expression. This process of “clarification”is necessary for the next step, where the body begins to “breathe light” in the Cells.
隨著這‘深度變化’的發生, 你的物質身體會開始 “適應入’新實相’以及 ‘新的覺知意識矩陣柵欄’ 之中.在這裡有兩個程序. 1) 首先是一個 “非常深度的清理, 以及拋出任何很重的, 低頻率的, 有毒的, 對你和別人產生限制性的東西.你可能會注意到你的身體在尋求改變, 不論是在飲食上, 運動上, 睡眠模式以及自我表達方式上你都在尋求改變. 這個“淨化程序”是對下一步驟非常需要的程序
~~因為你的身體會開始在細胞層 “呼吸光能”.
The process of “breathing light” is a Cellular Process and it occurs spontaneously in the Cells when the Body is at a High enough Frequency and ready to make the switch.At this point, the Body will derive about 50 percent of its nutrients from Light in an intracellular synthesis process, and about 50 perecent from Physical Nutrition.
2) “在細胞層呼吸光能”這程序是一個 ‘細胞程序’ ~~
當身體的頻率夠高時, 已經準備好了來做轉變時 ---
身體會從 “光能在細胞之間的光合作用程序”來吸取它所需要的五成的養份,而只會從物質養份中吸取其他五成養份.
We would say, however, that this shift only occurs when the Body is clear, grounded and aligned with the Light Body. It is a Spontaneous Evolution and occurs when you are ready. At that point you become a “Shining One” as you begin to radiate Light and Energy from your Cells. This is the First level of the Shift from the old Carbon based Physical Form to the New Crystalline Light based form.
我們會說 ~~無論如何, 這改變只會發生在當身體是 ‘明晰的’, ‘穩固的’, 而且對齊在 ‘光體’ 之上時~~這改變就會發生.這是一個 “自然而然的發展過程”, 而且只會發生在當你準備好的時候. ~~~此時, 你會變成 “一個發光人” ~~
隨著你從你的細胞層發射出光與能量. ---
這是‘第一階段’ 的 ‘提升改變’ ---
從‘炭基體的物質形體’ 轉變為
Beloved Ones, we ask you not to try to force this process, but to listen to your body and what it needs. If you are not ready for the Shift you may still need more traditional methods of nutrition until your body is ready. Even after the shift, you will need to monitor your nutrition and energy levels to ensure that your body is maintain ing its new pattern of energetics and radiance.
親愛的一們, 我們請求你‘不要嘗試著去加快這程序’!而是要聆聽你的身體的需求.如果你還沒準備好做這個 ‘提升’ ~~~你可能還會需要更多傳統的供給養份方法 ~~
即使在提升之後, 你仍然需要監測你的營養與能量層次
Once you have made the shift you will find it very difficult to be in close proximity with people and environments that are toxic and polluted. Your new energetic structure is desiged for the New Earth and desires clean air, light and nutritious food, and a light filled and harmonious environment.
一但你提升了, 你會發現自己很困難近距離
存在於 --- ‘有毒與有污染’ 的人群和環境之中. 你的新能量架構是設計給 ‘新地球’的,
所以渴望清新的空氣, 光與有營養的食物, 以及一個充滿光的和諧環境.
This shift of the Physical/Energetic functioning will also be felt on the Emotional and Mental levels. Your Emotional and Mental energies my be unstable for a while, and fluctuate quite widely as your System integrates accelerated light energies travelling through the nervous system and firing the hormonal system and the brain cells. You may find yourself responding very swiftly with strong emotions in some situations. Just know that it will take a while to adjust to the accelerations in your system.
這個物質身體的\能量的運作在情緒層與心理層也可以感覺得到. 你的情緒與心理將會有一段時間不穩定, 而且會搖晃得幅度很大 –隨著你加速光能量在你神經系統的旅行, 同時燃燒過你的賀爾蒙系統與腦細胞. 你可能會發現自己在某些狀況之下反應情緒激烈快速, ~~~只要知道你需要一些時間才能調適\適應入你系統的快速變化之中就行.
