(重要) 天狼星A星人:


SIRIUS A on the birth of the new paradigms of human consciousness by Karen Doonan


Posted by ★ρlεïαḋïαṉṡταɾṡεεḋ on October 9, 2013 at 12:39amView Blog

Channeller: (c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


中文翻译林琚月 20131009  http://blog.sina.com.cn/rebeccahjlin




Greetings beloved ones we are the BEings from SIRIUS A and we come to connect and to guide and to support as all now moves and shifts to a higher frequency and the higher dimensional timeline realities are birthed into the waking consciousness of the human race. We come to guide on the movements of ALL at this time as the new higher dimensional frequencies begin their work in TRUTH upon planet earth.

大家好! 親愛的一們, 我們是來自天狼星A星球的存有, 我們過來與你們連繫, 並且來引導你們並支持你們 ~~~這個時候 ~~~當全部現在都在移動並揚升入一個更高的頻率之時, 而且一條更高的時間線實相已經被誕生入人類族群中正在覺醒當中的覺知意識.我們在此時來引導所有人的移動 --- 因為新的更高維度的頻率們已經在行星地球上開始了他們真相\真理中的工作.




The outpouring of lower dimensional frequencies from the human race will show as much anger, frustration and fear and this will ripple out across the planet earth as those who have stored these frequencies now release in order to anchor the higher dimensional frequencies.

需要注意的是 --- 目前來自人類族群的較低維度的頻率們 --- 將表現\帶出許多憤怒, 痛苦掙扎, 和恐懼 --- 而這些情緒將會像水波一樣波動遍及整個行星地球--- 因為那些儲藏了這些頻率們的人們 --- 現在正在釋放出這些情緒 --- 這樣他們才能錨定入更高維度的頻率.


(RL: 我個人有發現身邊人的情緒發作較頻繁. 大家似乎都在傾倒出些什麼.)


It is to be noted that the processing of BOTH sets of frequencies is underway within the human vehicle and at times it may be that you swing from one "extreme" to another, this is merely the human vehicle trying to find balance as you begin to align with the higher dimensional reality that is chosen by your SOUL. For the SOUL is guiding this human journey and the SOUL is now fully aligning with SELF at a human conscious waking mind level.

大家需要注意到 --- 目前在人體載具中, 有兩套的頻率系統同時在人體內同時運作處理當中, 而有時候 --- 看起來是 --- 你正從一個極端擺盪到另一個極端. --- 這單純的只是人類載具正試著在尋找平衡’ ----隨著你開始與更高維度的實相對齊 --- 而這是你的靈魂所選擇的.因為靈魂正在引領著這個人類的旅程, 而且這靈魂現在是完全與本我對齊 ~~在一個人類清楚覺醒的心智層次上的.


The old 3d earth paradigms were created from the lower dimensional frequencies of the planetary systems of Orion, the Pleiades and Sirius and it is to be noted that these ripple throughout ALL dimensional timelines that are built from the main base timelines. Many of you at this time are reacting to events and scenarios that are based in these base dimensional timelines and will be highly triggered by events that unfold in your personal waking life experiences.

這個老舊的, 三維的地球實相 --- 是從來自獵戶座, 昴宿星和天狼星的行星系統的低維頻率所創建的. --- 要注意到這些翻捲過所有維度時間線的情緒波浪 --- 都是建立在最基礎線的時間線裡的.你們許多人目前對許多事件與情況產生了許多情緒反應 --- 而這些都是立基在這最基礎線的時間線裡的, 而且很容易在你個人覺醒的人生經驗的幡然醒悟中被啟動.


This is a "control" mechanism that was created within these lower dimensional frequencies and we highlight these in order you become more consciously aware of that which is triggering you, for you can only dissolve something that you can see. Many of you may now find that drama springs up around you and feel "unable" to control what is unfolding.

這是一個被創建在這些較低的維度頻率中的控制機制 --- 我們特別指出這些事 --- 來讓你能夠變得更清醒的覺知到 --- 這些啟動你的東西 --- 因為你只能解除你能看到的東西.你們許多人現在可能發現到 --- 戲劇在你的四周發生, 而覺得無能為力去控制正在發生中的事.



