
   (讚嘆! 原來如此!)

白度母解釋現況: 希望的訊息!

White Tara with a message of Hope


Channeler: Jose Sanchez

Posted by Meindert Arends on October 10, 2013 at 8:26pmView Blog

中文翻译林琚月 20131011


RL: “白度母是由觀世音菩薩的眼淚所化現的神尊.


這樣大家就可以安心前行了! 再次感恩!


通靈人Jose Sanchez前言:

I am so happy to be able to share with you once again the love and the energy of such a lovely and amazing being as the White Tara is.


My God if only i had the words to describe such a beauty, but my only hope is that you feel her love and her sweetness through her words.

我的天啊! 真希望我知道如何能形容這樣一位美的女神, 但我唯一的希望是你們能從她的話語中感應到她的甜蜜.


Love be with you my dear family,




I come to you again in this beautiful day. So much expansiveness and incredible amounts of downloads are happening and will continue to happen until the day when the long awaited moment of truth arrives.

我再次在這美麗的日子來到你們面前. 許多的擴張以及不可思議的數量的下載正在發生當中, 而且會繼續發生 ~~~直到這一天~~當這冗長等待的真理的時刻終於到達! (大揭露\大宣佈?)


It isn't a moment in time but a moment in perception because you have all reached the new Earth. you have all been there for a while now.

這將不是一個時間點, 而是一個 理解感應. 因為你們全都已經到達新地球. 你們已經都在裡面一段時間了.


What has been happening is the clearing of the layers. Imagine an over imposed image being removed from the true image.

目前已經發生一段時間的事情 --- 許多層面的清洗. 想像一個在真實影像上面被蓋上去的外皮假象目前正在被剝下來當中.


My word the true reality is so colorful and beautiful and many of you are now seeing and feeling the new energies of the new Earth.

相信我的話 ~~真實的實相是如此多彩多姿而且美麗, 你們中有許多人現在都已經看到並且感覺到這新地球的新能量.


So many of you have left the old paradigm of war and worry behind and are here as great living anchors of light. With each and everyone of you who awakens a new thread is connected to your new reality and this makes the process go faster and faster.

你們有許多人都已經把舊實相中的戰爭與擔憂拋到後頭去了, 而且以 偉大的錨定光的方式存在於這裡. 每次只要你們其中的每一個人或任何一個人覺醒了, 一條線索就連接入了新地球的實相中~~而這編織的程序就是如此越來越快.



You are becoming one with the new grid of light and the effects are being felt world wide and all through the universe.

你們正在與新的光矩陣變成合一當中, 而全世界甚至整個宇宙都感覺到了這效應.


Now to matters of change. It was no accident the American government shut down on the day after my arrival. This has been orchestrated by heaven.

現在談談 地球大轉變之事. 美國政府在我到達之後那天關門~~這並不是一個意外. 這是天堂所安排定的事.


The powers that were have wanted since they realized there was no scape from the influx of love and light to go down with the ship and to take as many of you with them as they possibly can.

這舊權勢 --- 一直想要 --- 把盡量能夠拖下水去的你們跟著他們的破船下去 --- 當他們了悟到 --- 他們完全無法擺脫



It has been a great disappointment for them to also realized that their plan won't be allowed to come to fruition.


--- 就是他們的計劃不會被允許完成!


They made their beds and now they have to lay in them and no choice but to accept the consequence of their ways.

他們自己做了自己睡覺的床, 所以現在他們必須去躺在裡面 --- 毫無選擇餘地 --- 只能接受他們自己的因果報應.


Also know they will be greatly acknowledged and appreciated for their tremendous work in helping accelerate your growth.

但是請同時明白 --- 他們的非常工作’ --- 來加快你們的成長這件事 --- 這功勞是被嚴重的認可, 而且受到感謝的.


(RL: “白度母用一體之兩面~~具體的再度解釋佛法的不思善不思惡’.)


They have been trying through their silly games of politics to instill fear in you all their main modus operandi.



What they have done through their silly games is to open the door wide open for the new financial system as you all are wishing for a more peaceful way of life.

他們透過他們愚蠢的政治遊戲所做到的--- 就是為 新金融系統把大門大大地打開了 ~~~就如同你們全部所希望得到的~~一個更為和平的生活方式.


This face off is coming to and end and it is on its last leg. You are all tired of their old set ways and are praying for change and again I repeat this is all being cleared and the true reality of peace and love is surfacing.

這撕去面具的過程已經到達結束時候了, 這事已經站在它最後一根腳上了.你們全部都已經厭倦了他們的老套模式, 你們全部都在祈禱改變的發生, 我再一次強調 ~~




Abundance is your new way of life. Yes all debts will be forgiven and you will all enjoy more time to play and grow in your spirituality.

豐盛是你們新的生活方式. 是的, 所有的債務都會被取消, 而你們全部都將享受擁有更多休閒時間, 以及靈性成長時間的生活.


You have been conditioned to believe that the only way to succeed is to work hard but that isn't so.

你們全部都被洗腦了去相信 --- 要成功的唯一方法就是辛苦的工作’ --- 但事實並非如此!


Your brethren of light enjoy much time to commune with the all and to play and do as they wish.

你們光的兄弟們喜歡與所有萬有溝通, 喜歡玩, 做他們愛做的事.


Play time is a must for everyone and you are soon going to receive a great download and boost in your thinking and your knowing that will allow you to see and understand this brand new way of life.

遊戲時間是必須的 --- 對每個人而言 --- 你們很快就會收到一個偉大的下載來提昇你的思考力, 以及你的知識\認知能力 --- 這能力會讓你看到並且理解到這全新的生活方式’.