Beloved Family, over time we have shown you how to ground youselves into the Earth Star Chakra and the Earth Center, and how to align with the Cosmic Heart. This is an essential daily practice as you work to integrate the light breathing and the acceleration of light impulses in the nervous system.
親愛的家人們, 過去我們已經教過你們一段時間~~如何去穩住你自己進入地球的行星脈輪與地球核心之中, 以及如何去與 ‘大宇宙之心’對齊. ~~這是非常重要的每日功課 ~~
隨著你努力整合 ‘光能呼吸’ 以及
加速 ‘神經系統中的光能脈動’.
When this process is complete, you will feel yourself aligning in to a new sense of yourself and your power as a Master of Light. You will have more confidence in your ability to manifest abundance through working with the Divine Light and shaping it into Co-creations with the Divine Source.
當這程序完成之時, 你就會感覺到你自己對齊入一種 ‘新的自我感覺’,
來顯化 ‘豐盛富足’ ~~
並且將這‘神聖之光’化入與‘神聖源頭’共同的 ‘協調創作’之中!
The Earth Community and the New Reality
Beloved Family of Light, just as each one of you is experiencing this acceleration of light, so also is your Collective Expression as a Global Community. In the Fifth Dimension the aspect of Inter-connection is the prime vehicle for the manifestation of Collective or Global Reality. So it is that you will find that you have shifted from a culture of “nations” to a Global or Planetary civilization where “nations” are simply a part of a Planetary network.
親愛的光們, 就像你們每個人都在經驗這個光能加速的程序, 而你們全球社區的集體表達體 ~~也是如此! 在第五維度, 你們集體表達體的“串聯”~~是“顯化” “集體或是全球實相”的主要工具. 所以就在此時 ~~你會發現~~你已經從一個以 ‘國家’ 為基礎的文化提升為一個
‘全球或是行星文明’基礎 ~~在裡面,
‘國家們’ 純粹只是行星網絡的一部份而已.
To explain more clearly, in the past each person thought of themself primarily as belonging to a specific nation with a national identity that defined them. You also identified with the issues of your particular nation or state. Now, as the Earth becomes a Planetary culture or One Global Nation that is connected, all issues affecting the Planet affect every nation and every person. There is a new identification with the Earth rather then simply with a part of it.
再解釋得更清楚一些, 在過去, 每個人都認為自己主要是屬於一個特定國家, 所以有一個特別的 ‘身分識別’跟隨著你(定義你這個人). 而你自己也自認為是某國人\某州\省人. 現在, 隨著地球變成一個行星文明, 或是 ‘全球國家’~~~每個地方都相連了 ~~~所有影響這行星的議題影響到每個國家, 每個人. 這時有個新的 “身份識別”概念在地球之上, 而不只是一小部份的概念.
The New Indigo and Crystal children already know this and they are “wired” to live their lives as Global Citizens, beyond the limitations of borders and boundaries. The New Earth will allow for the recognition of One Planet rather than many nations. It is the next step in the Collective Evolution of the Global Community.
新的綻藍和水晶兒童們已經知道這個, 而且他們本身的設定就是來以 “全球公民”方式來生活, 超越所有疆界與國境. 新地球將會被認定為一個行星而不只是許多國家. ~~~
This does not mean that this Global Collective will be controlled, manipulated or dominated by any power or group. At the 2012 Transition, responsibility for the Earth passed to the Higher Dimensional Council of Elders and the Council of Earth Keepers. These are the Light Councils that determine the direction and evolution of your planet. You work with them when you meditate for Changes, for Peace, to end suffering and to create the New Earth. Each person who is called to be an Earth Keeper will feel the need to assist where the Planet calls them.
