
        (有鬼!!! 鬼來了~~~~~!!!)

NSA美國國家安全局的超級巨大的新資料中心 --- 正在 融化當中 ---

而且沒有人知道為什麼??? 20131008

The NSA's Huge New Data Center Keeps Having Meltdowns And No One Knows Why



資料來源: Source Link: Business Insider
中文翻译林琚月 20131009

The National Security Agency's new $2 billion Utah data center keeps suffering from costly meltdowns and government officials are not sure of the cause,  Siobhan Gorman of The Wall Street Journal reports.
NSA美國國家安全局最新的20億美元的猶他州資料中心持續的產生非常昂貴的融化, 而政府官員們不知道造成這現象原因是什麼 ---華爾街日報報導.



Since August 2012, there have been 10 electrical surges that have prevented the NSA from using computers. One official described them as "a flash of lightning inside a 2-foot box."
2012八月開始, 已經連續有十次電線短路 --- 造成NSA無法使用電腦.一個官員形容---好像在一個兩英尺長的盒子裡有一陣閃電發生似的.

Each meltdown caused as much as $100,000 in damage. The center requires about 65 megawatts of electricity to run, at a cost of more than $1 million a month, and the surges are probably connected to the electrical system's inability to simultaneously run computers and keep them cool.

每次融化都會造成十萬美元損失. 這資料中心需要65兆瓦的電力來轉動, 大約一百萬美元的電費一個月, 而且這短路可能與這電子系統無法同時跑所有電腦並讓它們保持冷卻有關.


The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), which is overseeing the data center's construction, disagrees with contractors on a number of issues, noting that the causes of the meltdowns "are not yet sufficiently understood" despite contractors' assertions the "root cause" had been uncovered.

In a report, an ACE team notes that the government has incomplete information about the design of the electrical system. It also found that regular quality controls in design and construction were bypassed in an effort to "fast track" the Utah project.

The million square-foot data mining complex is meant to serve as "the NSA cloud," James Bamford, author of the book "The Shadow Factory: The NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America," wrote in Wired last year. "The center will be fed data from the agency's eavesdropping satellites, overseas listening posts, and secret monitoring rooms in telecom facilities throughout the U.S."



James Bamford--- 去年出版的"The Shadow Factory: The NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America,"一書作者說: 這百萬英尺的資料礦場本來是用來作為NSA資料雲庫. --- 所有單位收集到的衛星竊聽資料, 海外的竊聽裝置, 以及存在全美國的電子\電信監控資料都會匯集在此處.


One Fox News report said that the center has the potential to store as much as 5 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1 billion terabytes = 1 trillion gigabytes). With just 1 zettabyte (1024 exabytes) of space, the NSA can store a year's worth of the global Internet traffic (which is estimated reached 966 exabytes per year in 2015).
FOX新聞說 --- 這資料庫可以收集到五萬億GB的記憶潛力. 在一萬億GB記憶容量內就可以儲存全球一整年的網路操作訊息 (這容量在2015年將達到966 exabytes一年).
Gorman notes that the agency currently "collects the phone records of nearly all Americans and has built a system with telecommunications companies that provides coverage of roughly 75% of Internet communications in the U.S."

Check out the full report at WSJ > (

Read more:

Posted by enerchi at 10/08/2013 10:43:00 PM 


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