~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ A Brand New Day~ The New Human Race is Emerging
By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on07 May 2013
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130509
注: 清晨做一夢, 夢見一畚箕 --- 中間裝滿了玻璃碎片, 瓦礫, 垃圾. 醒來就看到這通靈文. 以及 地球蓋亞母親的文, 以及 ‘世界銀行’告密者Karen Hudes確認 ‘地球新金融制度’ 在成立中之新聞. 高興!
Awakening into the New Age of a Spiritual~Galactic Being
Written IN Service to The Love and Truth On Planet Earth=Heart, Love Father and Mother God. And the First Contact Ground Crew Team.
全新的日子~~~全新人类~~~形成中!" title="地球地面部队讯息20130507: 全新的日子~~~全新人类~~~形成中!" height="117" border="0" width="429">
Greetings Love Beings, Humanity is beginning to Awaken from a sleepy dream of separation and into the True Beauty of the Inner Being. Many are Being Awakened to witness and Be a Part of a New Age Emerging from the depths of the broken glass of illusion and lies, and Standing Tall On a New and True Foundation Built Upon The Truth Of Who Everyone Truly IS.
親愛的存有們,人類已經開始從一個與源頭分離的夢遊境界中醒來---而走入內在存有的真實美麗之中.許多人已經被喚醒到可以見證與參與‘新世紀’的程度.這個‘新世紀’正從謊言與幻象的碎玻璃的深度幻覺中發展出來---而且高高的站在一個新而真實的基礎上.這基礎是由‘真理’所建造的.而這‘真理’ ---也就是每個人之‘所是’的真象!
A New beginning has Arrived and Planet Earth is Born into The Light of Her Destiny. Just as She makes Her Transformation, so will Humanity, As New Cosmic Beings Living in True Reality with The Foundation of Truth, Balance, Harmony, Whole Health, Miracles, Abundance, Equality and Unconditional Love.
As all the glass houses break into pieces, it takes with it the old ways of separation and fear, and absorbs those illusions that have kept Humanity prisoners and slaves. No Longer will the Truth be Hidden of Who You Truly Are. All that no longer Serves for the Highest Good of All is Dissolved Within Love. Out of the Ashes of duality, a New Balanced Being Emerges, one of compassion, understanding, Love of Self and Love for All. The Higher Self realized and Connected in human, ushers in a New Day.
This New Day is Emerging on the Planet , the Golden age is amongst us, as Humanity Awakens To All Prayers Answered. Where Every Moment is full of miracles, Abundance, True Peace, and Harmony for every one.
Within Each Living Soul on Planet Earth=Heart there is Now a Brightly Glowing, Balanced Flame, Bringing in the True Awareness and the connection of Love, Beginning from Within and Spreading Outwards like Wildfire, a Burning Flame of Unconditional Love, Allowing The True Being to Emerge and Be Birthed. As the Spirit Within Awakens Fully, it Recognizes the Love as a Mirrored Reflection of Love itself, and with open and affectionate arms, Welcomes and Embraces a New Human. Awake and Alive, In Love With Self and ALL of Creation, Connected to The ALL.
The intellect [the programmed mind] now must surrender to the Divine Intelligence from within Each Being, where The Being will find Inner Peace, and a doorway into Eternity. A way of Being, unknown yet to the common man.
那個世智辯聰的傢伙(被程式設定的心智) ---現在必須屈服在從每個存有內在發出的‘神聖智慧’之中---在那裏,這存有將會找到‘內心的和平’,以及通往永恆的道路. ~~~這是一種還沒有被一般人所理解過的‘存在方式’!
As the Truth of Your~Humanity's Divinity is accepted and Embraced, All of You Will Awaken as an Expression of True freedom, a new way of Living, where the New Spiritual~Galactic Human Being can just “be“. This is Humanity's Destiny, and The New Human Race.
隨著你們~~~人類的神聖的真相~~~被接受了,而且被擁抱了---你們全部的人將會醒來---隨著‘真正的自由的表達方式’ ---一種新的生活方式---在那裏,新的靈性~~~銀河人類存有可以‘做自己’.這是人類的命運, 以及‘新人類’的命運.