這不代表這個全球集體會被控制住, 操控住, 或是被任何力量或是群體所統治.在2012年的轉變中 ~~~地球的管理職責已經被移到 ‘高維度長老會議’以及 ‘地球管理者會議’ 之手中. 這些都是 “光之會議” ~~祂們決定你們行星的發展以及方向.
當你在為 ‘大轉變’ ‘和平’ ‘結束饑餓與災難’以及 ‘創造新地球’而做冥想時, 你就是與祂們在一起工作.
每個被呼喚來做 ‘地球守護者’的人都會感覺到
‘需要去協助’ 的感覺 ~~~當地球在呼喚他們時.
So, this effectively means that governments become administrators on the Physical level of the decisions and directions that are formulated at the Higher levels by these Councils of Light.So, you will find many surprising shifts in the way in which governments deal with Global issues.
所以, 這直接的意思就是 --- 政府們變成 ‘物質層決策的行政人員’ --- 而 ‘方向’是由更高維度的 “光之議會”所擬定的.所以, 你將會發現許多驚人的提升改變 --- 在政府們處理全球議題的事情上面的方法.
Initially, as the energies accelerate, you will be confronted by many unexpected and surprising events. Everything is changing. But, gradually you will begin to see the outlines of the New Reality emerging as Light begins to manifest in the reactions and responses of those who adminsiter Earth on the Physical level.
剛開始時, 隨著能量加速, 你們會遇到許多預料之外的驚人事件. 每件事都在改變當中. 但是, 慢慢的, 你會開始看到新實相的大綱主題逐漸浮出檯面 --- 就好像光開始顯化在地球物質層的行政管理者身上的反應與反射開始顯化時.
As you observe these changes, do not become anxious, simply allow yourselves to accept that the deep changes are manifesting a New Reality that is in harmony with Divine Creative Intelligence. The old scars and traumas of Atlantis are in the past and there is nothing to fear. The future will be an expansion into the Light, Joy and Abundance of the New Reality.
隨著你觀察這些改變, 請別變得焦慮, 只要允許你自己去接受這深層的改變已經在顯化一個新實相 ~~而且那是與神聖創意智能和諧的新實相.來自亞特蘭提斯時代的老傷痕與創傷都過去了, 再也沒什麼好害怕的了. 未來將會是進入
光明中的擴張, 以及屬於新實相的歡樂與豐盛富庶.
Once again, we say that the Indigo and Crystal generations are here to lead the way into this New Reality. They will be passionate, caring and filled with Fire and Light to manifest this New Reality. It is their Mission and Now is their Time. There will be many emerging Young Leaders who will help to guide the Planetary Community from the limited Economic “Mind Prison” of mental constructs to a New Reality of the Possibilities of other ways of Living, Sharing and Manifesting what is needed for Life on Earth.
再一次, 我們告訴你 ~~新的綻藍和水晶兒童們是來領導大家進入新實相的.他們將充滿慈悲心, 愛心, 而且充滿熱情與光來顯化新實相. 這是他們的任務, 而現在是他們的時間!將會有許多年輕的領導者會協助引導行星社區~~
從有限制的經濟心態人的心理構造而變成 ~~
可以分享, 而且顯化地球生活所需要的一切.
Deep Dreaming with Gaia….A New Communion of Light
Beloved Ones, in all these Deep Changes, there is another aspect of You that is also changing. In the past you were limited by the nature of your society in the old energy grid. You were disconnected from Earth and Sky and you lived your life in a “closed circuit” of mental and emotional ideas and feelings that allowed you to be controlled by those who manipulated the media that contolled these ideas.
親愛的一們, 在所有深度改變之中, 還有一個層面的 ‘你’~~也同時在改變.過去, 你被限制在你的社會狀態中在老的能量柵欄中. 你與地球大地與天空是沒有連繫上的. 你是在一種封閉的管路中過你的人生 --- 你的情緒, 心理想法\點子\感覺 --- 都讓你被那些人控制住 --- 那些操控媒體以及控制 ‘思想’ 的人.
