
銀河\地球聯盟: 降落部隊回憶Part 4


Galactic\Earth Alliance Landing Party Remembers 4

Channel: Suzanne Lie5-5-13


Galactic/EarthAlliance 銀河\地球聯盟:

The Landing Party Remembers – Part 4  降落部隊回憶Part 4

Morning on Earth 地球的早晨


I have not been feeling like myself lately. Not that I am complaining, as I am really enjoying feeling this way. However, there is a weird inner confusion in which I know I am me, but I also feel like I am more than me. I think my dreams are starting to change my perception of myself. In fact, myself is beginning to encompass a SELF that is beyond what I ever thought of as me.

最近覺得很不自在,不像自己.我不是在抱怨,而且我是真的享受這種感覺.但是,內心中有一種奇怪的內在混亂---我在其中---我知道我是我自己---但我同時也感覺到自己似乎超越自己所以為的.我想我的夢開始在改變我對自己的理解.事實上,我自己開始在包括入一個本我’ ---那是超越我曾經想像過的自己的.


I have not dreamed of being on the Ship for a while, but I have been having these other very weird dreams in which I am some kind of Priestess. I live out in Nature in a big area, which is much like a high desert here. By "here" I mean that I do not think that this place is on Earth. Well, if I can go to a Spaceship at night, why not go to a different planet? On this other planet, my dream planet, I have a different body. I am very tall and thin. I have very white skin and long blond hair.

我已經有一段時間沒有夢見自己上飛船了,但我一直有其他那些非常奇怪的夢---在裏面我好像是某種女祭司.我住在大自然之中,在一個很大的區域---這裏很像是一個很高的沙漠. 我說這裏的意思是我不認為這裏是地球. Well,如果我晚上可以上飛船,那為何不能去一個不同的星球?在這個別的星球上,我夢中的星球,我有個不一樣的身體.我又高又瘦.我有很白的皮膚,以及金色長髮.


I can't see my own eyes, but I feel like I am the person I dreamed about the other night. I appear to look like her, only now I am not looking at her. In this dream I AM her. At least, I was her in the dream. I must say, I wish I was her all the time. Except, that she/I still have that bit of sadness, as if something is missing. Also, She/I also have a feeling of urgency, as if something is about to happen, and there is something I am supposed to do.



In my dream I appeared to be very clear what that "something" was, but I was unable to bring that part of the dream forward. It seems that when I dream I can remember the emotional images, but the details of what is happening around me become lost when I wake up. I wonder if I could be hypnotized so that I could remember? However, It would have to be a very open minded person who helped me, or I think I would freak them out. Worse yet, the person may think I am crazy.



No, I need to keep this to my self, my own personal self. I don't think I can even talk about this on my Blog. It won't do me any good to hear that I am crazy because that is my suspicion/fear. However, I am so tired of allowing fear to rule my life. Where did it get me anyway? Those people that I was afraid would judge me actually didn't even care enough to notice me, much less judge me.



I wonder if it would be possible for me to talk to this dream person that I have seen and experienced being? However, I do know how I could possible do that. At least, right now I believe that I can't talk to her. Maybe if I let myself believe that I could talk with her, I could find a way to communicate. But, how do I make myself believe something that I do not believe?



That Night on Earth那晚在地球


I can see that that my contact person is very close to being able to communicate with me. However, I am not sure how to bridge this gap. I think I will return to the Ship for a bit so that I can consult with the Arcturian. Oh, yes, then I can see Mytre too. I miss him so much. When we are apart in this way I feel like I am only half of myself. I thought that when we bi-located I would have more contact with my reality on the Ship.


However, that world seems further away every day, in fact, every minute. I have not allowed that thought to enter my mind because it carries a resonance of fear. What if I were one of those who became trapped in the physical body? I know that I have gone much deeper into the consciousness of my Contact Person than I was supposed to, but I could not get her attention otherwise.