Through The Unique and Spirit filled Energy of Pure Love arriving on the Planet, it is bring in with it opportunities to Feel and to Discover the Love Within. By Loving the Self , we are then able to begin Loving each other..
Standing in the beauty underneath the open sky, and viewing the grandness outside, Humanity can then reconnect to the beauty of the God within and touch the freedom, coming from the inside, and beaming to the outside .
As Each Being Awakens, Humanity can Then Hear the Loving words from Us, Mother and Father God in the whispering winds from the Book of Truths, asking You to step forward out of the broken pieces from the glass house of illusion, and Remember That We Are All One. As Each of You Awaken and “Real Eyes” Your Divine Presence of Love from which you came and Your connection to the All, You are Given Your True Divine Inheritance.
隨著每個存有的覺醒,人類將可以‘聽到’我們‘愛的語言’從我們處流過來. ~~~父母神從‘真理之書’中對你們發送輕聲細語的風,請求你們從破碎的玻璃屋的幻覺碎片之中站出來,並記起‘我們是合一’這件事.隨著你們每個人覺醒,並用‘真正的眼睛’看到你們自己‘愛的神聖存在’~~~那就是你來的地方~~~也是你與所有人的連接----只有此時你們會被給予你們真實的神聖的遺產!
As Humanity opens Themselves, they Will Then Be able to Hear the Angels trumpets and The Company of Heaven's Clarion Call, calling forth an Awakening For ALL Across the Planet. We Are the New Guardians of Planet Earth=Heart as Balance and Harmony are Restored.
隨著人類打開他們自己,他們‘然後’‘會能夠’‘聽到’天使們的號角,以及天堂公司的心靈的呼喚---呼喚所有地球人的覺醒.我們是“新地球\ ‘心’地球”的守護者~~~當‘平衡’與‘和諧’被恢復了之後.
A Brand New Day Has Arrived, Where All of Humanity can reclaim Their God Given Inheritance of Abundance, by stepping out of illusion, and into what is Real. Then may Humanity Truly See All as each other and gather together, reclaiming the ONE Family in which all of Us Belong, all Unique and All parts that make the Whole. As Humanity begins accepting and surrendering to Their Divine heritage and take on their New roles and responsibilities to the Love Within, ALL are Set Free from the old rigid duality, and Arrive Home within The Light.
一個‘新的日子’已經到達了---在這裏所有人類可以重新宣佈上帝所賜予給他們的豐盛的遺產---透過‘走出幻象’之外---走入真實之中!然後,人類才有辦法‘真正’‘看到’‘全部’---隨著每個人聚集在一起,宣佈‘合一家庭’的存在~~~那是我們全部人都屬於的地方!~~~每個獨特的個體,每個部份~~~都構成了這個整體.隨著人類開始接受,臣服於‘他們神聖的遺產’並接受他們‘新的角色’~~~開始對‘存在於內心的愛’負起責任!~~~全部人就會從舊的困住的二元對立之中解放出來,而能夠在‘光’之中‘回返’ ‘家園’!
With Open Hearts, The Truth of Love opens the door, For all Of Humanity to step forward out of the darkness, AS Each Recapture The Light and Truth from Within , and Welcome Each Other Home, after the dream of separation closes forever...
Heaven on Earth is Rising from out of the darkness of duality and We Are Now Ascending.
As Each Awaken You Will See Mother Earth's Abundance in Our, Mother and Father God’s Love returning the Planet into the Garden of Eden from whence she came. Humanity is in the re-discovering of their True Self, which opens the door into the Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth and returns Abundance back to All of Mother and Father Gods Children, so all of You may Live as Kings and Queens. Divinity is close at hand, and We say Welcome Home Children. Welcome to The Present Moment of Now! Can You Hear US NOW?
隨著你們每個人醒過來~~~你們將會從父母神送回到地球~~~原本的伊甸園狀態~~~的愛中~~~看到地球的富足與豐盛~~那是地球原本的樣子. 人類現在是在‘重新發現自我’的程式中---這打開了通往‘當下’的現在時刻~~~也就是‘天堂地球’ ~~~並把富足與豐盛還給父母神的所有孩子們~~~~讓你們全部都可以過上像國王與皇后一般的生活.