In the Awakening process you were able to disconnect from your “closed circuit” matrix and expand your reality into a Multi-dimensional awareness that embraced both Heaven and Earth.
在這覺醒過程 ~~~你已經能夠切斷自己與這 ‘封閉管路矩陣’的連接,並且擴張你的實相進入 ‘多維度覺醒’ 之中 --- 那個擁抱了天堂與地球的覺醒意識.
But, on the Earth are still many who live within the old closed circuit, and many still emerging into the New Consciousness. So, there are differing “levels” of Consciousness, the more superficial mental/emotional circuit and a much deeper Multi-dimensional Expanded Consciousness.
但是, 在地球上仍然有許多人 --- 他們仍然活在舊的封閉管路中, 而許多人還在逐漸加入新覺知意識之中, 所以, 現在有許多不同程度的覺知意識存在 --- 比較膚淺的心理\情緒管路, 以及一個更為深度的 ‘多維度\已經擴張的覺知意識’.
It is this Expanded Consciousness of which we wish to speak now. It is a Consciousness that touches deep into the Earth and deep into the Cosmos. It is a Consciousness that awakens your connection to the Galaxy, but also to the Earth.
我們先談 ‘多維度\已經擴張的覺知意識’ ~~那是一個往深處去觸摸地球, 而且觸摸大宇宙的覺知意識. ~~這 ‘覺知意識’~~喚醒了你與銀河的連接, 以及與地球的連接.
As you expand into the New Reality you will find yourself “dreaming” with the Earth. You will become aware that you are a part of Gaia and that she speaks to you, not in a superficial way, but in a very deep consciousness where she will transmit to you images and felings. You will feel with her and dream with her.
隨著你擴張入新實相 --- 你將發現你自己與地球 ‘一起作夢’. 你會覺知到你是地球的一部份, 而且她會跟你說話, 而且不是膚淺的方式, 而是在很深的覺知意識層次 ~~在那裡她會傳輸影像與感覺給你. 你會感覺到她並且與她一起作夢.
Some of you may be asked to assist in deep healing processes for the Earth in places such as Fukishima in Japan, or to assist in working with the Forests, or in clearing and cleansing the Oceans and the Air so that the New Earth can manifest. Those who are called to this work will be the Warriors of Light who will focus intention into the Transformation of old beliefs and patterns from Atlantis into the New Earth patterns.
你們有些人會被要求來協助 ‘深層的療癒程序’ ~~因為地球狀況與日本的Fukishima核爆場狀態差不多, 或者你會被要求來協助森林, 或是負責清理與清潔海洋與空氣 ~~才能讓新地球顯化出來. 被呼喚來的人都是 ‘光之戰士’們 ~~他們將專注於轉變來自亞特蘭提斯時代的舊信念與模式, 轉變入新的地球模式.
Then there will be those who are asked simply to dream with Gaia and to dream a NewEarth of Abundance, Love, Beauty and Clarity. To Dream Clear Skies, Clean Oceans and Lakes, Healthy Trees and Forests and Plants, and all Living Beings Co-existing in Love and Respect. This is the emerging and original dream, as the Atlantis trauma is healed and the New Earth Emerges into manifestation.
然後其他人會只是被要求來與蓋亞一起作夢 ~~來夢想出一個充滿豐盛富庶, 愛心, 美麗與清晰度的新地球. 夢想出乾淨的天空, 海洋\湖泊, 健康的樹與森林\植物, 而且所有生物體都共存共榮在愛與尊重之中. 這是逐漸顯像出來的原創夢想 --- 隨著亞特蘭提斯時代的創傷被療癒, 新地球就會完全顯化出來.
We wish you Joy in your Deep Dreams of a New Earth and a New Reality
© 2013-14 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author.
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Posted by Janice Collins on October 21, 2013 / Ascension /
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