Enjoy your lives to the fullest and this joy will warp you forth into a loving life.

It was through your fears they fed and grew in power by keeping you too busy to realize how powerful you all are.

要完全的享受你的人生到極致! 喜悅會把你轉入一個有愛的人生’.

黑暗份子他們就是靠餵養恐懼給你, 同時靠把你們困在忙碌之中來擴大他們權力 --- 讓你們沒有機會去了解到 --- 你們每個人自己的力量有多大.


My dear children as their numbers dwindle your numbers grow and you all are becoming stronger and wiser by holding more light and by walking in a higher frequency..

我親愛的孩子們,隨著他們人數的消減, 你們的人數的增加, 你們全部的人都變得更強壯了, 也更有智慧了 ~~只要你們持續秉持著更多的光, 以及走在一個更高的頻率當中


Their resources are being exhausted and yours abound. Use your eyes to see and your hearts to feel you new reality...

他們的籌碼資源已經被耗光了,可是你們的資源卻充足而沒有限量. 所以使用你的眼睛去看真相, 用你的心去感覺一下你的新實相吧


Awaken, awaken, awakened you are.

醒來吧! 醒來吧! 醒來吧! 你是醒著的.


Every night most of you are working so very lovingly and with such a fervor because you know you are in perfect harmony with the all and the divine plan of ascension.

每個晚上~~~你們大部份的人都工作得如此有愛極了 ~~而且如此熱誠 ~~因為你知道你是在與萬有的完美合諧之中,也在神聖的揚升計劃之中.


As you all go into dream state your education has accelerated in that way when the moment of truth is here you will have the tools and the knowledge to usher your grand awakening and a great renaissance of light.

在你們晚上睡覺作夢之狀態中~~ 你們的教育訓練都被加快了 --- 這樣做的目的是為了 --- 真相爆發那一刻(大事件\外星大揭露\大宣佈) ~~~你們能夠有工具和知識來迎入你偉大的覺醒, 以及一個偉大的光明的復甦’.


Every morning when you come into your physical bodies some of you might feel disoriented and tired, do not worry yourselves as this is only temporary as the body adjusts and jumps in frequency.

每天早上當你回到你的物質身體中時, 你們有些人可能會覺得有點失去方向感, 很累 --- 請不需要為自己擔心 --- 這只是暫時的 --- 因為你的身體在調適並且在頻率之中跳躍.


(RL: 這幾個月早上醒來確實特別的累, 但是什麼都不記得, 偶爾身體會很餓, 可是怎麼吃都吃不飽. )


Each and every day you anchor more and more new light, new energies and new forces thus laying the foundation not only for the rainbow bridge but the rainbow existence and reality.

每一天~~~你錨定更多更多的新的光能, 新的能量, 以及新的力量進入你身體 ~~因此你打下了一個地基 --- 不只是為彩虹橋的建立, 更是為彩虹的存在以及新實相’.


Why am i calling it rainbow?



You will see everything more vibrant more alive and your eyes will see a rainbow with great spectrum of colors far beyond what you can see now.

你們將會看到每一樣東西都更具有生命力, 更活潑, 而你們的眼睛會看到一個彩虹 ~~擁有偉大的光譜顏色 ~~遠超過你們現在所能看到的.


How many of you have wished to go back in time and to do things with innocence of a child but with the knowledge of an adult?

你們有多少人曾經希望可以回到過去~~並重新用孩子的純真來處理所有事情, 可是卻擁有一個成年人的知識!


Now imagine and realized that is what your new reality is like, you will carry the wonder, the innocence of a curious child with the knowledge and the understanding of ascended masters. You will have your cake and you will get to eat it too.

現在想像, 並且明白 ~~你的新實相就是像這樣! ~~你將會帶著一個好奇小孩的純真與好奇心, 可是又擁有一個已揚升大師的知識與理解力.---你將可以魚與熊掌兼得



Reach out to the skies and know you can touch it with your hearts and bring all that energy into you and help you nourish you when you feel tired and allow it to uplift you when you feel down.

把手伸向天空 ~~~知道你可以用你的心觸摸到天空 ~~並把所有能量帶入自己之內 ~~協助你滋潤自己 ---在你疲倦的時候, 並且允許這能量提升你從沮喪中出來.


The entire universe is here to serve you great masters, yes you are getting the job done in such a meticulous way.

整個宇宙都來到了這裡來為你們這些偉大的大師們服務! ~~是的, 你們確實把工作完成得很好 --- 以一種乾淨利落的方式.


You are now crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's. You are crossing all the bridges and have now bridged heaven and Earth.




I wish to now mention the comet known to you as ISON, this comet has now made several course correction which has led many to finally realize, one that is has consciousness and two that is is more of a space ship than just a regular comet.

我現在想提一下你們稱之為ISON的彗星的事 --- 這慧星改變了它的航線多次, ~~而且已經讓許多人終於了解到 --- 首先, 它是有覺知意識, 其次, 它比較算是一個太空飛船, 而不只是一般的慧星.


This is a blessing for you all a wonderful gift of new light and the new templates for a new Earth. Many new seeds are within it that will accelerate your perception and understanding of your universe and the universe within you.




在其中有許多新的種籽, ~~~





Lift your gaze to the heavens as many things will take place to signal the arrival of this vessel of light.





Blessings are within you, love is who you are.

祝福加持就在你的內在! 而愛就是你!

(愛就是你生命的定義! 你就是愛本身!)

Love, Live, Sing.

愛著! 活著! 唱歌吧!

White Tara






RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

           修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!







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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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