We guide for clarity that you control nothing, all is in FLOW and the ability to allow the flow is the key to this process. The old 3d earth paradigms re-inforcing the need to oversee all parts of the human life taken to the extreme of being in tight control of all of life sees a life that is stagnant and out of sync with the greater universe.

我們引導清晰度’ --- 請你不要去控制任何事 --- 全部事情都在流程,能夠順流而走~~~正是這處理程序的關鍵.老的三維地球實相會再度增強這個 --- 管理人類所有生命\生活部份的需要’ --- 到達極端程度來嚴厲的把關人生的全部 --- 而且把人生視為是呆滯的, 並且與更大的宇宙是不同步調的.


As the ascension of the human race is now fully underway then the need to be in FLOW will start to birth within you as you begin to remember and begin to anchor TRUTH to new levels.

由於人類族群的揚昇 ~~現在是完全在進行當中, 所以需要去停留在流程當中~~~這件事會在你的內在發生 --- 當你開始去記得, 並且開始去錨定真相\真理入新的層次之時.


The teachings of the old 3d earth paradigms will try to teach you that you live on a planet that is dying and is in complete chaos and this is not TRUTH, for all now begins to shift and to evolve and expand. Going within and moving into the heart space will show TRUTH and the need for all to shift to a new way of living and BEing and all to come back into the harmony and synchronicity of the UNIVERSE will now increase as you begin to anchor the higher dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

三維地球實相的教導會試著教你你是生活在一個正在死亡當中的行星之上, 而且是在完全的混亂當中, ----但這不是真的! ---因為現在所有東西都開始在提升, 改變, 進展, 擴大之中.所以移往內心去吧! 移入你的心間你將會發現真相\真理, 以及 全部東西\人都需要提升改變入一種新的生活方式, 新的存在方式這件事, ~~~而且全部的人與東西\事情都需要回復到與宇宙同步且和諧的路線上. ~~~需要將會發生得更多~~~ 隨著你錨定新地球更高維度頻率’!


That which has been guided will now expand and manifest upon the planet, we remind for clarity that ALL JUST IS and ALL is perception, in order to understand that which is unfolding at a personal level you need to align with your SOUL and to move into the heart space. Reliance on outside information including our guidance is to step outside of SELF, we send this guidance in writtten format in order to help you at a human conscious level begin to reference all that now unfolds for you but at a SOUL level ALL are receiving this guidance at ALL times, for ALL JUST IS and ALL ARE ONE.

以上提及的引導 ~~從現在開始會擴張, 而且會顯化在這行星之上.~~~我們再次提醒 ~~要明晰的知道~~所有萬有所是都是’ ~~~所有的事都只是你理解的角度而已! --- 為了讓你自己能夠在個人層次理解目前正在發生的事 --- 需要去對齊連結你的靈魂--- 並且移入自己心間.(: 讓心作主.) 你對外在訊息的倚賴, 包括對我們引導的倚賴, 都是往本我之外在攀求--- 我們把這個指導以書面形式給你們 --- 就是要讓你們在人類覺知意識層級能夠開始索引到資料 --- 知道目前發生在你眼前的事’ --- 都是靈魂層級的事. --- ‘萬有目前全都收到這個引導 ~~~在全部的時間裡 --- 因為萬有皆是而且萬有都是’.


At an energetic level all now unfolds RAPIDLY and we draw your attention to the need to be able to process vast amounts of energy at a human conscious waking mind level. For many of you this will see an increase in the need for sleep and for rest, your challenge at this level is the 3d earth teachings in relation to rest and sleep and the dissolving of said deeply anchored paradigms.

在一個能量層次--- 全部的事現在都會非常快速的發生 ~~~而我們需要你們去注意到~~~你們將必需能夠在人類覺醒的心智清楚程度上 ~~去處理龐大的能量!!!對你們許多人 ~~你們將會看到一個需要的增加--- 就是你需要更多睡眠與休息, --- 在這裡你的挑戰 --- 三維地球對你的教導’ ---有關於休息, 睡眠, 以及消除以上提到的事情--- 那些被深刻的錨定的()實相.


Be guided at all times by how you FEEL and the needs of the human vehicle for the human vehicle is adjusting as you as an ENERGY in TRUTH are adjusting to the new frequencies that are anchoring within and across the planet earth. To try to apply logic to the landscapes that are now unfolding across and within planet earth may move you into much chaos for the human logical mind has no reference point for all that now unfolds.