I have her attention now in that she is dreaming of my/our life and expressing a desire to communicate with me. On the other hand, I feel like I may have gone too deep. Right now, while she is sleeping, I can remember my true SELF, but more and more often I am getting lost in her mundane life. When I look deeply into this scenario I realize that I usually get lost when she is involved in daily, 3D activities.



The density of that world is quite addictive. There is so much fear in earth life. I have developed a greater respect of the plight of humans in the 2013 Earth Timeline. For one thing, many of the most evolved humans were expecting a new beginning. What they are experiencing instead is a very long ending of a reality that was filled with fear and disappointments.

那個世界的命運是非常讓人像吸毒一樣上癮.地球生活中有如此多的恐懼存在.我已經對2013地球人類時間線的困境產生了很多的尊敬.舉個例子而言,許多靈性最先進的人類們都在期望著一個新的開始.可是他們所經驗到的 ---卻是一個充滿著恐懼與失望的舊實相的冗長的結束過程.


I am very proud of how so many humans have found a way to adapt to their disappointment and carry on without becoming too distracted. I guess they are very accustomed to NOT getting what they want. In fact, they are too accustomed to that disappointment. I wish I could find a way to tell them their New Earth has begun. However, moving out of the old Earth is much more difficult than any of us had guessed.

我為這麼許多人類是如何尋找到一個方法來調適他們的失望並且沒有太分心的持續走下去的這件事---感到很驕傲!---我猜他們很習慣 ---得不到他們要的東西.事實上,他們太適應‘失望’了!我希望我可以找到一個方法來告訴他們---他們的‘新地球’已經開始了!但是,要從‘舊地球’中移出來比我們所有人所猜測的更困難許多.


There are still so many humans who are deeply asleep and unaware of the higher light or their Higher SELF. Now I understand why humans have had to learn such patience. We Pleiadians have been able to instantly manifest for years beyond earth-bound counting. I realize now why Mytre and I had to experience the ascension of our Homeworld before we took on this assignment. We had to remember how it felt to be bound by time, limitation and fear.



 However, I do not recall that we have experienced the full Pleiadian ascension. My mind is becoming increasingly blurring as I spend more time in this earth form. Yes, "time," I thought I had left that behind as well. I must say, I have gained a great deal of humility from this assignment. But, wait, Almon, I just realized how my consciousness has abandoned him at the NOW of him falling from the peak of theVioletTempleand into the Violet Fire.

但是,我不記得我們有經驗完全的昴宿星球的揚升.我的心智開始變得越來越模糊---隨著我停留在地球人身形式中的時間越來越長.是的, ‘時間’ ---我以為我也已經把那個拋在腦後了.我必須說,我從這個任務中學習到了許多謙虛.但是,等一下,Almon,我突然想起來了我的覺知意識是如何把他在當下拋棄出去的---在他從紫蘿蘭廟的尖端跌下來而跌入紫蘿蘭火焰中時?


My human friend is still sleeping, so I think I can expand my consciousness enough to return to that moment of raising theVioletTemple. Dare I bi-locate into the Pleiadian ascension, while maintaining my residence in this form, while wearing this earth body and keeping a stream of consciousness actively connecting us all?



I know that the Arcturians and the most evolved Pleiadian are able to experience myriad realities at once. Yes, I just need to remember being a swirling light, as I was with Mytre and the Arcturian. With that thought I expand my consciousness to embrace not only my form on the Ship, my consciousness within the human and my Nowness of SELF while I, also, expand my attention into the needs of my dear Almon on our Pleiadian planet.

我知道‘大角星人’以及最進步的昴宿星人是能夠同時經驗數個實相的.是的,我只是需要去記得做為一團迴旋的光,就像我和Mytre‘大角星人’在一起那時一樣.在這樣想之後,我擴大了我的覺知去擁抱不只是我留在飛船上的‘形式’,我留在人類身體裏的覺知,以及我在‘當下的本我’ ----當我,也同時,擴大我的注意力進入我在昴宿星球上親愛的Almon的需求中時.