用你的感覺引導你自己 ~~在所有的時候 ~~~以及用人類的需要引導自 ---因為人類載具正在調節適應當中 ~~~正如身為一團能量的你也正在調節適應~~~目前正在錨定入地球行星的內部與週圍環境之中的~~新頻率們. 如果想試著以邏輯常理來分析目前發生在整個地球上與內部的事情的話 ---會讓人類的你陷入許多混亂當中 --- 因為人類邏輯心智是完全無法索引到目前發生的事情的.


Ascension is ascension and is a process that sees ALL move energetically into a new space and new dimensional realities, as such there is never any reference points and the old 3d earth may try to teach that as you have none that these realities do not exist.

揚升就是揚升, 而且是這樣一個程序 ~~~它監控著萬有能量方式移入一個新的空間, 以及新的維度實相們之中--- 所以這樣的事不可能在以前有可以索引到的資料 --- 所以三維地球可能會試著教你 --- 這些其他維度其實並不存在.


The need for PROOF for the human logical mind has been deeply taught and we guide clearly that trying to analyse something that JUST IS and is FLOWING will result in a lowering of your frequency and a movement into a holding pattern that generates frustration and chaos. This works to keep you in a loop that you cannot see a way out of , we guide you at all times to move into the heart space, validate all that is now unfolding for you at a personal waking level by how you FEEL.

人類邏輯心智需要證據的習慣 ---已經根深柢固, --- 所以我們清楚的在此告訴你們 --- 想要分析一個就是這麼回事的一件事’, 而且是一個正在發生中的流程’ --- 會造成你們頻率的降低, --- 而且這動作會把你移入一個停滯的模式中 --- 只會產生痛苦掙扎與混亂. 這樣的操作 --- 會讓你狗追自己尾巴而出不來, --- 我們引導你 ---

無論在任何時候 --- 移入自己內心, 讓心作主 --- 依照你的感覺’ ~~來確定\肯定~~~目前發生在你眼前的事 ~~~以一種個人清醒的感覺層次. (: 而非教條或是別人的意見, 是你內心真正的感覺.)


Working with the New Energy frequencies this way will see you move into the new dimensional spaces in order to remember, as you remember you will gain in strength and energy as you begin to understand the very process that you could not resonate with at a purely logical level. 以這種方式與新能量頻率運作在一起 ~~可以幫助你移入這新的維度空間 ~~~才能讓你記得 --- 而隨著你記憶起 ~~你就會得到力量與能量 ~~~因為你會開始理解這非常程序’ --- 那市你無法用純粹的邏輯層次去共鳴到的.


TRUST in this process is vital at this time for many are trying to hold back believing that something terrible will befall them, beloved ones the "terrible" is what you are moving FROM in order to create heaven upon earth and we guide for you to process our words through your heart space for the heart KNOWS TRUTH.

信任這個程序 --- 在此時是非常重要的關鍵! ---因為許多人試著拉住自己 --- 以為什麼可怕的事會發生在他們身上 --- 親愛的一們, 可怕的事’ ~~就是你正要從舊實相那裡移走的那個舊東西--- 你才能在地球上創造出天堂! --- 我們引導你們 --- 請用你的心來消化一下這些話 ---因為你的心知道真相’”!!!


We are the energies of SIRIUS A and we will guide more as needed. For ALL at this time upon planet earth we send you the LOVE that IS, may it flow through your heart space and help you remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH. ALL ARE ONE.

我們是來自天狼星A星的能量 --- 而我們會試需要做出更多引導. 我們寄給地球萬有們’ ~~~因為就是’(: 就是存在’)! ~~但願它流經你們的心, 並幫助你們記得你們在真相中的自我! 萬有是一!


(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved



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RL: 欢迎大家转载, 但请勿删修任何文字, 特别是渠道名称与译者名称. 尊重作者, 译者与著作权! 请小心因果报应! 并请大家不要转载刨窃的作品, 不要成为帮凶并分担业障! 请大家协助保持灵学界的清净!

           修行路上大家加油! 无限祝福!










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    Rebecca Lin

    安琚樂月 生靈昇靈

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