Too late, I realize that I forgot to call upon my sixth dimensional SELF to create a stable matrix on which my consciousness can travel. Worse yet, I did not adequately ground myself in any of these realities. I can feel myself disengaging from the human, but I am not engaged with my form on the Ship or my reality at the point of the Pleiadian ascension.



On the Ship在飛船上


I tried to contain my fear and replace it with unconditional love as I called out to the Arcturian. Of course, It was there before my call was completed.



"Mytria's life signs are very low now,” I desperately told the Arcturian.  “With her great compassion she has decided to bi-locate back to theVioletTemple. I am concerned this is too much for her,"

“Mytria的生命訊號現在很低很低,”我絕望的告訴大角星人’. “由於她的大悲心她決定雙重存在回去紫蘿蘭廟.我擔心這對她可能無法承受.”


"You are correct,” responded the Arcturian. “Mytria has extended herself too far. You will need to assist her."

你是對的,” ‘大角星人,“Mytria過度擴充了她自己.你必須去協助她.”


"No," I cry, doubting my own power, "There is too much to risk. You should assist her."

,”我喊著,懷疑我自己的能力, “太危險了.你應該協助她.”


"There is no one who could help her more than you," the Arcturian actually used It's voice to calm me. "We shall assist both of you within the NOW."



"But which expression of her SELF should I go to? She has spread herself too thin. I know that she has done so because of her great love for all life, but that knowledge does not assist her or me."



However, the Arcturian had left my consciousness. If I to assist Mytria I would have to calm down and move into my sixth dimensional consciousness, as well as take on an earth vessel. Since Mytria had forgotten to create a sixth dimensional matrix upon which to travel, and since she did not adequately ground herself in the earth vessel she was wearing, I would have to do take those precautions for her.

但是, ‘大角星人已經離開我的覺知意識了.假如我去協助Mytria我就必須冷靜下來,並且移入我第六個維度的覺知意識中,同時穿上一個地球載具.由於Mytria忘記了創造一個創造一個第六維度的矩陣來旅行,因此她沒有穩住她自己在她穿的地球載具之中,我就必須去為她小心這件事.


Mytria’s long stay in an earth vessel has diminished Mytria’s state of consciousness. Therefore, she has forgot to expand her conscious awareness from her lowest resonance form into the sixth dimensional matrix of her Light Being. My presence in both of these frequencies of her reality will assist her to remember what she has forgotten. Besides, this is the only way in which I can connect with all of her expressions at once.



However I, too, will bi-locate to multiple realities. I will go into my meditation cubicle on the Ship to maintain a connection between all these realities, move into my sixth dimensional matrix, bi-locate to our Pleiadian timeline of raising the Violet Temple and bi-locate into the physical earth vessel of the male human with whom I have been communicating.



Next Mourning on Earth地球隔天的早晨


WOW, that was a dream of all dreams. I was in so many different places at once that I could not make sure who I was. The dream was kind of cool, but now that I have been awake for a while, I have a horrible sense of impending doom. Oh NO! I thought I was over that. How could I fall back to that old behavior of being self absorbed with my own petty issues.



However, these did not seem like my own petty issues. The woman that I was in that desert place was also on the Ship. However, I do not ever remember seeing her. Also, she was going to rescue someone in the desert, but she was also on Earth. She had an earth form, but I do not know who it was.



Then there was this man, oh yes, it was the tall blond with the blue eyes. He was back in my dreams after a long time of being gone. Only, he did not care about me. I think he was concerned about the Priestess from the desert place. In fact, he was really concerned, so concerned that I feel frightened.



Actually, I don't just feel frightened. I feel empty, very, very empty. It seems as if I have lost something or someone. I am not sure what I have lost, but I do know that I want to get it back. However, how do I get back something when I don't even know what it is?  


 Posted by Sue at 2:38 PM 1 comment:

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